Download JarAnalyzer Source Package


How to download JarAnalyzer Source Package?



JarAnalyzer Source Package is a compressed file that contains source code files of JarAnalyzer. It allows you to re-compile JarAnalyzer with different Java versions and environments.

You can download the Source package file for JarAnalyzer by clicking the download button below:

File name:
File size: 658155 bytes
Release date: 2007-08-03

You can also follow these steps to download and install

1. Go to JarAnalyzer download Page.

2. Click and download "" in the file list.

3. Save the downloaded file as in an empty directory called "JarAnalyzer".

4. Unzip the downloaded file All files will be extracted into "JarAnalyzer".

5. Check to extracted files:

> cd JarAnalyzer
> dir 

     5471   build.xml
     1322   docs/api/index.html

    13315   jaranalyzer.xsl
   533339   lib/bcel-5.2.jar
      119   lib/com/kirkk/analyzer/framework/
    25429   lib/jakarta-regexp-1.3.jar
     1545   license.txt
     2329   readme.txt
      247   rundotsummary.bat
      249   runxmlsummary.bat
      528   src/com/kirkk/analyzer/

      469   test/
      921   test/com/kirkk/analyzer/test/
     1176   testdata/acyclictestproject/build.xml
        7   testdata/acyclictestproject/cmd.bat

     1200   testdata/cyclictestproject/build.xml
        7   testdata/cyclictestproject/cmd.bat

     1176   testdata/samepackagespansjars/build.xml
        7   testdata/samepackagespansjars/cmd.bat
---------   -------
  1172533   222 files


JarAnalyzer Source Code Files

JarAnalyzer Error in Java 8+ JAR Files

JarAnalyzer by Kirk Knoernschild

⇑⇑ Java/JAR Tools

2021-07-01, 651🔥, 0💬