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JDK 17 java.desktop.jmod - Desktop Module
JDK 17 java.desktop.jmod is the JMOD file for JDK 17 Desktop module.
JDK 17 Desktop module compiled class files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-17.0.5\jmods\java.desktop.jmod.
JDK 17 Desktop module compiled class files are also linked and stored in the \fyicenter\jdk-17.0.5\lib\modules JImage file.
JDK 17 Desktop module source code files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-17.0.5\lib\\java.desktop.
You can click and view the content of each source code file in the list below.
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/* * Copyright (c) 2011, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ package; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.plaf.*; import sun.lwawt.macosx.LWCToolkit; import apple.laf.JRSUIConstants.AlignmentHorizontal; import apple.laf.JRSUIConstants.AlignmentVertical; import apple.laf.JRSUIConstants.Direction; import apple.laf.JRSUIConstants.State; import apple.laf.JRSUIConstants.Widget; import apple.laf.*; import; import; import; import; import; import; import sun.awt.image.MultiResolutionCachedImage; import sun.lwawt.macosx.CImage; public class AquaImageFactory { public static IconUIResource getConfirmImageIcon() { // public, because UIDefaults.ProxyLazyValue uses reflection to get this value return new IconUIResource(new AquaIcon.CachingScalingIcon(kAlertIconSize, kAlertIconSize) { Image createImage() { return getGenericJavaIcon(); } }); } public static IconUIResource getCautionImageIcon() { // public, because UIDefaults.ProxyLazyValue uses reflection to get this value return getAppIconCompositedOn(AquaIcon.SystemIcon.getCautionIcon()); } public static IconUIResource getStopImageIcon() { // public, because UIDefaults.ProxyLazyValue uses reflection to get this value return getAppIconCompositedOn(AquaIcon.SystemIcon.getStopIcon()); } public static IconUIResource getLockImageIcon() { // public, because UIDefaults.ProxyLazyValue uses reflection to get this value if (JRSUIUtils.Images.shouldUseLegacySecurityUIPath()) { final Image lockIcon = CImage.createImageFromFile("/System/Library/CoreServices/", kAlertIconSize, kAlertIconSize); return getAppIconCompositedOn(lockIcon); } final Image lockIcon = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("NSImage://NSSecurity"); return getAppIconCompositedOn(lockIcon); } @SuppressWarnings("removal") static Image getGenericJavaIcon() { return PrivilegedAction<Image>() { public Image run() { return; } }); } @SuppressWarnings("removal") static String getPathToThisApplication() { return PrivilegedAction<String>() { public String run() { return FileManager.getPathToApplicationBundle(); } }); } static IconUIResource getAppIconCompositedOn(final SystemIcon systemIcon) { systemIcon.setSize(kAlertIconSize, kAlertIconSize); return getAppIconCompositedOn(systemIcon.createImage()); } private static final int kAlertIconSize = 64; static IconUIResource getAppIconCompositedOn(final Image background) { if (background instanceof MultiResolutionCachedImage) { int width = background.getWidth(null); Image mrIconImage = ((MultiResolutionCachedImage) background).map( rv -> getAppIconImageCompositedOn(rv, rv.getWidth(null) / width)); return new IconUIResource(new ImageIcon(mrIconImage)); } BufferedImage iconImage = getAppIconImageCompositedOn(background, 1); return new IconUIResource(new ImageIcon(iconImage)); } static BufferedImage getAppIconImageCompositedOn(final Image background, int scaleFactor) { final int scaledAlertIconSize = kAlertIconSize * scaleFactor; final int kAlertSubIconSize = (int) (scaledAlertIconSize * 0.5); final int kAlertSubIconInset = scaledAlertIconSize - kAlertSubIconSize; final Icon smallAppIconScaled = new AquaIcon.CachingScalingIcon( kAlertSubIconSize, kAlertSubIconSize) { Image createImage() { return getGenericJavaIcon(); } }; final BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(scaledAlertIconSize, scaledAlertIconSize, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB_PRE); final Graphics g = image.getGraphics(); g.drawImage(background, 0, 0, scaledAlertIconSize, scaledAlertIconSize, null); if (g instanceof Graphics2D) { // improves icon rendering quality in Quartz ((Graphics2D) g).setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_RENDERING, RenderingHints.VALUE_RENDER_QUALITY); } smallAppIconScaled.paintIcon(null, g, kAlertSubIconInset, kAlertSubIconInset); g.dispose(); return image; } public static IconUIResource getTreeFolderIcon() { // public, because UIDefaults.ProxyLazyValue uses reflection to get this value return AquaIcon.SystemIcon.getFolderIconUIResource(); } public static IconUIResource getTreeOpenFolderIcon() { // public, because UIDefaults.ProxyLazyValue uses reflection to get this value return AquaIcon.SystemIcon.getOpenFolderIconUIResource(); } public static IconUIResource getTreeDocumentIcon() { // public, because UIDefaults.ProxyLazyValue uses reflection to get this value return AquaIcon.SystemIcon.getDocumentIconUIResource(); } public static UIResource getTreeExpandedIcon() { // public, because UIDefaults.ProxyLazyValue uses reflection to get this value return AquaIcon.getIconFor(new JRSUIControlSpec() { public void initIconPainter(final AquaPainter<? extends JRSUIState> painter) { painter.state.set(Widget.DISCLOSURE_TRIANGLE); painter.state.set(State.ACTIVE); painter.state.set(Direction.DOWN); painter.state.set(AlignmentHorizontal.CENTER); painter.state.set(AlignmentVertical.CENTER); } }, 20, 20); } public static UIResource getTreeCollapsedIcon() { // public, because UIDefaults.ProxyLazyValue uses reflection to get this value return AquaIcon.getIconFor(new JRSUIControlSpec() { public void initIconPainter(final AquaPainter<? extends JRSUIState> painter) { painter.state.set(Widget.DISCLOSURE_TRIANGLE); painter.state.set(State.ACTIVE); painter.state.set(Direction.RIGHT); painter.state.set(AlignmentHorizontal.CENTER); painter.state.set(AlignmentVertical.CENTER); } }, 20, 20); } public static UIResource getTreeRightToLeftCollapsedIcon() { // public, because UIDefaults.ProxyLazyValue uses reflection to get this value return AquaIcon.getIconFor(new JRSUIControlSpec() { public void initIconPainter(final AquaPainter<? extends JRSUIState> painter) { painter.state.set(Widget.DISCLOSURE_TRIANGLE); painter.state.set(State.ACTIVE); painter.state.set(Direction.LEFT); painter.state.set(AlignmentHorizontal.CENTER); painter.state.set(AlignmentVertical.CENTER); } }, 20, 20); } static class NamedImageSingleton extends RecyclableSingleton<Image> { final String namedImage; NamedImageSingleton(final String namedImage) { this.namedImage = namedImage; } @Override protected Image getInstance() { return getNSIcon(namedImage); } } static class IconUIResourceSingleton extends RecyclableSingleton<IconUIResource> { final NamedImageSingleton holder; public IconUIResourceSingleton(final NamedImageSingleton holder) { this.holder = holder; } @Override protected IconUIResource getInstance() { return new IconUIResource(new ImageIcon(holder.get())); } } @SuppressWarnings("serial") // Superclass is not serializable across versions static class InvertableImageIcon extends ImageIcon implements InvertableIcon, UIResource { Icon invertedImage; public InvertableImageIcon(final Image image) { super(image); } @Override public Icon getInvertedIcon() { if (invertedImage != null) return invertedImage; return invertedImage = new IconUIResource(new ImageIcon(AquaUtils.generateLightenedImage(getImage(), 100))); } } private static final NamedImageSingleton northArrow = new NamedImageSingleton("NSMenuScrollUp"); private static final IconUIResourceSingleton northArrowIcon = new IconUIResourceSingleton(northArrow); private static final NamedImageSingleton southArrow = new NamedImageSingleton("NSMenuScrollDown"); private static final IconUIResourceSingleton southArrowIcon = new IconUIResourceSingleton(southArrow); private static final NamedImageSingleton westArrow = new NamedImageSingleton("NSMenuSubmenuLeft"); private static final IconUIResourceSingleton westArrowIcon = new IconUIResourceSingleton(westArrow); private static final NamedImageSingleton eastArrow = new NamedImageSingleton("NSMenuSubmenu"); private static final IconUIResourceSingleton eastArrowIcon = new IconUIResourceSingleton(eastArrow); static Image getArrowImageForDirection(final int direction) { switch(direction) { case SwingConstants.NORTH: return northArrow.get(); case SwingConstants.SOUTH: return southArrow.get(); case SwingConstants.EAST: return eastArrow.get(); case SwingConstants.WEST: return westArrow.get(); } return null; } static Icon getArrowIconForDirection(int direction) { switch(direction) { case SwingConstants.NORTH: return northArrowIcon.get(); case SwingConstants.SOUTH: return southArrowIcon.get(); case SwingConstants.EAST: return eastArrowIcon.get(); case SwingConstants.WEST: return westArrowIcon.get(); } return null; } public static Icon getMenuArrowIcon() { return new InvertableImageIcon(AquaUtils.generateLightenedImage(eastArrow.get(), 25)); } public static Icon getMenuItemCheckIcon() { return new InvertableImageIcon(AquaUtils.generateLightenedImage( getNSIcon("NSMenuItemSelection"), 25)); } public static Icon getMenuItemDashIcon() { return new InvertableImageIcon(AquaUtils.generateLightenedImage( getNSIcon("NSMenuMixedState"), 25)); } private static Image getNSIcon(String imageName) { Image icon = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit() .getImage("NSImage://" + imageName); return icon; } public static class NineSliceMetrics { public final int wCut, eCut, nCut, sCut; public final int minW, minH; public final boolean showMiddle, stretchH, stretchV; public NineSliceMetrics(final int minWidth, final int minHeight, final int westCut, final int eastCut, final int northCut, final int southCut) { this(minWidth, minHeight, westCut, eastCut, northCut, southCut, true); } public NineSliceMetrics(final int minWidth, final int minHeight, final int westCut, final int eastCut, final int northCut, final int southCut, final boolean showMiddle) { this(minWidth, minHeight, westCut, eastCut, northCut, southCut, showMiddle, true, true); } public NineSliceMetrics(final int minWidth, final int minHeight, final int westCut, final int eastCut, final int northCut, final int southCut, final boolean showMiddle, final boolean stretchHorizontally, final boolean stretchVertically) { this.wCut = westCut; this.eCut = eastCut; this.nCut = northCut; this.sCut = southCut; this.minW = minWidth; this.minH = minHeight; this.showMiddle = showMiddle; this.stretchH = stretchHorizontally; this.stretchV = stretchVertically; } } /* * A "paintable" which holds nine images, which represent a sliced up initial * image that can be streched from its middles. */ public static class SlicedImageControl { final BufferedImage NW, N, NE; final BufferedImage W, C, E; final BufferedImage SW, S, SE; final NineSliceMetrics metrics; final int totalWidth, totalHeight; final int centerColWidth, centerRowHeight; public SlicedImageControl(final Image img, final int westCut, final int eastCut, final int northCut, final int southCut) { this(img, westCut, eastCut, northCut, southCut, true); } public SlicedImageControl(final Image img, final int westCut, final int eastCut, final int northCut, final int southCut, final boolean useMiddle) { this(img, westCut, eastCut, northCut, southCut, useMiddle, true, true); } public SlicedImageControl(final Image img, final int westCut, final int eastCut, final int northCut, final int southCut, final boolean useMiddle, final boolean stretchHorizontally, final boolean stretchVertically) { this(img, new NineSliceMetrics(img.getWidth(null), img.getHeight(null), westCut, eastCut, northCut, southCut, useMiddle, stretchHorizontally, stretchVertically)); } public SlicedImageControl(final Image img, final NineSliceMetrics metrics) { this.metrics = metrics; if (img.getWidth(null) != metrics.minW || img.getHeight(null) != metrics.minH) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("SlicedImageControl: template image and NineSliceMetrics don't agree on minimum dimensions"); } totalWidth = metrics.minW; totalHeight = metrics.minH; centerColWidth = totalWidth - metrics.wCut - metrics.eCut; centerRowHeight = totalHeight - metrics.nCut - metrics.sCut; NW = createSlice(img, 0, 0, metrics.wCut, metrics.nCut); N = createSlice(img, metrics.wCut, 0, centerColWidth, metrics.nCut); NE = createSlice(img, totalWidth - metrics.eCut, 0, metrics.eCut, metrics.nCut); W = createSlice(img, 0, metrics.nCut, metrics.wCut, centerRowHeight); C = metrics.showMiddle ? createSlice(img, metrics.wCut, metrics.nCut, centerColWidth, centerRowHeight) : null; E = createSlice(img, totalWidth - metrics.eCut, metrics.nCut, metrics.eCut, centerRowHeight); SW = createSlice(img, 0, totalHeight - metrics.sCut, metrics.wCut, metrics.sCut); S = createSlice(img, metrics.wCut, totalHeight - metrics.sCut, centerColWidth, metrics.sCut); SE = createSlice(img, totalWidth - metrics.eCut, totalHeight - metrics.sCut, metrics.eCut, metrics.sCut); } static BufferedImage createSlice(final Image img, final int x, final int y, final int w, final int h) { if (w == 0 || h == 0) return null; final BufferedImage slice = new BufferedImage(w, h, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB_PRE); final Graphics2D g2d = slice.createGraphics(); g2d.drawImage(img, 0, 0, w, h, x, y, x + w, y + h, null); g2d.dispose(); return slice; } public void paint(final Graphics g, final int x, final int y, final int w, final int h) { g.translate(x, y); if (w < totalWidth || h < totalHeight) { paintCompressed(g, w, h); } else { paintStretchedMiddles(g, w, h); } g.translate(-x, -y); } void paintStretchedMiddles(final Graphics g, final int w, final int h) { int baseX = metrics.stretchH ? 0 : ((w / 2) - (totalWidth / 2)); int baseY = metrics.stretchV ? 0 : ((h / 2) - (totalHeight / 2)); int adjustedWidth = metrics.stretchH ? w : totalWidth; int adjustedHeight = metrics.stretchV ? h : totalHeight; if (NW != null) g.drawImage(NW, baseX, baseY, null); if (N != null) g.drawImage(N, baseX + metrics.wCut, baseY, adjustedWidth - metrics.eCut - metrics.wCut, metrics.nCut, null); if (NE != null) g.drawImage(NE, baseX + adjustedWidth - metrics.eCut, baseY, null); if (W != null) g.drawImage(W, baseX, baseY + metrics.nCut, metrics.wCut, adjustedHeight - metrics.nCut - metrics.sCut, null); if (C != null) g.drawImage(C, baseX + metrics.wCut, baseY + metrics.nCut, adjustedWidth - metrics.eCut - metrics.wCut, adjustedHeight - metrics.nCut - metrics.sCut, null); if (E != null) g.drawImage(E, baseX + adjustedWidth - metrics.eCut, baseY + metrics.nCut, metrics.eCut, adjustedHeight - metrics.nCut - metrics.sCut, null); if (SW != null) g.drawImage(SW, baseX, baseY + adjustedHeight - metrics.sCut, null); if (S != null) g.drawImage(S, baseX + metrics.wCut, baseY + adjustedHeight - metrics.sCut, adjustedWidth - metrics.eCut - metrics.wCut, metrics.sCut, null); if (SE != null) g.drawImage(SE, baseX + adjustedWidth - metrics.eCut, baseY + adjustedHeight - metrics.sCut, null); /* if (NW != null) {g.setColor(Color.GREEN); g.fillRect(baseX, baseY, NW.getWidth(), NW.getHeight());} if (N != null) {g.setColor(Color.RED); g.fillRect(baseX + metrics.wCut, baseY, adjustedWidth - metrics.eCut - metrics.wCut, metrics.nCut);} if (NE != null) {g.setColor(Color.BLUE); g.fillRect(baseX + adjustedWidth - metrics.eCut, baseY, NE.getWidth(), NE.getHeight());} if (W != null) {g.setColor(Color.PINK); g.fillRect(baseX, baseY + metrics.nCut, metrics.wCut, adjustedHeight - metrics.nCut - metrics.sCut);} if (C != null) {g.setColor(Color.ORANGE); g.fillRect(baseX + metrics.wCut, baseY + metrics.nCut, adjustedWidth - metrics.eCut - metrics.wCut, adjustedHeight - metrics.nCut - metrics.sCut);} if (E != null) {g.setColor(Color.CYAN); g.fillRect(baseX + adjustedWidth - metrics.eCut, baseY + metrics.nCut, metrics.eCut, adjustedHeight - metrics.nCut - metrics.sCut);} if (SW != null) {g.setColor(Color.MAGENTA); g.fillRect(baseX, baseY + adjustedHeight - metrics.sCut, SW.getWidth(), SW.getHeight());} if (S != null) {g.setColor(Color.DARK_GRAY); g.fillRect(baseX + metrics.wCut, baseY + adjustedHeight - metrics.sCut, adjustedWidth - metrics.eCut - metrics.wCut, metrics.sCut);} if (SE != null) {g.setColor(Color.YELLOW); g.fillRect(baseX + adjustedWidth - metrics.eCut, baseY + adjustedHeight - metrics.sCut, SE.getWidth(), SE.getHeight());} */ } void paintCompressed(final Graphics g, final int w, final int h) { final double heightRatio = h > totalHeight ? 1.0 : (double)h / (double)totalHeight; final double widthRatio = w > totalWidth ? 1.0 : (double)w / (double)totalWidth; final int northHeight = (int)(metrics.nCut * heightRatio); final int southHeight = (int)(metrics.sCut * heightRatio); final int centerHeight = h - northHeight - southHeight; final int westWidth = (int)(metrics.wCut * widthRatio); final int eastWidth = (int)(metrics.eCut * widthRatio); final int centerWidth = w - westWidth - eastWidth; if (NW != null) g.drawImage(NW, 0, 0, westWidth, northHeight, null); if (N != null) g.drawImage(N, westWidth, 0, centerWidth, northHeight, null); if (NE != null) g.drawImage(NE, w - eastWidth, 0, eastWidth, northHeight, null); if (W != null) g.drawImage(W, 0, northHeight, westWidth, centerHeight, null); if (C != null) g.drawImage(C, westWidth, northHeight, centerWidth, centerHeight, null); if (E != null) g.drawImage(E, w - eastWidth, northHeight, eastWidth, centerHeight, null); if (SW != null) g.drawImage(SW, 0, h - southHeight, westWidth, southHeight, null); if (S != null) g.drawImage(S, westWidth, h - southHeight, centerWidth, southHeight, null); if (SE != null) g.drawImage(SE, w - eastWidth, h - southHeight, eastWidth, southHeight, null); } } public abstract static class RecyclableSlicedImageControl extends RecyclableObject<SlicedImageControl> { final NineSliceMetrics metrics; public RecyclableSlicedImageControl(final NineSliceMetrics metrics) { this.metrics = metrics; } @Override protected SlicedImageControl create() { return new SlicedImageControl(createTemplateImage(metrics.minW, metrics.minH), metrics); } protected abstract Image createTemplateImage(final int width, final int height); } // when we use SystemColors, we need to proxy the color with something that implements UIResource, // so that it will be uninstalled when the look and feel is changed. @SuppressWarnings("serial") // JDK implementation class private static class SystemColorProxy extends Color implements UIResource { final Color color; public SystemColorProxy(final Color color) { super(color.getRGB()); this.color = color; } public int getRGB() { return color.getRGB(); } } public static Color getWindowBackgroundColorUIResource() { //return AquaNativeResources.getWindowBackgroundColorUIResource(); return new SystemColorProxy(SystemColor.window); } public static Color getTextSelectionBackgroundColorUIResource() { return new SystemColorProxy(SystemColor.textHighlight); } public static Color getTextSelectionForegroundColorUIResource() { return new SystemColorProxy(SystemColor.textHighlightText); } public static Color getSelectionBackgroundColorUIResource() { return new SystemColorProxy(SystemColor.controlHighlight); } public static Color getSelectionForegroundColorUIResource() { return new SystemColorProxy(SystemColor.controlLtHighlight); } public static Color getFocusRingColorUIResource() { return new SystemColorProxy(LWCToolkit.getAppleColor(LWCToolkit.KEYBOARD_FOCUS_COLOR)); } public static Color getSelectionInactiveBackgroundColorUIResource() { return new SystemColorProxy(LWCToolkit.getAppleColor(LWCToolkit.INACTIVE_SELECTION_BACKGROUND_COLOR)); } public static Color getSelectionInactiveForegroundColorUIResource() { return new SystemColorProxy(LWCToolkit.getAppleColor(LWCToolkit.INACTIVE_SELECTION_FOREGROUND_COLOR)); } public static Color getSelectedControlColorUIResource() { return new SystemColorProxy(LWCToolkit.getAppleColor(LWCToolkit.SELECTED_CONTROL_TEXT_COLOR)); } }
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