JDK 1.1 Source Code Directory

JDK 1.1 source code directory contains Java source code for JDK 1.1 core classes: "C:\fyicenter\jdk-1.1.8\src".

Here is the list of Java classes of the JDK 1.1 source code:

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 * @(#)Cursor.java	1.7 01/12/10
 * Copyright 2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * SUN PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.
package java.awt;

 * A class to encapsulate the bitmap representation of the mouse cursor.
 * @see Component#setCursor
 * @version 	1.7, 12/10/01
 * @author 	Amy Fowler
public class Cursor implements java.io.Serializable {

     * The default cursor type (gets set if no cursor is defined).
    public static final int	DEFAULT_CURSOR   		= 0;

     * The crosshair cursor type.
    public static final int	CROSSHAIR_CURSOR 		= 1;

     * The text cursor type.
    public static final int	TEXT_CURSOR 	 		= 2;

     * The wait cursor type.
    public static final int	WAIT_CURSOR	 		= 3;

     * The south-west-resize cursor type.
    public static final int	SW_RESIZE_CURSOR	 	= 4;

     * The south-east-resize cursor type.
    public static final int	SE_RESIZE_CURSOR	 	= 5;

     * The north-west-resize cursor type.
    public static final int	NW_RESIZE_CURSOR		= 6;

     * The north-east-resize cursor type.
    public static final int	NE_RESIZE_CURSOR	 	= 7;

     * The north-resize cursor type.
    public static final int	N_RESIZE_CURSOR 		= 8;

     * The south-resize cursor type.
    public static final int	S_RESIZE_CURSOR 		= 9;

     * The west-resize cursor type.
    public static final int	W_RESIZE_CURSOR	 		= 10;

     * The east-resize cursor type.
    public static final int	E_RESIZE_CURSOR			= 11;

     * The hand cursor type.
    public static final int	HAND_CURSOR			= 12;

     * The move cursor type.
    public static final int	MOVE_CURSOR			= 13;

    protected static Cursor predefined[] = new Cursor[14];

    int type = DEFAULT_CURSOR;

      * JDK 1.1 serialVersionUID 
     private static final long serialVersionUID = 8028237497568985504L;

     * Returns a cursor object with the specified predefined type.
     * @param type the type of predefined cursor
    static public Cursor getPredefinedCursor(int type) {
	if (type < Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR || type > Cursor.MOVE_CURSOR) {
	    throw new IllegalArgumentException("illegal cursor type");
	if (predefined[type] == null) {
	    predefined[type] = new Cursor(type);
	return predefined[type];

     * Return the system default cursor.
    static public Cursor getDefaultCursor() {
        return getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR);

     * Creates a new cursor object with the specified type.
     * @param type the type of cursor
    public Cursor(int type) {
	if (type < Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR || type > Cursor.MOVE_CURSOR) {
	    throw new IllegalArgumentException("illegal cursor type");
	this.type = type;

     * Returns the type for this cursor.
    public int getType() {
	return type;



Or download all of them as a single archive file:

File name: jdk-1.1.8-src.zip
File size: 1574187 bytes
Release date: 2018-11-16


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