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ANTLR Tool Source Code
ANTLR is a powerful parser generator for multiple programming languages including Java.
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/* * Copyright (c) 2012-2017 The ANTLR Project. All rights reserved. * Use of this file is governed by the BSD 3-clause license that * can be found in the LICENSE.txt file in the project root. */ package org.antlr.v4.automata; import org.antlr.runtime.RecognitionException; import org.antlr.runtime.Token; import org.antlr.runtime.tree.CommonTreeNodeStream; import org.antlr.runtime.tree.Tree; import org.antlr.v4.analysis.LeftRecursiveRuleTransformer; import org.antlr.v4.misc.CharSupport; import org.antlr.v4.parse.ANTLRParser; import org.antlr.v4.parse.ATNBuilder; import org.antlr.v4.parse.GrammarASTAdaptor; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATN; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATNState; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATNType; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.AbstractPredicateTransition; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ActionTransition; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.AtomTransition; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.BasicBlockStartState; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.BasicState; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.BlockEndState; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.BlockStartState; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.EpsilonTransition; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.LL1Analyzer; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.LoopEndState; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.NotSetTransition; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.PlusBlockStartState; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.PlusLoopbackState; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.PrecedencePredicateTransition; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.PredicateTransition; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.RuleStartState; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.RuleStopState; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.RuleTransition; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.SetTransition; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.StarBlockStartState; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.StarLoopEntryState; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.StarLoopbackState; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.Transition; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.WildcardTransition; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.misc.IntervalSet; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.misc.Triple; import org.antlr.v4.semantics.UseDefAnalyzer; import org.antlr.v4.tool.ErrorManager; import org.antlr.v4.tool.ErrorType; import org.antlr.v4.tool.Grammar; import org.antlr.v4.tool.LeftRecursiveRule; import org.antlr.v4.tool.LexerGrammar; import org.antlr.v4.tool.Rule; import org.antlr.v4.tool.ast.ActionAST; import org.antlr.v4.tool.ast.AltAST; import org.antlr.v4.tool.ast.BlockAST; import org.antlr.v4.tool.ast.GrammarAST; import org.antlr.v4.tool.ast.GrammarASTWithOptions; import org.antlr.v4.tool.ast.PredAST; import org.antlr.v4.tool.ast.QuantifierAST; import org.antlr.v4.tool.ast.TerminalAST; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; /** ATN construction routines triggered by ATNBuilder.g. * * No side-effects. It builds an {@link ATN} object and returns it. */ public class ParserATNFactory implements ATNFactory { public final Grammar g; public final ATN atn; public Rule currentRule; public int currentOuterAlt; protected final List<Triple<Rule, ATNState, ATNState>> preventEpsilonClosureBlocks = new ArrayList<Triple<Rule, ATNState, ATNState>>(); protected final List<Triple<Rule, ATNState, ATNState>> preventEpsilonOptionalBlocks = new ArrayList<Triple<Rule, ATNState, ATNState>>(); public ParserATNFactory(Grammar g) { if (g == null) { throw new NullPointerException("g"); } this.g = g; ATNType atnType = g instanceof LexerGrammar ? ATNType.LEXER : ATNType.PARSER; int maxTokenType = g.getMaxTokenType(); this.atn = new ATN(atnType, maxTokenType); } @Override public ATN createATN() { _createATN(g.rules.values()); assert atn.maxTokenType == g.getMaxTokenType(); addRuleFollowLinks(); addEOFTransitionToStartRules(); ATNOptimizer.optimize(g, atn); checkEpsilonClosure(); optionalCheck: for (Triple<Rule, ATNState, ATNState> pair : preventEpsilonOptionalBlocks) { int bypassCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < pair.b.getNumberOfTransitions(); i++) { ATNState startState = pair.b.transition(i).target; if (startState == pair.c) { bypassCount++; continue; } LL1Analyzer analyzer = new LL1Analyzer(atn); if (analyzer.LOOK(startState, pair.c, null).contains(org.antlr.v4.runtime.Token.EPSILON)) { g.tool.errMgr.grammarError(ErrorType.EPSILON_OPTIONAL, g.fileName, ((GrammarAST)pair.a.ast.getChild(0)).getToken(),; continue optionalCheck; } } if (bypassCount != 1) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Expected optional block with exactly 1 bypass alternative."); } } return atn; } protected void checkEpsilonClosure() { for (Triple<Rule, ATNState, ATNState> pair : preventEpsilonClosureBlocks) { LL1Analyzer analyzer = new LL1Analyzer(atn); ATNState blkStart = pair.b; ATNState blkStop = pair.c; IntervalSet lookahead = analyzer.LOOK(blkStart, blkStop, null); if ( lookahead.contains(org.antlr.v4.runtime.Token.EPSILON)) { ErrorType errorType = pair.a instanceof LeftRecursiveRule ? ErrorType.EPSILON_LR_FOLLOW : ErrorType.EPSILON_CLOSURE; g.tool.errMgr.grammarError(errorType, g.fileName, ((GrammarAST)pair.a.ast.getChild(0)).getToken(),; } if ( lookahead.contains(org.antlr.v4.runtime.Token.EOF)) { g.tool.errMgr.grammarError(ErrorType.EOF_CLOSURE, g.fileName, ((GrammarAST)pair.a.ast.getChild(0)).getToken(),; } } } protected void _createATN(Collection<Rule> rules) { createRuleStartAndStopATNStates(); GrammarASTAdaptor adaptor = new GrammarASTAdaptor(); for (Rule r : rules) { // find rule's block GrammarAST blk = (GrammarAST)r.ast.getFirstChildWithType(ANTLRParser.BLOCK); CommonTreeNodeStream nodes = new CommonTreeNodeStream(adaptor,blk); ATNBuilder b = new ATNBuilder(nodes,this); try { setCurrentRuleName(; Handle h = b.ruleBlock(null); rule(r.ast,, h); } catch (RecognitionException re) { ErrorManager.fatalInternalError("bad grammar AST structure", re); } } } @Override public void setCurrentRuleName(String name) { this.currentRule = g.getRule(name); } @Override public void setCurrentOuterAlt(int alt) { currentOuterAlt = alt; } /* start->ruleblock->end */ @Override public Handle rule(GrammarAST ruleAST, String name, Handle blk) { Rule r = g.getRule(name); RuleStartState start = atn.ruleToStartState[r.index]; epsilon(start, blk.left); RuleStopState stop = atn.ruleToStopState[r.index]; epsilon(blk.right, stop); Handle h = new Handle(start, stop); // ATNPrinter ser = new ATNPrinter(g, h.left); // System.out.println(ruleAST.toStringTree()+":\n"+ser.asString()); ruleAST.atnState = start; return h; } /** From label {@code A} build graph {@code o-A->o}. */ @Override public Handle tokenRef(TerminalAST node) { ATNState left = newState(node); ATNState right = newState(node); int ttype = g.getTokenType(node.getText()); left.addTransition(new AtomTransition(right, ttype)); node.atnState = left; return new Handle(left, right); } /** From set build single edge graph {@code o->o-set->o}. To conform to * what an alt block looks like, must have extra state on left. * This also handles {@code ~A}, converted to {@code ~{A}} set. */ @Override public Handle set(GrammarAST associatedAST, List<GrammarAST> terminals, boolean invert) { ATNState left = newState(associatedAST); ATNState right = newState(associatedAST); IntervalSet set = new IntervalSet(); for (GrammarAST t : terminals) { int ttype = g.getTokenType(t.getText()); set.add(ttype); } if ( invert ) { left.addTransition(new NotSetTransition(right, set)); } else { left.addTransition(new SetTransition(right, set)); } associatedAST.atnState = left; return new Handle(left, right); } /** Not valid for non-lexers. */ @Override public Handle range(GrammarAST a, GrammarAST b) { g.tool.errMgr.grammarError(ErrorType.TOKEN_RANGE_IN_PARSER, g.fileName, a.getToken(), a.getToken().getText(), b.getToken().getText()); // From a..b, yield ATN for just a. return tokenRef((TerminalAST)a); } protected int getTokenType(GrammarAST atom) { int ttype; if ( g.isLexer() ) { ttype = CharSupport.getCharValueFromGrammarCharLiteral(atom.getText()); } else { ttype = g.getTokenType(atom.getText()); } return ttype; } /** For a non-lexer, just build a simple token reference atom. */ @Override public Handle stringLiteral(TerminalAST stringLiteralAST) { return tokenRef(stringLiteralAST); } /** {@code [Aa]} char sets not allowed in parser */ @Override public Handle charSetLiteral(GrammarAST charSetAST) { return null; } /** * For reference to rule {@code r}, build * * <pre> * o->(r) o * </pre> * * where {@code (r)} is the start of rule {@code r} and the trailing * {@code o} is not linked to from rule ref state directly (uses * {@link RuleTransition#followState}). */ @Override public Handle ruleRef(GrammarAST node) { Handle h = _ruleRef(node); return h; } public Handle _ruleRef(GrammarAST node) { Rule r = g.getRule(node.getText()); if ( r==null ) { g.tool.errMgr.grammarError(ErrorType.INTERNAL_ERROR, g.fileName, node.getToken(), "Rule "+node.getText()+" undefined"); return null; } RuleStartState start = atn.ruleToStartState[r.index]; ATNState left = newState(node); ATNState right = newState(node); int precedence = 0; if (((GrammarASTWithOptions)node).getOptionString(LeftRecursiveRuleTransformer.PRECEDENCE_OPTION_NAME) != null) { precedence = Integer.parseInt(((GrammarASTWithOptions)node).getOptionString(LeftRecursiveRuleTransformer.PRECEDENCE_OPTION_NAME)); } RuleTransition call = new RuleTransition(start, r.index, precedence, right); left.addTransition(call); node.atnState = left; return new Handle(left, right); } public void addFollowLink(int ruleIndex, ATNState right) { // add follow edge from end of invoked rule RuleStopState stop = atn.ruleToStopState[ruleIndex]; // System.out.println("add follow link from "+ruleIndex+" to "+right); epsilon(stop, right); } /** From an empty alternative build {@code o-e->o}. */ @Override public Handle epsilon(GrammarAST node) { ATNState left = newState(node); ATNState right = newState(node); epsilon(left, right); node.atnState = left; return new Handle(left, right); } /** Build what amounts to an epsilon transition with a semantic * predicate action. The {@code pred} is a pointer into the AST of * the {@link ANTLRParser#SEMPRED} token. */ @Override public Handle sempred(PredAST pred) { //System.out.println("sempred: "+ pred); ATNState left = newState(pred); ATNState right = newState(pred); AbstractPredicateTransition p; if (pred.getOptionString(LeftRecursiveRuleTransformer.PRECEDENCE_OPTION_NAME) != null) { int precedence = Integer.parseInt(pred.getOptionString(LeftRecursiveRuleTransformer.PRECEDENCE_OPTION_NAME)); p = new PrecedencePredicateTransition(right, precedence); } else { boolean isCtxDependent = UseDefAnalyzer.actionIsContextDependent(pred); p = new PredicateTransition(right, currentRule.index, g.sempreds.get(pred), isCtxDependent); } left.addTransition(p); pred.atnState = left; return new Handle(left, right); } /** Build what amounts to an epsilon transition with an action. * The action goes into ATN though it is ignored during prediction * if {@link ActionTransition#actionIndex actionIndex}{@code <0}. */ @Override public Handle action(ActionAST action) { //System.out.println("action: "+action); ATNState left = newState(action); ATNState right = newState(action); ActionTransition a = new ActionTransition(right, currentRule.index); left.addTransition(a); action.atnState = left; return new Handle(left, right); } @Override public Handle action(String action) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This element is not valid in parsers."); } /** * From {@code A|B|..|Z} alternative block build * * <pre> * o->o-A->o->o (last ATNState is BlockEndState pointed to by all alts) * | ^ * |->o-B->o--| * | | * ... | * | | * |->o-Z->o--| * </pre> * * So start node points at every alternative with epsilon transition and * every alt right side points at a block end ATNState. * <p> * Special case: only one alternative: don't make a block with alt * begin/end. * <p> * Special case: if just a list of tokens/chars/sets, then collapse to a * single edged o-set->o graph. * <p> * TODO: Set alt number (1..n) in the states? */ @Override public Handle block(BlockAST blkAST, GrammarAST ebnfRoot, List<Handle> alts) { if ( ebnfRoot==null ) { if ( alts.size()==1 ) { Handle h = alts.get(0); blkAST.atnState = h.left; return h; } BlockStartState start = newState(BasicBlockStartState.class, blkAST); if ( alts.size()>1 ) atn.defineDecisionState(start); return makeBlock(start, blkAST, alts); } switch ( ebnfRoot.getType() ) { case ANTLRParser.OPTIONAL : BlockStartState start = newState(BasicBlockStartState.class, blkAST); atn.defineDecisionState(start); Handle h = makeBlock(start, blkAST, alts); return optional(ebnfRoot, h); case ANTLRParser.CLOSURE : BlockStartState star = newState(StarBlockStartState.class, ebnfRoot); if ( alts.size()>1 ) atn.defineDecisionState(star); h = makeBlock(star, blkAST, alts); return star(ebnfRoot, h); case ANTLRParser.POSITIVE_CLOSURE : PlusBlockStartState plus = newState(PlusBlockStartState.class, ebnfRoot); if ( alts.size()>1 ) atn.defineDecisionState(plus); h = makeBlock(plus, blkAST, alts); return plus(ebnfRoot, h); } return null; } protected Handle makeBlock(BlockStartState start, BlockAST blkAST, List<Handle> alts) { BlockEndState end = newState(BlockEndState.class, blkAST); start.endState = end; for (Handle alt : alts) { // hook alts up to decision block epsilon(start, alt.left); epsilon(alt.right, end); // no back link in ATN so must walk entire alt to see if we can // strip out the epsilon to 'end' state TailEpsilonRemover opt = new TailEpsilonRemover(atn); opt.visit(alt.left); } Handle h = new Handle(start, end); // FASerializer ser = new FASerializer(g, h.left); // System.out.println(blkAST.toStringTree()+":\n"+ser); blkAST.atnState = start; return h; } @Override public Handle alt(List<Handle> els) { return elemList(els); } public Handle elemList(List<Handle> els) { int n = els.size(); for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) { // hook up elements (visit all but last) Handle el = els.get(i); // if el is of form o-x->o for x in {rule, action, pred, token, ...} // and not last in alt Transition tr = null; if ( el.left.getNumberOfTransitions()==1 ) tr = el.left.transition(0); boolean isRuleTrans = tr instanceof RuleTransition; if ( el.left.getStateType() == ATNState.BASIC && el.right != null && el.right.getStateType()== ATNState.BASIC && tr!=null && (isRuleTrans && ((RuleTransition)tr).followState == el.right || == el.right) ) { // we can avoid epsilon edge to next el Handle handle = null; if (i + 1 < els.size()) { handle = els.get(i + 1); } if (handle != null) { if (isRuleTrans) { ((RuleTransition) tr).followState = handle.left; } else { = handle.left; } } atn.removeState(el.right); // we skipped over this state } else { // need epsilon if previous block's right end node is complicated epsilon(el.right, els.get(i+1).left); } } Handle first = els.get(0); Handle last = els.get(n - 1); ATNState left = null; if (first != null) { left = first.left; } ATNState right = null; if (last != null) { right = last.right; } return new Handle(left, right); } /** * From {@code (A)?} build either: * * <pre> * o--A->o * | ^ * o---->| * </pre> * * or, if {@code A} is a block, just add an empty alt to the end of the * block */ @Override public Handle optional(GrammarAST optAST, Handle blk) { BlockStartState blkStart = (BlockStartState)blk.left; ATNState blkEnd = blk.right; preventEpsilonOptionalBlocks.add(new Triple<Rule, ATNState, ATNState>(currentRule, blkStart, blkEnd)); boolean greedy = ((QuantifierAST)optAST).isGreedy(); blkStart.nonGreedy = !greedy; epsilon(blkStart, blk.right, !greedy); optAST.atnState = blk.left; return blk; } /** * From {@code (blk)+} build * * <pre> * |---------| * v | * [o-blk-o]->o->o * </pre> * * We add a decision for loop back node to the existing one at {@code blk} * start. */ @Override public Handle plus(GrammarAST plusAST, Handle blk) { PlusBlockStartState blkStart = (PlusBlockStartState)blk.left; BlockEndState blkEnd = (BlockEndState)blk.right; preventEpsilonClosureBlocks.add(new Triple<Rule, ATNState, ATNState>(currentRule, blkStart, blkEnd)); PlusLoopbackState loop = newState(PlusLoopbackState.class, plusAST); loop.nonGreedy = !((QuantifierAST)plusAST).isGreedy(); atn.defineDecisionState(loop); LoopEndState end = newState(LoopEndState.class, plusAST); blkStart.loopBackState = loop; end.loopBackState = loop; plusAST.atnState = loop; epsilon(blkEnd, loop); // blk can see loop back BlockAST blkAST = (BlockAST)plusAST.getChild(0); if ( ((QuantifierAST)plusAST).isGreedy() ) { if (expectNonGreedy(blkAST)) { g.tool.errMgr.grammarError(ErrorType.EXPECTED_NON_GREEDY_WILDCARD_BLOCK, g.fileName, plusAST.getToken(), plusAST.getToken().getText()); } epsilon(loop, blkStart); // loop back to start epsilon(loop, end); // or exit } else { // if not greedy, priority to exit branch; make it first epsilon(loop, end); // exit epsilon(loop, blkStart); // loop back to start } return new Handle(blkStart, end); } /** * From {@code (blk)*} build {@code ( blk+ )?} with *two* decisions, one for * entry and one for choosing alts of {@code blk}. * * <pre> * |-------------| * v | * o--[o-blk-o]->o o * | ^ * -----------------| * </pre> * * Note that the optional bypass must jump outside the loop as * {@code (A|B)*} is not the same thing as {@code (A|B|)+}. */ @Override public Handle star(GrammarAST starAST, Handle elem) { StarBlockStartState blkStart = (StarBlockStartState)elem.left; BlockEndState blkEnd = (BlockEndState)elem.right; preventEpsilonClosureBlocks.add(new Triple<Rule, ATNState, ATNState>(currentRule, blkStart, blkEnd)); StarLoopEntryState entry = newState(StarLoopEntryState.class, starAST); entry.nonGreedy = !((QuantifierAST)starAST).isGreedy(); atn.defineDecisionState(entry); LoopEndState end = newState(LoopEndState.class, starAST); StarLoopbackState loop = newState(StarLoopbackState.class, starAST); entry.loopBackState = loop; end.loopBackState = loop; BlockAST blkAST = (BlockAST)starAST.getChild(0); if ( ((QuantifierAST)starAST).isGreedy() ) { if (expectNonGreedy(blkAST)) { g.tool.errMgr.grammarError(ErrorType.EXPECTED_NON_GREEDY_WILDCARD_BLOCK, g.fileName, starAST.getToken(), starAST.getToken().getText()); } epsilon(entry, blkStart); // loop enter edge (alt 1) epsilon(entry, end); // bypass loop edge (alt 2) } else { // if not greedy, priority to exit branch; make it first epsilon(entry, end); // bypass loop edge (alt 1) epsilon(entry, blkStart); // loop enter edge (alt 2) } epsilon(blkEnd, loop); // block end hits loop back epsilon(loop, entry); // loop back to entry/exit decision starAST.atnState = entry; // decision is to enter/exit; blk is its own decision return new Handle(entry, end); } /** Build an atom with all possible values in its label. */ @Override public Handle wildcard(GrammarAST node) { ATNState left = newState(node); ATNState right = newState(node); left.addTransition(new WildcardTransition(right)); node.atnState = left; return new Handle(left, right); } protected void epsilon(ATNState a, ATNState b) { epsilon(a, b, false); } protected void epsilon(ATNState a, ATNState b, boolean prepend) { if ( a!=null ) { int index = prepend ? 0 : a.getNumberOfTransitions(); a.addTransition(index, new EpsilonTransition(b)); } } /** Define all the rule begin/end ATNStates to solve forward reference * issues. */ void createRuleStartAndStopATNStates() { atn.ruleToStartState = new RuleStartState[g.rules.size()]; atn.ruleToStopState = new RuleStopState[g.rules.size()]; for (Rule r : g.rules.values()) { RuleStartState start = newState(RuleStartState.class, r.ast); RuleStopState stop = newState(RuleStopState.class, r.ast); start.stopState = stop; start.isLeftRecursiveRule = r instanceof LeftRecursiveRule; start.setRuleIndex(r.index); stop.setRuleIndex(r.index); atn.ruleToStartState[r.index] = start; atn.ruleToStopState[r.index] = stop; } } public void addRuleFollowLinks() { for (ATNState p : atn.states) { if ( p!=null && p.getStateType() == ATNState.BASIC && p.getNumberOfTransitions()==1 && p.transition(0) instanceof RuleTransition ) { RuleTransition rt = (RuleTransition) p.transition(0); addFollowLink(rt.ruleIndex, rt.followState); } } } /** Add an EOF transition to any rule end ATNState that points to nothing * (i.e., for all those rules not invoked by another rule). These * are start symbols then. * * Return the number of grammar entry points; i.e., how many rules are * not invoked by another rule (they can only be invoked from outside). * These are the start rules. */ public int addEOFTransitionToStartRules() { int n = 0; ATNState eofTarget = newState(null); // one unique EOF target for all rules for (Rule r : g.rules.values()) { ATNState stop = atn.ruleToStopState[r.index]; if ( stop.getNumberOfTransitions()>0 ) continue; n++; Transition t = new AtomTransition(eofTarget, Token.EOF); stop.addTransition(t); } return n; } @Override public Handle label(Handle t) { return t; } @Override public Handle listLabel(Handle t) { return t; } public <T extends ATNState> T newState(Class<T> nodeType, GrammarAST node) { Exception cause; try { Constructor<T> ctor = nodeType.getConstructor(); T s = ctor.newInstance(); if ( currentRule==null ) s.setRuleIndex(-1); else s.setRuleIndex(currentRule.index); atn.addState(s); return s; } catch (InstantiationException ex) { cause = ex; } catch (IllegalAccessException ex) { cause = ex; } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { cause = ex; } catch (InvocationTargetException ex) { cause = ex; } catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) { cause = ex; } catch (SecurityException ex) { cause = ex; } String message = String.format("Could not create %s of type %s.", ATNState.class.getName(), nodeType.getName()); throw new UnsupportedOperationException(message, cause); } public ATNState newState(GrammarAST node) { ATNState n = new BasicState(); n.setRuleIndex(currentRule.index); atn.addState(n); return n; } @Override public ATNState newState() { return newState(null); } public boolean expectNonGreedy(BlockAST blkAST) { if ( blockHasWildcardAlt(blkAST) ) { return true; } return false; } /** * {@code (BLOCK (ALT .))} or {@code (BLOCK (ALT 'a') (ALT .))}. */ public static boolean blockHasWildcardAlt(GrammarAST block) { for (Object alt : block.getChildren()) { if ( !(alt instanceof AltAST) ) continue; AltAST altAST = (AltAST)alt; if ( altAST.getChildCount()==1 || (altAST.getChildCount() == 2 && altAST.getChild(0).getType() == ANTLRParser.ELEMENT_OPTIONS) ) { Tree e = altAST.getChild(altAST.getChildCount() - 1); if ( e.getType()==ANTLRParser.WILDCARD ) { return true; } } } return false; } @Override public Handle lexerAltCommands(Handle alt, Handle cmds) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This element is not allowed in parsers."); } @Override public Handle lexerCallCommand(GrammarAST ID, GrammarAST arg) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This element is not allowed in parsers."); } @Override public Handle lexerCommand(GrammarAST ID) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This element is not allowed in parsers."); } }
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