Dependency Finder, How To List Tools?


Dependency Finder is a suite of tools for analyzing compiled Java code. At the core is a powerful dependency analysis application that extracts dependency graphs and mines them for useful information. This application comes in many forms for your ease of use, including command-line tools, a Swing-based application, a web application ready to be deployed in an application server, and a set of Ant tasks.

For more information, see Dependency Finder.



To see all tools provided by the Dependency Finder, you can go the Dependency Finder folder and run the following commands in a command window:

C:\>cd \fyicenter\DependencyFinder-1.2.1-beta4\bin

11/28/2010   3,067 c2c.bat
11/28/2010   3,067 c2p.bat
11/28/2010   3,070 ClassClassDiff.bat
11/28/2010   3,069 ClassCohesion.bat
11/28/2010   3,065 ClassDump.bat
11/28/2010   3,067 ClassFinder.bat
11/28/2010   3,065 ClassList.bat
11/28/2010   3,068 ClassMetrics.bat
11/28/2010   3,067 ClassReader.bat
11/28/2010   3,108 ClosureToText.bat
11/28/2010   3,112 DependablesToHTML.bat
11/28/2010   3,112 DependablesToText.bat
11/28/2010   3,073 DependencyClosure.bat
11/28/2010   3,072 DependencyCycles.bat
11/28/2010   3,075 DependencyExtractor.bat
11/28/2010   3,558 DependencyFinder.bat
11/28/2010   3,131 DependencyGraphToFullyQualifiedNames.bat
11/28/2010   3,119 DependencyGraphToGraphML.bat
11/28/2010   3,116 DependencyGraphToHTML.bat
11/28/2010   3,115 DependencyGraphToRDF.bat
11/28/2010   3,116 DependencyGraphToText.bat
11/28/2010   3,142 DependencyGraphToUnconfirmedFullyQualifiedNames.bat
11/28/2010   3,115 DependencyGraphToyEd.bat
11/28/2010   3,073 DependencyMetrics.bat
11/28/2010   3,074 DependencyReporter.bat
11/28/2010   3,111 DependentsToHTML.bat
11/28/2010   3,111 DependentsToText.bat
11/28/2010   3,120 DiffToFullyQualifiedNames.bat
11/28/2010   3,105 DiffToHTML.bat
11/28/2010   3,067 f2f.bat
11/28/2010   3,124 HideInboundDependenciesToHTML.bat
11/28/2010   3,124 HideInboundDependenciesToText.bat
11/28/2010   3,125 HideOutboundDependenciesToHTML.bat
11/28/2010   3,125 HideOutboundDependenciesToText.bat
11/28/2010   3,066 JarJarDiff.bat
11/28/2010   3,078 ListDeprecatedElements.bat
11/28/2010   3,064 ListDiff.bat
11/28/2010   3,109 ListDiffToHTML.bat
11/28/2010   3,109 ListDiffToText.bat
11/28/2010   3,062 ListDocumentedElements.bat
11/28/2010   3,120 ListInheritanceDiffToText.bat
11/28/2010   3,067 ListSymbols.bat
11/28/2010   3,105 ListUnused.bat
11/28/2010   3,108 MetricsToHTML.bat
11/28/2010   3,108 MetricsToText.bat
11/28/2010   3,124 OOMetrics.bat
11/28/2010   3,678 OOMetricsGUI.bat
11/28/2010   3,067 p2p.bat
11/28/2010   3,067 XSLTProcess.bat

Still have trouble using Dependency Finder? See How To Use Dependency Finder.

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