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⏎ java/lang/invoke/
/* * Copyright (c) 2008, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ package java.lang.invoke; import jdk.internal.vm.annotation.DontInline; import jdk.internal.vm.annotation.ForceInline; import jdk.internal.vm.annotation.Hidden; import jdk.internal.vm.annotation.Stable; import java.lang.reflect.Array; import java.util.Arrays; import static java.lang.invoke.MethodHandleStatics.*; import static java.lang.invoke.MethodHandleNatives.Constants.*; import static java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles.Lookup.IMPL_LOOKUP; import static java.lang.invoke.LambdaForm.*; import static java.lang.invoke.LambdaForm.Kind.*; /** * Construction and caching of often-used invokers. * @author jrose */ class Invokers { // exact type (sans leading target MH) for the outgoing call private final MethodType targetType; // Cached adapter information: private final @Stable MethodHandle[] invokers = new MethodHandle[INV_LIMIT]; // Indexes into invokers: static final int INV_EXACT = 0, // MethodHandles.exactInvoker INV_GENERIC = 1, // MethodHandles.invoker (generic invocation) INV_BASIC = 2, // MethodHandles.basicInvoker VH_INV_EXACT = 3, // MethodHandles.varHandleExactInvoker VH_INV_GENERIC = VH_INV_EXACT + VarHandle.AccessMode.COUNT, // MethodHandles.varHandleInvoker INV_LIMIT = VH_INV_GENERIC + VarHandle.AccessMode.COUNT; /** Compute and cache information common to all collecting adapters * that implement members of the erasure-family of the given erased type. */ /*non-public*/ Invokers(MethodType targetType) { this.targetType = targetType; } /*non-public*/ MethodHandle exactInvoker() { MethodHandle invoker = cachedInvoker(INV_EXACT); if (invoker != null) return invoker; invoker = makeExactOrGeneralInvoker(true); return setCachedInvoker(INV_EXACT, invoker); } /*non-public*/ MethodHandle genericInvoker() { MethodHandle invoker = cachedInvoker(INV_GENERIC); if (invoker != null) return invoker; invoker = makeExactOrGeneralInvoker(false); return setCachedInvoker(INV_GENERIC, invoker); } /*non-public*/ MethodHandle basicInvoker() { MethodHandle invoker = cachedInvoker(INV_BASIC); if (invoker != null) return invoker; MethodType basicType = targetType.basicType(); if (basicType != targetType) { // double cache; not used significantly return setCachedInvoker(INV_BASIC, basicType.invokers().basicInvoker()); } invoker = basicType.form().cachedMethodHandle(MethodTypeForm.MH_BASIC_INV); if (invoker == null) { MemberName method = invokeBasicMethod(basicType); invoker = DirectMethodHandle.make(method); assert(checkInvoker(invoker)); invoker = basicType.form().setCachedMethodHandle(MethodTypeForm.MH_BASIC_INV, invoker); } return setCachedInvoker(INV_BASIC, invoker); } /*non-public*/ MethodHandle varHandleMethodInvoker(VarHandle.AccessMode ak) { boolean isExact = false; MethodHandle invoker = cachedVHInvoker(isExact, ak); if (invoker != null) return invoker; invoker = makeVarHandleMethodInvoker(ak, isExact); return setCachedVHInvoker(isExact, ak, invoker); } /*non-public*/ MethodHandle varHandleMethodExactInvoker(VarHandle.AccessMode ak) { boolean isExact = true; MethodHandle invoker = cachedVHInvoker(isExact, ak); if (invoker != null) return invoker; invoker = makeVarHandleMethodInvoker(ak, isExact); return setCachedVHInvoker(isExact, ak, invoker); } private MethodHandle cachedInvoker(int idx) { return invokers[idx]; } private synchronized MethodHandle setCachedInvoker(int idx, final MethodHandle invoker) { // Simulate a CAS, to avoid racy duplication of results. MethodHandle prev = invokers[idx]; if (prev != null) return prev; return invokers[idx] = invoker; } private MethodHandle cachedVHInvoker(boolean isExact, VarHandle.AccessMode ak) { int baseIndex = (isExact ? VH_INV_EXACT : VH_INV_GENERIC); return cachedInvoker(baseIndex + ak.ordinal()); } private MethodHandle setCachedVHInvoker(boolean isExact, VarHandle.AccessMode ak, final MethodHandle invoker) { int baseIndex = (isExact ? VH_INV_EXACT : VH_INV_GENERIC); return setCachedInvoker(baseIndex + ak.ordinal(), invoker); } private MethodHandle makeExactOrGeneralInvoker(boolean isExact) { MethodType mtype = targetType; MethodType invokerType = mtype.invokerType(); int which = (isExact ? MethodTypeForm.LF_EX_INVOKER : MethodTypeForm.LF_GEN_INVOKER); LambdaForm lform = invokeHandleForm(mtype, false, which); MethodHandle invoker = BoundMethodHandle.bindSingle(invokerType, lform, mtype); String whichName = (isExact ? "invokeExact" : "invoke"); invoker = invoker.withInternalMemberName(MemberName.makeMethodHandleInvoke(whichName, mtype), false); assert(checkInvoker(invoker)); maybeCompileToBytecode(invoker); return invoker; } private MethodHandle makeVarHandleMethodInvoker(VarHandle.AccessMode ak, boolean isExact) { MethodType mtype = targetType; MethodType invokerType = mtype.insertParameterTypes(0, VarHandle.class); LambdaForm lform = varHandleMethodInvokerHandleForm(mtype, isExact); VarHandle.AccessDescriptor ad = new VarHandle.AccessDescriptor(mtype,, ak.ordinal()); MethodHandle invoker = BoundMethodHandle.bindSingle(invokerType, lform, ad); invoker = invoker.withInternalMemberName(MemberName.makeVarHandleMethodInvoke(ak.methodName(), mtype), false); assert(checkVarHandleInvoker(invoker)); maybeCompileToBytecode(invoker); return invoker; } /** If the target type seems to be common enough, eagerly compile the invoker to bytecodes. */ private void maybeCompileToBytecode(MethodHandle invoker) { final int EAGER_COMPILE_ARITY_LIMIT = 10; if (targetType == targetType.erase() && targetType.parameterCount() < EAGER_COMPILE_ARITY_LIMIT) { invoker.form.compileToBytecode(); } } // This next one is called from LambdaForm.NamedFunction.<init>. /*non-public*/ static MemberName invokeBasicMethod(MethodType basicType) { assert(basicType == basicType.basicType()); try { //Lookup.findVirtual(MethodHandle.class, name, type); return IMPL_LOOKUP.resolveOrFail(REF_invokeVirtual, MethodHandle.class, "invokeBasic", basicType); } catch (ReflectiveOperationException ex) { throw newInternalError("JVM cannot find invoker for "+basicType, ex); } } private boolean checkInvoker(MethodHandle invoker) { assert(targetType.invokerType().equals(invoker.type())) : java.util.Arrays.asList(targetType, targetType.invokerType(), invoker); assert(invoker.internalMemberName() == null || invoker.internalMemberName().getMethodType().equals(targetType)); assert(!invoker.isVarargsCollector()); return true; } private boolean checkVarHandleInvoker(MethodHandle invoker) { MethodType invokerType = targetType.insertParameterTypes(0, VarHandle.class); assert(invokerType.equals(invoker.type())) : java.util.Arrays.asList(targetType, invokerType, invoker); assert(invoker.internalMemberName() == null || invoker.internalMemberName().getMethodType().equals(targetType)); assert(!invoker.isVarargsCollector()); return true; } /** * Find or create an invoker which passes unchanged a given number of arguments * and spreads the rest from a trailing array argument. * The invoker target type is the post-spread type {@code (TYPEOF(uarg*), TYPEOF(sarg*))=>RT}. * All the {@code sarg}s must have a common type {@code C}. (If there are none, {@code Object} is assumed.} * @param leadingArgCount the number of unchanged (non-spread) arguments * @return {@code invoker.invokeExact(mh, uarg*, C[]{sarg*}) := (RT)mh.invoke(uarg*, sarg*)} */ /*non-public*/ MethodHandle spreadInvoker(int leadingArgCount) { int spreadArgCount = targetType.parameterCount() - leadingArgCount; MethodType postSpreadType = targetType; Class<?> argArrayType = impliedRestargType(postSpreadType, leadingArgCount); if (postSpreadType.parameterSlotCount() <= MethodType.MAX_MH_INVOKER_ARITY) { return genericInvoker().asSpreader(argArrayType, spreadArgCount); } // Cannot build a generic invoker here of type ginvoker.invoke(mh, a*[254]). // Instead, factor sinvoker.invoke(mh, a) into ainvoker.invoke(filter(mh), a) // where filter(mh) == mh.asSpreader(Object[], spreadArgCount) MethodType preSpreadType = postSpreadType .replaceParameterTypes(leadingArgCount, postSpreadType.parameterCount(), argArrayType); MethodHandle arrayInvoker = MethodHandles.invoker(preSpreadType); MethodHandle makeSpreader = MethodHandles.insertArguments(Lazy.MH_asSpreader, 1, argArrayType, spreadArgCount); return MethodHandles.filterArgument(arrayInvoker, 0, makeSpreader); } private static Class<?> impliedRestargType(MethodType restargType, int fromPos) { if (restargType.isGeneric()) return Object[].class; // can be nothing else int maxPos = restargType.parameterCount(); if (fromPos >= maxPos) return Object[].class; // reasonable default Class<?> argType = restargType.parameterType(fromPos); for (int i = fromPos+1; i < maxPos; i++) { if (argType != restargType.parameterType(i)) throw newIllegalArgumentException("need homogeneous rest arguments", restargType); } if (argType == Object.class) return Object[].class; return Array.newInstance(argType, 0).getClass(); } public String toString() { return "Invokers"+targetType; } static MemberName methodHandleInvokeLinkerMethod(String name, MethodType mtype, Object[] appendixResult) { int which = switch (name) { case "invokeExact" -> MethodTypeForm.LF_EX_LINKER; case "invoke" -> MethodTypeForm.LF_GEN_LINKER; default -> throw new InternalError("not invoker: " + name); }; LambdaForm lform; if (mtype.parameterSlotCount() <= MethodType.MAX_MH_ARITY - MH_LINKER_ARG_APPENDED) { lform = invokeHandleForm(mtype, false, which); appendixResult[0] = mtype; } else { lform = invokeHandleForm(mtype, true, which); } return lform.vmentry; } // argument count to account for trailing "appendix value" (typically the mtype) private static final int MH_LINKER_ARG_APPENDED = 1; /** Returns an adapter for invokeExact or generic invoke, as a MH or constant pool linker. * If !customized, caller is responsible for supplying, during adapter execution, * a copy of the exact mtype. This is because the adapter might be generalized to * a basic type. * @param mtype the caller's method type (either basic or full-custom) * @param customized whether to use a trailing appendix argument (to carry the mtype) * @param which bit-encoded 0x01 whether it is a CP adapter ("linker") or MHs.invoker value ("invoker"); * 0x02 whether it is for invokeExact or generic invoke */ static LambdaForm invokeHandleForm(MethodType mtype, boolean customized, int which) { boolean isCached; if (!customized) { mtype = mtype.basicType(); // normalize Z to I, String to Object, etc. isCached = true; } else { isCached = false; // maybe cache if mtype == mtype.basicType() } boolean isLinker, isGeneric; Kind kind; switch (which) { case MethodTypeForm.LF_EX_LINKER: isLinker = true; isGeneric = false; kind = EXACT_LINKER; break; case MethodTypeForm.LF_EX_INVOKER: isLinker = false; isGeneric = false; kind = EXACT_INVOKER; break; case MethodTypeForm.LF_GEN_LINKER: isLinker = true; isGeneric = true; kind = GENERIC_LINKER; break; case MethodTypeForm.LF_GEN_INVOKER: isLinker = false; isGeneric = true; kind = GENERIC_INVOKER; break; default: throw new InternalError(); } LambdaForm lform; if (isCached) { lform = mtype.form().cachedLambdaForm(which); if (lform != null) return lform; } // exactInvokerForm (Object,Object)Object // link with java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle.invokeBasic(MethodHandle,Object,Object)Object/invokeSpecial final int THIS_MH = 0; final int CALL_MH = THIS_MH + (isLinker ? 0 : 1); final int ARG_BASE = CALL_MH + 1; final int OUTARG_LIMIT = ARG_BASE + mtype.parameterCount(); final int INARG_LIMIT = OUTARG_LIMIT + (isLinker && !customized ? 1 : 0); int nameCursor = OUTARG_LIMIT; final int MTYPE_ARG = customized ? -1 : nameCursor++; // might be last in-argument final int CHECK_TYPE = nameCursor++; final int CHECK_CUSTOM = (CUSTOMIZE_THRESHOLD >= 0) ? nameCursor++ : -1; final int LINKER_CALL = nameCursor++; MethodType invokerFormType = mtype.invokerType(); if (isLinker) { if (!customized) invokerFormType = invokerFormType.appendParameterTypes(MemberName.class); } else { invokerFormType = invokerFormType.invokerType(); } Name[] names = arguments(nameCursor - INARG_LIMIT, invokerFormType); assert(names.length == nameCursor) : Arrays.asList(mtype, customized, which, nameCursor, names.length); if (MTYPE_ARG >= INARG_LIMIT) { assert(names[MTYPE_ARG] == null); BoundMethodHandle.SpeciesData speciesData = BoundMethodHandle.speciesData_L(); names[THIS_MH] = names[THIS_MH].withConstraint(speciesData); NamedFunction getter = speciesData.getterFunction(0); names[MTYPE_ARG] = new Name(getter, names[THIS_MH]); // else if isLinker, then MTYPE is passed in from the caller (e.g., the JVM) } // Make the final call. If isGeneric, then prepend the result of type checking. MethodType outCallType = mtype.basicType(); Object[] outArgs = Arrays.copyOfRange(names, CALL_MH, OUTARG_LIMIT, Object[].class); Object mtypeArg = (customized ? mtype : names[MTYPE_ARG]); if (!isGeneric) { names[CHECK_TYPE] = new Name(getFunction(NF_checkExactType), names[CALL_MH], mtypeArg); // mh.invokeExact(a*):R => checkExactType(mh, TYPEOF(a*:R)); mh.invokeBasic(a*) } else { names[CHECK_TYPE] = new Name(getFunction(NF_checkGenericType), names[CALL_MH], mtypeArg); // mh.invokeGeneric(a*):R => checkGenericType(mh, TYPEOF(a*:R)).invokeBasic(a*) outArgs[0] = names[CHECK_TYPE]; } if (CHECK_CUSTOM != -1) { names[CHECK_CUSTOM] = new Name(getFunction(NF_checkCustomized), outArgs[0]); } names[LINKER_CALL] = new Name(outCallType, outArgs); if (customized) { lform = new LambdaForm(INARG_LIMIT, names); } else { lform = new LambdaForm(INARG_LIMIT, names, kind); } if (isLinker) lform.compileToBytecode(); // JVM needs a real methodOop if (isCached) lform = mtype.form().setCachedLambdaForm(which, lform); return lform; } static MemberName varHandleInvokeLinkerMethod(MethodType mtype) { if (mtype.parameterSlotCount() > MethodType.MAX_MH_ARITY - MH_LINKER_ARG_APPENDED) { throw newInternalError("Unsupported parameter slot count " + mtype.parameterSlotCount()); } LambdaForm lform = varHandleMethodGenericLinkerHandleForm(mtype); return lform.vmentry; } private static LambdaForm varHandleMethodGenericLinkerHandleForm(MethodType mtype) { mtype = mtype.basicType(); // normalize Z to I, String to Object, etc. int which = MethodTypeForm.LF_VH_GEN_LINKER; LambdaForm lform = mtype.form().cachedLambdaForm(which); if (lform != null) { return lform; } final int THIS_VH = 0; final int ARG_BASE = THIS_VH + 1; final int ARG_LIMIT = ARG_BASE + mtype.parameterCount(); int nameCursor = ARG_LIMIT; final int VAD_ARG = nameCursor++; final int UNBOUND_VH = nameCursor++; final int CHECK_TYPE = nameCursor++; final int CHECK_CUSTOM = (CUSTOMIZE_THRESHOLD >= 0) ? nameCursor++ : -1; final int LINKER_CALL = nameCursor++; Name[] names = new Name[LINKER_CALL + 1]; names[THIS_VH] = argument(THIS_VH, BasicType.basicType(Object.class)); for (int i = 0; i < mtype.parameterCount(); i++) { names[ARG_BASE + i] = argument(ARG_BASE + i, BasicType.basicType(mtype.parameterType(i))); } names[VAD_ARG] = new Name(ARG_LIMIT, BasicType.basicType(Object.class)); names[UNBOUND_VH] = new Name(getFunction(NF_directVarHandleTarget), names[THIS_VH]); names[CHECK_TYPE] = new Name(getFunction(NF_checkVarHandleGenericType), names[THIS_VH], names[VAD_ARG]); Object[] outArgs = new Object[ARG_LIMIT + 1]; outArgs[0] = names[CHECK_TYPE]; outArgs[1] = names[UNBOUND_VH]; for (int i = 1; i < ARG_LIMIT; i++) { outArgs[i + 1] = names[i]; } if (CHECK_CUSTOM != -1) { names[CHECK_CUSTOM] = new Name(getFunction(NF_checkCustomized), outArgs[0]); } MethodType outCallType = mtype.insertParameterTypes(0, VarHandle.class) .basicType(); names[LINKER_CALL] = new Name(outCallType, outArgs); lform = new LambdaForm(ARG_LIMIT + 1, names, VARHANDLE_LINKER); if (LambdaForm.debugNames()) { String name = "VarHandle_invoke_MT_" + shortenSignature(basicTypeSignature(mtype)); LambdaForm.associateWithDebugName(lform, name); } lform.compileToBytecode(); lform = mtype.form().setCachedLambdaForm(which, lform); return lform; } private static LambdaForm varHandleMethodInvokerHandleForm(MethodType mtype, boolean isExact) { mtype = mtype.basicType(); // normalize Z to I, String to Object, etc. int which = (isExact ? MethodTypeForm.LF_VH_EX_INVOKER : MethodTypeForm.LF_VH_GEN_INVOKER); LambdaForm lform = mtype.form().cachedLambdaForm(which); if (lform != null) { return lform; } final int THIS_MH = 0; final int CALL_VH = THIS_MH + 1; final int ARG_BASE = CALL_VH + 1; final int ARG_LIMIT = ARG_BASE + mtype.parameterCount(); int nameCursor = ARG_LIMIT; final int VAD_ARG = nameCursor++; final int UNBOUND_VH = nameCursor++; final int CHECK_TYPE = nameCursor++; final int LINKER_CALL = nameCursor++; Name[] names = new Name[LINKER_CALL + 1]; names[THIS_MH] = argument(THIS_MH, BasicType.basicType(Object.class)); names[CALL_VH] = argument(CALL_VH, BasicType.basicType(Object.class)); for (int i = 0; i < mtype.parameterCount(); i++) { names[ARG_BASE + i] = argument(ARG_BASE + i, BasicType.basicType(mtype.parameterType(i))); } BoundMethodHandle.SpeciesData speciesData = BoundMethodHandle.speciesData_L(); names[THIS_MH] = names[THIS_MH].withConstraint(speciesData); NamedFunction getter = speciesData.getterFunction(0); names[VAD_ARG] = new Name(getter, names[THIS_MH]); names[UNBOUND_VH] = new Name(getFunction(NF_directVarHandleTarget), names[CALL_VH]); if (isExact) { names[CHECK_TYPE] = new Name(getFunction(NF_checkVarHandleExactType), names[CALL_VH], names[VAD_ARG]); } else { names[CHECK_TYPE] = new Name(getFunction(NF_checkVarHandleGenericType), names[CALL_VH], names[VAD_ARG]); } Object[] outArgs = new Object[ARG_LIMIT]; outArgs[0] = names[CHECK_TYPE]; outArgs[1] = names[UNBOUND_VH]; for (int i = 2; i < ARG_LIMIT; i++) { outArgs[i] = names[i]; } MethodType outCallType = mtype.insertParameterTypes(0, VarHandle.class) .basicType(); names[LINKER_CALL] = new Name(outCallType, outArgs); Kind kind = isExact ? VARHANDLE_EXACT_INVOKER : VARHANDLE_INVOKER; lform = new LambdaForm(ARG_LIMIT, names, kind); if (LambdaForm.debugNames()) { String name = (isExact ? "VarHandle_exactInvoker_" : "VarHandle_invoker_") + shortenSignature(basicTypeSignature(mtype)); LambdaForm.associateWithDebugName(lform, name); } lform.prepare(); lform = mtype.form().setCachedLambdaForm(which, lform); return lform; } @ForceInline /*non-public*/ @Hidden static MethodHandle checkVarHandleGenericType(VarHandle handle, VarHandle.AccessDescriptor ad) { if (handle.hasInvokeExactBehavior() && handle.accessModeType(ad.type) != ad.symbolicMethodTypeExact) { throw new WrongMethodTypeException("expected " + handle.accessModeType(ad.type) + " but found " + ad.symbolicMethodTypeExact); } // Test for exact match on invoker types // TODO match with erased types and add cast of return value to lambda form MethodHandle mh = handle.getMethodHandle(ad.mode); if (mh.type() != ad.symbolicMethodTypeInvoker) { return mh.asType(ad.symbolicMethodTypeInvoker); } return mh; } @ForceInline /*non-public*/ static MethodHandle checkVarHandleExactType(VarHandle handle, VarHandle.AccessDescriptor ad) { MethodHandle mh = handle.getMethodHandle(ad.mode); MethodType mt = mh.type(); if (mt != ad.symbolicMethodTypeInvoker) { throw newWrongMethodTypeException(mt, ad.symbolicMethodTypeInvoker); } return mh; } /*non-public*/ static WrongMethodTypeException newWrongMethodTypeException(MethodType actual, MethodType expected) { // FIXME: merge with JVM logic for throwing WMTE return new WrongMethodTypeException("expected "+expected+" but found "+actual); } /** Static definition of MethodHandle.invokeExact checking code. */ @ForceInline /*non-public*/ static void checkExactType(MethodHandle mh, MethodType expected) { MethodType actual = mh.type(); if (actual != expected) throw newWrongMethodTypeException(expected, actual); } /** Static definition of MethodHandle.invokeGeneric checking code. * Directly returns the type-adjusted MH to invoke, as follows: * {@code (R)MH.invoke(a*) => MH.asType(TYPEOF(a*:R)).invokeBasic(a*)} */ @ForceInline /*non-public*/ static MethodHandle checkGenericType(MethodHandle mh, MethodType expected) { return mh.asType(expected); /* Maybe add more paths here. Possible optimizations: * for (R)MH.invoke(a*), * let MT0 = TYPEOF(a*:R), MT1 = MH.type * * if MT0==MT1 or MT1 can be safely called by MT0 * => MH.invokeBasic(a*) * if MT1 can be safely called by MT0[R := Object] * => MH.invokeBasic(a*) & checkcast(R) * if MT1 can be safely called by MT0[* := Object] * => checkcast(A)* & MH.invokeBasic(a*) & checkcast(R) * if a big adapter BA can be pulled out of (MT0,MT1) * => BA.invokeBasic(MT0,MH,a*) * if a local adapter LA can be cached on static CS0 = new GICS(MT0) * => CS0.LA.invokeBasic(MH,a*) * else * => MH.asType(MT0).invokeBasic(A*) */ } @ForceInline /*non-public*/ static VarHandle directVarHandleTarget(VarHandle handle) { return handle.asDirect(); } static MemberName linkToCallSiteMethod(MethodType mtype) { LambdaForm lform = callSiteForm(mtype, false); return lform.vmentry; } static MemberName linkToTargetMethod(MethodType mtype) { LambdaForm lform = callSiteForm(mtype, true); return lform.vmentry; } // skipCallSite is true if we are optimizing a ConstantCallSite static LambdaForm callSiteForm(MethodType mtype, boolean skipCallSite) { mtype = mtype.basicType(); // normalize Z to I, String to Object, etc. final int which = (skipCallSite ? MethodTypeForm.LF_MH_LINKER : MethodTypeForm.LF_CS_LINKER); LambdaForm lform = mtype.form().cachedLambdaForm(which); if (lform != null) return lform; // exactInvokerForm (Object,Object)Object // link with java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle.invokeBasic(MethodHandle,Object,Object)Object/invokeSpecial final int ARG_BASE = 0; final int OUTARG_LIMIT = ARG_BASE + mtype.parameterCount(); final int INARG_LIMIT = OUTARG_LIMIT + 1; int nameCursor = OUTARG_LIMIT; final int APPENDIX_ARG = nameCursor++; // the last in-argument final int CSITE_ARG = skipCallSite ? -1 : APPENDIX_ARG; final int CALL_MH = skipCallSite ? APPENDIX_ARG : nameCursor++; // result of getTarget final int LINKER_CALL = nameCursor++; MethodType invokerFormType = mtype.appendParameterTypes(skipCallSite ? MethodHandle.class : CallSite.class); Name[] names = arguments(nameCursor - INARG_LIMIT, invokerFormType); assert(names.length == nameCursor); assert(names[APPENDIX_ARG] != null); if (!skipCallSite) names[CALL_MH] = new Name(getFunction(NF_getCallSiteTarget), names[CSITE_ARG]); // (site.)invokedynamic(a*):R => mh = site.getTarget(); mh.invokeBasic(a*) final int PREPEND_MH = 0, PREPEND_COUNT = 1; Object[] outArgs = Arrays.copyOfRange(names, ARG_BASE, OUTARG_LIMIT + PREPEND_COUNT, Object[].class); // prepend MH argument: System.arraycopy(outArgs, 0, outArgs, PREPEND_COUNT, outArgs.length - PREPEND_COUNT); outArgs[PREPEND_MH] = names[CALL_MH]; names[LINKER_CALL] = new Name(mtype, outArgs); lform = new LambdaForm(INARG_LIMIT, names, (skipCallSite ? LINK_TO_TARGET_METHOD : LINK_TO_CALL_SITE)); lform.compileToBytecode(); // JVM needs a real methodOop lform = mtype.form().setCachedLambdaForm(which, lform); return lform; } /** Static definition of MethodHandle.invokeGeneric checking code. */ @ForceInline /*non-public*/ static MethodHandle getCallSiteTarget(CallSite site) { return site.getTarget(); } @ForceInline /*non-public*/ static void checkCustomized(MethodHandle mh) { if (MethodHandleImpl.isCompileConstant(mh)) { return; // no need to customize a MH when the instance is known to JIT } if (mh.form.customized == null) { // fast approximate check that the underlying form is already customized maybeCustomize(mh); // marked w/ @DontInline } } @DontInline static void maybeCustomize(MethodHandle mh) { mh.maybeCustomize(); } // Local constant functions: private static final byte NF_checkExactType = 0, NF_checkGenericType = 1, NF_getCallSiteTarget = 2, NF_checkCustomized = 3, NF_checkVarHandleGenericType = 4, NF_checkVarHandleExactType = 5, NF_directVarHandleTarget = 6, NF_LIMIT = 7; private static final @Stable NamedFunction[] NFS = new NamedFunction[NF_LIMIT]; private static NamedFunction getFunction(byte func) { NamedFunction nf = NFS[func]; if (nf != null) { return nf; } NFS[func] = nf = createFunction(func); // Each nf must be statically invocable or we get tied up in our bootstraps. assert(InvokerBytecodeGenerator.isStaticallyInvocable(nf)); return nf; } private static NamedFunction createFunction(byte func) { try { return switch (func) { case NF_checkExactType -> getNamedFunction("checkExactType", MethodType.methodType(void.class, MethodHandle.class, MethodType.class)); case NF_checkGenericType -> getNamedFunction("checkGenericType", MethodType.methodType(MethodHandle.class, MethodHandle.class, MethodType.class)); case NF_getCallSiteTarget -> getNamedFunction("getCallSiteTarget", MethodType.methodType(MethodHandle.class, CallSite.class)); case NF_checkCustomized -> getNamedFunction("checkCustomized", MethodType.methodType(void.class, MethodHandle.class)); case NF_checkVarHandleGenericType -> getNamedFunction("checkVarHandleGenericType", MethodType.methodType(MethodHandle.class, VarHandle.class, VarHandle.AccessDescriptor.class)); case NF_checkVarHandleExactType -> getNamedFunction("checkVarHandleExactType", MethodType.methodType(MethodHandle.class, VarHandle.class, VarHandle.AccessDescriptor.class)); case NF_directVarHandleTarget -> getNamedFunction("directVarHandleTarget", MethodType.methodType(VarHandle.class, VarHandle.class)); default -> throw newInternalError("Unknown function: " + func); }; } catch (ReflectiveOperationException ex) { throw newInternalError(ex); } } private static NamedFunction getNamedFunction(String name, MethodType type) throws ReflectiveOperationException { MemberName member = new MemberName(Invokers.class, name, type, REF_invokeStatic); return new NamedFunction( MemberName.getFactory() .resolveOrFail(REF_invokeStatic, member, Invokers.class, LM_TRUSTED, NoSuchMethodException.class)); } private static class Lazy { private static final MethodHandle MH_asSpreader; static { try { MH_asSpreader = IMPL_LOOKUP.findVirtual(MethodHandle.class, "asSpreader", MethodType.methodType(MethodHandle.class, Class.class, int.class)); } catch (ReflectiveOperationException ex) { throw newInternalError(ex); } } } static { // The Holder class will contain pre-generated Invokers resolved // speculatively using MemberName.getFactory().resolveOrNull. However, that // doesn't initialize the class, which subtly breaks inlining etc. By forcing // initialization of the Holder class we avoid these issues. UNSAFE.ensureClassInitialized(Holder.class); } /* Placeholder class for Invokers generated ahead of time */ final class Holder {} }
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