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commons-jelly-tags-define-1.0.jar - Apache Jelly
Jelly, Executable XML, is a tool for turning XML into executable code. So Jelly is a Java and XML based scripting and processing engine. Jelly can be used as a more flexible and powerful front end to Ant such as in the Maven project, as a testing framework such as JellyUnit, in an intergration or wo...
2012-01-19, 3786🔥, 0💬

commons-jelly-tags-xml-1.0.jar - Apache Jelly
Jelly, Executable XML, is a tool for turning XML into executable code. So Jelly is a Java and XML based scripting and processing engine. Jelly can be used as a more flexible and powerful front end to Ant such as in the Maven project, as a testing framework such as JellyUnit, in an intergration or wo...
2012-01-17, 4002🔥, 0💬

commons-jelly-tags-swing-1.0.jar - Apache Jelly
Jelly, Executable XML, is a tool for turning XML into executable code. So Jelly is a Java and XML based scripting and processing engine. Jelly can be used as a more flexible and powerful front end to Ant such as in the Maven project, as a testing framework such as JellyUnit, in an intergration or wo...
2012-01-17, 4593🔥, 0💬

commons-jelly-1.0.jar - Apache Jelly
Jelly, Executable XML, is a tool for turning XML into executable code. So Jelly is a Java and XML based scripting and processing engine. Jelly can be used as a more flexible and powerful front end to Ant such as in the Maven project, as a testing framework such as JellyUnit, in an intergration or wo...
2012-01-16, 4426🔥, 0💬

commons-betwixt-0.8.jar - Commons Betwixt Library
The Betwixt library provides an XML introspection mechanism for mapping beans to XML in a flexible way. It is implemented using an XMLIntrospector and XMLBeanInfo classes which are similar to the standard Introspector and BeanInfo from the Java Beans specification. Betwixt provides a way of turning ...
2012-01-02, 4740🔥, 0💬

jaxen-1.1.3.jar - Jaxen XPath library
Jaxen is an open source XPath library written in Java. It is adaptable to many different object models, including DOM, XOM, dom4j, and JDOM. Is it also possible to write adapters that treat non-XML trees such as compiled Java byte code or Java beans as XML, thus enabling you to query these trees wit...
2011-12-06, 5459🔥, 0💬

nanoxml-2.2.3.jar - NanoXML
NanoXML is a small XML parser for Java. NanoXML comes in three different components: NanoXML/Java - The standard parser for Java; NanoXML/SAX - A SAX adapter for NanoXML/Java; NanoXML/Lite - An extremely small (6KB) XML parser which is the successor of NanoXML 1. JAR File Size and Download Location:...
2011-12-02, 5190🔥, 0💬

ws-commons-util.jar - Apache WS Common Utilities
ws-commons-util.jar is a small collection of utility classes, that allow high performance XML processing based on SAX. Basically, it is assumed, that you are using an JAXP 1.1 compliant XML parser and nothing else. In particular, no dependency on the javax.xml.transform package is introduced. JAR Fi...
2011-11-18, 7144🔥, 0💬

xmlrpc-client-3.1.3.jar - Apache XML-RPC
Apache XML-RPC is a Java implementation of XML-RPC, a popular protocol that uses XML over HTTP to implement remote procedure calls. Version 3 of Apache XML-RPC is still compliant to the XML-RPC specification. However, the user may enable several vendor extensions are available, that greatly extend t...
2011-11-17, 5801🔥, 0💬

xmlrpc-server-3.1.3.jar - Apache XML-RPC
Apache XML-RPC is a Java implementation of XML-RPC, a popular protocol that uses XML over HTTP to implement remote procedure calls. Version 3 of Apache XML-RPC is still compliant to the XML-RPC specification. However, the user may enable several vendor extensions are available, that greatly extend t...
2011-11-15, 5647🔥, 0💬

What Is XMLBeans xmlpublic.jar 2.6.0
What Is XMLBeans xmlpublic.jar 2.6.0? XMLBeans xmlpublic.jar 2.6.0 is the JAR file for Apache XMLBeans Public API 2.6.0. xmlpublic.jar 2.6.0 is distributed in Apache XMLBeans-2.6.0.zip Apache XMLBeans is Java library for accessing XML by binding it to Java types. JAR File Size and Download Location:...
2011-07-12, 7295🔥, 0💬

What Is Apache XMLBeans xmlbeans-qname.jar 2.6.0
What Is Apache XMLBeans xmlbeans-qname.jar 2.6.0? XMLBeans xmlbeans-qname.jar 2.6.0 is the JAR file for Apache XMLBeans QName 2.6.0. xmlbeans-qname.jar 2.6.0 is distributed in XMLBeans-2.6.0.zip Apache XMLBeans is Java library for accessing XML by binding it to Java types. JAR File Size and Download...
2011-07-05, 6921🔥, 0💬

What Is Apache XMLBeans
What is Apache XMLBeans? Apache XMLBeans is Java library for accessing XML by binding it to Java types. XMLBeans provides several ways to get at the XML, including: Through XML schema that has been compiled to generate Java types that represent schema types. In this way, you can access instances of ...
2011-07-05, 5144🔥, 0💬

FAQ for Apache XMLBeans JAR Library
Where to find answers to frequently asked questions on Apache XMLBeans-*.jar? Here is a list of frequently asked questions and their answers compiled by FYIcenter.com team on Apache XMLBeans-*.jar: Download and Review Apache XMLBeans JAR Library What Is Apache XMLBeans Donwload Apache XMLBeans-2.6.0...
2011-06-28, 5832🔥, 0💬

xmltooling-1.3.0.jar - OpenSAML XML Tooling
XML Tooling is lower-level library that provides a higher level interface to XML processing, particularly in light of signing and encryption. XML Tooling project is maintained as part of the OpenSAML 2 project and is supported with it. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: xmltooling.jar, ...
2011-04-05, 9684🔥, 0💬

xmlsec-1.4.4.jar - Apache-XML-Security-J
The Apache-XML-Security-J 1.4 supports XML-Signature Syntax and Processing, W3C Recommendation 12 February 2002 and XML Encryption Syntax and Processing, W3C Recommendation 10 December 2002 JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: xmlsec.jar, xmlsec-1.4.4.jar File size: 450163 bytes Date modi...
2011-03-22, 7801🔥, 0💬

xmlsecTests-1.4.4.jar - Apache-XML-Security-J Tests
The Apache-XML-Security-J 1.4 supports XML-Signature Syntax and Processing, W3C Recommendation 12 February 2002 and XML Encryption Syntax and Processing, W3C Recommendation 10 December 2002 JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: xmlsecTests.jar, xmlsecTests-1.4.4.jar File name: xmlsecTests-...
2011-03-15, 5145🔥, 0💬

What Is xml-apis.jar in xml-commons External 1.3.05
What Is xml-apis.jar in xml-commons External 1.3.05? xml-apis.jar in xml-commons External 1.3.05 is the JAR file for Apache xml-commons External Code Package 1.3.05. Apache xml-commons External Code Package contains codes from external sources for XML programm with various APIs like: DOM, SAX and JA...
2011-03-08, 6753🔥, 0💬

What Is xml-apis-ext.jar in xml-commons External 1.3.05
What Is xml-apis-ext.jar in xml-commons External 1.3.05? xml-apis-ext.jar in xml-commons External 1.3.05 is the JAR file for Apache xml-commons External Code Extension Package 1.3.05. Apache xml-commons External Code Package contains codes from external sources for XML programm with various APIs lik...
2011-03-08, 7762🔥, 0💬

xmlunit-1.3.jar - JUnit testing for XML
XMLUnit for Java provides two JUnit extension classes, XMLAssert and XMLTestCase, and a set of supporting classes (e.g. Diff, DetailedDiff, Transform, SimpleXpathEngine, Validator,NodeTest) that allow assertions to be made about: The differences between two pieces of XML; The outcome of transforming...
2011-01-18, 8299🔥, 0💬

woodstox-core-5.4.0.jar - Woodstox Core 5.4.0
What Is woodstox-core-5.4.0.jar? woodstox-core-5.4.0.jar is JAR file for the Core component of Woodstox 5.4.0. You can download the JAR fie for Woodstox Core 5.4.0 by clicking the download button below: File name: woodstox-core-5.4.0.jar File size: 522679 bytes Release date: 2022-10-25 Download http...
2010-12-17, 5882🔥, 0💬

stax2-api-3.1.0.jar - Extension of StAX Specifications
StAX2 is an experimental API that is intended to extend basic StAX specifications in a way that allows implementations to experiment with features before they end up in the actual StAX specification (if they do). As such, it is intended to be freely implementable by all StAX implementations same way...
2010-12-17, 12014🔥, 0💬

saxon-6-5-5.jar - Saxon
Saxon is an open source product available under the Mozilla Public License. It provides implementations of XSLT 2.0, XQuery 1.0, and XPath 2.0 at the basic level of conformance defined by W3C. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: saxon.jar, saxon-6-5-5.jar File size: 572551 bytes Date mod...
2010-04-19, 7157🔥, 0💬

saxon- - Saxon
Saxon is an open source product available under the Mozilla Public License. It provides implementations of XSLT 2.0, XQuery 1.0, and XPath 2.0 at the basic level of conformance defined by W3C. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: saxon.jar, saxon9.jar, saxon- File size: 5046534...
2010-04-16, 15601🔥, 0💬

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