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JDK 17 jdk.incubator.vector.jmod - JDK Incubator Vector
JDK 17 jdk.incubator.vector.jmod is the JMOD file for JDK 17 HTTP Server module.
JDK 17 Incubator Vector module compiled class files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-17.0.5\jmods\jdk.incubator.vector.jmod.
JDK 17 Incubator Vector module compiled class files are also linked and stored in the \fyicenter\jdk-17.0.5\lib\modules JImage file.
JDK 17 Incubator Vector module source code files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-17.0.5\lib\\jdk.incubator.vector.
You can click and view the content of each source code file in the list below.
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⏎ jdk/incubator/vector/
/* * Copyright (c) 2019, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ package jdk.incubator.vector; import jdk.internal.vm.annotation.ForceInline; import jdk.internal.vm.annotation.Stable; import static jdk.internal.vm.vector.VectorSupport.*; import static jdk.incubator.vector.VectorIntrinsics.*; /** * Local type witness for primitive types int.class, etc. * It caches all sorts of goodies that we can't put on java.lang.Class. */ enum LaneType { FLOAT(float.class, Float.class, float[].class, 'F', 24, Float.SIZE, T_FLOAT), DOUBLE(double.class, Double.class, double[].class, 'F', 53, Double.SIZE, T_DOUBLE), BYTE(byte.class, Byte.class, byte[].class, 'I', -1, Byte.SIZE, T_BYTE), SHORT(short.class, Short.class, short[].class, 'I', -1, Short.SIZE, T_SHORT), INT(int.class, Integer.class, int[].class, 'I', -1, Integer.SIZE, T_INT), LONG(long.class, Long.class, long[].class, 'I', -1, Long.SIZE, T_LONG); LaneType(Class<?> elementType, Class<?> genericElementType, Class<?> arrayType, char elementKind, int elementPrecision, int elementSize, int basicType) { if (elementPrecision <= 0) elementPrecision += elementSize; this.elementType = elementType; this.genericElementType = genericElementType; this.arrayType = arrayType; this.elementKind = elementKind; this.elementPrecision = elementPrecision; this.elementSize = elementSize; this.elementSizeLog2 = Integer.numberOfTrailingZeros(elementSize); assert(elementSize == (1 << elementSizeLog2)); this.switchKey = 1+ordinal(); this.printName = elementType.getSimpleName(); // Note: If we ever have non-standard lane sizes, such as // int:128 or int:4 or float:16, report the size in the // printName. If we do unsigned or vector or bit lane types, // report that condition also. this.typeChar = printName.toUpperCase().charAt(0); assert("FDBSIL".indexOf(typeChar) == ordinal()) : this; // Same as in JVMS, org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes, etc.: this.basicType = basicType; assert(basicType == ( (elementSizeLog2 - /*lg(Byte.SIZE)*/ 3) | (elementKind == 'F' ? 4 : 8))) : this; assert("....zcFDBSILoav..".charAt(basicType) == typeChar); } final Class<?> elementType; final Class<?> arrayType; final Class<?> genericElementType; final int elementSize; final int elementSizeLog2; final int elementPrecision; final char elementKind; // 'I' or 'F' final int switchKey; // 1+ordinal(), which is non-zero final String printName; final char typeChar; // one of "BSILFD" final int basicType; // lg(size/8) | (kind=='F'?4:kind=='I'?8) private @Stable LaneType asIntegral; private @Stable LaneType asFloating; @Override public String toString() { return printName; } LaneType asIntegral() { return asIntegral.check(); } LaneType asFloating() { if (asFloating == null) { throw badElementType(elementType, "either int or long, to reinterpret as float or double"); } return asFloating; } /** Decode a class mirror for an element type into an enum. */ @ForceInline static LaneType of(Class<?> elementType) { // The following two lines are expected to // constant fold in the JIT, if the argument // is constant and this method is inlined. int c0 = elementType.getName().charAt(0); LaneType type = ENUM_FROM_C0[c0 & C0_MASK]; // This line can short-circuit if a valid // elementType constant was passed: if (type != null && type.elementType == elementType) { return type; } // Come here if something went wrong. return ofSlow(elementType); } private static LaneType ofSlow(Class<?> elementType) { for (LaneType type : ENUM_VALUES) { if (type.elementType == elementType) { return type; } } throw badElementType(elementType, "a primitive type such as byte.class with a known bit-size"); } /** * Finds a LaneType for the given query-type. * The element type, box type, and array type are * all matched. May be helpful for error messages. */ /*package-private*/ static LaneType forClassOrNull(Class<?> queryType) { for (LaneType type : ENUM_VALUES) { if (type.genericElementType == queryType) { return type; } if (type.elementType == queryType) { return type; } if (type.arrayType == queryType) { return type; } } return null; } LaneType check(Class<?> expectedType) { if (expectedType == this.elementType) return this; throw badElementType(this.elementType, expectedType); } private static RuntimeException badElementType(Class<?> elementType, Object expected) { String msg = String.format("Bad vector element type: %s (should be %s)", elementType, expected); if (expected instanceof Class) { // Failure mode for check(). return new ClassCastException(msg); } else { // Failure mode for VectorSpecies.{of*,withLanes}. return new UnsupportedOperationException(msg); } } // Switch keys for local use. // We need these because switches keyed on enums // don't optimize properly; see JDK-8161245 static final int SK_FLOAT = 1, SK_DOUBLE = 2, SK_BYTE = 3, SK_SHORT = 4, SK_INT = 5, SK_LONG = 6, SK_LIMIT = 7; /*package-private*/ @ForceInline static LaneType ofSwitchKey(int sk) { return ENUM_FROM_SK[sk].check(); } /*package-private*/ @ForceInline static LaneType ofBasicType(int bt) { return ENUM_FROM_BT[bt].check(); } /*package-private*/ @ForceInline final LaneType check() { return this; } // Constant-foldable tables mapping ordinals, switch keys, // and first characters of type names to enum values. @Stable private static final LaneType[] ENUM_VALUES; @Stable private static final LaneType[] ENUM_FROM_SK; @Stable private static final LaneType[] ENUM_FROM_C0; @Stable private static final LaneType[] ENUM_FROM_BT; private static final int C0_MASK = 0x0F, BT_MASK = 0x0F; static { LaneType[] values = values().clone(); LaneType[] valuesByKey = new LaneType[1+values.length]; LaneType[] valuesByC0 = new LaneType[C0_MASK+1]; LaneType[] valuesByBT = new LaneType[BT_MASK+1]; for (int ord = 0; ord < values.length; ord++) { int key = 1+ord; LaneType value = values[ord]; valuesByKey[key] = value; try { assert(LaneType.class .getDeclaredField("SK_" .get(null).equals(key)); } catch (ReflectiveOperationException ex) { throw new AssertionError(ex); } int c0 = value.elementType.getName().charAt(0); c0 &= C0_MASK; assert(valuesByC0[c0] == null); valuesByC0[c0] = value; assert(valuesByBT[value.basicType] == null); valuesByBT[value.basicType] = value; // set up asIntegral if (value.elementKind == 'I') { value.asIntegral = value; } else { for (LaneType v : values) { if (v.elementKind == 'I' && v.elementSize == value.elementSize) { value.asIntegral = v; break; } } } // set up asFloating if (value.elementKind == 'F') { value.asFloating = value; } else { for (LaneType v : values) { if (v.elementKind == 'F' && v.elementSize == value.elementSize) { value.asFloating = v; break; } } } } // Test the asIntegral/asFloating links: for (LaneType lt : values) { if (lt.elementKind == 'I') { assert(lt.asIntegral == lt); if (lt.asFloating == null) { assert(lt.elementSize < Float.SIZE); } else { assert(lt.asFloating.elementKind == 'F' && lt.asFloating.elementSize == lt.elementSize); } } else { assert(lt.elementKind == 'F'); assert(lt.asFloating == lt); assert(lt.asIntegral.elementKind == 'I' && lt.asIntegral.elementSize == lt.elementSize); } } ENUM_VALUES = values; ENUM_FROM_SK = valuesByKey; ENUM_FROM_C0 = valuesByC0; ENUM_FROM_BT = valuesByBT; } static { assert(ofBasicType(T_FLOAT) == FLOAT); assert(ofBasicType(T_DOUBLE) == DOUBLE); assert(ofBasicType(T_BYTE) == BYTE); assert(ofBasicType(T_SHORT) == SHORT); assert(ofBasicType(T_INT) == INT); assert(ofBasicType(T_LONG) == LONG); } }
⏎ jdk/incubator/vector/
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File name: File size: 350622 bytes Release date: 2022-09-13 Download
⇒ JDK 17 jdk.internal.ed.jmod - Internal Editor Module
2023-10-04, 4049👍, 0💬
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