Woodstox 6.4.0 - Source Code Files

Woodstox 6.4.0 Source Code Files are provided at the Woodstox GitHub Website.

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package com.ctc.wstx.dom;

import javax.xml.namespace.NamespaceContext;

import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;

import com.ctc.wstx.sw.OutputElementBase;
import com.ctc.wstx.util.BijectiveNsMap;

 * Context object that holds information about an open element
 * (one for which START_ELEMENT has been sent, but no END_ELEMENT)
public final class DOMOutputElement
    extends OutputElementBase
     * Reference to the parent element, element enclosing this element.
     * Null for root element.
     * Non-final to allow temporary pooling
     * (on per-writer basis, to keep these short-lived).
    private DOMOutputElement mParent;

     * DOM node that is the root under which content is written, in case
     * where there is no parent (mParent == null). If mParent is not null,
     * this will be null.
     * Value is of type
     * {@link Document}, {@link DocumentFragment} or {@link Element}
    private final Node mRootNode;
     * Actual DOM element for which this element object acts as a proxy.
    private Element mElement;

    private boolean mDefaultNsSet;

     * Constructor for the virtual root element
    private DOMOutputElement(Node rootNode)
        mRootNode = rootNode;
        mParent = null;
        mElement = null;
        mNsMapping = null;
        mNsMapShared = false;
        mDefaultNsURI = "";
        mRootNsContext = null;
        mDefaultNsSet = false;

    private DOMOutputElement(DOMOutputElement parent, Element element, BijectiveNsMap ns)
        super(parent, ns);
        mRootNode = null;
        mParent = parent;
        mElement = element;
        mNsMapping = ns;
        mNsMapShared = (ns != null);
        mDefaultNsURI = parent.mDefaultNsURI;
        mRootNsContext = parent.mRootNsContext;
        mDefaultNsSet = false;

     * Method called to reuse a pooled instance.
     * @returns Chained pooled instance that should now be head of the
     *   reuse chain
    private void relink(DOMOutputElement parent, Element element)
        mParent = parent;
        mElement = element;
        mDefaultNsSet = false;

    public static DOMOutputElement createRoot(Node rootNode)
        return new DOMOutputElement(rootNode);
     * Simplest factory method, which gets called when a 1-argument
     * element output method is called. It is, then, assumed to
     * use the default namespace.
     * Will both create the child element and attach it to parent element,
     * or lacking own owner document.
    protected DOMOutputElement createAndAttachChild(Element element)
        if (mRootNode != null) {
        } else {
        return createChild(element);

    protected DOMOutputElement createChild(Element element)
        return new DOMOutputElement(this, element, mNsMapping);

     * @return New head of the recycle pool
    protected DOMOutputElement reuseAsChild(DOMOutputElement parent, Element element)
        DOMOutputElement poolHead = mParent;
        relink(parent, element);
        return poolHead;

     * Method called to temporarily link this instance to a pool, to
     * allow reusing of instances with the same reader.
    protected void addToPool(DOMOutputElement poolHead)
        mParent = poolHead;
    // Public API, accessors

    public DOMOutputElement getParent() {
        return mParent;

    public boolean isRoot() {
        // (Virtual) Root element has no parent...
        return (mParent == null);
     * @return String presentation of the fully-qualified name, in
     *   "prefix:localName" format (no URI). Useful for error and
     *   debugging messages.
    public String getNameDesc() {
        if(mElement != null) {
            return mElement.getLocalName();
        return "#error"; // unexpected case
    // Public API, mutators

    public void setDefaultNsUri(String uri) {
        mDefaultNsURI = uri;
        mDefaultNsSet = true;

    protected void setRootNsContext(NamespaceContext ctxt)
        mRootNsContext = ctxt;
        /* Let's also see if we have an active default ns mapping:
         * (provided it hasn't yet explicitly been set for this element)
        if (!mDefaultNsSet) {
            String defURI = ctxt.getNamespaceURI("");
            if (defURI != null && defURI.length() > 0) {
                mDefaultNsURI = defURI;

    // Public API, DOM manipulation
    protected void appendNode(Node n)
        if (mRootNode != null) {
        } else {

    protected void addAttribute(String pname, String value)
        mElement.setAttribute(pname, value);

    protected void addAttribute(String uri, String qname, String value)
        mElement.setAttributeNS(uri, qname, value);

    public void appendChild(Node n) {



Or download all of them as a single archive file:

File name: woodstox-core-6.4.0-fyi.zip
File size: 552992 bytes
Release date: 2022-10-25



woodstox-core-6.4.0.jar - Woodstox Core 6.4.0

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