JDK 11 jdk.jlink.jmod - JLink Tool

JDK 11 jdk.jlink.jmod is the JMOD file for JDK 11 JLink tool, which can be invoked by the "jlink" command.

JDK 11 JLink tool compiled class files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\jmods\jdk.jlink.jmod.

JDK 11 JLink tool compiled class files are also linked and stored in the \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\lib\modules JImage file.

JDK 11 JLink tool source code files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\lib\src.zip\jdk.jlink.

You can click and view the content of each source code file in the list below.

✍: FYIcenter


package jdk.tools.jlink.resources;

import java.util.ListResourceBundle;

public final class plugins extends ListResourceBundle {
    protected final Object[][] getContents() {
        return new Object[][] {
            { "class-for-name.argument", "" },
            { "class-for-name.description", "Class optimization: convert Class.forName calls to constant loads." },
            { "compact-cp.argument", "<resource paths>" },
            { "compact-cp.description", "Constant Pool strings sharing.\nBy default, all resources are compressed. You can express the set \nof resources to compress or not compress (use ^ for negation)." },
            { "compress.argument", "<0|1|2>[:filter=<pattern-list>]" },
            { "compress.description", "Compress all resources in the output image.\nLevel 0: No compression\nLevel 1: Constant string sharing\nLevel 2: ZIP.\nAn optional <pattern-list> filter can be specified to list the pattern of\nfiles to be included." },
            { "dedup-legal-notices.argument", "[error-if-not-same-content]" },
            { "dedup-legal-notices.description", "De-duplicate all legal notices.  If error-if-not-same-content is\nspecified then it will be an error if two files of the same filename\nare different." },
            { "err.dir.already.exits", "directory already exists: {0}" },
            { "err.invalid.index", "invalid index for option {0}" },
            { "err.no.plugins.path", "No plugins path argument." },
            { "err.no.such.plugin", "No such plugin: {0}" },
            { "err.plugin.mutiple.options", "More than one plugin enabled by {0} option" },
            { "err.plugin.option.not.set", "Option {0} must be set." },
            { "err.provider.additional.arg.error", "Error in additional argument specification in {0} option: {1}" },
            { "err.provider.not.functional", "The provider {0} is not functional." },
            { "exclude-files.argument", "<pattern-list> of files to exclude" },
            { "exclude-files.description", "Specify files to exclude. e.g.: **.java,glob:/java.base/lib/client/**" },
            { "exclude-jmod-section.argument", "<section-name>\nwhere <section-name> is \"man\" or \"headers\"." },
            { "exclude-jmod-section.description", "Specify a JMOD section to exclude" },
            { "exclude-resources.argument", "<pattern-list> resources to exclude" },
            { "exclude-resources.description", "Specify resources to exclude. e.g.: **.jcov,glob:**/META-INF/**" },
            { "generate-jli-classes.argument", "@filename" },
            { "generate-jli-classes.description", "Specify a file listing the java.lang.invoke classes to pre-generate. \nBy default, this plugin may use a builtin list of classes to pre-generate. \nIf this plugin runs on a different runtime version than the image being \ncreated then code generation will be disabled by default to guarantee \ncorrectness - add ignore-version=true to override this." },
            { "include-locales.argument", "<langtag>[,<langtag>]*" },
            { "include-locales.description", "BCP 47 language tags separated by a comma, allowing locale matching\ndefined in RFC 4647. e.g.: en,ja,*-IN" },
            { "include-locales.invalidtag", "Invalid language tag: %s" },
            { "include-locales.localedatanotfound", "jdk.localedata module was not specified with --add-modules option" },
            { "include-locales.missingpackages", "Missing locale data packages in jdk.localedata:\n\t" },
            { "include-locales.nomatchinglocales", "No matching locales found for \"%s\". Check the specified pattern." },
            { "main.plugin.argument", "Argument" },
            { "main.plugin.category", "Category" },
            { "main.plugin.class", "Plugin Class" },
            { "main.plugin.description", "Description" },
            { "main.plugin.module", "Plugin Module" },
            { "main.plugin.name", "Plugin Name" },
            { "main.plugin.no.value", "<empty>" },
            { "main.plugin.option", "Option" },
            { "main.plugin.post.processors", "Image Post Processors:" },
            { "main.plugin.range.from", "Range from" },
            { "main.plugin.range.to", "to" },
            { "main.plugin.state", "Functional state" },
            { "main.status.not.ok", "Not functional." },
            { "main.status.ok", "Functional." },
            { "onoff.argument", "<on|off>" },
            { "order-resources.argument", "<pattern-list> of paths in priority order.  If a @file\nis specified, then each line should be an exact match for the path to be ordered" },
            { "order-resources.description", "Order resources. e.g.: **/module-info.class,@classlist,/java.base/java/lang/**" },
            { "plugin.opt.compress", "  -c, --compress=<0|1|2>                Enable compression of resources:\n                                          Level 0: No compression\n                                          Level 1: Constant string sharing\n                                          Level 2: ZIP" },
            { "plugin.opt.disable-plugin", "      --disable-plugin <pluginname>     Disable the plugin mentioned" },
            { "plugin.opt.list-plugins", "      --list-plugins                    List available plugins" },
            { "plugin.opt.no-header-files", "      --no-header-files                 Exclude include header files" },
            { "plugin.opt.no-man-pages", "      --no-man-pages                    Exclude man pages" },
            { "plugin.opt.post-process-path", "      --post-process-path <imagefile>   Post process an existing image" },
            { "plugin.opt.resources-last-sorter", "      --resources-last-sorter <name>    The last plugin allowed to sort\n                                        resources" },
            { "plugin.opt.strip-debug", "  -G, --strip-debug                     Strip debug information" },
            { "plugin.plugins.header", "List of available plugin options:" },
            { "release-info.argument", "<file>|add:<key1>=<value1>:<key2>=<value2>:...|del:<key list>" },
            { "release-info.description", "<file> option is to load release properties from the supplied file.\nadd: is to add properties to the 'release' file.\nAny number of <key>=<value> pairs can be passed.\ndel: is to delete the list of keys in release file." },
            { "strip-debug.description", "Strip debug information from the output image" },
            { "strip-native-commands.description", "Exclude native commands (such as java/java.exe) from the image" },
            { "system-modules.argument", "retainModuleTarget" },
            { "system-modules.description", "Fast loading of module descriptors (always enabled)" },
            { "vm.argument", "<client|server|minimal|all>" },
            { "vm.description", "Select the HotSpot VM in the output image.  Default is all" },
            { "warn.thirdparty.plugins", "Enabling third party plugins can lead to unusable generated image." },
            { "warn.thirdparty.plugins.enabled", "You have enabled third party plugins." },
            { "zip.argument", "[comma separated list of resource paths]" },
            { "zip.description", "ZIP Compression" },



Or download all of them as a single archive file:

File name: jdk.jlink-11.0.1-src.zip
File size: 155677 bytes
Release date: 2018-11-04


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