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Other Resources:
jardepend.jar - JAR Dependency Tool
JarDepend analyzes the interdependencies between jar (java archive) files. This is useful to add only the required dependencies in the CLASSPATH.
JAR File Size and Download Location:
JAR name: jardepend.jar JAR version: jardepend.jar Target JDK version: 1.5 Dependency: None File name: jardepend.jar File size: 24268 bytes Date modified: 24-Jun-2007 Download: JarDepend Page
Manifest of the JAR:
Main-Class: com.jardepend.JarDepend X-COMMENT: Main-Class will be added automatically by build
List of Classes in the JAR:
com/jardepend/JarDepend com/jardepend/classfileformat/classfile/ClassFile com/jardepend/classfileformat/constants/ClassFileConstants com/jardepend/classfileformat/cpinfo/CPConstantClass com/jardepend/classfileformat/cpinfo/CPConstantDouble com/jardepend/classfileformat/cpinfo/CPConstantFloat com/jardepend/classfileformat/cpinfo/CPConstantInteger com/jardepend/classfileformat/cpinfo/CPConstantLong com/jardepend/classfileformat/cpinfo/CPConstantNameAndType com/jardepend/classfileformat/cpinfo/CPConstantReference com/jardepend/classfileformat/cpinfo/CPConstantString com/jardepend/classfileformat/cpinfo/CPConstantUtf8 com/jardepend/classfileformat/cpinfo/CPInfo com/jardepend/classfileformat/cpinfo/extractor/CPInfoExtractor com/jardepend/classfileformat/util/ClassUtils com/jardepend/classloader/ClassLoaderDelegator com/jardepend/classloader/JarClassLoader com/jardepend/classloader/util/ClassLoaderUtil com/jardepend/jar/JarFileHandler com/jardepend/jar/JarHandler com/jardepend/jar/exceptions/GenericJarException com/jardepend/jar/exceptions/io/JarFileException com/jardepend/jar/exceptions/loader/LoaderInvalidClassNameException com/jardepend/params/constants/CommandLineParamsConstants com/jardepend/params/dto/CommandLineParamsDto
2015-10-28, 1859🔥, 0💬
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