Apache Ant Source Code Files

Apache Ant Source Code Files are inside the Apache Ant source package file like apache-ant-1.10.10-src.zip. Unzip the source package file and go to the "src/main" sub-directory, you will see source code files.

Here is the list of Java source code files of the Apache Ant 1.10.10 in \Users\fyicenter\apache-ant-1.10.10\src\main:

✍: FYIcenter.com


 *  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 *  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 *  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 *  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 *  the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *  limitations under the License.

package org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.optional.junit;

import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.BufferedWriter;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.FileWriter;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.io.StringReader;
import java.io.StringWriter;
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.Vector;

import junit.framework.AssertionFailedError;
import junit.framework.Test;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import junit.framework.TestFailure;
import junit.framework.TestListener;
import junit.framework.TestResult;
import junit.framework.TestSuite;

import org.apache.tools.ant.BuildException;
import org.apache.tools.ant.MagicNames;
import org.apache.tools.ant.Project;
import org.apache.tools.ant.types.Permissions;
import org.apache.tools.ant.util.FileUtils;
import org.apache.tools.ant.util.StringUtils;
import org.apache.tools.ant.util.TeeOutputStream;

 * Simple Testrunner for JUnit that runs all tests of a testsuite.
 * <p>This TestRunner expects a name of a TestCase class as its
 * argument. If this class provides a static suite() method it will be
 * called and the resulting Test will be run. So, the signature should be
 * <pre>
 *     public static junit.framework.Test suite()
 * </pre>
 * <p>If no such method exists, all public methods starting with
 * "test" and taking no argument will be run.</p>
 * <p>Summary output is generated at the end.</p>
 * @since Ant 1.2

public class JUnitTestRunner implements TestListener, JUnitTaskMirror.JUnitTestRunnerMirror {
    private static final String JUNIT_4_TEST_ADAPTER = "junit.framework.JUnit4TestAdapter";

    private static final String[] DEFAULT_TRACE_FILTERS = new String[] {"junit.framework.TestCase",
            "junit.framework.Assert.", // don't filter AssertionFailure
            MagicNames.ANT_CORE_PACKAGE + ".",
            // JUnit 4 support:
            " more"};

     * Do we filter junit.*.* stack frames out of failure and error exceptions.
    private static boolean filtertrace = true;

    /** Running more than one test suite? */
    private static boolean multipleTests = false;

     * The file used to indicate that the build crashed.
     * File will be empty in case the build did not crash.
    private static String crashFile = null;

     * Holds the registered formatters.
    private final Vector<JUnitTaskMirror.JUnitResultFormatterMirror> formatters = new Vector<>();

     * Collects TestResults.
    private IgnoredTestResult res;

     * Do we send output to System.out/.err in addition to the formatters?
    private boolean showOutput = false;

    private boolean outputToFormatters = true;

     * The permissions set for the test to run.
    private Permissions perm = null;

     * Do we stop on errors.
    private boolean haltOnError = false;

     * Do we stop on test failures.
    private boolean haltOnFailure = false;

     * Returncode
    private int retCode = SUCCESS;

     * The TestSuite we are currently running.
    private final JUnitTest junitTest;

    /** output written during the test */
    private PrintStream systemError;

    /** Error output during the test */
    private PrintStream systemOut;

    /** is this runner running in forked mode? */
    private boolean forked = false;

    /** ClassLoader passed in in non-forked mode. */
    private final ClassLoader loader;

    /** Do we print TestListener events? */
    private boolean logTestListenerEvents = false;

    /** Turned on if we are using JUnit 4 for this test suite. see #38811 */
    private boolean junit4;

    /** Names of test methods to execute */
    private String[] methods = null;

     * Constructor for fork=true or when the user hasn't specified a
     * classpath.
     * @param test the test to run.
     * @param haltOnError whether to stop the run if an error is found.
     * @param filtertrace whether to filter junit.*.* stack frames out of exceptions
     * @param haltOnFailure whether to stop the run if failure is found.
    public JUnitTestRunner(final JUnitTest test, final boolean haltOnError,
                           final boolean filtertrace, final boolean haltOnFailure) {
        this(test, haltOnError, filtertrace, haltOnFailure, false);

     * Constructor for fork=true or when the user hasn't specified a
     * classpath.
     * @param test the test to run.
     * @param haltOnError whether to stop the run if an error is found.
     * @param filtertrace whether to filter junit.*.* stack frames out of exceptions
     * @param haltOnFailure whether to stop the run if failure is found.
     * @param showOutput    whether to send output to System.out/.err as well as formatters.
    public JUnitTestRunner(final JUnitTest test, final boolean haltOnError,
                           final boolean filtertrace, final boolean haltOnFailure,
                           final boolean showOutput) {
        this(test, haltOnError, filtertrace, haltOnFailure, showOutput, false);

     * Constructor for fork=true or when the user hasn't specified a
     * classpath.
     * @param test the test to run.
     * @param haltOnError whether to stop the run if an error is found.
     * @param filtertrace whether to filter junit.*.* stack frames out of exceptions
     * @param haltOnFailure whether to stop the run if failure is found.
     * @param showOutput    whether to send output to System.out/.err as well as formatters.
     * @param logTestListenerEvents whether to print TestListener events.
     * @since Ant 1.7
    public JUnitTestRunner(final JUnitTest test, final boolean haltOnError,
                           final boolean filtertrace, final boolean haltOnFailure,
                           final boolean showOutput, final boolean logTestListenerEvents) {
        this(test, null, haltOnError, filtertrace, haltOnFailure, showOutput,
             logTestListenerEvents, null);

     * Constructor for fork=true or when the user hasn't specified a
     * classpath.
     * @param test the test to run.
     * @param methods names of methods of the test to be executed.
     * @param haltOnError whether to stop the run if an error is found.
     * @param filtertrace whether to filter junit.*.* stack frames out of exceptions
     * @param haltOnFailure whether to stop the run if failure is found.
     * @param showOutput    whether to send output to System.out/.err as well as formatters.
     * @param logTestListenerEvents whether to print TestListener events.
     * @since 1.8.2
    public JUnitTestRunner(final JUnitTest test, final String[] methods, final boolean haltOnError,
                           final boolean filtertrace, final boolean haltOnFailure,
                           final boolean showOutput, final boolean logTestListenerEvents) {
        this(test, methods, haltOnError, filtertrace, haltOnFailure, showOutput,
             logTestListenerEvents, null);

     * Constructor to use when the user has specified a classpath.
     * @param test the test to run.
     * @param haltOnError whether to stop the run if an error is found.
     * @param filtertrace whether to filter junit.*.* stack frames out of exceptions
     * @param haltOnFailure whether to stop the run if failure is found.
     * @param loader the classloader to use running the test.
    public JUnitTestRunner(final JUnitTest test, final boolean haltOnError,
                           final boolean filtertrace, final boolean haltOnFailure,
                           final ClassLoader loader) {
        this(test, haltOnError, filtertrace, haltOnFailure, false, loader);

     * Constructor to use when the user has specified a classpath.
     * @param test the test to run.
     * @param haltOnError whether to stop the run if an error is found.
     * @param filtertrace whether to filter junit.*.* stack frames out of exceptions
     * @param haltOnFailure whether to stop the run if failure is found.
     * @param showOutput    whether to send output to System.out/.err as well as formatters.
     * @param loader the classloader to use running the test.
    public JUnitTestRunner(final JUnitTest test, final boolean haltOnError,
                           final boolean filtertrace, final boolean haltOnFailure,
                           final boolean showOutput, final ClassLoader loader) {
        this(test, haltOnError, filtertrace, haltOnFailure, showOutput,
             false, loader);

     * Constructor to use when the user has specified a classpath.
     * @param test the test to run.
     * @param haltOnError whether to stop the run if an error is found.
     * @param filtertrace whether to filter junit.*.* stack frames out of exceptions
     * @param haltOnFailure whether to stop the run if failure is found.
     * @param showOutput    whether to send output to System.out/.err as well as formatters.
     * @param logTestListenerEvents whether to print TestListener events.
     * @param loader the classloader to use running the test.
     * @since Ant 1.7
    public JUnitTestRunner(final JUnitTest test, final boolean haltOnError,
                           final boolean filtertrace, final boolean haltOnFailure,
                           final boolean showOutput, final boolean logTestListenerEvents,
                           final ClassLoader loader) {
        this(test, null, haltOnError, filtertrace, haltOnFailure, showOutput,
             logTestListenerEvents, loader);

     * Constructor to use when the user has specified a classpath.
     * @param test JUnitTest
     * @param methods String[]
     * @param haltOnError boolean
     * @param filtertrace boolean
     * @param haltOnFailure boolean
     * @param showOutput boolean
     * @param logTestListenerEvents boolean
     * @param loader ClassLoader
     * @since 1.8.2
    public JUnitTestRunner(final JUnitTest test, final String[] methods, final boolean haltOnError,
                           final boolean filtertrace, final boolean haltOnFailure,
                           final boolean showOutput, final boolean logTestListenerEvents,
                           final ClassLoader loader) {
        JUnitTestRunner.filtertrace = filtertrace; // TODO clumsy, should use instance field somehow
        this.junitTest = test;
        this.haltOnError = haltOnError;
        this.haltOnFailure = haltOnFailure;
        this.showOutput = showOutput;
        this.logTestListenerEvents = logTestListenerEvents;
        this.methods = methods != null ? methods.clone() : null;
        this.loader = loader;

    private PrintStream savedOut = null;
    private PrintStream savedErr = null;

    private PrintStream createEmptyStream() {
        return new PrintStream(
            new OutputStream() {
                public void write(final int b) {

    private PrintStream createTeePrint(final PrintStream ps1, final PrintStream ps2) {
        return new PrintStream(new TeeOutputStream(ps1, ps2));

    private void setupIOStreams(final ByteArrayOutputStream o,
                                final ByteArrayOutputStream e) {
        systemOut = new PrintStream(o);
        systemError = new PrintStream(e);

        if (forked) {
            if (!outputToFormatters) {
                if (!showOutput) {
                    savedOut = System.out;
                    savedErr = System.err;
            } else {
                savedOut = System.out;
                savedErr = System.err;
                if (!showOutput) {
                } else {
                    System.setOut(createTeePrint(savedOut, systemOut));
                    System.setErr(createTeePrint(savedErr, systemError));
                perm = null;
        } else {
            if (perm != null) {

     * Run the test.
    public void run() {
        res = new IgnoredTestResult();
        for (JUnitTaskMirror.JUnitResultFormatterMirror f : formatters) {
            res.addListener(wrapListener((TestListener) f));

        final ByteArrayOutputStream errStrm = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        final ByteArrayOutputStream outStrm = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

        setupIOStreams(outStrm, errStrm);

        Test suite = null;
        Throwable exception = null;
        boolean startTestSuiteSuccess = false;

        try {

            try {
                Class<?> testClass;
                if (loader == null) {
                    testClass = Class.forName(junitTest.getName(), false,
                } else {
                    testClass = Class.forName(junitTest.getName(), false,

                final boolean testMethodsSpecified = (methods != null);

                // check for a static suite method first, even when using
                // JUnit 4
                Method suiteMethod = null;
                if (!testMethodsSpecified) {
                    try {
                        // check if there is a suite method
                        suiteMethod = testClass.getMethod("suite");
                    } catch (final NoSuchMethodException e) {
                        // no appropriate suite method found. We don't report any
                        // error here since it might be perfectly normal.

                if (suiteMethod != null) {
                    // if there is a suite method available, then try
                    // to extract the suite from it. If there is an error
                    // here it will be caught below and reported.
                    suite = (Test) suiteMethod.invoke(null);

                } else {
                    Class<?> junit4TestAdapterClass = null;
                    Class<?> junit4TestAdapterCacheClass = null;
                    boolean useSingleMethodAdapter = false;

                    if (junit.framework.TestCase.class.isAssignableFrom(testClass)) {
                        // Do not use JUnit 4 API for running JUnit 3.x
                        // tests - it is not able to run individual test
                        // methods.
                        // Technical details:
                        // org.junit.runner.Request.method(Class, String).getRunner()
                        // would return a runner which always executes all
                        // test methods. The reason is that the Runner would be
                        // an instance of class
                        // org.junit.internal.runners.OldTestClassRunner
                        // that does not implement interface Filterable - so it
                        // is unable to filter out test methods not matching
                        // the requested name.
                    } else {
                    // Check for JDK 5 first. Will *not* help on JDK 1.4
                    // if only junit-4.0.jar in CP because in that case
                    // linkage of whole task will already have failed! But
                    // will help if CP has junit-3.8.2.jar:junit-4.0.jar.

                    // In that case first C.fN will fail with CNFE and we
                    // will avoid UnsupportedClassVersionError.

                        try {
                            junit4TestAdapterCacheClass = Class.forName(
                            if (loader == null) {
                                junit4TestAdapterClass = Class.forName(JUNIT_4_TEST_ADAPTER);
                                if (testMethodsSpecified) {
                                     * We cannot try to load the JUnit4TestAdapter
                                     * before trying to load JUnit4TestMethodAdapter
                                     * because it might fail with
                                     * NoClassDefFoundException, instead of plain
                                     * ClassNotFoundException.
                                    junit4TestAdapterClass = Class.forName(
                                    useSingleMethodAdapter = true;
                            } else {
                                junit4TestAdapterClass =
                                                  true, loader);
                                if (testMethodsSpecified) {
                                    junit4TestAdapterClass = Class.forName(
                                            true, loader);
                                    useSingleMethodAdapter = true;
                        } catch (final ClassNotFoundException e) {
                            // OK, fall back to JUnit 3.
                    junit4 = junit4TestAdapterClass != null;

                    if (junitTest.isSkipNonTests()
                        && !containsTests(testClass, junit4)) {

                    if (junit4) {
                        // Let's use it!
                        Class<?>[] formalParams;
                        Object[] actualParams;
                        if (useSingleMethodAdapter) {
                            formalParams = new Class[] {Class.class, String[].class};
                            actualParams = new Object[] {testClass, methods};
                        } else {
                            formalParams = new Class[] {Class.class, Class.forName(
                            actualParams = new Object[] {testClass, junit4TestAdapterCacheClass
                        suite = junit4TestAdapterClass.asSubclass(Test.class)
                    } else {
                        // Use JUnit 3.

                        // try to extract a test suite automatically this
                        // will generate warnings if the class is no
                        // suitable Test
                        if (!testMethodsSpecified) {
                            suite = new TestSuite(testClass);
                        } else if (methods.length == 1) {
                            suite = TestSuite.createTest(testClass, methods[0]);
                        } else {
                            final TestSuite testSuite = new TestSuite(testClass.getName());
                            for (String method : methods) {
                                testSuite.addTest(TestSuite.createTest(testClass, method));
                            suite = testSuite;
            } catch (final Throwable e) {
                retCode = ERRORS;
                exception = e;

            final long start = System.currentTimeMillis();

            startTestSuiteSuccess = true;
            if (exception != null) { // had an exception constructing suite
                for (JUnitTaskMirror.JUnitResultFormatterMirror f : formatters) {
                    ((TestListener) f).addError(null, exception);
                junitTest.setCounts(1, 0, 1, 0);
            } else {
                try {
                    logTestListenerEvent("tests to run: " + suite.countTestCases());
                } finally {
                    if (junit4 || suite.getClass().getName().equals(JUNIT_4_TEST_ADAPTER)) {
                        final int[] cnts = findJUnit4FailureErrorCount(res);
                        junitTest.setCounts(res.runCount() + res.ignoredCount(), cnts[0], cnts[1],
                                res.ignoredCount() + res.skippedCount());
                    } else {
                        junitTest.setCounts(res.runCount() + res.ignoredCount(), res.failureCount(),
                                res.errorCount(), res.ignoredCount() + res.skippedCount());
                    junitTest.setRunTime(System.currentTimeMillis() - start);
        } finally {
            if (perm != null) {
            if (savedOut != null) {
            if (savedErr != null) {

            systemError = null;
            systemOut = null;
            if (startTestSuiteSuccess) {
                String out, err;
                try {
                    out = new String(outStrm.toByteArray());
                } catch (final OutOfMemoryError ex) {
                    out = "out of memory on output stream";
                try {
                    err = new String(errStrm.toByteArray());
                } catch (final OutOfMemoryError ex) {
                    err = "out of memory on error stream";
                sendOutAndErr(out, err);

        // junitTest has the correct counts for JUnit4, while res doesn't
        if (retCode != SUCCESS || junitTest.errorCount() != 0) {
            retCode = ERRORS;
        } else if (junitTest.failureCount() != 0) {
            retCode = FAILURES;

    private static boolean containsTests(final Class<?> testClass, final boolean isJUnit4) {
        Class<? extends Annotation> testAnnotation = null;
        Class<? extends Annotation> suiteAnnotation = null;
        Class<? extends Annotation> runWithAnnotation = null;

        try {
            testAnnotation =
        } catch (final ClassNotFoundException e) {
            if (isJUnit4) {
                // odd - we think we're JUnit4 but don't support the test annotation. We therefore can't have any tests!
                return false;
            // else... we're a JUnit3 test and don't need the annotation

        try {
            suiteAnnotation = Class.forName("org.junit.Suite.SuiteClasses")
        } catch (final ClassNotFoundException ex) {
            // ignore - we don't have this annotation so make sure we don't check for it
        try {
            runWithAnnotation = Class.forName("org.junit.runner.RunWith")
        } catch (final ClassNotFoundException ex) {
            // also ignore as this annotation doesn't exist so tests can't use it

        if (!isJUnit4 && !TestCase.class.isAssignableFrom(testClass)) {
            //a test we think is JUnit3 but does not extend TestCase. Can't really be a test.
            return false;

        // check if we have any inner classes that contain suitable test methods
        for (final Class<?> innerClass : testClass.getDeclaredClasses()) {
            if (containsTests(innerClass, isJUnit4) || containsTests(innerClass, !isJUnit4)) {
                return true;

        if (Modifier.isAbstract(testClass.getModifiers())
                || Modifier.isInterface(testClass.getModifiers())) {
            // can't instantiate class and no inner classes are tests either
            return false;

        if (isJUnit4) {
            if (suiteAnnotation != null && testClass.getAnnotation(suiteAnnotation) != null) {
                // class is marked as a suite. Let JUnit try and work its magic on it.
                return true;
            if (runWithAnnotation != null && testClass.getAnnotation(runWithAnnotation) != null) {
                /* Class is marked with @RunWith. If this class is badly written (no test methods,
                 * multiple constructors, private constructor etc) then the class is automatically
                 * run and fails in the IDEs I've tried... so I'm happy handing the class to JUnit
                 * to try and run, and let JUnit report a failure if a bad test case is provided.
                 * Trying to do anything else is likely to result in us filtering out cases that
                 * could be valid for future versions of JUnit so would just increase future
                 * maintenance work.
                return true;

        for (final Method m : testClass.getMethods()) {
            if (isJUnit4) {
                // check if suspected JUnit4 classes have methods with @Test annotation
                if (m.getAnnotation(testAnnotation) != null) {
                    return true;
            } else {
                // check if JUnit3 class have public or protected no-args methods starting with
                // names starting with test
                if (m.getName().startsWith("test")
                    && m.getParameterTypes().length == 0
                    && (Modifier.isProtected(m.getModifiers())
                        || Modifier.isPublic(m.getModifiers()))) {
                    return true;
            // check if JUnit3 or JUnit4 test have a public or protected, static,
            // no-args 'suite' method
            if ("suite".equals(m.getName()) && m.getParameterTypes().length == 0
                && (Modifier.isProtected(m.getModifiers())
                    || Modifier.isPublic(m.getModifiers()))
                && Modifier.isStatic(m.getModifiers())) {
                return true;

        // no test methods found
        return false;

     * Returns what System.exit() would return in the standalone version.
     * @return 2 if errors occurred, 1 if tests failed else 0.
    public int getRetCode() {
        return retCode;

     * Interface TestListener.
     * <p>A new Test is started.
     * @param t the test.
    public void startTest(final Test t) {
        final String testName = JUnitVersionHelper.getTestCaseName(t);
        logTestListenerEvent("startTest(" + testName + ")");

     * Interface TestListener.
     * <p>A Test is finished.
     * @param test the test.
    public void endTest(final Test test) {
        final String testName = JUnitVersionHelper.getTestCaseName(test);
        logTestListenerEvent("endTest(" + testName + ")");

    private void logTestListenerEvent(String message) {
        if (logTestListenerEvents) {
            final PrintStream out = savedOut != null ? savedOut : System.out;
            final StringTokenizer messageLines =
                new StringTokenizer(String.valueOf(message), "\r\n", false);
            while (messageLines.hasMoreTokens()) {
                out.println(JUnitTask.TESTLISTENER_PREFIX + messageLines.nextToken());

     * Interface TestListener for JUnit &lt;= 3.4.
     * <p>A Test failed.
     * @param test the test.
     * @param t    the exception thrown by the test.
    public void addFailure(final Test test, final Throwable t) {
        final String testName = JUnitVersionHelper.getTestCaseName(test);
        logTestListenerEvent("addFailure(" + testName + ", " + t.getMessage() + ")");
        if (haltOnFailure) {

     * Interface TestListener for JUnit &gt; 3.4.
     * <p>A Test failed.
     * @param test the test.
     * @param t    the assertion thrown by the test.
    public void addFailure(final Test test, final AssertionFailedError t) {
        addFailure(test, (Throwable) t);

     * Interface TestListener.
     * <p>An error occurred while running the test.
     * @param test the test.
     * @param t    the error thrown by the test.
    public void addError(final Test test, final Throwable t) {
        final String testName = JUnitVersionHelper.getTestCaseName(test);
        logTestListenerEvent("addError(" + testName + ", " + t.getMessage() + ")");
        if (haltOnError) {

     * Permissions for the test run.
     * @since Ant 1.6
     * @param permissions the permissions to use.
    public void setPermissions(final Permissions permissions) {
        perm = permissions;

     * Handle a string destined for standard output.
     * @param output the string to output
    public void handleOutput(final String output) {
        if (!logTestListenerEvents && output.startsWith(JUnitTask.TESTLISTENER_PREFIX)) {
            // ignore
        } else if (systemOut != null) {

     * Handle input.
     * @param buffer not used.
     * @param offset not used.
     * @param length not used.
     * @return -1 always.
     * @throws IOException never.
     * @see org.apache.tools.ant.Task#handleInput(byte[], int, int)
     * @since Ant 1.6
    public int handleInput(final byte[] buffer, final int offset, final int length)
        throws IOException {
        return -1;

    /** {@inheritDoc}. */
    public void handleErrorOutput(final String output) {
        if (systemError != null) {

    /** {@inheritDoc}. */
    public void handleFlush(final String output) {
        if (systemOut != null) {

    /** {@inheritDoc}. */
    public void handleErrorFlush(final String output) {
        if (systemError != null) {

    private void sendOutAndErr(final String out, final String err) {
        for (JUnitTaskMirror.JUnitResultFormatterMirror f : formatters) {
            final JUnitResultFormatter formatter = (JUnitResultFormatter) f;

    private void fireStartTestSuite() {
        for (JUnitTaskMirror.JUnitResultFormatterMirror f : formatters) {
            ((JUnitResultFormatter) f).startTestSuite(junitTest);

    private void fireEndTestSuite() {
        for (JUnitTaskMirror.JUnitResultFormatterMirror f : formatters) {
            ((JUnitResultFormatter) f).endTestSuite(junitTest);

     * Add a formatter.
     * @param f the formatter to add.
    public void addFormatter(final JUnitResultFormatter f) {

    /** {@inheritDoc}. */
    public void addFormatter(final JUnitTaskMirror.JUnitResultFormatterMirror f) {

     * Entry point for standalone (forked) mode.
     * <p>
     * Parameters: testcaseclassname plus parameters in the format
     * key=value, none of which is required.
     * </p>
     * <table border="1">
     * <caption>Test runner attributes</caption>
     * <tr>
     * <th>key</th><th>description</th><th>default value</th>
     * </tr>
     * <tr>
     * <td>haltOnError</td><td>halt test on errors?</td><td>false</td>
     * </tr>
     * <tr>
     * <td>haltOnFailure</td><td>halt test on failures?</td><td>false</td>
     * </tr>
     * <tr>
     * <td>formatter</td><td>A JUnitResultFormatter given as
     * classname,filename. If filename is omitted, System.out is
     * assumed.</td><td>none</td>
     * </tr>
     * <tr>
     * <td>showoutput</td><td>send output to System.err/.out as
     * well as to the formatters?</td><td>false</td>
     * </tr>
     * <tr>
     * <td>logtestlistenerevents</td><td>log TestListener events to
     * System.out.</td><td>false</td>
     * </tr>
     * <tr>
     * <td>methods</td><td>Comma-separated list of names of individual
     * test methods to execute.</td><td>null</td>
     * </tr>
     * </table>
     * @param args the command line arguments.
     * @throws IOException on error.
    public static void main(final String[] args) throws IOException {
        String[] methods = null;
        boolean haltError = false;
        boolean haltFail = false;
        boolean stackfilter = true;
        final Properties props = new Properties();
        boolean showOut = false;
        boolean outputToFormat = true;
        boolean logFailedTests = true;
        boolean logTestListenerEvents = false;
        boolean skipNonTests = false;
        /* Ant id of thread running this unit test, 0 in single-threaded mode */
        int antThreadID = 0;

        if (args.length == 0) {
            System.err.println("required argument TestClassName missing");

        if (args[0].startsWith(Constants.TESTSFILE)) {
            multipleTests = true;
            args[0] = args[0].substring(Constants.TESTSFILE.length());

        for (String arg : args) {
            if (arg.startsWith(Constants.METHOD_NAMES)) {
                try {
                    final String methodsList = arg.substring(Constants.METHOD_NAMES.length());
                    methods = JUnitTest.parseTestMethodNamesList(methodsList);
                } catch (final IllegalArgumentException ex) {
                    System.err.println("Invalid specification of test method names: " + arg);
            } else if (arg.startsWith(Constants.HALT_ON_ERROR)) {
                haltError = Project.toBoolean(arg.substring(Constants.HALT_ON_ERROR.length()));
            } else if (arg.startsWith(Constants.HALT_ON_FAILURE)) {
                haltFail = Project.toBoolean(arg.substring(Constants.HALT_ON_FAILURE.length()));
            } else if (arg.startsWith(Constants.FILTERTRACE)) {
                stackfilter = Project.toBoolean(arg.substring(Constants.FILTERTRACE.length()));
            } else if (arg.startsWith(Constants.CRASHFILE)) {
                crashFile = arg.substring(Constants.CRASHFILE.length());
            } else if (arg.startsWith(Constants.FORMATTER)) {
                try {
                } catch (final BuildException be) {
            } else if (arg.startsWith(Constants.PROPSFILE)) {
                final InputStream in = Files.newInputStream(Paths.get(arg
            } else if (arg.startsWith(Constants.SHOWOUTPUT)) {
                showOut = Project.toBoolean(arg.substring(Constants.SHOWOUTPUT.length()));
            } else if (arg.startsWith(Constants.LOGTESTLISTENEREVENTS)) {
                logTestListenerEvents = Project.toBoolean(
            } else if (arg.startsWith(Constants.OUTPUT_TO_FORMATTERS)) {
                outputToFormat = Project.toBoolean(
            } else if (arg.startsWith(Constants.LOG_FAILED_TESTS)) {
                logFailedTests = Project.toBoolean(
            } else if (arg.startsWith(Constants.SKIP_NON_TESTS)) {
                skipNonTests = Project.toBoolean(
            } else if (arg.startsWith(Constants.THREADID)) {
                antThreadID = Integer.parseInt(arg.substring(Constants.THREADID.length()));

        // Add/overlay system properties on the properties from the Ant project

        int returnCode = SUCCESS;
        if (multipleTests) {
            try (final BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(args[0]))) {
                int code = 0;
                boolean errorOccurred = false;
                boolean failureOccurred = false;
                String line = null;
                while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
                    final StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(line, ",");
                    final String testListSpec = st.nextToken();
                    final int colonIndex = testListSpec.indexOf(':');
                    String testCaseName;
                    String[] testMethodNames;
                    if (colonIndex == -1) {
                        testCaseName = testListSpec;
                        testMethodNames = null;
                    } else {
                        testCaseName = testListSpec.substring(0, colonIndex);
                        testMethodNames = JUnitTest.parseTestMethodNamesList(
                                                    .substring(colonIndex + 1)
                                                    .replace('+', ','));
                    final JUnitTest t = new JUnitTest(testCaseName);
                    t.setTodir(new File(st.nextToken()));
                    code = launch(t, testMethodNames, haltError, stackfilter, haltFail,
                                  showOut, outputToFormat,
                    errorOccurred = (code == ERRORS);
                    failureOccurred = (code != SUCCESS);
                    if (errorOccurred || failureOccurred) {
                        if ((errorOccurred && haltError) || (failureOccurred && haltFail)) {
                        } else {
                            if (code > returnCode) {
                                returnCode = code;
                            if (logFailedTests) {
                                System.out.println("TEST " + t.getName() + " FAILED");
            } catch (final IOException e) {
                e.printStackTrace(); //NOSONAR
        } else {
            final JUnitTest t = new JUnitTest(args[0]);
            returnCode = launch(t, methods, haltError, stackfilter, haltFail, showOut,
                    outputToFormat, logTestListenerEvents);


    private static Vector<FormatterElement> fromCmdLine = new Vector<>();

    private static void transferFormatters(final JUnitTestRunner runner,
                                           final JUnitTest test) {
        runner.addFormatter(new JUnitResultFormatter() {

            public void startTestSuite(final JUnitTest suite) throws BuildException {

            public void endTestSuite(final JUnitTest suite) throws BuildException {

            public void setOutput(final OutputStream out) {

            public void setSystemOutput(final String out) {

            public void setSystemError(final String err) {

            public void addError(final Test arg0, final Throwable arg1) {

            public void addFailure(final Test arg0, final AssertionFailedError arg1) {

            public void endTest(final Test arg0) {

            public void startTest(final Test arg0) {
        for (FormatterElement fe : fromCmdLine) {
            if (multipleTests && fe.getUseFile()) {
                final File destFile = new File(test.getTodir(),
                        test.getOutfile() + fe.getExtension());
            runner.addFormatter((JUnitResultFormatter) fe.createFormatter());

     * Line format is: formatter=&lt;classname&gt;(,&lt;pathname&gt;)?
     * @param line String
    private static void createAndStoreFormatter(final String line)
        throws BuildException {
        final FormatterElement fe = new FormatterElement();
        final int pos = line.indexOf(',');
        if (pos == -1) {
        } else {
            fe.setClassname(line.substring(0, pos));
            if (!multipleTests) {
                fe.setOutfile(new File(line.substring(pos + 1)));
            } else {
                final int fName = line.indexOf(IGNORED_FILE_NAME);
                if (fName > -1) {
                            + IGNORED_FILE_NAME.length()));

     * Returns a filtered stack trace.
     * This is ripped out of junit.runner.BaseTestRunner.
     * @param t the exception to filter.
     * @return the filtered stack trace.
    public static String getFilteredTrace(final Throwable t) {
        final String trace = StringUtils.getStackTrace(t);
        return JUnitTestRunner.filterStack(trace);

     * Filters stack frames from internal JUnit and Ant classes
     * @param stack the stack trace to filter.
     * @return the filtered stack.
    public static String filterStack(final String stack) {
        if (!filtertrace) {
            return stack;
        final StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
        final BufferedWriter pw = new BufferedWriter(sw);
        final StringReader sr = new StringReader(stack);
        final BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(sr);

        String line;
        try {
            boolean firstLine = true;
            while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
                if (firstLine || !filterLine(line)) {
                firstLine = false;
        } catch (final Exception e) {
            return stack; // return the stack unfiltered
        } finally {
        return sw.toString();

    private static boolean filterLine(final String line) {
        for (String filter : DEFAULT_TRACE_FILTERS) {
            if (line.contains(filter)) {
                return true;
        return false;

     * @since Ant 1.6.2
    private static int launch(final JUnitTest t, final String[] methods, final boolean haltError,
                              final boolean stackfilter, final boolean haltFail,
                              final boolean showOut, final boolean outputToFormat,
                              final boolean logTestListenerEvents) {
        final JUnitTestRunner runner =
            new JUnitTestRunner(t, methods, haltError, stackfilter, haltFail, showOut,
                                logTestListenerEvents, null);
        runner.forked = true;
        runner.outputToFormatters = outputToFormat;
        transferFormatters(runner, t);

        return runner.getRetCode();

     * @since Ant 1.7
    private static void registerNonCrash()
            throws IOException {
        if (crashFile != null) {
            try (FileWriter out = new FileWriter(crashFile)) {
                out.write(Constants.TERMINATED_SUCCESSFULLY + "\n");

    private static void registerTestCase(final String testCase) {
        if (crashFile != null) {
            try (FileWriter out = new FileWriter(crashFile)) {
                out.write(testCase + "\n");
            } catch (final IOException e) {
                // ignored.

     * Modifies a TestListener when running JUnit 4: treats AssertionFailedError
     * as a failure not an error.
     * @since Ant 1.7
    private TestListenerWrapper wrapListener(final TestListener testListener) {
        return new TestListenerWrapper(testListener) {
            public void addError(final Test test, final Throwable t) {
                if (junit4 && t instanceof AssertionFailedError) {
                    // JUnit 4 does not distinguish between errors and failures
                    // even in the JUnit 3 adapter.
                    // So we need to help it a bit to retain compatibility for JUnit 3 tests.
                    testListener.addFailure(test, (AssertionFailedError) t);
                } else if (junit4 && t instanceof  AssertionError) {
                    // Not strictly necessary but probably desirable.
                    // JUnit 4-specific test GUIs will show just "failures".
                    // But Ant's output shows "failures" vs. "errors".
                    // We would prefer to show "failure" for things that logically are.
                    final String message = t.getMessage();
                    final AssertionFailedError failure = message != null
                        ? new AssertionFailedError(message) : new AssertionFailedError();
                    testListener.addFailure(test, failure);
                } else {
                    testListener.addError(test, t);
            public void addFailure(final Test test, final AssertionFailedError t) {
                testListener.addFailure(test, t);
            public void addFailure(final Test test, final Throwable t) { // pre-3.4
                if (t instanceof AssertionFailedError) {
                    testListener.addFailure(test, (AssertionFailedError) t);
                } else {
                    testListener.addError(test, t);
            public void endTest(final Test test) {
            public void startTest(final Test test) {

     * Use instead of TestResult.get{Failure,Error}Count on JUnit 4,
     * since the adapter claims that all failures are errors.
     * @since Ant 1.7
    private int[] findJUnit4FailureErrorCount(final TestResult result) {
        int failures = 0;
        int errors = 0;
            Enumeration<TestFailure> e = result.failures();
            while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
        Enumeration<TestFailure> e = result.errors();
        while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
            final Throwable t =
            if (t instanceof AssertionFailedError
                || t instanceof AssertionError) {
            } else {
        return new int[] {failures, errors};




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