"jar" Commands to Merge Two JAR Files


How to merge two JAR files with "jar" commands? I am tired of specifying multiple JAR files in the classpath.

✍: FYIcenter.com


If you are tired of specifying multiple JAR files in the classpath, you can merge all JAR files into a single JAR file using these steps:

1. Put all JAR files into .\lib folder.

2. Create a sub folder called temp under .\lib folder.

\fyicenter>cd lib
\fyicenter\lib>mkdir temp

3. Go to the .\lib\temp folder and extract all JAR files:

\fyicenter\lib>cd temp
\fyicenter\lib\temp>jar -xf ..\A.jar
\fyicenter\lib\temp>jar -xf ..\B.jar

4. Add all classes into a single JAR file, mySuper.jar:

\fyicenter\lib\temp>jar -cf ..\mySuper.jar .

5. Take the mySuper.jar the .\lib folder and delete .\lib\temp folder.

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2022-12-17, 33008🔥, 2💬