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⏎ java/lang/constant/
/* * Copyright (c) 2018, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ package java.lang.constant; import java.lang.invoke.TypeDescriptor; import; import sun.invoke.util.Wrapper; import static java.lang.constant.ConstantUtils.binaryToInternal; import static java.lang.constant.ConstantUtils.dropLastChar; import static java.lang.constant.ConstantUtils.internalToBinary; import static java.lang.constant.ConstantUtils.validateMemberName; import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull; import static; /** * A <a href="package-summary.html#nominal">nominal descriptor</a> for a * {@link Class} constant. * * <p>For common system types, including all the primitive types, there are * predefined {@linkplain ClassDesc} constants in {@link ConstantDescs}. * (The {@code java.lang.constant} APIs consider {@code void} to be a primitive type.) * To create a {@linkplain ClassDesc} for a class or interface type, use {@link #of} or * {@link #ofDescriptor(String)}; to create a {@linkplain ClassDesc} for an array * type, use {@link #ofDescriptor(String)}, or first obtain a * {@linkplain ClassDesc} for the component type and then call the {@link #arrayType()} * or {@link #arrayType(int)} methods. * * @see ConstantDescs * * @since 12 */ public sealed interface ClassDesc extends ConstantDesc, TypeDescriptor.OfField<ClassDesc> permits PrimitiveClassDescImpl, ReferenceClassDescImpl { /** * Returns a {@linkplain ClassDesc} for a class or interface type, * given the name of the class or interface, such as {@code "java.lang.String"}. * (To create a descriptor for an array type, either use {@link #ofDescriptor(String)} * or {@link #arrayType()}; to create a descriptor for a primitive type, use * {@link #ofDescriptor(String)} or use the predefined constants in * {@link ConstantDescs}). * * @param name the fully qualified (dot-separated) binary class name * @return a {@linkplain ClassDesc} describing the desired class * @throws NullPointerException if the argument is {@code null} * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the name string is not in the * correct format */ static ClassDesc of(String name) { ConstantUtils.validateBinaryClassName(requireNonNull(name)); return ClassDesc.ofDescriptor("L" + binaryToInternal(name) + ";"); } /** * Returns a {@linkplain ClassDesc} for a class or interface type, * given a package name and the unqualified (simple) name for the * class or interface. * * @param packageName the package name (dot-separated); if the package * name is the empty string, the class is considered to * be in the unnamed package * @param className the unqualified (simple) class name * @return a {@linkplain ClassDesc} describing the desired class * @throws NullPointerException if any argument is {@code null} * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the package name or class name are * not in the correct format */ static ClassDesc of(String packageName, String className) { ConstantUtils.validateBinaryClassName(requireNonNull(packageName)); if (packageName.isEmpty()) { return of(className); } validateMemberName(requireNonNull(className), false); return ofDescriptor("L" + binaryToInternal(packageName) + (packageName.length() > 0 ? "/" : "") + className + ";"); } /** * Returns a {@linkplain ClassDesc} given a descriptor string for a class, * interface, array, or primitive type. * * @apiNote * * A field type descriptor string for a non-array type is either * a one-letter code corresponding to a primitive type * ({@code "J", "I", "C", "S", "B", "D", "F", "Z", "V"}), or the letter {@code "L"}, followed * by the fully qualified binary name of a class, followed by {@code ";"}. * A field type descriptor for an array type is the character {@code "["} * followed by the field descriptor for the component type. Examples of * valid type descriptor strings include {@code "Ljava/lang/String;"}, {@code "I"}, * {@code "[I"}, {@code "V"}, {@code "[Ljava/lang/String;"}, etc. * See JVMS 4.3.2 ("Field Descriptors") for more detail. * * @param descriptor a field descriptor string * @return a {@linkplain ClassDesc} describing the desired class * @throws NullPointerException if the argument is {@code null} * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the name string is not in the * correct format * @jvms 4.3.2 Field Descriptors * @jvms 4.4.1 The CONSTANT_Class_info Structure */ static ClassDesc ofDescriptor(String descriptor) { requireNonNull(descriptor); if (descriptor.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "not a valid reference type descriptor: " + descriptor); } int depth = ConstantUtils.arrayDepth(descriptor); if (depth > ConstantUtils.MAX_ARRAY_TYPE_DESC_DIMENSIONS) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot create an array type descriptor with more than " + ConstantUtils.MAX_ARRAY_TYPE_DESC_DIMENSIONS + " dimensions"); } return (descriptor.length() == 1) ? new PrimitiveClassDescImpl(descriptor) : new ReferenceClassDescImpl(descriptor); } /** * Returns a {@linkplain ClassDesc} for an array type whose component type * is described by this {@linkplain ClassDesc}. * * @return a {@linkplain ClassDesc} describing the array type * @throws IllegalStateException if the resulting {@linkplain ClassDesc} would have an array rank of greater than 255 * @jvms 4.4.1 The CONSTANT_Class_info Structure */ default ClassDesc arrayType() { int depth = ConstantUtils.arrayDepth(descriptorString()); if (depth >= ConstantUtils.MAX_ARRAY_TYPE_DESC_DIMENSIONS) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Cannot create an array type descriptor with more than " + ConstantUtils.MAX_ARRAY_TYPE_DESC_DIMENSIONS + " dimensions"); } return arrayType(1); } /** * Returns a {@linkplain ClassDesc} for an array type of the specified rank, * whose component type is described by this {@linkplain ClassDesc}. * * @param rank the rank of the array * @return a {@linkplain ClassDesc} describing the array type * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the rank is less than or equal to zero or if the rank of the resulting array type is * greater than 255 * @jvms 4.4.1 The CONSTANT_Class_info Structure */ default ClassDesc arrayType(int rank) { int currentDepth = ConstantUtils.arrayDepth(descriptorString()); if (rank <= 0 || currentDepth + rank > ConstantUtils.MAX_ARRAY_TYPE_DESC_DIMENSIONS) throw new IllegalArgumentException("rank: " + currentDepth + rank); return ClassDesc.ofDescriptor("[".repeat(rank) + descriptorString()); } /** * Returns a {@linkplain ClassDesc} for a nested class of the class or * interface type described by this {@linkplain ClassDesc}. * * @apiNote * * Example: If descriptor {@code d} describes the class {@code java.util.Map}, a * descriptor for the class {@code java.util.Map.Entry} could be obtained * by {@code d.nested("Entry")}. * * @param nestedName the unqualified name of the nested class * @return a {@linkplain ClassDesc} describing the nested class * @throws NullPointerException if the argument is {@code null} * @throws IllegalStateException if this {@linkplain ClassDesc} does not * describe a class or interface type * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the nested class name is invalid */ default ClassDesc nested(String nestedName) { validateMemberName(nestedName, false); if (!isClassOrInterface()) throw new IllegalStateException("Outer class is not a class or interface type"); return ClassDesc.ofDescriptor(dropLastChar(descriptorString()) + "$" + nestedName + ";"); } /** * Returns a {@linkplain ClassDesc} for a nested class of the class or * interface type described by this {@linkplain ClassDesc}. * * @param firstNestedName the unqualified name of the first level of nested class * @param moreNestedNames the unqualified name(s) of the remaining levels of * nested class * @return a {@linkplain ClassDesc} describing the nested class * @throws NullPointerException if any argument or its contents is {@code null} * @throws IllegalStateException if this {@linkplain ClassDesc} does not * describe a class or interface type * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the nested class name is invalid */ default ClassDesc nested(String firstNestedName, String... moreNestedNames) { if (!isClassOrInterface()) throw new IllegalStateException("Outer class is not a class or interface type"); validateMemberName(firstNestedName, false); requireNonNull(moreNestedNames); for (String addNestedNames : moreNestedNames) { validateMemberName(addNestedNames, false); } return moreNestedNames.length == 0 ? nested(firstNestedName) : nested(firstNestedName + Stream.of(moreNestedNames).collect(joining("$", "$", ""))); } /** * Returns whether this {@linkplain ClassDesc} describes an array type. * * @return whether this {@linkplain ClassDesc} describes an array type */ default boolean isArray() { return descriptorString().startsWith("["); } /** * Returns whether this {@linkplain ClassDesc} describes a primitive type. * * @return whether this {@linkplain ClassDesc} describes a primitive type */ default boolean isPrimitive() { return descriptorString().length() == 1; } /** * Returns whether this {@linkplain ClassDesc} describes a class or interface type. * * @return whether this {@linkplain ClassDesc} describes a class or interface type */ default boolean isClassOrInterface() { return descriptorString().startsWith("L"); } /** * Returns the component type of this {@linkplain ClassDesc}, if it describes * an array type, or {@code null} otherwise. * * @return a {@linkplain ClassDesc} describing the component type, or {@code null} * if this descriptor does not describe an array type */ default ClassDesc componentType() { return isArray() ? ClassDesc.ofDescriptor(descriptorString().substring(1)) : null; } /** * Returns the package name of this {@linkplain ClassDesc}, if it describes * a class or interface type. * * @return the package name, or the empty string if the class is in the * default package, or this {@linkplain ClassDesc} does not describe a class or interface type */ default String packageName() { if (!isClassOrInterface()) return ""; String className = internalToBinary(ConstantUtils.dropFirstAndLastChar(descriptorString())); int index = className.lastIndexOf('.'); return (index == -1) ? "" : className.substring(0, index); } /** * Returns a human-readable name for the type described by this descriptor. * * @implSpec * <p>The default implementation returns the simple name * (e.g., {@code int}) for primitive types, the unqualified class name * for class or interface types, or the display name of the component type * suffixed with the appropriate number of {@code []} pairs for array types. * * @return the human-readable name */ default String displayName() { if (isPrimitive()) return Wrapper.forBasicType(descriptorString().charAt(0)).primitiveSimpleName(); else if (isClassOrInterface()) { return descriptorString().substring(Math.max(1, descriptorString().lastIndexOf('/') + 1), descriptorString().length() - 1); } else if (isArray()) { int depth = ConstantUtils.arrayDepth(descriptorString()); ClassDesc c = this; for (int i=0; i<depth; i++) c = c.componentType(); return c.displayName() + "[]".repeat(depth); } else throw new IllegalStateException(descriptorString()); } /** * Returns a field type descriptor string for this type * * @return the descriptor string * @jvms 4.3.2 Field Descriptors */ String descriptorString(); /** * Compare the specified object with this descriptor for equality. Returns * {@code true} if and only if the specified object is also a * {@linkplain ClassDesc} and both describe the same type. * * @param o the other object * @return whether this descriptor is equal to the other object */ boolean equals(Object o); }
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