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JDK 1.1 Source Code Directory
JDK 1.1 source code directory contains Java source code for JDK 1.1 core classes:
Here is the list of Java classes of the JDK 1.1 source code:
✍: FYIcenter
⏎ java/io/
/* * @(#) 1.42 01/12/10 * * Copyright 2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * SUN PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. */ package; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.Stack; import java.util.Hashtable; import; // RMI over IIOP hook. /** * An ObjectInputStream deserializes primitive data and objects previously * written using an ObjectOutputStream. * * ObjectOutputStream and ObjectInputStream can provide an application * with persistent storage for graphs of objects when used with a * FileOutputStream and FileInputStream respectively. * ObjectInputStream is used to recover those objects previously * serialized. Other uses include passing objects between hosts using * a socket stream or for marshaling and unmarshaling arguments and * parameters in a remote communication system.<p> * * ObjectInputStream ensures that the types of all objects in the * graph created from the stream match the classes present in the * Java Virtual Machine. Classes are loaded as required using the * standard mechanisms. <p> * * Only objects that support the or * interface can be read from streams. * * The method <STRONG>readObject</STRONG> is used to read an object * from the stream. Java's safe casting should be used to get the * desired type. In Java, strings and arrays are objects and are * treated as objects during serialization. When read they need to be * cast to the expected type.<p> * * Primitive data types can be read from the stream using the appropriate * method on DataInput. <p> * * The default deserialization mechanism for objects restores the * contents of each field to the value and type it had when it was written. * Fields declared as transient or static are ignored by the * deserialization process. References to other objects cause those * objects to be read from the stream as necessary. Graphs of objects * are restored correctly using a reference sharing mechanism. New * objects are always allocated when deserializing, which prevents * existing objects from being overwritten. <p> * * Reading an object is analogous to running the constructors of a new * object. Memory is allocated for the object and initialized to zero * (NULL). No-arg constructors are invoked for the non-serializable * classes and then the fields of the serializable classes are * restored from the stream starting with the serializable class closest to * java.lang.object and finishing with the object's most specifiec * class. <p> * * For example to read from a stream as written by the example in * ObjectOutputStream: <br> * * <PRE> * FileInputStream istream = new FileInputStream("t.tmp"); * ObjectInputStream p = new ObjectInputStream(istream); * * int i = p.readInt(); * String today = (String)p.readObject(); * Date date = (Date)p.readObject(); * * istream.close(); * </PRE> * * Classes control how they are serialized by implementing either the * or interfaces.<P> * * Implementing the Serializable interface allows object serialization * to save and restore the entire state of the object and it allows * classes to evolve between the time the stream is written and the time it is * read. It automatically traverses references between objects, * saving and restoring entire graphs. * * Serializable classes that require special handling during the * serialization and deserialization process should implement both * of these methods:<p> * * <PRE> * private void writeObject( stream) * throws IOException; * private void readObject( stream) * throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException; * </PRE><p> * * The readObject method is responsible for reading and restoring the * state of the object for its particular class using data written to * the stream by the corresponding writeObject method. The method * does not need to concern itself with the state belonging to its * superclasses or subclasses. State is restored by reading data from * the ObjectInputStream for the individual fields and making * assignments to the appropriate fields of the object. Reading * primitive data types is supported by DataInput. <p> * * Serialization does not read or assign values to the fields of any * object that does not implement the interface. * Subclasses of Objects that are not serializable can be * serializable. In this case the non-serializable class must have a * no-arg constructor to allow its fields to be initialized. In this * case it is the responsibility of the subclass to save and restore * the state of the non-serializable class. It is frequently the case that * the fields of that class are accessible (public, package, or * protected) or that there are get and set methods that can be used * to restore the state. <p> * * Any exception that occurs while deserializing an object will be * caught by the ObjectInputStream and abort the reading process. <p> * * Implementing the Externalizable interface allows the object to * assume complete control over the contents and format of the object's * serialized form. The methods of the Externalizable interface, * writeExternal and readExternal, are called to save and restore the * objects state. When implemented by a class they can write and read * their own state using all of the methods of ObjectOutput and * ObjectInput. It is the responsibility of the objects to handle any * versioning that occurs. * * @author Roger Riggs * @version 1.42, 12/10/01 * @see * @see * @see * @since JDK1.1 */ public class ObjectInputStream extends InputStream implements ObjectInput, ObjectStreamConstants { /** * Create an ObjectInputStream that reads from the specified InputStream. * The stream header containing the magic number and version number * are read from the stream and verified. This method will block * until the corresponding ObjectOutputStream has written and flushed the header. * @exception StreamCorruptedException The version or magic number are incorrect. * @exception IOException An exception occurred in the underlying stream. * @since JDK1.1 */ public ObjectInputStream(InputStream in) throws IOException, StreamCorruptedException { /* * RMI over IIOP hook. Check if we are a trusted subclass * that has implemented the "" * interface. If so, set our private flag that will be * checked in "readObject", "defaultReadObject" and * "enableResolveObject". Note that we don't initialize * private instance variables in this case as an optimization * (subclasses using the hook should have no need for them). */ if (this instanceof && this.getClass().getClassLoader() == null) { isTrustedSubclass = true; return; } /* * Save the input stream to read bytes from * Create a DataInputStream used to read primitive types. * Setup the DataInputStream to read from this ObjectInputStream */ = in; dis = new DataInputStream(this); readStreamHeader(); resetStream(); } /** * Read an object from the ObjectInputStream. * The class of the object, the signature of the class, and the values * of the non-transient and non-static fields of the class and all * of its supertypes are read. Default deserializing for a class can be * overriden using the writeObject and readObject methods. * Objects referenced by this object are read transitively so * that a complete equivalent graph of objects is reconstructed by readObject. <p> * * The root object is completly restored when all of its fields * and the objects it references are completely restored. At this * point the object validation callbacks are executed in order * based on their registered priorities. The callbacks are * registered by objects (in the readObject special methods) * as they are individually restored. * * Exceptions are thrown for problems with the InputStream and for classes * that should not be deserialized. All exceptions are fatal to the * InputStream and leave it in an indeterminate state; it is up to the caller * to ignore or recover the stream state. * @exception java.lang.ClassNotFoundException Class of a serialized object * cannot be found. * @exception InvalidClassException Something is wrong with a class used by * serialization. * @exception StreamCorruptedException Control information in the * stream is inconsistent. * @exception OptionalDataException Primitive data was found in the * stream instead of objects. * @exception IOException Any of the usual Input/Output related exceptions. * @since JDK1.1 */ public final Object readObject() throws OptionalDataException, ClassNotFoundException, IOException { /* * RMI over IIOP hook. Invoke delegate method if indicated. */ if (isTrustedSubclass) { return ((ObjectInputStreamDelegate) this).readObjectDelegate(); } /* require local Class for object by default. */ return readObject(true); } /* * Private implementation of Read an object from the ObjectInputStream. * * @param requireLocalClass If false, do not throw ClassNotFoundException * when local class does not exist. * * @since JDK1.2 */ private final Object readObject(boolean requireLocalClass) throws OptionalDataException, ClassNotFoundException, IOException { /* If the stream is in blockData mode and there's any data * left throw an exception to report how much there is. */ if (blockDataMode) { /* Can't use member method available() since it depends on the unreliable * method InputStream.available(). */ if (count == 0) refill(); if (count > 0) throw new OptionalDataException(count); } /* * Look ahead now to absorb any pending reset's. * Before changing the state. */ peekCode(); /* Save the current state and get ready to read an object. */ Object prevObject = currentObject; ObjectStreamClass prevClass = currentClassDesc; boolean prevBlockDataMode = setBlockData(false); recursionDepth++; // Entering Object obj = null; /* * Check for reset, handle it before reading an object. */ byte rcode; rcode = readCode(); try { /* * Dispatch on the next code in the stream. */ int wireoffset = -1; switch (rcode) { case TC_NULL: obj = null; break; case TC_REFERENCE: /* This is a reference to a pre-existing object */ wireoffset = readInt() - baseWireHandle; try { obj = wireHandle2Object.elementAt(wireoffset); } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { throw new StreamCorruptedException("Reference to object never serialized."); } break; case TC_STRING: { obj = readUTF(); Object localObj = obj; //readUTF does not set currentObject wireoffset = assignWireOffset(obj); /* Allow subclasses to replace the object */ if (enableResolve) { obj = resolveObject(obj); } if (obj != localObj) wireHandle2Object.setElementAt(obj, wireoffset); } break; case TC_CLASS: ObjectStreamClass v = (ObjectStreamClass)readObject(requireLocalClass); if (v == null) { /* * No class descriptor in stream or class not serializable */ throw new StreamCorruptedException("Class not in stream"); } obj = v.forClass(); if (obj == null && requireLocalClass) { throw new ClassNotFoundException(v.getName()); } assignWireOffset(obj); break; case TC_CLASSDESC: obj = inputClassDescriptor(); break; case TC_ARRAY: wireoffset = inputArray(requireLocalClass); obj = currentObject; /* Allow subclasses to replace the object */ if (enableResolve) { obj = resolveObject(obj); } if (obj != currentObject) wireHandle2Object.setElementAt(obj, wireoffset); break; case TC_OBJECT: wireoffset = inputObject(requireLocalClass); obj = currentObject; if (enableResolve) { /* Hook for alternate object */ obj = resolveObject(obj); wireHandle2Object.setElementAt(obj, wireoffset); } break; case TC_ENDBLOCKDATA: if (!prevBlockDataMode) throw new StreamCorruptedException("Unexpected end of block data"); pushbackCode(TC_ENDBLOCKDATA); count = -1; /* Flag EOF */ throw new OptionalDataException(true); case TC_BLOCKDATA: case TC_BLOCKDATALONG: if (rcode == TC_BLOCKDATALONG) { /* long block: 32 bit size */ int b3 =; int b2 =; int b1 =; int b0 =; if ((b3 | b2 | b1 | b0) < 0) throw new StreamCorruptedException("EOF expecting count"); count = (b3 << 24) | (b2 << 16) | (b1 << 8) | b0; if (count < 0) throw new StreamCorruptedException("Negative block data size"); } else { /* normal block: 8 bit size */ count =; if (count < 0) throw new StreamCorruptedException("EOF expecting count"); } if (!prevBlockDataMode) throw new StreamCorruptedException("Unexpected blockdata"); throw new OptionalDataException(count); case TC_EXCEPTION: /* An exception happened during writing, reset the * stream, read the exception, reset the stream and * throw a writeAbortedException with the exception * that was read. */ resetStream(); IOException ee = (IOException)readObject(); resetStream(); throw new WriteAbortedException("Writing aborted by exception", ee); default: throw new StreamCorruptedException("Unknown code in readObject " + rcode); } } catch (OptionalDataException optdata) { /* OptionalDataExceptions won't terminate everything. * so just rethrow it. */ throw optdata; } catch(IOException ee) { if (abortIOException == null && abortClassNotFoundException == null) abortIOException = ee; } catch(ClassNotFoundException ee) { if (abortIOException == null && abortClassNotFoundException == null) abortClassNotFoundException = ee; } finally { recursionDepth --; currentObject = prevObject; currentClassDesc = prevClass; currentClass = currentClassDesc != null ? currentClassDesc.forClass() : null; setBlockData(prevBlockDataMode); } /* Check for thrown exceptions and re-throw them, clearing them if * this is the last recursive call . */ IOException exIOE = abortIOException; if (recursionDepth == 0) abortIOException = null; if (exIOE != null) throw exIOE; ClassNotFoundException exCNF = abortClassNotFoundException; if (recursionDepth == 0) abortClassNotFoundException = null; if (exCNF != null) { throw exCNF; } // Check if this is the last nested read, if so // Call the validations if (recursionDepth == 0) { doValidations(); } return obj; } /** * Read the non-static and non-transient fields of the current class * from this stream. This may only be called from the readObject method * of the class being deserialized. It will throw the NotActiveException * if it is called otherwise. * * @exception java.lang.ClassNotFoundException if the class of a serialized * object could not be found. * @exception IOException if an I/O error occurs. * @exception NotActiveException if the stream is not currently reading * objects. * @since JDK1.1 */ public final void defaultReadObject() throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, NotActiveException { /* * RMI over IIOP hook. Invoke delegate method if indicated. */ if (isTrustedSubclass) { ((ObjectInputStreamDelegate) this).defaultReadObjectDelegate(); return; } if (currentObject == null || currentClassDesc == null) throw new NotActiveException("defaultReadObject"); if (currentClassDesc.getFieldSequence() != null) { boolean prevmode = setBlockData(false); inputClassFields(currentObject, currentClass, currentClassDesc.getFieldSequence()); setBlockData(prevmode); } } /** * Register an object to be validated before the graph is * returned. While similar to resolveObject these validations are * called after the entire graph has been reconstituted. * Typically, a readObject method will register the object with * the stream so that when all of the objects are restored a final * set of validations can be performed. * @param obj the object to receive the validation callback. * @param prio controls the order of callbacks;zero is a good default. * Use higher numbers to be called back earlier, lower numbers for later * callbacks. Within a priority, callbacks are processed in no * particular order. * * @exception NotActiveException The stream is not currently reading objects * so it is invalid to register a callback. * @exception InvalidObjectException The validation object is null. * @since JDK1.1 */ public synchronized void registerValidation(ObjectInputValidation obj, int prio) throws NotActiveException, InvalidObjectException { if (recursionDepth == 0) { throw new NotActiveException("readObject not Active"); } if (obj == null) { throw new InvalidObjectException("Null is not a valid callback object"); } ValidationCallback cb = new ValidationCallback(obj, prio); if (callbacks == null) { callbacks = new Vector(100,100); } // insert at the end if the priority is less than or equal to // the last element. if (callbacks.isEmpty() || ((ValidationCallback)(callbacks.lastElement())).priority >= prio) { callbacks.addElement(cb); return; } // search for the element with priority that is <= to the new // priority, insert before it. int size = callbacks.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { ValidationCallback curr = (ValidationCallback)callbacks.elementAt(i); if (curr.priority <= prio) { callbacks.insertElementAt(cb, i); break; } } } /* * If any validations are pending, do them and cleanup the validation vector * if an exception is raised, it is passed on to abort the deserialization. */ private void doValidations() throws InvalidObjectException { if (callbacks == null) return; int size = callbacks.size(); if (size == 0) return; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { ValidationCallback curr = (ValidationCallback)callbacks.elementAt(i); curr.callback.validateObject(); } /* All pending validations completed successfully. Reset.*/ callbacks.setSize(0); } /** * Subclasses may implement this method to allow classes to be * fetched from an alternate source. * * The corresponding method in ObjectOutputStream is * annotateClass. This method will be invoked only once for each * unique class in the stream. This method can be implemented by * subclasses to use an alternate loading mechanism but must * return a Class object. Once returned, the serialVersionUID of the * class is compared to the serialVersionUID of the serialized class. * If there is a mismatch, the deserialization fails and an exception * is raised. <p> * * By default the class name is resolved relative to the class * that called readObject. <p> * * @exception ClassNotFoundException If class of * a serialized object cannot be found. * @since JDK1.1 */ protected Class resolveClass(ObjectStreamClass v) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { /* Resolve by looking up the stack for a non-zero class * loader. If not found use the system loader. */ return loadClass0(null, v.getName()); } /* Resolve a class name relative to the specified class. If the * class is null find the first available class loader up the * stack. This will resolve classes relative to the caller of * ObjectInputStream instead of the itself. Classes must be * loaded/resolved relative to the application. */ private native Class loadClass0(Class cl, String classname) throws ClassNotFoundException; /** * This method will allow trusted subclasses of ObjectInputStream * to substitute one object for another during * deserialization. Replacing objects is disabled until * enableResolveObject is called. The enableResolveObject method * checks that the stream requesting to resolve object can be * trusted. Every reference to serializable objects is passed to * resolveObject. To insure that the private state of objects is * not unintentionally exposed only trusted streams may use * resolveObject. <p> * * This method is called after an object has been read but before it is * returned from readObject. The default resolveObject method * just returns the new object. <p> * * When a subclass is replacing objects it must insure that the * substituted object is compatible with every field where the * reference will be stored. Objects whose type is not a subclass * of the type of the field or array element abort the * serialization by raising an exception and the object is not be * stored. <p> * * This method is called only once when each object is first encountered. * All subsequent references to the object will be redirected to the * new object. <P> * * @exception IOException Any of the usual Input/Output exceptions. * @since JDK1.1 */ protected Object resolveObject(Object obj) throws IOException { return obj; } /** * Enable the stream to allow objects read from the stream to be replaced. * If the stream is a trusted class it is allowed to enable replacment. * Trusted classes are those classes with a classLoader equals null. <p> * * When enabled the resolveObject method is called for every object * being deserialized. * * @exception SecurityException The classloader of this stream object is non-null. * @since JDK1.1 */ protected final boolean enableResolveObject(boolean enable) throws SecurityException { /* * RMI over IIOP hook. Invoke delegate method if indicated. */ if (isTrustedSubclass) { return ((ObjectInputStreamDelegate) this).enableResolveObjectDelegate(enable); } boolean previous = enableResolve; if (enable) { ClassLoader loader = this.getClass().getClassLoader(); if (loader == null) { enableResolve = true; return previous; } throw new SecurityException("Not trusted class"); } else { enableResolve = false; } return previous; } /** * The readStreamHeader method is provided to allow subclasses to * read and verify their own stream headers. It reads and * verifies the magic number and version number. * @since JDK1.1 */ protected void readStreamHeader() throws IOException, StreamCorruptedException { short incoming_magic = readShort(); short incoming_version = readShort(); if (incoming_magic != STREAM_MAGIC) throw new StreamCorruptedException("InputStream does not contain a serialized object"); if (incoming_version != STREAM_VERSION) throw new StreamCorruptedException("Version Mismatch, Expected " + STREAM_VERSION + " and got " + incoming_version); } /* * Read a ObjectStreamClasss from the stream, it may recursively * create another ObjectStreamClass for the superclass it references. */ private ObjectStreamClass inputClassDescriptor() throws IOException, InvalidClassException, ClassNotFoundException { /* Read the class name and hash */ Class aclass; String classname = readUTF(); long hash = readLong(); /* Read a new class version descriptor from the stream */ ObjectStreamClass v = new ObjectStreamClass(classname, hash); /* Assign the wire handle for this ObjectStreamClass and read it */ int wireoffset = assignWireOffset(v);; /* Switch to BlockDataMode and call resolveClass. * It may raise ClassNotFoundException. * Consume any extra data or objects left by resolve class and * read the endOfBlockData. Then switch out of BlockDataMode. */ boolean prevMode = setBlockData(true); try { aclass = resolveClass((ObjectStreamClass)v); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { /* Not all classes in the serialized stream must be resolvable to * a class in the current VM. The original version of a class need not * resolve a superclass added by an evolved version of the class. * ClassNotFoundException will be thrown if it is detected elsewhere * that this class would be used as a most derived class. */ aclass = null; } catch (NoClassDefFoundError e) { /* This exception was thrown when looking for an array of class, * and class could not be found. */ aclass = null; } SkipToEndOfBlockData(); prevMode = setBlockData(prevMode); /* Verify that the class returned is "compatible" with * the class description. i.e. the name and hash match. * Set the class this ObjectStreamClass will use to create * instances. */ v.setClass(aclass); /* Get the superdescriptor of this one and it set it. */ ObjectStreamClass superdesc = (ObjectStreamClass)readObject(); v.setSuperclass(superdesc); return v; } /* Private routine to read in an array. Called from inputObject * after the typecode has been read from the stream. * * @param requireLocalClass If false, do not throw ClassNotFoundException * when local class does not exist. */ private int inputArray(boolean requireLocalClass) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { ObjectStreamClass v = (ObjectStreamClass)readObject(); Class arrayclass = v.forClass(); if (arrayclass == null && requireLocalClass) throw new ClassNotFoundException(v.getName()); /* This can't be done with new because only the top level array * is needed and the type must be set properly. * the lower level arrays will be created when they are read. */ int length = readInt(); currentObject = (arrayclass == null) ? null : allocateNewArray(arrayclass, length); int wireoffset = assignWireOffset(currentObject); /* Read in the values from the array, * It dispatches using the type and read using the read* methods. */ int i; if (arrayclass != null && arrayclass.getComponentType().isPrimitive()) { Class type = arrayclass.getComponentType(); /* Arrays of primitive types read data in blocks and * decode the data types from the buffer. */ if (buffer == null) buffer = new byte[1024]; int offset = buffer.length; int buflen = buffer.length; if (type == Boolean.TYPE) { boolean[] array = (boolean[])currentObject; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (offset >= buflen) { int readlen = Math.min(length-i, buflen); readFully(buffer, 0, readlen); offset = 0; } array[i] = (buffer[offset] != 0); offset += 1; } } else if (type == Byte.TYPE) { byte[] array = (byte[])currentObject; int ai = 0; while (ai < length) { int readlen = Math.min(length-ai, buflen); readFully(buffer, 0, readlen); System.arraycopy(buffer, 0, array, ai, readlen); ai += readlen; } } else if (type == Short.TYPE) { short[] array = (short[])currentObject; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (offset > buflen - 2) { int readlen = Math.min((length-i)*2, buflen); readFully(buffer, 0, readlen); offset = 0; } array[i] = (short)(((buffer[offset] & 0xff) << 8) + ((buffer[offset+1] & 0xff) << 0)); offset += 2; } } else if (type == Integer.TYPE) { int[] array = (int[])currentObject; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (offset > buflen - 4) { int readlen = Math.min((length-i)*4, buflen); readFully(buffer, 0, readlen); offset = 0; } array[i] = (((buffer[offset] & 0xff) << 24) + ((buffer[offset+1] & 0xff) << 16) + ((buffer[offset+2] & 0xff) << 8) + ((buffer[offset+3] & 0xff) << 0)); offset += 4; } } else if (type == Long.TYPE) { long[] array = (long[])currentObject; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (offset > buflen - 8) { int readlen = Math.min((length-i)*8, buflen); readFully(buffer, 0, readlen); offset = 0; } int upper = (((buffer[offset] & 0xff) << 24) + ((buffer[offset+1] & 0xff) << 16) + ((buffer[offset+2] & 0xff) << 8) + ((buffer[offset+3] & 0xff) << 0)); int lower = (((buffer[offset+4] & 0xff) << 24) + ((buffer[offset+5] & 0xff) << 16) + ((buffer[offset+6] & 0xff) << 8) + ((buffer[offset+7] & 0xff) << 0)); array[i] = ((long)upper << 32) + ((long)lower & 0xFFFFFFFFL); offset += 8; } } else if (type == Float.TYPE) { float[] array = (float[])currentObject; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (offset > buflen - 4) { int readlen = Math.min((length-i)*4, buflen); readFully(buffer, 0, readlen); offset = 0; } int value = (((buffer[offset] & 0xff) << 24) + ((buffer[offset+1] & 0xff) << 16) + ((buffer[offset+2] & 0xff) << 8) + ((buffer[offset+3] & 0xff) << 0)); offset += 4; array[i] = Float.intBitsToFloat(value); } } else if (type == Double.TYPE) { double[] array = (double[])currentObject; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (offset > buflen - 8) { int readlen = Math.min((length-i)*8, buflen); readFully(buffer, 0, readlen); offset = 0; } int upper = (((buffer[offset] & 0xff) << 24) + ((buffer[offset+1] & 0xff) << 16) + ((buffer[offset+2] & 0xff) << 8) + ((buffer[offset+3] & 0xff) << 0)); int lower = (((buffer[offset+4] & 0xff) << 24) + ((buffer[offset+5] & 0xff) << 16) + ((buffer[offset+6] & 0xff) << 8) + ((buffer[offset+7] & 0xff) << 0)); offset += 8; array[i] = Double.longBitsToDouble((((long)upper) << 32) + (lower & 0xFFFFFFFFL)); } } else if (type == Character.TYPE) { char[] array = (char[])currentObject; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (offset > buflen - 2) { int readlen = Math.min((length-i)*2, buflen); readFully(buffer, 0, readlen); offset = 0; } array[i] = (char)(((buffer[offset] & 0xff) << 8) + ((buffer[offset+1] & 0xff) << 0)); offset += 2; } } else { throw new InvalidClassException(arrayclass.getName()); } } else { // Is array of objects Object[] array = (Object[])currentObject; boolean requiresLocalClass = (arrayclass != null); for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { Object obj = readObject(requiresLocalClass); if (array != null) array[i] = obj; } } return wireoffset; } /* * Read an instance of a class from the stream * The new object typecode has already been read and used to dispatch to here. * The ObjectStreamClass for the class is read and the class * of the object retrieved from it. * A new object is created of the specified class and * each serializable class is processed using either * the default serialization methods or class defined special methods * if they have been defined. * The handle for the object is returned, the object itself is in currentObject. * * @param requireLocalClass If false, do not throw ClassNotFoundException * when local class does not exist. */ private int inputObject(boolean requireLocalClass) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { int handle = -1; /* * Get the descriptor and then class of the incomming object. */ currentClassDesc = (ObjectStreamClass)readObject(); currentClass = currentClassDesc.forClass(); /* require the class if required or if Externalizable data * can not be skipped if it was not written in BlockData mode. */ if (currentClass == null && (requireLocalClass || (currentClassDesc.isExternalizable() && !currentClassDesc.hasExternalizableBlockDataMode()))) throw new ClassNotFoundException(currentClassDesc.getName()); /* If Externalizable, * Create an instance and tell it to read its data. * else, * Handle it as a serializable class. */ if (currentClassDesc.isExternalizable()) { try { currentObject = (currentClass == null) ? null : allocateNewObject(currentClass, currentClass); handle = assignWireOffset(currentObject); boolean prevmode = blockDataMode; if (currentClassDesc.hasExternalizableBlockDataMode()) { prevmode = setBlockData(true); } try { if (currentObject != null) { Externalizable ext = (Externalizable)currentObject; ext.readExternal(this); } } finally { if (currentClassDesc.hasExternalizableBlockDataMode()) { SkipToEndOfBlockData(); setBlockData(prevmode); } } } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new InvalidClassException(currentClass.getName(), "IllegalAccessException"); } catch (InstantiationException e) { throw new InvalidClassException(currentClass.getName(), "InstantiationException"); } } else { /* Count number of classes and descriptors we might have * to work on. */ ObjectStreamClass currdesc = currentClassDesc; Class currclass = currentClass; int spBase = spClass; // current top of stack /* The object's classes should be processed from supertype to subtype * Push all the clases of the current object onto a stack. * Note that only the serializable classes are represented * in the descriptor list. * * Handle versioning where one or more supertypes of * have been inserted or removed. The stack will * contain pairs of descriptors and the corresponding * class. If the object has a class that did not occur in * the original the descriptor will be null. If the * original object had a descriptor for a class not * present in the local hierarchy of the object the class will be * null. * */ /* * This is your basic diff pattern, made simpler * because reordering is not allowed. */ for (currdesc = currentClassDesc, currclass = currentClass; currdesc != null; currdesc = currdesc.getSuperclass()) { /* * Search the classes to see if thisthe class of this * descriptor appears further up the hierarchy. Until * it's found assume its an inserted class. If it's * not found, its the descriptor's class that has been * removed. */ Class cc = currdesc.forClass(); Class cl; for (cl = currclass; cl != null; cl = cl.getSuperclass()) { if (cc == cl) { // found a superclass that matches this descriptor break; } else { /* Ignore a class that doesn't match. No * action is needed since it is already * initialized. */ } } /* Test if there is room for this new entry. * If not, double the size of the arrays and copy the contents. */ spClass++; if (spClass >= classes.length) { int newlen = classes.length * 2; Class[] newclasses = new Class[newlen]; ObjectStreamClass[] newclassdesc = new ObjectStreamClass[newlen]; System.arraycopy(classes, 0, newclasses, 0, classes.length); System.arraycopy(classdesc, 0, newclassdesc, 0, classes.length); classes = newclasses; classdesc = newclassdesc; } if (cl == null) { /* Class not found corresponding to this descriptor. * Pop off all the extra classes pushed. * Push the descriptor and a null class. */ classdesc[spClass] = currdesc; classes[spClass] = null; } else { /* Current class descriptor matches current class. * Some classes may have been inserted. * Record the match and advance the class, continue * with the next descriptor. */ classdesc[spClass] = currdesc; classes[spClass] = cl; currclass = cl.getSuperclass(); } } /* Allocate a new object. The object is only constructed * above the highest serializable class and is set to * default values for all more specialized classes. * Remember the next wirehandle goes with the new object */ try { currentObject = (currentClass == null) ? null: allocateNewObject(currentClass, currclass); } catch (NoSuchMethodError e) { throw new InvalidClassException(currclass.getName(), "NoSuchMethodError"); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new InvalidClassException(currclass.getName(), "IllegalAccessException"); } catch (InstantiationException e) { throw new InvalidClassException(currclass.getName(), "InstantiationException"); } handle = assignWireOffset(currentObject); /* * For all the pushed descriptors and classes. * If there is a descriptor but no class, skip the * data for that class. * If there is a class but no descriptor, just advance, * The classes fields have already been initialized to default * values. * Otherwise, there is both a descriptor and class, * if the class has its own writeObject and readObject methods * set blockData = true; and call the readObject method * else * invoke the defaultReadObject method * if the stream was written by class specific methods * skip any remaining data a objects until TC_ENDBLOCKDATA * Avoid setting BlockData=true unless necessary becase it flushes * the buffer. */ try { for (spClass = spClass; spClass > spBase; spClass--) { /* * Set current descriptor and corresponding class */ currentClassDesc = classdesc[spClass]; currentClass = classes[spClass]; if (classes[spClass] != null) { /* Read the data from the stream described by the * descriptor and store into the matching class. */ setBlockData(true); /* any reads are from datablocks */ ObjectStreamClass localDesc = currentClassDesc.localClassDescriptor(); if (!invokeObjectReader(currentObject, currentClass)) { defaultReadObject(); } } else { /* No local class for this descriptor, * Skip over the data for this class. * like defaultReadObject with a null currentObject. * The native code will read the values but discard them. */ if (currentClassDesc.getFieldSequence() != null) { boolean prevmode = setBlockData(false); inputClassFields(null, currentClass, currentClassDesc.getFieldSequence()); setBlockData(prevmode); } } /* * If the source class (stream) had a write object method * it may have written more data and will have written the * TC_ENDBLOCKDATA. Skip anything up to that and read it. */ if (currentClassDesc.hasWriteObject()) { setBlockData(true); SkipToEndOfBlockData(); } setBlockData(false); } } finally { // Make sure we exit at the same stack level as when we started. spClass = spBase; } } return handle; } /* * Skip any unread block data and objects up to the next * TC_ENDBLOCKDATA. Anybody can do this because readObject * handles the details of reporting if there is data left. * Try reading objects. If it throws optional data * skip over it and try again. */ private void SkipToEndOfBlockData() throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { while (peekCode() != TC_ENDBLOCKDATA) { try { /* do not require a local Class equivalent of object being read. */ Object ignore = readObject(false); } catch (OptionalDataException data) { if (data.length > 0) skip(data.length); } } readCode(); /* Consume TC_ENDBLOCKDATA */ } /* * Reset the stream to be just like it was after the constructor. */ private void resetStream() throws IOException { if (wireHandle2Object == null) wireHandle2Object = new Vector(100,100); else wireHandle2Object.setSize(0); // release all references. nextWireOffset = 0; if (classes == null) classes = new Class[20]; else { for (int i = 0; i < classes.length; i++) classes[i] = null; } if (classdesc == null) classdesc = new ObjectStreamClass[20]; else { for (int i = 0; i < classdesc.length; i++) classdesc[i] = null; } spClass = 0; setBlockData(true); // Re-enable buffering if (callbacks != null) callbacks.setSize(0); // discard any pending callbacks } /* Allocate a handle for an object. * The Vector is indexed by the wireHandleOffset * and contains the object. */ private int assignWireOffset(Object obj) throws IOException { wireHandle2Object.addElement(obj); if (++nextWireOffset != wireHandle2Object.size()) throw new StreamCorruptedException("Elements not assigned in order");; return nextWireOffset-1; } /* * Peek at the next control code in the stream. * If the code has not been peeked at yet, read it from the stream. */ private byte peekCode() throws IOException, StreamCorruptedException{ while (currCode == 0) { int newcode =; // Read byte from the underlying stream if (newcode < 0) throw new EOFException("Expecting code"); currCode = (byte)newcode; if (currCode < TC_BASE || currCode > TC_MAX) throw new StreamCorruptedException("Type code out of range, is " + currCode); /* * Handle reset as a hidden code and reset the stream. */ if (currCode == TC_RESET) { if (recursionDepth != 0 || currentObject != null || currentClassDesc != null) throw new StreamCorruptedException("Illegal stream state for reset"); /* Reset the stream, and repeat the peek at the next code */ resetStream(); currCode = 0; } } return currCode; } /* * Return the next control code in the stream. * peekCode gets the next code. readCode just consumes it. */ private byte readCode() throws IOException, StreamCorruptedException { byte tc = peekCode(); currCode = 0; return tc; } /* * Put back the specified code to be peeked at next time. */ private void pushbackCode(byte code) { currCode = code; } /* -----------------------------------------------------*/ /* * Implement the InputStream methods. The stream has * two modes used internally to ObjectInputStream. When * in BlockData mode, all reads are only from datablocks * as original written. End of data (-1) is returned * if something other than a datablock is next in the stream. * When not in BlockData mode (false), reads pass directly * through to the underlying stream. * The BlockData mode is used to encapsulate data written * by class specific writeObject methods that is intended * only to be read by corresponding readObject method of the * same class. The blocking of data allows it to be skipped * if necessary. * * The setBlockData method is used to switch buffering * on and off. When switching between on and off * there must be no data pending to be read. This is * an internal consistency check that will throw an exception. * */ private InputStream in; /* * Count of bytes available from blockData, if zero, call refill * to look for more. If -1 always return eof (-1) */ private int count; private boolean blockDataMode; private byte[] buffer; // buffer for reading array data /* * Set the blockdata buffering mode. * If it is being set to false after being true there must * be no pending data. If count > 0 a corrupted exception is thrown. */ private boolean setBlockData(boolean mode) throws IOException { if (blockDataMode == mode) return mode; if (blockDataMode && count > 0) throw new StreamCorruptedException("Unread data"); /* Set count to allow reading or not */ count = mode ? 0 : -1; blockDataMode = mode; return !mode; } /** * Reads a byte of data. This method will block if no input is * available. * @return the byte read, or -1 if the end of the * stream is reached. * @exception IOException If an I/O error has occurred. * @since JDK1.1 */ public int read() throws IOException { int data; if (blockDataMode) { while (count == 0) refill(); if (count < 0) return -1; /* EOF */ data =; if (data >= 0) count--; } else { data =; /* read directly from input stream */ } return data; } /* * Expect the next thing in the stream is a datablock, If its a * datablock, extract the count of bytes to allow. If data is not * available set the count to zero. On error or EOF, set count to -1. */ private void refill() throws IOException { count = -1; /* No more data to read, EOF */ byte code; try { code = peekCode(); } catch (EOFException e) { return; } if (code == TC_BLOCKDATA) { code = readCode(); /* Consume the code */ int c =; if (c < 0) throw new StreamCorruptedException("EOF expecting count"); count = c & 0xff; } else if (code == TC_BLOCKDATALONG) { code = readCode(); int b3 =; int b2 =; int b1 =; int b0 =; if ((b3 | b2 | b1 | b0) < 0) throw new StreamCorruptedException("EOF expecting count"); int c = (b3 << 24) | (b2 << 16) | (b1 << 8) | b0; /* * The 32 bit integer size in the long block data format is * signed (unlike like the normal block data format), and * negative values are invalid. */ if (c < 0) throw new StreamCorruptedException("Negative block data size"); count = c; } } /** * Reads into an array of bytes. This method will * block until some input is available. * @param b the buffer into which the data is read * @param off the start offset of the data * @param len the maximum number of bytes read * @return the actual number of bytes read, -1 is * returned when the end of the stream is reached. * @exception IOException If an I/O error has occurred. * @since JDK1.1 */ public int read(byte[] data, int offset, int length) throws IOException { int v; int i; if (length < 0) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); if (blockDataMode) { while (count == 0) refill(); if (count < 0) return -1; int l = Math.min(length, count); i =, offset, l); if (i > 0) count -= i; return i; /* return number of bytes read */ } else { /* read directly from input stream */ return, offset, length); } } /** * Returns the number of bytes that can be read without blocking. * @return the number of available bytes. * @since JDK1.1 */ /* * If in blockdataMode returns the number of bytes in the * current block. If that is zero, it will try to read * another blockdata from the stream if any data is available from the * underlying stream.. * If not in blockdata mode it returns zero. */ public int available() throws IOException { if (blockDataMode) { if (count == 0 && in.available() > 0) refill(); if (count >= 0) { return count; } else return 0; /* EOF is no bytes available */ } else { return 0; /* Not blockdata, no bytes available */ } } /** * Closes the input stream. Must be called * to release any resources associated with * the stream. * @exception IOException If an I/O error has occurred. * @since JDK1.1 */ public void close() throws IOException { in.close(); } /* -----------------------------------------------------*/ /* * Provide the methods to implement DataInput. * They delegate to an Instance of DataInputStream that * reads its input from the ObjectInputStream. * This allows this stream to manage the blocked data the data * as necessary. */ private DataInputStream dis; /** * Reads in a boolean. * @return the boolean read. * @exception EOFException If end of file is reached. * @exception IOException If other I/O error has occurred. * @since JDK1.1 */ public boolean readBoolean() throws IOException { return dis.readBoolean(); } /** * Reads an 8 bit byte. * @return the 8 bit byte read. * @exception EOFException If end of file is reached. * @exception IOException If other I/O error has occurred. * @since JDK1.1 */ public byte readByte() throws IOException { return dis.readByte(); } /** * Reads an unsigned 8 bit byte. * @return the 8 bit byte read. * @exception EOFException If end of file is reached. * @exception IOException If other I/O error has occurred. * @since JDK1.1 */ public int readUnsignedByte() throws IOException { return dis.readUnsignedByte(); } /** * Reads a 16 bit short. * @return the 16 bit short read. * @exception EOFException If end of file is reached. * @exception IOException If other I/O error has occurred. * @since JDK1.1 */ public short readShort() throws IOException { return dis.readShort(); } /** * Reads an unsigned 16 bit short. * @return the 16 bit short read. * @exception EOFException If end of file is reached. * @exception IOException If other I/O error has occurred. * @since JDK1.1 */ public int readUnsignedShort() throws IOException { return dis.readUnsignedShort(); } /** * Reads a 16 bit char. * @return the 16 bit char read. * @exception EOFException If end of file is reached. * @exception IOException If other I/O error has occurred. * @since JDK1.1 */ public char readChar() throws IOException { return dis.readChar(); } /** * Reads a 32 bit int. * @return the 32 bit integer read. * @exception EOFException If end of file is reached. * @exception IOException If other I/O error has occurred. * @since JDK1.1 */ public int readInt() throws IOException { return dis.readInt(); } /** * Reads a 64 bit long. * @return the read 64 bit long. * @exception EOFException If end of file is reached. * @exception IOException If other I/O error has occurred. * @since JDK1.1 */ public long readLong() throws IOException { return dis.readLong(); } /** * Reads a 32 bit float. * @return the 32 bit float read. * @exception EOFException If end of file is reached. * @exception IOException If other I/O error has occurred. * @since JDK1.1 */ public float readFloat() throws IOException { return dis.readFloat(); } /** * Reads a 64 bit double. * @return the 64 bit double read. * @exception EOFException If end of file is reached. * @exception IOException If other I/O error has occurred. * @since JDK1.1 */ public double readDouble() throws IOException { return dis.readDouble(); } /** * Reads bytes, blocking until all bytes are read. * @param b the buffer into which the data is read * @exception EOFException If end of file is reached. * @exception IOException If other I/O error has occurred. * @since JDK1.1 */ public void readFully(byte[] data) throws IOException { dis.readFully(data); } /** * Reads bytes, blocking until all bytes are read. * @param b the buffer into which the data is read * @param off the start offset of the data * @param len the maximum number of bytes to read * @exception EOFException If end of file is reached. * @exception IOException If other I/O error has occurred. * @since JDK1.1 */ public void readFully(byte[] data, int offset, int size) throws IOException { if (size < 0) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); dis.readFully(data, offset, size); } /** * Skips bytes, block until all bytes are skipped. * @param n the number of bytes to be skipped * @return the actual number of bytes skipped. * @exception EOFException If end of file is reached. * @exception IOException If other I/O error has occurred. * @since JDK1.1 */ public int skipBytes(int len) throws IOException { return dis.skipBytes(len); } /** * Reads in a line that has been terminated by a \n, \r, * \r\n or EOF. * @return a String copy of the line. * @since JDK1.1 */ public String readLine() throws IOException { return dis.readLine(); } /** * Reads a UTF format String. * @return the String. * @since JDK1.1 */ public String readUTF() throws IOException { return dis.readUTF(); } /* Remember the first exception that stopped this stream. */ private IOException abortIOException = null; private ClassNotFoundException abortClassNotFoundException = null; /* Read the fields of the specified class. * The native implementation sorts the field names to put them * in cononical order, ignores transient and static fields * and invokes the appropriate write* method on this class. */ private native void inputClassFields(Object o, Class cl, int[] fieldSequence) throws InvalidClassException, StreamCorruptedException, ClassNotFoundException, IOException; /* Allocate a new object for the specified class * Native since newInstance may not be able to find a zero arg constructor. */ private static native Object allocateNewObject(Class aclass, Class initclass) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException; /* Allocate a new array for the specified class * Native since the type of the array needs to be set to the class */ private static native Object allocateNewArray(Class aclass, int length); /* Test if readObject/Writer methods are present, if so * invoke the reader and return true. */ private native boolean invokeObjectReader(Object o, Class aclass) throws InvalidClassException, StreamCorruptedException, ClassNotFoundException, IOException; /* The object is the current object and class is the the current * subclass of the object being read. Nesting information is kept * on the stack. */ private Object currentObject; private ObjectStreamClass currentClassDesc; private Class currentClass; /* Arrays used to keep track of classes and ObjectStreamClasses * as they are being merged; used in inputObject. * spClass is the stack pointer for both. */ ObjectStreamClass[] classdesc; Class[] classes; int spClass; /* During deserialization the objects in the stream are represented by * handles (ints), they need to be mapped to the objects. * The vector is indexed by the offset between baseWireHandle and the * wire handle in the stream. */ private Vector wireHandle2Object; private int nextWireOffset; /* Vector of validation callback objects * The vector is created as needed, and ValidationCallback objects added * for each call to registerObject. The vector is maintained in * order of highest (first) priority to lowest */ private Vector callbacks; /* Recursion level, starts at zero and is incremented for each entry * to readObject. Decremented before exit. */ private int recursionDepth; /* Last code Peek'ed, if any */ private byte currCode; /* * Flag set to true to allow resolveObject to be called. * Set by enableResolveObject. */ boolean enableResolve; /* * RMI over IIOP hook: Flag to indicate if we are * a trusted subclass that has implemented the delegate * interface "". */ private boolean isTrustedSubclass = false; } // Internal class to hold the Callback object and priority class ValidationCallback { ValidationCallback(ObjectInputValidation cb, int prio) { callback = cb; priority = prio; } int priority; // priority of this callback ObjectInputValidation callback; // object to be called back }
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