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What Is commons-codec-1.3.jar
What Is commons-codec-1.3.jar?
commons-codec-1.3.jar is the JAR file for Apache Commons Codec 1.3, which provides implementations of common encoders and decoders such as Base64, Hex, Phonetic and URLs.
commons-codec-examples-1.3.jar is distributed as part of the download file.
JAR File Size and Download Location:
File name: commons-codec.jar, commons-codec-1.3.jar File size: 46725 bytes Date modified: 10-Jul-2004 Download: Apache Commons Codec
Manifest of the JAR:
Extension-Name: org.apache.commons.codec Specification-Title: Jakarta Commons Codec Specification-Vendor: Apache Software Foundation Specification-Version: 1.3 Implementation-Title: org.apache.commons.codec Implementation-Vendor: Apache Software Foundation Implementation-Version: 1.3
List of Classes in the JAR:
org/apache/commons/codec/BinaryDecoder org/apache/commons/codec/BinaryEncoder org/apache/commons/codec/Decoder org/apache/commons/codec/DecoderException org/apache/commons/codec/Encoder org/apache/commons/codec/EncoderException org/apache/commons/codec/StringDecoder org/apache/commons/codec/StringEncoder org/apache/commons/codec/StringEncoderComparator org/apache/commons/codec/binary/Base64 org/apache/commons/codec/binary/BinaryCodec org/apache/commons/codec/binary/Hex org/apache/commons/codec/digest/DigestUtils org/apache/commons/codec/language/DoubleMetaphone org/apache/commons/codec/language/Metaphone org/apache/commons/codec/language/RefinedSoundex org/apache/commons/codec/language/Soundex org/apache/commons/codec/language/SoundexUtils org/apache/commons/codec/net/BCodec org/apache/commons/codec/net/QCodec org/apache/commons/codec/net/QuotedPrintableCodec org/apache/commons/codec/net/RFC1522Codec org/apache/commons/codec/net/StringEncodings org/apache/commons/codec/net/URLCodec
⇒ What Is commons-codec-1.2.jar
⇐ What Is commons-codec-1.4.jar
2016-08-01, 9021🔥, 1💬
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