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⏎ com/ctc/wstx/dtd/
/* Woodstox XML processor * * Copyright (c) 2004- Tatu Saloranta, * * Licensed under the License specified in file LICENSE, included with * the source code. * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.ctc.wstx.dtd; import; import; import; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.*; import; import; import; import; import org.codehaus.stax2.validation.XMLValidationProblem; import org.codehaus.stax2.validation.XMLValidator; import com.ctc.wstx.api.ReaderConfig; import com.ctc.wstx.cfg.ErrorConsts; import com.ctc.wstx.cfg.XmlConsts; import com.ctc.wstx.ent.*; import com.ctc.wstx.evt.WNotationDeclaration; import com.ctc.wstx.exc.WstxIOException; import; import; import com.ctc.wstx.util.*; /** * Reader that reads in DTD information from internal or external subset. *<p> * There are 2 main modes for DTDReader, depending on whether it is parsing * internal or external subset. Parsing of internal subset is somewhat * simpler, since no dependency checking is needed. For external subset, * handling of parameter entities is bit more complicated, as care has to * be taken to distinguish between using PEs defined in int. subset, and * ones defined in ext. subset itself. This determines cachability of * external subsets. *<p> * Reader also implements simple stand-alone functionality for flattening * DTD files (expanding all references to their eventual textual form); * this is sometimes useful when optimizing modularized DTDs * (which are more maintainable) into single monolithic DTDs (which in * general can be more performant). * * @author Tatu Saloranta */ public class FullDTDReader extends MinimalDTDReader { /** * Flag that can be changed to enable or disable interning of shared * names; shared names are used for enumerated values to reduce * memory usage. */ final static boolean INTERN_SHARED_NAMES = false; // // // Entity expansion types: final static Boolean ENTITY_EXP_GE = Boolean.FALSE; final static Boolean ENTITY_EXP_PE = Boolean.TRUE; /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Configuration /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ final int mConfigFlags; // Extracted wstx-specific settings: final boolean mCfgSupportDTDPP; /** * This flag indicates whether we should build a validating 'real' * validator (true, the usual case), * or a simpler pseudo-validator that can do all non-validation tasks * that are based on DTD info (entity expansion, notation references, * default attribute values). Latter is used in non-validating mode. *<p> */ final boolean mCfgFullyValidating; /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Entity handling, parameter entities (PEs) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ /** * Set of parameter entities defined so far in the currently parsed * subset. Note: the first definition sticks, entities can not be * redefined. *<p> * Keys are entity name Strings; values are instances of EntityDecl */ HashMap<String,EntityDecl> mParamEntities; /** * Set of parameter entities already defined for the subset being * parsed; namely, PEs defined in the internal subset passed when * parsing matching external subset. Null when parsing internal * subset. */ final HashMap<String,EntityDecl> mPredefdPEs; /** * Set of parameter entities (ids) that have been referenced by this * DTD; only maintained for external subsets, and only as long as * no pre-defined PE has been referenced. */ Set<String> mRefdPEs; /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Entity handling, general entities (GEs) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ /** * Set of generic entities defined so far in this subset. * As with parameter entities, the first definition sticks. *<p> * Keys are entity name Strings; values are instances of EntityDecl *<p> * Note: this Map only contains entities declared and defined in the * subset being parsed; no previously defined values are passed. */ HashMap<String,EntityDecl> mGeneralEntities; /** * Set of general entities already defined for the subset being * parsed; namely, PEs defined in the internal subset passed when * parsing matching external subset. Null when parsing internal * subset. Such entities are only needed directly for one purpose; * to be expanded when reading attribute default value definitions. */ final HashMap<String,EntityDecl> mPredefdGEs; /** * Set of general entities (ids) that have been referenced by this * DTD; only maintained for external subsets, and only as long as * no pre-defined GEs have been referenced. */ Set<String> mRefdGEs; /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Entity handling, both PEs and GEs /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ /** * Flag used to keep track of whether current (external) subset * has referenced at least one PE that was pre-defined. */ boolean mUsesPredefdEntities = false; /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Notation settings /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ /** * Set of notations defined so far. Since it's illegal to (try to) * redefine notations, there's no specific precedence. *<p> * Keys are entity name Strings; values are instances of * NotationDecl objects */ HashMap<String,NotationDeclaration> mNotations; /** * Notations already parsed before current subset; that is, * notations from the internal subset if we are currently * parsing matching external subset. */ final HashMap<String,NotationDeclaration> mPredefdNotations; /** * Flag used to keep track of whether current (external) subset * has referenced at least one notation that was defined in internal * subset. If so, can not cache the external subset */ boolean mUsesPredefdNotations = false; /** * Finally, we need to keep track of Notation references that were * made prior to declaration. This is needed to ensure that all * references can be properly resolved. */ HashMap<String,Location> mNotationForwardRefs; /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Element specifications /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ /** * Map used to shared PrefixedName instances, to reduce memory usage * of (qualified) element and attribute names */ HashMap<PrefixedName,PrefixedName> mSharedNames = null; /** * Contains definition of elements and matching content specifications. * Also contains temporary placeholders for elements that are indirectly * "created" by ATTLIST declarations that precede actual declaration * for the ELEMENT referred to. */ LinkedHashMap<PrefixedName,DTDElement> mElements; /** * Map used for sharing legal enumeration values; used since oftentimes * same enumeration values are used with multiple attributes */ HashMap<String,String> mSharedEnumValues = null; /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Entity expansion state /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ /** * This is the attribute default value that is currently being parsed. * Needs to be a global member due to the way entity expansion failures * are reported: problems need to be attached to this object, even * thought the default value itself will not be passed through. */ DefaultAttrValue mCurrAttrDefault = null; /** * Flag that indicates if the currently expanding (or last expanded) * entity is a Parameter Entity or General Entity. */ boolean mExpandingPE = false; /** * Text buffer used for constructing expansion value of the internal * entities, and for default attribute values. * Lazily constructed when needed, reused. */ TextBuffer mValueBuffer = null; /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Reader state /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ /** * Nesting count for conditionally included sections; 0 means that * we are not inside such a section. Note that condition ignore is * handled separately. */ int mIncludeCount = 0; /** * This flag is used to catch uses of PEs in the internal subset * within declarations (full declarations are ok, but not other types) */ boolean mCheckForbiddenPEs = false; /** * Keyword of the declaration being currently parsed (if any). Can be * used for error reporting purposes. */ String mCurrDeclaration; /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DTD++ support information /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ /** * Flag that indicates if any DTD++ features have been encountered * (in DTD++-supporting mode). */ boolean mAnyDTDppFeatures = false; /** * Currently active default namespace URI. */ String mDefaultNsURI = ""; /** * Prefix-to-NsURI mappings for this DTD, if any: lazily * constructed when needed */ HashMap<String,String> mNamespaces = null; /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Additional support for creating expanded output // of processed DTD. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ DTDWriter mFlattenWriter = null; /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Support for SAX API impl: /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ final DTDEventListener mEventListener; transient TextBuffer mTextBuffer = null; /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Life-cycle /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ /** * Constructor used for reading/skipping internal subset. */ private FullDTDReader(WstxInputSource input, ReaderConfig cfg, boolean constructFully, int xmlVersion) { this(input, cfg, false, null, constructFully, xmlVersion); } /** * Constructor used for reading external subset. */ private FullDTDReader(WstxInputSource input, ReaderConfig cfg, DTDSubset intSubset, boolean constructFully, int xmlVersion) { this(input, cfg, true, intSubset, constructFully, xmlVersion); // Let's make sure line/col offsets are correct... input.initInputLocation(this, mCurrDepth, 0); } /** * Common initialization part of int/ext subset constructors. */ private FullDTDReader(WstxInputSource input, ReaderConfig cfg, boolean isExt, DTDSubset intSubset, boolean constructFully, int xmlVersion) { super(input, cfg, isExt); /* What matters here is what the main xml doc had; that determines * xml conformance level to use. */ mDocXmlVersion = xmlVersion; mXml11 = cfg.isXml11(); int cfgFlags = cfg.getConfigFlags(); mConfigFlags = cfgFlags; mCfgSupportDTDPP = (cfgFlags & CFG_SUPPORT_DTDPP) != 0; mCfgFullyValidating = constructFully; mUsesPredefdEntities = false; mParamEntities = null; mRefdPEs = null; mRefdGEs = null; mGeneralEntities = null; // Did we get any existing parameter entities? HashMap<String,EntityDecl> pes = (intSubset == null) ? null : intSubset.getParameterEntityMap(); if (pes == null || pes.isEmpty()) { mPredefdPEs = null; } else { mPredefdPEs = pes; } // How about general entities (needed only for attr. def. values) HashMap<String,EntityDecl> ges = (intSubset == null) ? null : intSubset.getGeneralEntityMap(); if (ges == null || ges.isEmpty()) { mPredefdGEs = null; } else { mPredefdGEs = ges; } // And finally, notations HashMap<String,NotationDeclaration> not = (intSubset == null) ? null : intSubset.getNotationMap(); if (not == null || not.isEmpty()) { mPredefdNotations = null; } else { mPredefdNotations = not; } mEventListener = mConfig.getDTDEventListener(); } /** * Method called to read in the internal subset definition. */ public static DTDSubset readInternalSubset(WstxInputData srcData, WstxInputSource input, ReaderConfig cfg, boolean constructFully, int xmlVersion) throws XMLStreamException { FullDTDReader r = new FullDTDReader(input, cfg, constructFully, xmlVersion); // Need to read using the same low-level reader interface: r.copyBufferStateFrom(srcData); DTDSubset ss; try { ss = r.parseDTD(); } finally { /* And then need to restore changes back to owner (line nrs etc); * effectively means that we'll stop reading external DTD subset, * if so. */ srcData.copyBufferStateFrom(r); } return ss; } /** * Method called to read in the external subset definition. */ public static DTDSubset readExternalSubset (WstxInputSource src, ReaderConfig cfg, DTDSubset intSubset, boolean constructFully, int xmlVersion) throws XMLStreamException { FullDTDReader r = new FullDTDReader(src, cfg, intSubset, constructFully, xmlVersion); return r.parseDTD(); } /** * Method that will parse, process and output contents of an external * DTD subset. It will do processing similar to * {@link #readExternalSubset}, but additionally will copy its processed * ("flattened") input to specified writer. * * @param src Input source used to read the main external subset * @param flattenWriter Writer to output processed DTD content to * @param inclComments If true, will pass comments to the writer; if false, * will strip comments out * @param inclConditionals If true, will include conditional block markers, * as well as intervening content; if false, will strip out both markers * and ignorable sections. * @param inclPEs If true, will output parameter entity declarations; if * false will parse and use them, but not output. */ public static DTDSubset flattenExternalSubset(WstxInputSource src, Writer flattenWriter, boolean inclComments, boolean inclConditionals, boolean inclPEs) throws IOException, XMLStreamException { ReaderConfig cfg = ReaderConfig.createFullDefaults(); // Need to create a non-shared copy to populate symbol table field cfg = cfg.createNonShared(new SymbolTable()); /* Let's assume xml 1.0... can be taken as an arg later on, if we * truly care. */ FullDTDReader r = new FullDTDReader(src, cfg, null, true, XmlConsts.XML_V_UNKNOWN); r.setFlattenWriter(flattenWriter, inclComments, inclConditionals, inclPEs); DTDSubset ss = r.parseDTD(); r.flushFlattenWriter(); flattenWriter.flush(); return ss; } private TextBuffer getTextBuffer() { if (mTextBuffer == null) { mTextBuffer = TextBuffer.createTemporaryBuffer(); mTextBuffer.resetInitialized(); } else { mTextBuffer.resetWithEmpty(); } return mTextBuffer; } /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Configuration /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ /** * Method that will set specified Writer as the 'flattening writer'; * writer used to output flattened version of DTD read in. This is * similar to running a C-preprocessor on C-sources, except that * defining writer will not prevent normal parsing of DTD itself. */ public void setFlattenWriter(Writer w, boolean inclComments, boolean inclConditionals, boolean inclPEs) { mFlattenWriter = new DTDWriter(w, inclComments, inclConditionals, inclPEs); } private void flushFlattenWriter() throws XMLStreamException { mFlattenWriter.flush(mInputBuffer, mInputPtr); } /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Internal API /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ /** * Method that may need to be called by attribute default value * validation code, during parsing.... *<p> * Note: see base class for some additional remarks about this * method. */ @Override public EntityDecl findEntity(String entName) { if (mPredefdGEs != null) { EntityDecl decl = mPredefdGEs.get(entName); if (decl != null) { return decl; } } return mGeneralEntities.get(entName); } /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Main-level parsing methods /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ protected DTDSubset parseDTD() throws XMLStreamException { while (true) { mCheckForbiddenPEs = false; // PEs are ok at this point int i = getNextAfterWS(); if (i < 0) { if (mIsExternal) { // ok for external DTDs break; } // Error for internal subset throwUnexpectedEOF(SUFFIX_IN_DTD_INTERNAL); } if (i == '%') { // parameter entity expandPE(); continue; } /* First, let's keep track of start of the directive; needed for * entity and notation declaration events. */ mTokenInputTotal = mCurrInputProcessed + mInputPtr; mTokenInputRow = mCurrInputRow; mTokenInputCol = mInputPtr - mCurrInputRowStart; if (i == '<') { // PEs not allowed within declarations, in the internal subset proper mCheckForbiddenPEs = !mIsExternal && (mInput == mRootInput); if (mFlattenWriter == null) { parseDirective(); } else { parseDirectiveFlattened(); } continue; } if (i == ']') { if (mIncludeCount == 0 && !mIsExternal) { // End of internal subset break; } if (mIncludeCount > 0) { // active INCLUDE block(s) open? boolean suppress = (mFlattenWriter != null) && !mFlattenWriter.includeConditionals(); if (suppress) { mFlattenWriter.flush(mInputBuffer, mInputPtr-1); mFlattenWriter.disableOutput(); } try { // ]]> needs to be a token, can not come from PE: char c = dtdNextFromCurr(); if (c == ']') { c = dtdNextFromCurr(); if (c == '>') { // Ok, fine, conditional include section ended. --mIncludeCount; continue; } } throwDTDUnexpectedChar(c, "; expected ']]>' to close conditional include section"); } finally { if (suppress) { mFlattenWriter.enableOutput(mInputPtr); } } } // otherwise will fall through, and give an error } if (mIsExternal) { throwDTDUnexpectedChar(i, "; expected a '<' to start a directive"); } throwDTDUnexpectedChar(i, "; expected a '<' to start a directive, or \"]>\" to end internal subset"); } /* 05-Feb-2006, TSa: Not allowed to have unclosed INCLUDE/IGNORE * blocks... */ if (mIncludeCount > 0) { // active INCLUDE block(s) open? String suffix = (mIncludeCount == 1) ? "an INCLUDE block" : (""+mIncludeCount+" INCLUDE blocks"); throwUnexpectedEOF(getErrorMsg()+"; expected closing marker for "+suffix); } /* First check: have all notation references been resolved? * (related to [WSTX-121]) */ if (mNotationForwardRefs != null && mNotationForwardRefs.size() > 0) { _reportUndefinedNotationRefs(); } // Ok; time to construct and return DTD data object. DTDSubset ss; // There are more settings for ext. subsets: if (mIsExternal) { /* External subsets are cachable if they did not refer to any * PEs or GEs defined in internal subset passed in (if any), * nor to any notations. * We don't care about PEs it defined itself, but need to pass * in Set of PEs it refers to, to check if cached copy can be * used with different int. subsets. * We need not worry about notations referred, since they are * not allowed to be re-defined. */ boolean cachable = !mUsesPredefdEntities && !mUsesPredefdNotations; ss = DTDSubsetImpl.constructInstance(cachable, mGeneralEntities, mRefdGEs, null, mRefdPEs, mNotations, mElements, mCfgFullyValidating); } else { /* Internal subsets are not cachable (no unique way to refer * to unique internal subsets), and there can be no references * to pre-defined PEs, as none were passed. */ ss = DTDSubsetImpl.constructInstance(false, mGeneralEntities, null, mParamEntities, null, mNotations, mElements, mCfgFullyValidating); } return ss; } protected void parseDirective() throws XMLStreamException { /* Hmmh. Don't think PEs are allowed to contain starting * '!' (or '?')... and it has to come from the same * input source too (no splits) */ char c = dtdNextFromCurr(); if (c == '?') { // xml decl? readPI(); return; } if (c != '!') { // nothing valid throwDTDUnexpectedChar(c, "; expected '!' to start a directive"); } /* ignore/include, comment, or directive; we are still getting * token from same section though */ c = dtdNextFromCurr(); if (c == '-') { // plain comment c = dtdNextFromCurr(); if (c != '-') { throwDTDUnexpectedChar(c, "; expected '-' for a comment"); } if (mEventListener != null && mEventListener.dtdReportComments()) { readComment(mEventListener); } else { skipComment(); } } else if (c == '[') { checkInclusion(); } else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') { handleDeclaration(c); } else { throwDTDUnexpectedChar(c, ErrorConsts.ERR_DTD_MAINLEVEL_KEYWORD); } } /** * Method similar to {@link #parseDirective}, but one that takes care * to properly output dtd contents using {@code com.ctc.wstx.dtd.DTDWriter} * as necessary. * Separated to simplify both methods; otherwise would end up with * 'if (... flatten...) ... else ...' spaghetti code. */ protected void parseDirectiveFlattened() throws XMLStreamException { /* First, need to flush any flattened output there may be, at * this point (except for opening lt char): and then need to * temporarily disable more output until we know the type and * whether it should be output or not: */ mFlattenWriter.flush(mInputBuffer, mInputPtr-1); mFlattenWriter.disableOutput(); /* Let's determine type here, and call appropriate skip/parse * methods. */ char c = dtdNextFromCurr(); if (c == '?') { // xml decl? mFlattenWriter.enableOutput(mInputPtr); mFlattenWriter.output("<?"); readPI(); //throwDTDUnexpectedChar(c, " expected '!' to start a directive"); return; } if (c != '!') { // nothing valid throwDTDUnexpectedChar(c, ErrorConsts.ERR_DTD_MAINLEVEL_KEYWORD); } // ignore/include, comment, or directive c = dtdNextFromCurr(); if (c == '-') { // plain comment c = dtdNextFromCurr(); if (c != '-') { throwDTDUnexpectedChar(c, "; expected '-' for a comment"); } boolean comm = mFlattenWriter.includeComments(); if (comm) { mFlattenWriter.enableOutput(mInputPtr); mFlattenWriter.output("<!--"); } try { skipComment(); } finally { if (!comm) { mFlattenWriter.enableOutput(mInputPtr); } } } else { if (c == '[') { boolean cond = mFlattenWriter.includeConditionals(); if (cond) { mFlattenWriter.enableOutput(mInputPtr); mFlattenWriter.output("<!["); } try { checkInclusion(); } finally { if (!cond) { mFlattenWriter.enableOutput(mInputPtr); } } } else { /* 12-Jul-2004, TSa: Do we need to see if we have to suppress * a PE declaration? */ boolean filterPEs = (c == 'E') && !mFlattenWriter.includeParamEntities(); if (filterPEs) { handleSuppressedDeclaration(); } else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') { mFlattenWriter.enableOutput(mInputPtr); mFlattenWriter.output("<!"); mFlattenWriter.output(c); handleDeclaration(c); } else { throwDTDUnexpectedChar(c, ErrorConsts.ERR_DTD_MAINLEVEL_KEYWORD); } } } } /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Overridden input handling /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ @Override protected void initInputSource(WstxInputSource newInput, boolean isExt, String entityId) throws XMLStreamException { if (mFlattenWriter != null) { // Anything to flush from previous buffer contents? mFlattenWriter.flush(mInputBuffer, mInputPtr); mFlattenWriter.disableOutput(); try { /* Then let's let base class do the 'real' input source setup; * this includes skipping of optional XML declaration that we * do NOT want to output */ super.initInputSource(newInput, isExt, entityId); } finally { // This will effectively skip declaration mFlattenWriter.enableOutput(mInputPtr); } } else { super.initInputSource(newInput, isExt, entityId); } } /** * Need to override this method, to check couple of things: first, * that nested input sources are balanced, when expanding parameter * entities inside entity value definitions (as per XML specs), and * secondly, to handle (optional) flattening output. */ @Override protected boolean loadMore() throws XMLStreamException { WstxInputSource input = mInput; // Any flattened not-yet-output input to flush? if (mFlattenWriter != null) { /* Note: can not trust mInputPtr; may not be correct. End of * input should be, though. */ mFlattenWriter.flush(mInputBuffer, mInputEnd); } do { /* Need to make sure offsets are properly updated for error * reporting purposes, and do this now while previous amounts * are still known. */ mCurrInputProcessed += mInputEnd; mCurrInputRowStart -= mInputEnd; try { int count = input.readInto(this); if (count > 0) { if (mFlattenWriter != null) { mFlattenWriter.setFlattenStart(mInputPtr); } return true; } input.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw constructFromIOE(ioe); } if (input == mRootInput) { return false; } WstxInputSource parent = input.getParent(); if (parent == null) { // sanity check! throwNullParent(input); } /* 13-Feb-2006, TSa: Ok, do we violate a proper nesting constraints * with this input block closure? */ if (mCurrDepth != input.getScopeId()) { handleIncompleteEntityProblem(input); } mInput = input = parent; input.restoreContext(this); if (mFlattenWriter != null) { mFlattenWriter.setFlattenStart(mInputPtr); } mInputTopDepth = input.getScopeId(); /* 21-Feb-2006, TSa: Since linefeed normalization needs to be * suppressed for internal entity expansion, we may need to * change the state... */ if (!mNormalizeLFs) { mNormalizeLFs = !input.fromInternalEntity(); } // Maybe there are leftovers from that input in buffer now? } while (mInputPtr >= mInputEnd); return true; } @Override protected boolean loadMoreFromCurrent() throws XMLStreamException { // Any flattened not-yet-output input to flush? if (mFlattenWriter != null) { mFlattenWriter.flush(mInputBuffer, mInputEnd); } // Need to update offsets properly mCurrInputProcessed += mInputEnd; mCurrInputRowStart -= mInputEnd; try { int count = mInput.readInto(this); if (count > 0) { if (mFlattenWriter != null) { mFlattenWriter.setFlattenStart(mInputPtr); } return true; } } catch (IOException ie) { throwFromIOE(ie); } return false; } @Override protected boolean ensureInput(int minAmount) throws XMLStreamException { int currAmount = mInputEnd - mInputPtr; if (currAmount >= minAmount) { return true; } // Any flattened not-yet-output input to flush? if (mFlattenWriter != null) { mFlattenWriter.flush(mInputBuffer, mInputEnd); } try { if (mInput.readMore(this, minAmount)) { if (mFlattenWriter != null) { //mFlattenWriter.setFlattenStart(mInputPtr); mFlattenWriter.setFlattenStart(currAmount); } return true; } } catch (IOException ie) { throwFromIOE(ie); } return false; } /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Internal methods, input access: /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ private void loadMoreScoped(WstxInputSource currScope, String entityName, Location loc) throws XMLStreamException { boolean check = (mInput == currScope); loadMore(getErrorMsg()); // Did we get out of the scope? if (check && (mInput != currScope)) { _reportWFCViolation("Unterminated entity value for entity '" +entityName+"' (definition started at " +loc+")"); } } /** * @return Next character from the current input block, if any left; * NULL if end of block (entity expansion) */ private char dtdNextIfAvailable() throws XMLStreamException { char c; if (mInputPtr < mInputEnd) { c = mInputBuffer[mInputPtr++]; } else { int i = peekNext(); if (i < 0) { return CHAR_NULL; } ++mInputPtr; c = (char) i; } if (c == CHAR_NULL) { throwNullChar(); } return c; } /** * Method that will get next character, and either return it as is (for * normal chars), or expand parameter entity that starts with next * character (which has to be '%'). */ private char getNextExpanded() throws XMLStreamException { while (true) { char c = (mInputPtr < mInputEnd) ? mInputBuffer[mInputPtr++] : getNextChar(getErrorMsg()); if (c != '%') { return c; } expandPE(); } } private char skipDtdWs(boolean handlePEs) throws XMLStreamException { while (true) { char c = (mInputPtr < mInputEnd) ? mInputBuffer[mInputPtr++] : getNextChar(getErrorMsg()); if (c > CHAR_SPACE) { if (c == '%' && handlePEs) { expandPE(); continue; } return c; } if (c == '\n' || c == '\r') { skipCRLF(c); } else if (c != CHAR_SPACE && c != '\t') { throwInvalidSpace(c); } } } /** * Note: Apparently a parameter entity expansion does also count * as white space (that is, PEs outside of quoted text are considered * to be separated by white spaces on both sides). Fortunately this * can be handled by 2 little hacks: both a start of a PE, and an * end of input block (== end of PE expansion) count as succesful * spaces. * * @return Character following the obligatory boundary (white space * or PE start/end) */ private char skipObligatoryDtdWs() throws XMLStreamException { /* Ok; since we need at least one space, or a PE, or end of input * block, let's do this unique check first... */ int i = peekNext(); char c; if (i == -1) { // just means 'local' EOF (since peek only checks current) c = getNextChar(getErrorMsg()); // Non-space, non PE is ok, due to end-of-block... if (c > CHAR_SPACE && c != '%') { return c; } } else { c = mInputBuffer[mInputPtr++]; // was peek, need to read if (c > CHAR_SPACE && c != '%') { throwDTDUnexpectedChar(c, "; expected a separating white space"); } } // Ok, got it, now can loop... while (true) { if (c == '%') { expandPE(); } else if (c > CHAR_SPACE) { break; } else { if (c == '\n' || c == '\r') { skipCRLF(c); } else if (c != CHAR_SPACE && c != '\t') { throwInvalidSpace(c); } } /* Now we got one space (or end of input block) -- no need to * restrict get next on current block (in case PE ends); happens * with xmltest/valid/not-sa/003.xml, for eaxmple. */ c = (mInputPtr < mInputEnd) ? mInputBuffer[mInputPtr++] : getNextChar(getErrorMsg()); } return c; } /** * Method called to handle expansion of parameter entities. When called, * '%' character has been encountered as a reference indicator, and * now we should get parameter entity name. */ private void expandPE() throws XMLStreamException { String id; char c; if (mCheckForbiddenPEs) { /* Ok; we hit a PE where we should not have (within the internal * dtd subset proper, within a declaration). This is a WF error. */ throwForbiddenPE(); } // 01-Jul-2004, TSa: When flattening, need to flush previous output if (mFlattenWriter != null) { // Flush up to but not including ampersand... mFlattenWriter.flush(mInputBuffer, mInputPtr-1); mFlattenWriter.disableOutput(); c = (mInputPtr < mInputEnd) ? mInputBuffer[mInputPtr++] : dtdNextFromCurr(); id = readDTDName(c); try { c = (mInputPtr < mInputEnd) ? mInputBuffer[mInputPtr++] : dtdNextFromCurr(); } finally { // will ignore name and colon (or whatever was parsed) mFlattenWriter.enableOutput(mInputPtr); } } else { c = (mInputPtr < mInputEnd) ? mInputBuffer[mInputPtr++] : dtdNextFromCurr(); id = readDTDName(c); c = (mInputPtr < mInputEnd) ? mInputBuffer[mInputPtr++] : dtdNextFromCurr(); } // Should now get semicolon... if (c != ';') { throwDTDUnexpectedChar(c, "; expected ';' to end parameter entity name"); } mExpandingPE = true; expandEntity(id, true, ENTITY_EXP_PE); } /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Internal methods, low-level parsing: /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ /** * Method called to verify whether input has specified keyword; if it * has, returns null and points to char after the keyword; if not, * returns whatever constitutes a keyword matched, for error * reporting purposes. */ protected String checkDTDKeyword(String exp) throws XMLStreamException { int i = 0; int len = exp.length(); char c = ' '; for (; i < len; ++i) { if (mInputPtr < mInputEnd) { c = mInputBuffer[mInputPtr++]; } else { c = dtdNextIfAvailable(); if (c == CHAR_NULL) { // end of block, fine return exp.substring(0, i); } } if (c != exp.charAt(i)) { break; } } if (i == len) { // Got a match? Cool... except if identifier still continues... c = dtdNextIfAvailable(); if (c == CHAR_NULL) { // EOB, fine return null; } if (!isNameChar(c)) { --mInputPtr; // to push it back return null; } } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(exp.substring(0, i)); sb.append(c); while (true) { c = dtdNextIfAvailable(); if (c == CHAR_NULL) { // EOB, fine break; } if (!isNameChar(c) && c != ':') { --mInputPtr; // to push it back break; } sb.append(c); } return sb.toString(); } /** * Method called usually to indicate an error condition; will read rest * of specified keyword (including characters that can be part of XML * identifiers), append that to passed prefix (which is optional), and * return resulting String. * * @param prefix Part of keyword already read in. */ protected String readDTDKeyword(String prefix) throws XMLStreamException { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(prefix); while (true) { char c; if (mInputPtr < mInputEnd) { c = mInputBuffer[mInputPtr++]; } else { // Don't want to cross block boundary c = dtdNextIfAvailable(); if (c == CHAR_NULL) { break; // end-of-block } } if (!isNameChar(c) && c != ':') { --mInputPtr; break; } sb.append(c); } return sb.toString(); } /** * @return True, if input contains 'PUBLIC' keyword; false if it * contains 'SYSTEM'; otherwise throws an exception. */ private boolean checkPublicSystemKeyword(char c) throws XMLStreamException { String errId; if (c == 'P') { errId = checkDTDKeyword("UBLIC"); if (errId == null) { return true; } errId = "P" + errId; } else if (c == 'S') { errId = checkDTDKeyword("YSTEM"); if (errId == null) { return false; } errId = "S" + errId; } else { if (!isNameStartChar(c)) { throwDTDUnexpectedChar(c, "; expected 'PUBLIC' or 'SYSTEM' keyword"); } errId = readDTDKeyword(String.valueOf(c)); } _reportWFCViolation("Unrecognized keyword '"+errId+"'; expected 'PUBLIC' or 'SYSTEM'"); return false; // never gets here } private String readDTDName(char c) throws XMLStreamException { // Let's just check this before trying to parse the id... if (!isNameStartChar(c)) { throwDTDUnexpectedChar(c, "; expected an identifier"); } return parseFullName(c); } private String readDTDLocalName(char c, boolean checkChar) throws XMLStreamException { /* Let's just check this first, to get better error msg * (parseLocalName() will double-check it too) */ if (checkChar && !isNameStartChar(c)) { throwDTDUnexpectedChar(c, "; expected an identifier"); } return parseLocalName(c); } /** * Similar to {@link #readDTDName}, except that the rules are bit looser, * ie. there are no additional restrictions for the first char */ private String readDTDNmtoken(char c) throws XMLStreamException { char[] outBuf = getNameBuffer(64); int outLen = outBuf.length; int outPtr = 0; while (true) { /* Note: colon not included in name char array, since it has * special meaning WRT QNames, need to add into account here: */ if (!isNameChar(c) && c != ':') { // Need to get at least one char if (outPtr == 0) { throwDTDUnexpectedChar(c, "; expected a NMTOKEN character to start a NMTOKEN"); } --mInputPtr; break; } if (outPtr >= outLen) { outBuf = expandBy50Pct(outBuf); outLen = outBuf.length; } outBuf[outPtr++] = c; if (mInputPtr < mInputEnd) { c = mInputBuffer[mInputPtr++]; } else { c = dtdNextIfAvailable(); if (c == CHAR_NULL) { // end-of-block break; } } } /* Nmtokens need not be canonicalized; they will be processed * as necessary later on: */ return new String(outBuf, 0, outPtr); } /** * Method that will read an element or attribute name from DTD; depending * on namespace mode, it can have prefix as well. *<p> * Note: returned {@link PrefixedName} instances are canonicalized so that * all instances read during parsing of a single DTD subset so that * identity comparison can be used instead of calling <code>equals()</code> * method (but only within a single subset!). This also reduces memory * usage to some extent. */ private PrefixedName readDTDQName(char firstChar) throws XMLStreamException { String prefix, localName; if (!mCfgNsEnabled) { prefix = null; localName = parseFullName(firstChar); } else { localName = parseLocalName(firstChar); /* Hmmh. This is tricky; should only read from the current * scope, but it is ok to hit end-of-block if it was a PE * expansion... */ char c = dtdNextIfAvailable(); if (c == CHAR_NULL) { // end-of-block // ok, that's it... prefix = null; } else { if (c == ':') { // Ok, got namespace and local name prefix = localName; c = dtdNextFromCurr(); localName = parseLocalName(c); } else { prefix = null; --mInputPtr; } } } return findSharedName(prefix, localName); } private char readArity() throws XMLStreamException { char c = (mInputPtr < mInputEnd) ? mInputBuffer[mInputPtr++] : getNextChar(getErrorMsg()); if (c == '?' || c == '*' || c == '+') { return c; } // Hmmh, not recognized, let's put it back: --mInputPtr; // Default is 'just one' return ' '; } /** * Method that reads and pre-processes replacement text for an internal * entity (parameter or generic). */ private char[] parseEntityValue(String id, Location loc, char quoteChar) throws XMLStreamException { /* 25-Jun-2004, TSa: Let's first mark current input source as the * scope, so we can both make sure it ends in this input * context (file), and that embedded single/double quotes * in potentially expanded entities do not end the value * definition (as per XML 1.0/3, 4.4.5) */ WstxInputSource currScope = mInput; /* 18-Jul-2004, TSa: Also, let's see if parameter entities are * allowed; they are only legal outside of main internal subset * (ie. main XML input) file (or to be precise; they are legal * in the int. subset only as complete declarations) */ //boolean allowPEs = mIsExternal || (mInput != mRootInput); TextBuffer tb = mValueBuffer; if (tb == null) { tb = TextBuffer.createTemporaryBuffer(); } tb.resetInitialized(); char[] outBuf = tb.getCurrentSegment(); int outPtr = tb.getCurrentSegmentSize(); while (true) { if (mInputPtr >= mInputEnd) { loadMoreScoped(currScope, id, loc); } char c = mInputBuffer[mInputPtr++]; // Let's get most normal chars 'skipped' first if (c >= CHAR_FIRST_PURE_TEXT) { ; } else if (c == quoteChar) { // Only end if we are in correct scope: if (mInput == currScope) { break; } } else if (c == '&') { // char entity that needs to be replaced? /* 06-Sep-2004, TSa: We can NOT expand pre-defined entities, as * XML specs consider them 'real' (non-char) entities. * And expanding them would cause problems with entities * that have such entities. */ int d = resolveCharOnlyEntity(false); // Did we get a real char entity? if (d != 0) { if (d <= 0xFFFF) { c = (char) d; } else { // Need more room? if (outPtr >= outBuf.length) { outBuf = tb.finishCurrentSegment(); outPtr = 0; } d -= 0x10000; outBuf[outPtr++] = (char) ((d >> 10) + 0xD800);; c = (char) ((d & 0x3FF) + 0xDC00); } } else { /* 11-Feb-2006, TSa: Even so, must verify that the * entity reference is well-formed. */ boolean first = true; while (true) { if (outPtr >= outBuf.length) { // need more room? outBuf = tb.finishCurrentSegment(); outPtr = 0; } outBuf[outPtr++] = c; // starting with '&' if (mInputPtr >= mInputEnd) { loadMoreScoped(currScope, id, loc); } c = mInputBuffer[mInputPtr++]; if (c == ';') { break; } if (first) { first = false; if (isNameStartChar(c)) { continue; } } else { if (isNameChar(c)) { continue; } } if (c == ':' && !mCfgNsEnabled) { continue; // fine in non-ns mode } if (first) { // missing name throwDTDUnexpectedChar(c, "; expected entity name after '&'"); } throwDTDUnexpectedChar(c, "; expected semi-colon after entity name"); } // we can just fall through to let semicolon be added } // Either '&' itself, or expanded char entity } else if (c == '%') { // param entity? expandPE(); // Need to loop over, no char available yet continue; } else if (c < CHAR_SPACE) { if (c == '\n') { markLF(); } else if (c == '\r') { if (skipCRLF(c)) { if (!mNormalizeLFs) { // Special handling, to output 2 chars at a time: if (outPtr >= outBuf.length) { // need more room? outBuf = tb.finishCurrentSegment(); outPtr = 0; } outBuf[outPtr++] = c; } c = '\n'; } else { if (mNormalizeLFs) { // Mac LF c = '\n'; } } } else if (c != '\t') { throwInvalidSpace(c); } } // Need more room? if (outPtr >= outBuf.length) { outBuf = tb.finishCurrentSegment(); outPtr = 0; } // Ok, let's add char to output: outBuf[outPtr++] = c; } tb.setCurrentLength(outPtr); // Ok, now need the closing '>': char c = skipDtdWs(true); if (c != '>') { throwDTDUnexpectedChar(c, "; expected closing '>' after ENTITY declaration"); } char[] result = tb.contentsAsArray(); mValueBuffer = tb; // recycle, if needed later on return result; } /** * This method is similar to {@link #parseEntityValue} in some ways, * but has some notable differences, due to the way XML specs define * differences. Main differences are that parameter entities are not * allowed (or rather, recognized as entities), and that general * entities need to be verified, but NOT expanded right away. * Whether forward references are allowed or not is an open question * right now. */ private void parseAttrDefaultValue(DefaultAttrValue defVal, char quoteChar, PrefixedName attrName, Location loc, boolean gotFixed) throws XMLStreamException { if (quoteChar != '"' && quoteChar != '\'') { // caller doesn't test it String msg = "; expected a single or double quote to enclose the default value"; if (!gotFixed) { msg += ", or one of keywords (#REQUIRED, #IMPLIED, #FIXED)"; } msg += " (for attribute '"+attrName+"')"; throwDTDUnexpectedChar(quoteChar, msg); } /* Let's mark the current input source as the scope, so we can both * make sure it ends in this input context (DTD subset), and that * embedded single/double quotes in potentially expanded entities do * not end the value definition (as per XML 1.0/3, 4.4.5) */ WstxInputSource currScope = mInput; TextBuffer tb = mValueBuffer; if (tb == null) { tb = TextBuffer.createTemporaryBuffer(); } tb.resetInitialized(); int outPtr = 0; char[] outBuf = tb.getCurrentSegment(); int outLen = outBuf.length; /* One more note: this is mostly cut'n pasted from stream reader's * parseNormalizedAttrValue... */ main_loop: while (true) { if (mInputPtr >= mInputEnd) { boolean check = (mInput == currScope); loadMore(getErrorMsg()); // Did we get out of the scope? if (check && (mInput != currScope)) { _reportWFCViolation("Unterminated attribute default value for attribute '" +attrName+"' (definition started at " +loc+")"); } } char c = mInputBuffer[mInputPtr++]; // Let's do a quick for most attribute content chars: if (c < CHAR_FIRST_PURE_TEXT) { if (c <= CHAR_SPACE) { if (c == '\n') { markLF(); } else if (c == '\r') { c = getNextChar(SUFFIX_IN_DEF_ATTR_VALUE); if (c != '\n') { // nope, not 2-char lf (Mac?) --mInputPtr; c = mNormalizeLFs ? '\n' : '\r'; } else { // Fine if we are to normalize lfs /* !!! 20-Jan-2007, TSa: Hmmh. Not sure if and * how to preserve: for now, let's assume there's * no need. */ /* if (!mNormalizeLFs) { if (outPtr >= outLen) { // need more room? outBuf = tb.finishCurrentSegment(); outPtr = 0; outLen = outBuf.length; } outBuf[outPtr++] = '\r'; // c is fine to continue } */ } markLF(); } else if (c != CHAR_SPACE && c != '\t') { throwInvalidSpace(c); } c = CHAR_SPACE; } else if (c == quoteChar) { /* It is possible to get these via expanded entities; * need to make sure this is the same input level as * the one that had starting quote */ if (mInput == currScope) { break; } } else if (c == '&') { // an entity of some sort... /* Will need to expand char entities and pre-defd * int. entities (amp, lt, apos, gt): first method * is just more optimized than the second */ int d; if (inputInBuffer() >= 3) { d = resolveSimpleEntity(true); } else { d = resolveCharOnlyEntity(true); } // Only get null if it's a 'real' general entity... if (d == 0) { c = getNextChar(SUFFIX_IN_ENTITY_REF); String id = parseEntityName(c); try { mCurrAttrDefault = defVal; mExpandingPE = false; expandEntity(id, false, ENTITY_EXP_GE); } finally { mCurrAttrDefault = null; } // Ok, should have updated the input source by now continue main_loop; } if (d <= 0xFFFF) { c = (char) d; } else { // Need more room? if (outPtr >= outBuf.length) { outBuf = tb.finishCurrentSegment(); outPtr = 0; } d -= 0x10000; outBuf[outPtr++] = (char) ((d >> 10) + 0xD800);; c = (char) ((d & 0x3FF) + 0xDC00); } } else if (c == '<') { throwDTDUnexpectedChar(c, SUFFIX_IN_DEF_ATTR_VALUE); } } // if (c < CHAR_FIRST_PURE_TEXT) // Ok, let's just add char in, whatever it was if (outPtr >= outLen) { // need more room? outBuf = tb.finishCurrentSegment(); outPtr = 0; outLen = outBuf.length; } outBuf[outPtr++] = c; } tb.setCurrentLength(outPtr); defVal.setValue(tb.contentsAsString()); mValueBuffer = tb; } /** * Method similar to {@link #skipPI}, but one that does basic * well-formedness checks. */ protected void readPI() throws XMLStreamException { String target = parseFullName(); if (target.length() == 0) { _reportWFCViolation(ErrorConsts.ERR_WF_PI_MISSING_TARGET); } if (target.equalsIgnoreCase("xml")) { _reportWFCViolation(ErrorConsts.ERR_WF_PI_XML_TARGET, target); } char c = dtdNextFromCurr(); // Ok, need a space between target and data nonetheless if (!isSpaceChar(c)) { // except if it ends right away if (c != '?' || dtdNextFromCurr() != '>') { throwUnexpectedChar(c, ErrorConsts.ERR_WF_PI_XML_MISSING_SPACE); } if (mEventListener != null) { mEventListener.dtdProcessingInstruction(target, ""); } } else if (mEventListener == null) { /* Otherwise, not that much to check since we don't care about * the contents. */ while (true) { c = (mInputPtr < mInputEnd) ? mInputBuffer[mInputPtr++] : dtdNextFromCurr(); if (c == '?') { do { c = (mInputPtr < mInputEnd) ? mInputBuffer[mInputPtr++] : dtdNextFromCurr(); } while (c == '?'); if (c == '>') { break; } } if (c < CHAR_SPACE) { if (c == '\n' || c == '\r') { skipCRLF(c); } else if (c != '\t') { throwInvalidSpace(c); } } } } else { // 24-Nov-2006, TSa: Actually, someone does care... // First, need to skip extra space (if any) while (c <= CHAR_SPACE) { if (c == '\n' || c == '\r') { skipCRLF(c); } else if (c != '\t' && c != ' ') { throwInvalidSpace(c); } c = (mInputPtr < mInputEnd) ? mInputBuffer[mInputPtr++] : dtdNextFromCurr(); } TextBuffer tb = getTextBuffer(); char[] outBuf = tb.getCurrentSegment(); int outPtr = 0; while (true) { if (c == '?') { while (true) { c = (mInputPtr < mInputEnd) ? mInputBuffer[mInputPtr++] : dtdNextFromCurr(); if (c != '?') { break; } if (outPtr >= outBuf.length) { outBuf = tb.finishCurrentSegment(); outPtr = 0; } outBuf[outPtr++] = c; } if (c == '>') { break; } // Need to push back char that follows '?', output '?' --mInputPtr; c = '?'; } else if (c < CHAR_SPACE) { if (c == '\n' || c == '\r') { skipCRLF(c); c = '\n'; } else if (c != '\t') { throwInvalidSpace(c); } } // Need more room? if (outPtr >= outBuf.length) { outBuf = tb.finishCurrentSegment(); outPtr = 0; } // Ok, let's add char to output: outBuf[outPtr++] = c; c = (mInputPtr < mInputEnd) ? mInputBuffer[mInputPtr++] : dtdNextFromCurr(); } tb.setCurrentLength(outPtr); String data = tb.contentsAsString(); mEventListener.dtdProcessingInstruction(target, data); } } /** * Method similar to {@link #skipComment}, but that has to collect * contents, to be reported for a SAX handler. */ protected void readComment(DTDEventListener l) throws XMLStreamException { TextBuffer tb = getTextBuffer(); char[] outBuf = tb.getCurrentSegment(); int outPtr = 0; while (true) { char c = (mInputPtr < mInputEnd) ? mInputBuffer[mInputPtr++] : dtdNextFromCurr(); if (c < CHAR_SPACE) { if (c == '\n' || c == '\r') { skipCRLF(c); c = '\n'; } else if (c != '\t') { throwInvalidSpace(c); } } else if (c == '-') { c = dtdNextFromCurr(); if (c == '-') { // Ok, has to be end marker then: // Either get '>' or error: c = dtdNextFromCurr(); if (c != '>') { throwParseError(ErrorConsts.ERR_HYPHENS_IN_COMMENT); } break; } c = '-'; --mInputPtr; // need to push back the second char read } // Need more room? if (outPtr >= outBuf.length) { outBuf = tb.finishCurrentSegment(); outPtr = 0; } // Ok, let's add char to output: outBuf[outPtr++] = c; } tb.setCurrentLength(outPtr); tb.fireDtdCommentEvent(l); } /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Internal methods, conditional blocks: /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ private void checkInclusion() throws XMLStreamException { String keyword; // INCLUDE/IGNORE not allowed in internal subset... /* 18-Jul-2004, TSa: Except if it's in an expanded parsed external * entity... */ if (!mIsExternal && mInput == mRootInput) { _reportWFCViolation("Internal DTD subset can not use (INCLUDE/IGNORE) directives (except via external entities)"); } char c = skipDtdWs(true); if (c != 'I') { // let's obtain the keyword for error reporting purposes: keyword = readDTDKeyword(String.valueOf(c)); } else { c = dtdNextFromCurr(); if (c == 'G') { keyword = checkDTDKeyword("NORE"); if (keyword == null) { handleIgnored(); return; } keyword = "IG"+keyword; } else if (c == 'N') { keyword = checkDTDKeyword("CLUDE"); if (keyword == null) { handleIncluded(); return; } keyword = "IN"+keyword; } else { --mInputPtr; keyword = readDTDKeyword("I"); } } // If we get here, it was an error... _reportWFCViolation("Unrecognized directive '"+keyword+"'; expected either 'IGNORE' or 'INCLUDE'"); } private void handleIncluded() throws XMLStreamException { char c = skipDtdWs(false); if (c != '[') { throwDTDUnexpectedChar(c, "; expected '[' to follow 'INCLUDE' directive"); } ++mIncludeCount; } private void handleIgnored() throws XMLStreamException { char c = skipDtdWs(false); int count = 1; // Nesting of IGNORE/INCLUDE sections we have to match if (c != '[') { throwDTDUnexpectedChar(c, "; expected '[' to follow 'IGNORE' directive"); } /* Ok; now, let's just skip until we get the closing ']]>' */ String errorMsg = getErrorMsg(); while (true) { c = (mInputPtr < mInputEnd) ? mInputBuffer[mInputPtr++] : getNextChar(errorMsg); if (c < CHAR_SPACE) { if (c == '\n' || c == '\r') { skipCRLF(c); } else if (c != '\t') { throwInvalidSpace(c); } } else if (c == ']') { // closing? if (getNextChar(errorMsg) == ']' && getNextChar(errorMsg) == '>') { if (--count < 1) { // done! return; } // nested ignores, let's just continue } else { --mInputPtr; // need to push one char back, may be '<' } } else if (c == '<') { if (getNextChar(errorMsg) == '!' && getNextChar(errorMsg) == '[') { // Further nesting, sweet ++count; } else { --mInputPtr; // need to push one char back, may be '<' } } } } /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Internal methods, validation, exceptions /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ private void _reportUndefinedNotationRefs() throws XMLStreamException { int count = mNotationForwardRefs.size(); String id = mNotationForwardRefs.keySet().iterator().next(); String msg = ""+count+" referenced notation"+((count == 1) ? "":"s")+" undefined: first one '"+id+"'"; _reportVCViolation(msg); } private void _reportBadDirective(String dir) throws XMLStreamException { String msg = "Unrecognized DTD directive '<!"+dir+" >'; expected ATTLIST, ELEMENT, ENTITY or NOTATION"; if (mCfgSupportDTDPP) { msg += " (or, for DTD++, TARGETNS)"; } _reportWFCViolation(msg); } private void _reportVCViolation(String msg) throws XMLStreamException { /* 01-Sep-2006, TSa: Not 100% sure what's the right way to do it -- * they are errors (non-fatal, but not warnings), but the way * base class handles things, we probably better 'downgrade' * them to warnings in non-validating mode. */ if (mCfgFullyValidating) { reportValidationProblem(msg, XMLValidationProblem.SEVERITY_ERROR); } else { reportValidationProblem(msg, XMLValidationProblem.SEVERITY_WARNING); } } private void _reportWFCViolation(String msg) throws XMLStreamException { throwParseError(msg); } private void _reportWFCViolation(String format, Object arg) throws XMLStreamException { throwParseError(format, arg, null); } private void throwDTDElemError(String msg, Object elem) throws XMLStreamException { _reportWFCViolation(elemDesc(elem) + ": " + msg); } private void throwDTDAttrError(String msg, DTDElement elem, PrefixedName attrName) throws XMLStreamException { _reportWFCViolation(attrDesc(elem, attrName) + ": " + msg); } private void throwDTDUnexpectedChar(int i, String extraMsg) throws XMLStreamException { if (extraMsg == null) { throwUnexpectedChar(i, getErrorMsg()); } throwUnexpectedChar(i, getErrorMsg()+extraMsg); } private void throwForbiddenPE() throws XMLStreamException { _reportWFCViolation("Can not have parameter entities in the internal subset, except for defining complete declarations (XML 1.0, #2.8, WFC 'PEs In Internal Subset')"); } private String elemDesc(Object elem) { return "Element <"+elem+">)"; } private String attrDesc(Object elem, PrefixedName attrName) { return "Attribute '"+attrName+"' (of element <"+elem+">)"; } private String entityDesc(WstxInputSource input) { return "Entity &"+input.getEntityId()+";"; } /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Internal methods, main-level declaration parsing /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ /** *<p> * Note: c is known to be a letter (from 'A' to 'Z') at this poit. */ private void handleDeclaration(char c) throws XMLStreamException { String keyw = null; /* We need to ensure that PEs do not span declaration boundaries * (similar to element nesting wrt. GE expansion for xml content). * This VC is defined in xml 1.0, section 2.8 as * "VC: Proper Declaration/PE Nesting" */ /* We have binary depths within DTDs, for now: since the declaration * just started, we should now have 1 as the depth: */ mCurrDepth = 1; try { do { // dummy loop, for break if (c == 'A') { // ATTLIST? keyw = checkDTDKeyword("TTLIST"); if (keyw == null) { mCurrDeclaration = "ATTLIST"; handleAttlistDecl(); break; } keyw = "A" + keyw; } else if (c == 'E') { // ENTITY, ELEMENT? c = dtdNextFromCurr(); if (c == 'N') { keyw = checkDTDKeyword("TITY"); if (keyw == null) { mCurrDeclaration = "ENTITY"; handleEntityDecl(false); break; } keyw = "EN" + keyw; } else if (c == 'L') { keyw = checkDTDKeyword("EMENT"); if (keyw == null) { mCurrDeclaration = "ELEMENT"; handleElementDecl(); break; } keyw = "EL" + keyw; } else { keyw = readDTDKeyword("E"+c); } } else if (c == 'N') { // NOTATION? keyw = checkDTDKeyword("OTATION"); if (keyw == null) { mCurrDeclaration = "NOTATION"; handleNotationDecl(); break; } keyw = "N" + keyw; } else if (c == 'T' && mCfgSupportDTDPP) { // (dtd++ only) TARGETNS? keyw = checkDTDKeyword("ARGETNS"); if (keyw == null) { mCurrDeclaration = "TARGETNS"; handleTargetNsDecl(); break; } keyw = "T" + keyw; } else { keyw = readDTDKeyword(String.valueOf(c)); } // If we got this far, we got a problem... _reportBadDirective(keyw); } while (false); /* Ok: now, the current input can not have been started * within the scope... so: */ if (mInput.getScopeId() > 0) { handleGreedyEntityProblem(mInput); } } finally { // Either way, declaration has ended now... mCurrDepth = 0; mCurrDeclaration = null; } } /** * Specialized method that handles potentially suppressable entity * declaration. Specifically: at this point it is known that first * letter is 'E', that we are outputting flattened DTD info, * and that parameter entity declarations are to be suppressed. * Furthermore, flatten output is still being disabled, and needs * to be enabled by the method at some point. */ private void handleSuppressedDeclaration() throws XMLStreamException { String keyw; char c = dtdNextFromCurr(); if (c == 'N') { keyw = checkDTDKeyword("TITY"); if (keyw == null) { handleEntityDecl(true); return; } keyw = "EN" + keyw; mFlattenWriter.enableOutput(mInputPtr); // error condition... } else { mFlattenWriter.enableOutput(mInputPtr); mFlattenWriter.output("<!E"); mFlattenWriter.output(c); if (c == 'L') { keyw = checkDTDKeyword("EMENT"); if (keyw == null) { handleElementDecl(); return; } keyw = "EL" + keyw; } else { keyw = readDTDKeyword("E"); } } _reportBadDirective(keyw); } /** * note: when this method is called, the keyword itself has * been succesfully parsed. */ private void handleAttlistDecl() throws XMLStreamException { /* This method will handle PEs that contain the whole element * name. Since it's illegal to have partials, we can then proceed * to just use normal parsing... */ char c = skipObligatoryDtdWs(); final PrefixedName elemName = readDTDQName(c); /* Ok, event needs to know its exact starting point (opening '<' * char), let's get that info now (note: data has been preserved * earlier) */ Location loc = getStartLocation(); // Ok, where's our element? HashMap<PrefixedName,DTDElement> m = getElementMap(); DTDElement elem = m.get(elemName); if (elem == null) { // ok, need a placeholder // Let's add ATTLIST location as the temporary location too elem = DTDElement.createPlaceholder(mConfig, loc, elemName); m.put(elemName, elem); } // Ok, need to loop to get all attribute defs: int index = 0; while (true) { /* White space is optional, if we get the closing '>' char; * otherwise it's obligatory. */ c = getNextExpanded(); if (isSpaceChar(c)) { // Let's push it back in case it's LF, to be handled properly --mInputPtr; c = skipDtdWs(true); /* 26-Jan-2006, TSa: actually there are edge cases where * we may get the attribute name right away (esp. * with PEs...); so let's defer possible error for * later on. Should not allow missing spaces between * attribute declarations... ? */ /* } else if (c != '>') { throwDTDUnexpectedChar(c, "; expected either '>' closing ATTLIST declaration, or a white space character separating individual attribute declarations"); */ } if (c == '>') { break; } handleAttrDecl(elem, c, index, loc); ++index; } } private void handleElementDecl() throws XMLStreamException { char c = skipObligatoryDtdWs(); final PrefixedName elemName = readDTDQName(c); /* Ok, event needs to know its exact starting point (opening '<' * char), let's get that info now (note: data has been preserved * earlier) */ Location loc = getStartLocation(); // Ok; name got, need some white space next c = skipObligatoryDtdWs(); /* Then the content spec: either a special case (ANY, EMPTY), or * a parenthesis group for 'real' content spec */ StructValidator val = null; int vldContent = XMLValidator.CONTENT_ALLOW_ANY_TEXT; if (c == '(') { // real content model c = skipDtdWs(true); if (c == '#') { val = readMixedSpec(elemName, mCfgFullyValidating); vldContent = XMLValidator.CONTENT_ALLOW_ANY_TEXT; // checked against DTD } else { --mInputPtr; // let's push it back... ContentSpec spec = readContentSpec(elemName, mCfgFullyValidating, 0); val = spec.getSimpleValidator(); if (val == null) { val = new DFAValidator(DFAState.constructDFA(spec)); } vldContent = XMLValidator.CONTENT_ALLOW_WS; // checked against DTD } } else if (isNameStartChar(c)) { do { // dummy loop to allow break: String keyw = null; if (c == 'A') { keyw = checkDTDKeyword("NY"); if (keyw == null) { vldContent = XMLValidator.CONTENT_ALLOW_ANY_TEXT; // no DTD checks break; } keyw = "A"+keyw; } else if (c == 'E') { keyw = checkDTDKeyword("MPTY"); if (keyw == null) { val = EmptyValidator.getPcdataInstance(); vldContent = XMLValidator.CONTENT_ALLOW_NONE; // needed to prevent non-elements too break; } keyw = "E"+keyw; } else { --mInputPtr; keyw = readDTDKeyword(String.valueOf(c)); } _reportWFCViolation("Unrecognized DTD content spec keyword '" +keyw+"' (for element <"+elemName+">); expected ANY or EMPTY"); } while (false); } else { throwDTDUnexpectedChar(c, ": expected '(' to start content specification for element <"+elemName+">"); } // Ok, still need the trailing gt-char to close the declaration: c = skipDtdWs(true); if (c != '>') { throwDTDUnexpectedChar(c, "; expected '>' to finish the element declaration for <"+elemName+">"); } LinkedHashMap<PrefixedName,DTDElement> m = getElementMap(); DTDElement oldElem = m.get(elemName); // Ok to have it if it's not 'really' declared if (oldElem != null) { if (oldElem.isDefined()) { // oops, a problem! /* 03-Feb-2006, TSa: Hmmh. Apparently all other XML parsers * consider it's ok in non-validating mode. All right. */ if (mCfgFullyValidating) { DTDSubsetImpl.throwElementException(oldElem, loc); } else { // let's just ignore re-definition if not validating return; } } /* 09-Sep-2004, TSa: Need to transfer existing attribute * definitions, however... */ oldElem = oldElem.define(loc, val, vldContent); } else { // Sweet, let's then add the definition: oldElem = DTDElement.createDefined(mConfig, loc, elemName, val, vldContent); } m.put(elemName, oldElem); } /** * This method is tricky to implement, since it can contain parameter * entities in multiple combinations... and yet declare one as well. * * @param suppressPEDecl If true, will need to take of enabling/disabling * of flattened output. */ private void handleEntityDecl(boolean suppressPEDecl) throws XMLStreamException { /* Hmmh. It seems that PE reference are actually accepted * even here... which makes distinguishing definition from * reference bit challenging. */ char c = dtdNextFromCurr(); boolean gotSeparator = false; boolean isParam = false; while (true) { if (c == '%') { // reference? // note: end-of-block acceptable, same as space char d = dtdNextIfAvailable(); if (d == CHAR_NULL || isSpaceChar(d)) { // ok, PE declaration isParam = true; if (d == '\n' || d == '\r') { skipCRLF(d); } break; } // Reference? if (!isNameStartChar(d)) { throwDTDUnexpectedChar(d, "; expected a space (for PE declaration) or PE reference name"); } --mInputPtr; // need to push the first char back, then gotSeparator = true; expandPE(); // need the next char, from the new scope... or if it gets closed, this one c = dtdNextChar(); } else if (!isSpaceChar(c)) { // non-PE entity? break; } else { gotSeparator = true; c = dtdNextFromCurr(); } } if (!gotSeparator) { throwDTDUnexpectedChar(c, "; expected a space separating ENTITY keyword and entity name"); } /* Ok; fair enough: now must have either '%', or a name start * character: */ if (isParam) { /* PE definition: at this point we already know that there must * have been a space... just need to skip the rest, if any. * Also, can still get a PE to expand (name of a PE to define * from a PE reference) */ c = skipDtdWs(true); } if (suppressPEDecl) { // only if mFlattenWriter != null if (!isParam) { mFlattenWriter.enableOutput(mInputPtr); mFlattenWriter.output("<!ENTITY "); mFlattenWriter.output(c); } } // Need a name char, then String id = readDTDName(c); /* Ok, event needs to know its exact starting point (opening '<' * char), let's get that info now (note: data has been preserved * earlier) */ Location evtLoc = getStartLocation(); EntityDecl ent; try { c = skipObligatoryDtdWs(); if (c == '\'' || c == '"') { // internal entity /* Let's get the exact location of actual content, not the * opening quote. To do that, need to 'peek' next char, then * push it back: */ /*char foo =*/ dtdNextFromCurr(); Location contentLoc = getLastCharLocation(); --mInputPtr; // pushback char[] contents = parseEntityValue(id, contentLoc, c); try { ent = new IntEntity(evtLoc, id, getSource(), contents, contentLoc); } catch (IOException e) { throw new WstxIOException(e); } } else { if (!isNameStartChar(c)) { throwDTDUnexpectedChar(c, "; expected either quoted value, or keyword 'PUBLIC' or 'SYSTEM'"); } ent = handleExternalEntityDecl(mInput, isParam, id, c, evtLoc); } /* 05-Mar-2006, TSa: Need to know which entities came from the * external subset; these can not be used if the xml document * is declared as "standalone='yes'". */ if (mIsExternal) { ent.markAsExternallyDeclared(); } } finally { /* Ok; one way or the other, entity declaration contents have now * been read in. */ if (suppressPEDecl && isParam) { mFlattenWriter.enableOutput(mInputPtr); } } // Ok, got it! HashMap<String,EntityDecl> m; if (isParam) { m = mParamEntities; if (m == null) { mParamEntities = m = new HashMap<String,EntityDecl>(); } } else { m = mGeneralEntities; if (m == null) { /* Let's try to get insert-ordered Map, to be able to * report redefinition problems when validating subset * compatibility */ mGeneralEntities = m = new LinkedHashMap<String,EntityDecl>(); } } // First definition sticks... Object old; if (m.size() > 0 && (old = m.get(id)) != null) { // Application may want to know about the problem... XMLReporter rep = mConfig.getXMLReporter(); if (rep != null) { EntityDecl oldED = (EntityDecl) old; String str = " entity '"+id+"' defined more than once: first declaration at " + oldED.getLocation(); if (isParam) { str = "Parameter" + str; } else { str = "General" + str; } _reportWarning(rep, ErrorConsts.WT_ENT_DECL, str, evtLoc); } } else { m.put(id, ent); } // And finally, let's notify listener, if we have one... if (mEventListener != null) { if (ent.isParsed()) { // Parsed GE or PE } else { // unparsed GE final URL src; try { src = mInput.getSource(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new WstxIOException(e); } mEventListener.dtdUnparsedEntityDecl(id, ent.getPublicId(), ent.getSystemId(), ent.getNotationName(), src); } } } /** * Method called to handle <!NOTATION ... > declaration. */ private void handleNotationDecl() throws XMLStreamException { char c = skipObligatoryDtdWs(); String id = readDTDName(c); c = skipObligatoryDtdWs(); boolean isPublic = checkPublicSystemKeyword(c); String pubId, sysId; c = skipObligatoryDtdWs(); // Ok, now we can parse the reference; first public id if needed: if (isPublic) { if (c != '"' && c != '\'') { throwDTDUnexpectedChar(c, "; expected a quote to start the public identifier"); } pubId = parsePublicId(c, getErrorMsg()); c = skipDtdWs(true); } else { pubId = null; } /* And then we may need the system id; one NOTATION oddity, if * there's public id, system one is optional. */ if (c == '"' || c == '\'') { sysId = parseSystemId(c, mNormalizeLFs, getErrorMsg()); c = skipDtdWs(true); } else { if (!isPublic) { throwDTDUnexpectedChar(c, "; expected a quote to start the system identifier"); } sysId = null; } // And then we should get the closing '>' if (c != '>') { throwDTDUnexpectedChar(c, "; expected closing '>' after NOTATION declaration"); } URL baseURL; try { baseURL = mInput.getSource(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new WstxIOException(e); } // Any external listeners? if (mEventListener != null) { mEventListener.dtdNotationDecl(id, pubId, sysId, baseURL); } /* Ok, event needs to know its exact starting point (opening '<' * char), let's get that info now (note: data has been preserved * earlier) */ Location evtLoc = getStartLocation(); NotationDeclaration nd = new WNotationDeclaration(evtLoc, id, pubId, sysId, baseURL); // Any definitions from the internal subset? if (mPredefdNotations != null) { NotationDeclaration oldDecl = mPredefdNotations.get(id); if (oldDecl != null) { // oops, a problem! DTDSubsetImpl.throwNotationException(oldDecl, nd); } } HashMap<String,NotationDeclaration> m = mNotations; if (m == null) { /* Let's try to get insert-ordered Map, to be able to * report redefinition problems in proper order when validating * subset compatibility */ mNotations = m = new LinkedHashMap<String,NotationDeclaration>(); } else { NotationDeclaration oldDecl = m.get(id); if (oldDecl != null) { // oops, a problem! DTDSubsetImpl.throwNotationException(oldDecl, nd); } } // Does this resolve a dangling reference? if (mNotationForwardRefs != null) { mNotationForwardRefs.remove(id); } m.put(id, nd); } /** * Method called to handle <!TARGETNS ... > declaration (the only * new declaration type for DTD++) *<p> * Note: only valid for DTD++, in 'plain DTD' mode shouldn't get * called. */ private void handleTargetNsDecl() throws XMLStreamException { mAnyDTDppFeatures = true; char c = skipObligatoryDtdWs(); String name; // Explicit namespace name? if (isNameStartChar(c)) { name = readDTDLocalName(c, false); c = skipObligatoryDtdWs(); } else { // no, default namespace (or error) name = null; } // Either way, should now get a quote: if (c != '"' && c != '\'') { if (c == '>') { // slightly more accurate error _reportWFCViolation("Missing namespace URI for TARGETNS directive"); } throwDTDUnexpectedChar(c, "; expected a single or double quote to enclose the namespace URI"); } /* !!! 07-Nov-2004, TSa: what's the exact value we should get * here? Ns declarations can have any attr value... */ String uri = parseSystemId(c, false, "in namespace URI"); // Do we need to normalize the URI? if ((mConfigFlags & CFG_INTERN_NS_URIS) != 0) { uri = InternCache.getInstance().intern(uri); } // Ok, and then the closing '>': c = skipDtdWs(true); if (c != '>') { throwDTDUnexpectedChar(c, "; expected '>' to end TARGETNS directive"); } if (name == null) { // default NS URI mDefaultNsURI = uri; } else { if (mNamespaces == null) { mNamespaces = new HashMap<String,String>(); } mNamespaces.put(name, uri); } } /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Internal methods, secondary decl parsing methods /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ /** * @param elem Element that contains this attribute * @param c First character of what should be the attribute name * @param index Sequential index number of this attribute as children * of the element; used for creating bit masks later on. * @param loc Location of the element name in attribute list declaration */ private void handleAttrDecl(DTDElement elem, char c, int index, Location loc) throws XMLStreamException { // First attribute name PrefixedName attrName = readDTDQName(c); // then type: c = skipObligatoryDtdWs(); int type = 0; WordResolver enumValues = null; if (c == '(') { // enumerated type enumValues = parseEnumerated(elem, attrName, false); type = DTDAttribute.TYPE_ENUMERATED; } else { String typeStr = readDTDName(c); dummy: do { // dummy loop switch (typeStr.charAt(0)) { case 'C': // CDATA if (typeStr == "CDATA") { type = DTDAttribute.TYPE_CDATA; break dummy; } break; case 'I': // ID, IDREF, IDREFS if (typeStr == "ID") { type = DTDAttribute.TYPE_ID; break dummy; } else if (typeStr == "IDREF") { type = DTDAttribute.TYPE_IDREF; break dummy; } else if (typeStr == "IDREFS") { type = DTDAttribute.TYPE_IDREFS; break dummy; } break; case 'E': // ENTITY, ENTITIES if (typeStr == "ENTITY") { type = DTDAttribute.TYPE_ENTITY; break dummy; } else if (typeStr == "ENTITIES") { type = DTDAttribute.TYPE_ENTITIES; break dummy; } break; case 'N': // NOTATION, NMTOKEN, NMTOKENS if (typeStr == "NOTATION") { type = DTDAttribute.TYPE_NOTATION; /* Special case; is followed by a list of * enumerated ids... */ c = skipObligatoryDtdWs(); if (c != '(') { throwDTDUnexpectedChar(c, "Excepted '(' to start the list of NOTATION ids"); } enumValues = parseEnumerated(elem, attrName, true); break dummy; } else if (typeStr == "NMTOKEN") { type = DTDAttribute.TYPE_NMTOKEN; break dummy; } else if (typeStr == "NMTOKENS") { type = DTDAttribute.TYPE_NMTOKENS; break dummy; } break; } // Problem: throwDTDAttrError("Unrecognized attribute type '"+typeStr+"'" +ErrorConsts.ERR_DTD_ATTR_TYPE, elem, attrName); } while (false); } DefaultAttrValue defVal; // Ok, and how about the default declaration? c = skipObligatoryDtdWs(); if (c == '#') { String defTypeStr = readDTDName(getNextExpanded()); if (defTypeStr == "REQUIRED") { defVal = DefaultAttrValue.constructRequired(); } else if (defTypeStr == "IMPLIED") { defVal = DefaultAttrValue.constructImplied(); } else if (defTypeStr == "FIXED") { defVal = DefaultAttrValue.constructFixed(); c = skipObligatoryDtdWs(); parseAttrDefaultValue(defVal, c, attrName, loc, true); } else { throwDTDAttrError("Unrecognized attribute default value directive #"+defTypeStr +ErrorConsts.ERR_DTD_DEFAULT_TYPE, elem, attrName); return; // never gets here... } } else { defVal = DefaultAttrValue.constructOptional(); parseAttrDefaultValue(defVal, c, attrName, loc, false); } /* There are some checks that can/need to be done now, such as: * * - [#3.3.1/VC: ID Attribute default] def. value type can not * be #FIXED */ if (type == DTDAttribute.TYPE_ID && defVal.hasDefaultValue()) { // Just a VC, not WFC... so: if (mCfgFullyValidating) { throwDTDAttrError("has type ID; can not have a default (or #FIXED) value (XML 1.0/#3.3.1)", elem, attrName); } } else { // not an ID... shouldn't be xml:id, then if (mConfig.willDoXmlIdTyping()) { if (attrName.isXmlReservedAttr(mCfgNsEnabled, "id")) { // 26-Sep-2006, TSa: For [WSTX-22], need to verify 'xml:id' checkXmlIdAttr(type); } } } /* 01-Sep-2006, TSa: To address [WSTX-23], we should verify declaration * of 'xml:space' attribute */ if (attrName.isXmlReservedAttr(mCfgNsEnabled, "space")) { checkXmlSpaceAttr(type, enumValues); } DTDAttribute attr; /* 17-Feb-2006, TSa: Ok. So some (legacy?) DTDs do declare namespace * declarations too... sometimes including default values. */ if (mCfgNsEnabled && attrName.isaNsDeclaration()) { // only check in ns mode /* Ok: just declaring them is unnecessary, and can be safely * ignored. It's only the default values that matter (and yes, * let's not worry about #REQUIRED for now) */ if (!defVal.hasDefaultValue()) { return; } // But defaulting... Hmmh. attr = elem.addNsDefault(this, attrName, type, defVal, mCfgFullyValidating); } else { attr = elem.addAttribute(this, attrName, type, defVal, enumValues, mCfgFullyValidating); } // getting null means this is a dup... if (attr == null) { // anyone interested in knowing about possible problem? XMLReporter rep = mConfig.getXMLReporter(); if (rep != null) { String msg = MessageFormat.format(ErrorConsts.W_DTD_ATTR_REDECL, new Object[] { attrName, elem }); _reportWarning(rep, ErrorConsts.WT_ATTR_DECL, msg, loc); } } else { if (defVal.hasDefaultValue()) { // always normalize attr.normalizeDefault(); // but only validate in validating mode: if (mCfgFullyValidating) { attr.validateDefault(this, true); } } } } /** * Parsing method that reads a list of one or more space-separated * tokens (nmtoken or name, depending on 'isNotation' argument) */ private WordResolver parseEnumerated(DTDElement elem, PrefixedName attrName, boolean isNotation) throws XMLStreamException { /* Need to use tree set to be able to construct the data * structs we need later on... */ TreeSet<String> set = new TreeSet<String>(); char c = skipDtdWs(true); if (c == ')') { // just to give more meaningful error msgs throwDTDUnexpectedChar(c, " (empty list; missing identifier(s))?"); } HashMap<String,String> sharedEnums; if (isNotation) { sharedEnums = null; } else { sharedEnums = mSharedEnumValues; if (sharedEnums == null && !isNotation) { mSharedEnumValues = sharedEnums = new HashMap<String,String>(); } } String id = isNotation ? readNotationEntry(c, attrName, elem.getLocation()) : readEnumEntry(c, sharedEnums); set.add(id); while (true) { c = skipDtdWs(true); if (c == ')') { break; } if (c != '|') { throwDTDUnexpectedChar(c, "; missing '|' separator?"); } c = skipDtdWs(true); id = isNotation ? readNotationEntry(c, attrName, elem.getLocation()) : readEnumEntry(c, sharedEnums); if (!set.add(id)) { /* 03-Feb-2006, TSa: Hmmh. Apparently all other XML parsers * consider it's ok in non-validating mode. All right. */ if (mCfgFullyValidating) { throwDTDAttrError("Duplicate enumeration value '"+id+"'", elem, attrName); } } } // Ok, let's construct the minimal data struct, then: return WordResolver.constructInstance(set); } /** * Method called to read a notation reference entry; done both for * attributes of type NOTATION, and for external unparsed entities * that refer to a notation. In both cases, notation referenced * needs to have been defined earlier; but only if we are building * a fully validating DTD subset object (there is the alternative * of a minimal DTD in DTD-aware mode, which does no validation * but allows attribute defaulting and normalization, as well as * access to entity and notation declarations). * * @param attrName Name of attribute in declaration that refers to this entity * * @param refLoc Starting location of the DTD component that contains * the reference */ private String readNotationEntry(char c, PrefixedName attrName, Location refLoc) throws XMLStreamException { String id = readDTDName(c); /* Need to check whether we have a reference to a "pre-defined" * notation: pre-defined here means that it was defined in the * internal subset (prior to this parsing which then would external * subset). This is needed to know if the subset can be cached or * not. */ if (mPredefdNotations != null) { NotationDeclaration decl = mPredefdNotations.get(id); if (decl != null) { mUsesPredefdNotations = true; return decl.getName(); } } NotationDeclaration decl = (mNotations == null) ? null :mNotations.get(id); if (decl == null) { // In validating mode, this may be a problem (otherwise not) if (mCfgFullyValidating) { if (mNotationForwardRefs == null) { mNotationForwardRefs = new LinkedHashMap<String,Location>(); } mNotationForwardRefs.put(id, refLoc); } return id; } return decl.getName(); } private String readEnumEntry(char c, HashMap<String,String> sharedEnums) throws XMLStreamException { String id = readDTDNmtoken(c); /* Let's make sure it's shared for this DTD subset; saves memory * both for DTDs and resulting docs. Could also intern Strings? */ String sid = sharedEnums.get(id); if (sid == null) { sid = id; if (INTERN_SHARED_NAMES) { /* 19-Nov-2004, TSa: Let's not use intern cache here... * shouldn't be performance critical (DTDs themselves * cached), and would add more entries to cache. */ sid = sid.intern(); } sharedEnums.put(sid, sid); } return sid; } /** * Method called to parse what seems like a mixed content specification. * * @param construct If true, will build full object for validating content * within mixed content model; if false, will just parse and discard * information (done in non-validating DTD-supporting mode) */ private StructValidator readMixedSpec(PrefixedName elemName, boolean construct) throws XMLStreamException { String keyw = checkDTDKeyword("PCDATA"); if (keyw != null) { _reportWFCViolation("Unrecognized directive #"+keyw+"'; expected #PCDATA (or element name)"); } HashMap<PrefixedName,ContentSpec> m = new LinkedHashMap<PrefixedName,ContentSpec>(); while (true) { char c = skipDtdWs(true); if (c == ')') { break; } if (c == '|') { c = skipDtdWs(true); } else if (c == ',') { throwDTDUnexpectedChar(c, " (sequences not allowed within mixed content)"); } else if (c == '(') { throwDTDUnexpectedChar(c, " (sub-content specs not allowed within mixed content)"); } else { throwDTDUnexpectedChar(c, "; expected either '|' to separate elements, or ')' to close the list"); } PrefixedName n = readDTDQName(c); Object old = m.put(n, TokenContentSpec.construct(' ', n)); if (old != null) { /* 03-Feb-2006, TSa: Hmmh. Apparently all other XML parsers * consider it's ok in non-validating mode. All right. */ if (mCfgFullyValidating) { throwDTDElemError("duplicate child element <"+n+"> in mixed content model", elemName); } } } /* One more check: can have a trailing asterisk; in fact, have * to have one if there were any elements. */ char c = (mInputPtr < mInputEnd) ? mInputBuffer[mInputPtr++] : getNextChar(getErrorMsg()); if (c != '*') { if (m.size() > 0) { _reportWFCViolation("Missing trailing '*' after a non-empty mixed content specification"); } --mInputPtr; // need to push it back } if (!construct) { // no one cares? return null; } /* Without elements, it's considered "pure" PCDATA, which can use a * specific 'empty' validator: */ if (m.isEmpty()) { return EmptyValidator.getPcdataInstance(); } ContentSpec spec = ChoiceContentSpec.constructMixed(mCfgNsEnabled, m.values()); StructValidator val = spec.getSimpleValidator(); if (val == null) { DFAState dfa = DFAState.constructDFA(spec); val = new DFAValidator(dfa); } return val; } private ContentSpec readContentSpec(final PrefixedName elemName, final boolean construct, final int recursionDepth) throws XMLStreamException { verifyLimit("Maximum DTD nesting depth (WstxInputProperties.P_MAX_DTD_DEPTH)", mConfig.getMaxDtdDepth(), recursionDepth); ArrayList<ContentSpec> subSpecs = new ArrayList<ContentSpec>(); boolean isChoice = false; // default to sequence boolean choiceSet = false; while (true) { char c = skipDtdWs(true); if (c == ')') { // Need to have had at least one entry... if (subSpecs.isEmpty()) { _reportWFCViolation("Empty content specification for '"+elemName+"' (need at least one entry)"); } break; } if (c == '|' || c == ',') { // choice/seq indicator boolean newChoice = (c == '|'); if (!choiceSet) { isChoice = newChoice; choiceSet = true; } else { if (isChoice != newChoice) { _reportWFCViolation("Can not mix content spec separators ('|' and ','); need to use parenthesis groups"); } } c = skipDtdWs(true); } else { // Need separator between subspecs... if (!subSpecs.isEmpty()) { throwDTDUnexpectedChar(c, " (missing separator '|' or ','?)"); } } if (c == '(') { ContentSpec cs = readContentSpec(elemName, construct, recursionDepth + 1); subSpecs.add(cs); continue; } // Just to get better error messages: if (c == '|' || c == ',') { throwDTDUnexpectedChar(c, " (missing element name?)"); } PrefixedName thisName = readDTDQName(c); /* Now... it's also legal to directly tag arity marker to a * single element name, too... */ char arity = readArity(); ContentSpec cs = construct ? TokenContentSpec.construct(arity, thisName) : TokenContentSpec.getDummySpec(); subSpecs.add(cs); } char arity = readArity(); /* Not really interested in constructing anything? Let's just * return the dummy placeholder. */ if (!construct) { return TokenContentSpec.getDummySpec(); } // Just one entry? Can just return it as is, combining arities if (subSpecs.size() == 1) { ContentSpec cs = subSpecs.get(0); char otherArity = cs.getArity(); if (arity != otherArity) { cs.setArity(combineArities(arity, otherArity)); } return cs; } if (isChoice) { return ChoiceContentSpec.constructChoice(mCfgNsEnabled, arity, subSpecs); } return SeqContentSpec.construct(mCfgNsEnabled, arity, subSpecs); } private static char combineArities(char arity1, char arity2) { if (arity1 == arity2) { return arity1; } // no modifier doesn't matter: if (arity1 == ' ') { return arity2; } if (arity2 == ' ') { return arity1; } // Asterisk is most liberal, supercedes others: if (arity1 == '*' || arity2 == '*') { return '*'; } /* Ok, can only have '+' and '?'; which combine to * '*' */ return '*'; } /** * Method that handles rest of external entity declaration, after * it's been figured out entity is not internal (does not continue * with a quote). * * @param inputSource Input source for the start of the declaration. * Needed for resolving relative system references, if any. * @param isParam True if this a parameter entity declaration; false * if general entity declaration * @param evtLoc Location where entity declaration directive started; * needed when construction event Objects for declarations. */ private EntityDecl handleExternalEntityDecl(WstxInputSource inputSource, boolean isParam, String id, char c, Location evtLoc) throws XMLStreamException { boolean isPublic = checkPublicSystemKeyword(c); String pubId = null; // Ok, now we can parse the reference; first public id if needed: if (isPublic) { c = skipObligatoryDtdWs(); if (c != '"' && c != '\'') { throwDTDUnexpectedChar(c, "; expected a quote to start the public identifier"); } pubId = parsePublicId(c, getErrorMsg()); /* 30-Sep-2005, TSa: SGML has public ids that miss the system * id. Although not legal with XML DTDs, let's give bit more * meaningful error in those cases... */ c = getNextExpanded(); if (c <= CHAR_SPACE) { // good c = skipDtdWs(true); } else { // not good... // Let's just push it back and generate normal error then: if (c != '>') { // this is handled below though --mInputPtr; c = skipObligatoryDtdWs(); } } /* But here let's deal with one case that we are familiar with: * SGML does NOT require system id after public one... */ if (c == '>') { _reportWFCViolation("Unexpected end of ENTITY declaration (expected a system id after public id): trying to use an SGML DTD instead of XML one?"); } } else { // Just need some white space here c = skipObligatoryDtdWs(); } if (c != '"' && c != '\'') { throwDTDUnexpectedChar(c, "; expected a quote to start the system identifier"); } String sysId = parseSystemId(c, mNormalizeLFs, getErrorMsg()); // Ok; how about notation? String notationId = null; /* Ok; PEs are simpler, as they always are parsed (see production * #72 in xml 1.0 specs) */ if (isParam) { c = skipDtdWs(true); } else { /* GEs can be unparsed, too, so it's bit more complicated; * if we get '>', don't need space; otherwise need separating * space (or PE boundary). Thus, need bit more code. */ int i = peekNext(); if (i == '>') { // good c = '>'; ++mInputPtr; } else if (i < 0) { // local EOF, ok c = skipDtdWs(true); } else if (i == '%') { c = getNextExpanded(); } else { ++mInputPtr; c = (char) i; if (!isSpaceChar(c)) { throwDTDUnexpectedChar(c, "; expected a separating space or closing '>'"); } c = skipDtdWs(true); } if (c != '>') { if (!isNameStartChar(c)) { throwDTDUnexpectedChar(c, "; expected either NDATA keyword, or closing '>'"); } String keyw = checkDTDKeyword("DATA"); if (keyw != null) { _reportWFCViolation("Unrecognized keyword '"+keyw+"'; expected NOTATION (or closing '>')"); } c = skipObligatoryDtdWs(); notationId = readNotationEntry(c, null, evtLoc); c = skipDtdWs(true); } } // Ok, better have '>' now: if (c != '>') { throwDTDUnexpectedChar(c, "; expected closing '>'"); } URL ctxt; try { ctxt = inputSource.getSource(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new WstxIOException(e); } if (notationId == null) { // parsed entity: return new ParsedExtEntity(evtLoc, id, ctxt, pubId, sysId); } return new UnparsedExtEntity(evtLoc, id, ctxt, pubId, sysId, notationId); } /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Data struct access /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ private LinkedHashMap<PrefixedName,DTDElement> getElementMap() { LinkedHashMap<PrefixedName,DTDElement> m = mElements; if (m == null) { /* Let's try to get insert-ordered Map, to be able to * report redefinition problems in proper order when validating * subset compatibility */ mElements = m = new LinkedHashMap<PrefixedName,DTDElement>(); } return m; } final PrefixedName mAccessKey = new PrefixedName(null, null); /** * Method used to 'intern()' qualified names; main benefit is reduced * memory usage as the name objects are shared. May also slightly * speed up Map access, as more often identity comparisons catch * matches. *<p> * Note: it is assumed at this point that access is only from a single * thread, and non-recursive -- generally valid assumption as readers are * not shared. Restriction is needed since the method is not re-entrant: * it uses mAccessKey during the method call. */ private PrefixedName findSharedName(String prefix, String localName) { HashMap<PrefixedName,PrefixedName> m = mSharedNames; if (mSharedNames == null) { mSharedNames = m = new HashMap<PrefixedName,PrefixedName>(); } else { // Maybe we already have a shared instance... ? PrefixedName key = mAccessKey; key.reset(prefix, localName); key = m.get(key); if (key != null) { // gotcha return key; } } // Not found; let's create, cache and return it: PrefixedName result = new PrefixedName(prefix, localName); m.put(result, result); return result; } /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Implementations of abstract methods from StreamScanner /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ /** * @param arg If Boolean.TRUE, we are expanding a general entity * */ @Override protected EntityDecl findEntity(String id, Object arg) { // Expand a Parameter Entity? if (arg == ENTITY_EXP_PE) { // for attribute default EntityDecl ed = (mPredefdPEs == null) ? null : mPredefdPEs.get(id); if (ed != null) { // Entity from int. subset... mUsesPredefdEntities = true; /* No need to further keep track of internal references, * since this subset can not be cached, so let's just free * up Map if it has been created */ mRefdPEs = null; } else if (mParamEntities != null) { ed = mParamEntities.get(id); if (ed != null) { if (!mUsesPredefdEntities) { // Let's also mark down the fact we referenced the entity: Set<String> used = mRefdPEs; if (used == null) { mRefdPEs = used = new HashSet<String>(); } used.add(id); } } } return ed; } // Nope, General Entity (within attribute default value)? if (arg == ENTITY_EXP_GE) { /* This is only complicated for external subsets, since * they may 'inherit' entity definitions from preceding * internal subset... */ EntityDecl ed = (mPredefdGEs == null) ? null : mPredefdGEs.get(id); if (ed != null) { mUsesPredefdEntities = true; /* No need to further keep track of references, * as this means this subset is not cachable... * so let's just free up Map if it has been created */ mRefdGEs = null; } else if (mGeneralEntities != null) { ed = mGeneralEntities.get(id); if (ed != null) { // Ok, just need to mark reference, if we still care: if (!mUsesPredefdEntities) { // Let's also mark down the fact we referenced the entity: if (mRefdGEs == null) { mRefdGEs = new HashSet<String>(); } mRefdGEs.add(id); } } } return ed; } throw new IllegalStateException(ErrorConsts.ERR_INTERNAL); } /** * Undeclared parameter entity is a VC, not WFC... */ @Override protected void handleUndeclaredEntity(String id) throws XMLStreamException { _reportVCViolation("Undeclared parameter entity '"+id+"'."); if (mCurrAttrDefault != null) { Location loc = getLastCharLocation(); if (mExpandingPE) { mCurrAttrDefault.addUndeclaredPE(id, loc); } else { mCurrAttrDefault.addUndeclaredGE(id, loc); } } if (mEventListener != null) { // GEs only matter when expanding... if (mExpandingPE) { mEventListener.dtdSkippedEntity("%"+id); } } } /** * Handling of PE matching problems is actually intricate; one type * will be a WFC ("PE Between Declarations", which refers to PEs that * start from outside declarations), and another just a VC * ("Proper Declaration/PE Nesting", when PE is contained within * declaration) */ @Override protected void handleIncompleteEntityProblem(WstxInputSource closing) throws XMLStreamException { // Did it start outside of declaration? if (closing.getScopeId() == 0) { // yup // and being WFC, need not be validating _reportWFCViolation(entityDesc(closing) + ": " +"Incomplete PE: has to fully contain a declaration (as per xml 1.0.3, section 2.8, WFC 'PE Between Declarations')"); } else { // whereas the other one is only sent in validating mode.. if (mCfgFullyValidating) { _reportVCViolation(entityDesc(closing) + ": " +"Incomplete PE: has to be fully contained in a declaration (as per xml 1.0.3, section 2.8, VC 'Proper Declaration/PE Nesting')"); } } } protected void handleGreedyEntityProblem(WstxInputSource input) throws XMLStreamException { // Here it can only be of VC kind... if (mCfgFullyValidating) { // since it's a VC, not WFC _reportWFCViolation(entityDesc(input) + ": " + "Unbalanced PE: has to be fully contained in a declaration (as per xml 1.0.3, section 2.8, VC 'Proper Declaration/PE Nesting')"); } } /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Additional validity checking /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ protected void checkXmlSpaceAttr(int type, WordResolver enumValues) throws XMLStreamException { boolean ok = (type == DTDAttribute.TYPE_ENUMERATED); if (ok) { switch (enumValues.size()) { case 1: ok = (enumValues.find("preserve") != null) || (enumValues.find("default") != null); break; case 2: ok = (enumValues.find("preserve") != null) && (enumValues.find("default") != null); break; default: ok = false; } } if (!ok) { _reportVCViolation(ErrorConsts.ERR_DTD_XML_SPACE); } } protected void checkXmlIdAttr(int type) throws XMLStreamException { if (type != DTDAttribute.TYPE_ID) { _reportVCViolation(ErrorConsts.ERR_DTD_XML_ID); } } /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Error handling /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ private void _reportWarning(XMLReporter rep, String probType, String msg, Location loc) throws XMLStreamException { if (rep != null) { /* Note: since the problem occurs at DTD (schema) parsing, * not during validation, can not set reporter. */ XMLValidationProblem prob = new XMLValidationProblem (loc, msg, XMLValidationProblem.SEVERITY_WARNING, probType);, probType, prob, loc); } } }
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