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⏎ java/awt/
/* * @(#) 1.33 01/12/10 * * Copyright 2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * SUN PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. */ package java.awt; import java.awt.peer.FileDialogPeer; import; /** * The <code>FileDialog</code> class displays a dialog window * from which the user can select a file. * <p> * Since it is a modal dialog, when the application calls * its <code>show</code> method to display the dialog, * it blocks the rest of the application until the user has * chosen a file. * * @see Window#show * * @version 1.33, 12/10/01 * @author Sami Shaio * @author Arthur van Hoff * @since JDK1.0 */ public class FileDialog extends Dialog { /** * This constant value indicates that the purpose of the file * dialog window is to locate a file from which to read. * @since JDK1.0 */ public static final int LOAD = 0; /** * This constant value indicates that the purpose of the file * dialog window is to locate a file to which to write. * @since JDK1.0 */ public static final int SAVE = 1; int mode; String dir; String file; FilenameFilter filter; private static final String base = "filedlg"; private static int nameCounter = 0; /* * JDK 1.1 serialVersionUID */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 5035145889651310422L; /** * Creates a file dialog for loading a file. The title of the * file dialog is initially empty. * @param parent the owner of the dialog * @since JDK1.1 */ public FileDialog(Frame parent) { this(parent, "", LOAD); } /** * Creates a file dialog window with the specified title for loading * a file. The files shown are those in the current directory. * @param parent the owner of the dialog. * @param title the title of the dialog. * @since JDK1.0 */ public FileDialog(Frame parent, String title) { this(parent, title, LOAD); } /** * Creates a file dialog window with the specified title for loading * or saving a file. * <p> * If the value of <code>mode</code> is <code>LOAD</code>, then the * file dialog is finding a file to read. If the value of * <code>mode</code> is <code>SAVE</code>, the file dialog is finding * a place to write a file. * @param parent the owner of the dialog. * @param title the title of the dialog. * @param mode the mode of the dialog. * @see java.awt.FileDialog#LOAD * @see java.awt.FileDialog#SAVE * @since JDK1.0 */ public FileDialog(Frame parent, String title, int mode) { super(parent, title, true); this.mode = mode; setLayout(null); } /** * Construct a name for this component. Called by getName() when the * name is null. */ String constructComponentName() { return base + nameCounter++; } /** * Creates the file dialog's peer. The peer allows us to change the look * of the file dialog without changing its functionality. */ public void addNotify() { synchronized(getTreeLock()) { if (peer == null) peer = getToolkit().createFileDialog(this); super.addNotify(); } } /** * Indicates whether this file dialog box is for loading from a file * or for saving to a file. * @return the mode of this file dialog window, either * <code>FileDialog.LOAD</code> or * <code>FileDialog.SAVE</code>. * @see java.awt.FileDialog#LOAD * @see java.awt.FileDialog#SAVE * @see java.awt.FileDialog#setMode * @since JDK1.0 */ public int getMode() { return mode; } /** * Sets the mode of the file dialog. * @param mode the mode for this file dialog, either * <code>FileDialog.LOAD</code> or * <code>FileDialog.SAVE</code>. * @see java.awt.FileDialog#LOAD * @see java.awt.FileDialog#SAVE * @see java.awt.FileDialog#getMode * @exception IllegalArgumentException if an illegal file * dialog mode is used. * @since JDK1.1 */ public void setMode(int mode) { switch (mode) { case LOAD: case SAVE: this.mode = mode; break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("illegal file dialog mode"); } } /** * Gets the directory of this file dialog. * @return the directory of this file dialog. * @see java.awt.FileDialog#setDirectory * @since JDK1.0 */ public String getDirectory() { return dir; } /** * Sets the directory of this file dialog window to be the * specified directory. * @param dir the specific directory. * @see java.awt.FileDialog#getDirectory * @since JDK1.0 */ public void setDirectory(String dir) { this.dir = dir; FileDialogPeer peer = (FileDialogPeer)this.peer; if (peer != null) { peer.setDirectory(dir); } } /** * Gets the selected file of this file dialog. * @return the currently selected file of this file dialog window, * or <code>null</code> if none is selected. * @see java.awt.FileDialog#setFile * @since JDK1.0 */ public String getFile() { return file; } /** * Sets the selected file for this file dialog window to be the * specified file. This file becomes the default file if it is set * before the file dialog window is first shown. * @param file the file being set. * @see java.awt.FileDialog#getFile * @since JDK1.0 */ public void setFile(String file) { this.file = file; FileDialogPeer peer = (FileDialogPeer)this.peer; if (peer != null) { peer.setFile(file); } } /** * Determines this file dialog's filename filter. A filename filter * allows the user to specify which files appear in the file dialog * window. * @return this file dialog's filename filter. * @see * @see java.awt.FileDialog#setFilenameFilter * @since JDK1.0 */ public FilenameFilter getFilenameFilter() { return filter; } /** * Sets the filename filter for this file dialog window to the * specified filter. * @param filter the specified filter. * @see * @see java.awt.FileDialog#getFilenameFilter * @since JDK1.0 */ public synchronized void setFilenameFilter(FilenameFilter filter) { this.filter = filter; FileDialogPeer peer = (FileDialogPeer)this.peer; if (peer != null) { peer.setFilenameFilter(filter); } } /** * Returns the parameter string representing the state of this file * dialog window. This string is useful for debugging. * @return the parameter string of this file dialog window. * @since JDK1.0 */ protected String paramString() { String str = super.paramString(); if (dir != null) { str += ",dir= " + dir; } return str + ((mode == LOAD) ? ",load" : ",save"); } boolean postsOldMouseEvents() { return false; } }
⏎ java/awt/
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