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"jar -uvf" Command to Replace a File in a JAR
What are "jar" commands to replace 1 class file in a JAR file? I need to modify one class file and put it back to the JAR.
If you have a large JAR file and just want to replace 1 class file with a modified version, you can follow these steps:
1. Get the source code of that 1 class file.
2. Make changes to the source code.
3. Recompile the source code.
4. Update the JAR file with the new class file from the compilation.
See the example session bellow:
\fyicenter>edit class Hello { public static void main(String[] a) { System.out.println("Hello new world!"); } } \fyicenter>"%java_home%\bin\javac" \fyicenter>"%java_home%\bin\jar" -uvf myNew.jar Hello.class adding: Hello.class(in = 420) (out= 289)(deflated 31%) \fyicenter>"%java_home%\bin\java" -cp myNew.jar Hello Hello new world!
Back to FAQ for JDK JAR (Java ARchive) Tool.
2016-06-13, 12123🔥, 0💬
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