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What Is fop.jar in
What Is fop.jar? I got it from the
fop.jar in is the JAR file for FOP 2.7, which
is a print formatter driven by XSL formatting objects (XSL-FO).
You can obtain fop.jar from the build folder of the file.
Below is the information about the fop.jar (2.2) file:
JAR File Size and Download Location:
JAR name: fop.jar, fop-2.7.jar Target JDK version: 1.7 File name: fop.jar File size: 4442817 bytes Release date: 20-Jan-2022 Download: Apache FOP Website
Java source code files for fop.jar:
⏎ org/apache/fop/fo/flow/
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* $Id: 1790795 2017-04-10 10:03:35Z cbowditch $ */ package; import java.awt.Color; import org.xml.sax.Locator; import org.apache.fop.apps.FOPException; import org.apache.fop.datatypes.Length; import org.apache.fop.datatypes.Numeric; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Class modelling the <a href=""> * <code>fo:block object</code></a>. */ public class Block extends FObjMixed implements BreakPropertySet, CommonAccessibilityHolder { // used for FO validation private boolean blockOrInlineItemFound; private boolean initialPropertySetFound; // The value of FO traits (refined properties) that apply to fo:block. private CommonAccessibility commonAccessibility; private CommonBorderPaddingBackground commonBorderPaddingBackground; private CommonFont commonFont; private CommonHyphenation commonHyphenation; private CommonMarginBlock commonMarginBlock; private CommonRelativePosition commonRelativePosition; private int breakAfter; private int breakBefore; private Color color; private int hyphenationKeep; private Numeric hyphenationLadderCount; private int intrusionDisplace; private KeepProperty keepTogether; private KeepProperty keepWithNext; private KeepProperty keepWithPrevious; private Length lastLineEndIndent; private int linefeedTreatment; private SpaceProperty lineHeight; private int lineHeightShiftAdjustment; private int lineStackingStrategy; private Numeric orphans; private int whiteSpaceTreatment; private int span; private int textAlign; private int textAlignLast; private Length textIndent; private int whiteSpaceCollapse; private Numeric widows; private int wrapOption; private int disableColumnBalancing; private int visibility; // Unused but valid items, commented out for performance: // private CommonAccessibility commonAccessibility; // private CommonAural commonAural; // private Length textDepth; // private Length textAltitude; // End of FO trait values /** * Base constructor * * @param parent FONode that is the parent of this object * */ public Block(FONode parent) { super(parent); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ public void bind(PropertyList pList) throws FOPException { super.bind(pList); commonAccessibility = CommonAccessibility.getInstance(pList); commonBorderPaddingBackground = pList.getBorderPaddingBackgroundProps(); commonFont = pList.getFontProps(); commonHyphenation = pList.getHyphenationProps(); commonMarginBlock = pList.getMarginBlockProps(); commonRelativePosition = pList.getRelativePositionProps(); breakAfter = pList.get(PR_BREAK_AFTER).getEnum(); breakBefore = pList.get(PR_BREAK_BEFORE).getEnum(); color = pList.get(PR_COLOR).getColor(getUserAgent()); hyphenationKeep = pList.get(PR_HYPHENATION_KEEP).getEnum(); hyphenationLadderCount = pList.get(PR_HYPHENATION_LADDER_COUNT).getNumeric(); intrusionDisplace = pList.get(PR_INTRUSION_DISPLACE).getEnum(); keepTogether = pList.get(PR_KEEP_TOGETHER).getKeep(); keepWithNext = pList.get(PR_KEEP_WITH_NEXT).getKeep(); keepWithPrevious = pList.get(PR_KEEP_WITH_PREVIOUS).getKeep(); lastLineEndIndent = pList.get(PR_LAST_LINE_END_INDENT).getLength(); linefeedTreatment = pList.get(PR_LINEFEED_TREATMENT).getEnum(); lineHeight = pList.get(PR_LINE_HEIGHT).getSpace(); lineHeightShiftAdjustment = pList.get(PR_LINE_HEIGHT_SHIFT_ADJUSTMENT).getEnum(); lineStackingStrategy = pList.get(PR_LINE_STACKING_STRATEGY).getEnum(); orphans = pList.get(PR_ORPHANS).getNumeric(); whiteSpaceTreatment = pList.get(PR_WHITE_SPACE_TREATMENT).getEnum(); span = pList.get(PR_SPAN).getEnum(); textAlign = pList.get(PR_TEXT_ALIGN).getEnum(); textAlignLast = pList.get(PR_TEXT_ALIGN_LAST).getEnum(); textIndent = pList.get(PR_TEXT_INDENT).getLength(); whiteSpaceCollapse = pList.get(PR_WHITE_SPACE_COLLAPSE).getEnum(); widows = pList.get(PR_WIDOWS).getNumeric(); wrapOption = pList.get(PR_WRAP_OPTION).getEnum(); disableColumnBalancing = pList.get(PR_X_DISABLE_COLUMN_BALANCING).getEnum(); visibility = pList.get(PR_VISIBILITY).getEnum(); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ public void startOfNode() throws FOPException { super.startOfNode(); getFOEventHandler().startBlock(this); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ public void endOfNode() throws FOPException { super.endOfNode(); getFOEventHandler().endBlock(this); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ public CommonAccessibility getCommonAccessibility() { return commonAccessibility; } /** @return the {@link CommonMarginBlock} */ public CommonMarginBlock getCommonMarginBlock() { return commonMarginBlock; } /** @return the {@link CommonBorderPaddingBackground} */ public CommonBorderPaddingBackground getCommonBorderPaddingBackground() { return commonBorderPaddingBackground; } /** * @return the {@link CommonFont} */ public CommonFont getCommonFont() { return commonFont; } /** @return the {@link CommonHyphenation} */ public CommonHyphenation getCommonHyphenation() { return commonHyphenation; } /** @return the "break-after" trait. */ public int getBreakAfter() { return breakAfter; } /** @return the "break-before" trait. */ public int getBreakBefore() { return breakBefore; } /** @return the "hyphenation-ladder-count" trait. */ public Numeric getHyphenationLadderCount() { return hyphenationLadderCount; } /** @return the "keep-with-next" trait. */ public KeepProperty getKeepWithNext() { return keepWithNext; } /** @return the "keep-with-previous" trait. */ public KeepProperty getKeepWithPrevious() { return keepWithPrevious; } /** @return the "keep-together" trait. */ public KeepProperty getKeepTogether() { return keepTogether; } /** @return the "orphans" trait. */ public int getOrphans() { return orphans.getValue(); } /** @return the "widows" trait. */ public int getWidows() { return widows.getValue(); } /** @return the "line-stacking-strategy" trait. */ public int getLineStackingStrategy() { return lineStackingStrategy; } /** @return the "color" trait */ public Color getColor() { return color; } /** @return the "line-height" trait */ public SpaceProperty getLineHeight() { return lineHeight; } /** @return the "span" trait */ public int getSpan() { return this.span; } /** @return the "text-align" trait */ public int getTextAlign() { return textAlign; } /** @return the "text-align-last" trait */ public int getTextAlignLast() { return textAlignLast; } /** @return the "text-indent" trait */ public Length getTextIndent() { return textIndent; } /** @return the "last-line-end-indent" trait */ public Length getLastLineEndIndent() { return lastLineEndIndent; } /** @return the "wrap-option" trait */ public int getWrapOption() { return wrapOption; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * <br>XSL Content Model: marker* initial-property-set? (#PCDATA|%inline;|%block;)* * <br><i>Additionally: "An fo:bidi-override that is a descendant of an fo:leader * or of the fo:inline child of an fo:footnote may not have block-level * children, unless it has a nearer ancestor that is an * fo:inline-container."</i> */ protected void validateChildNode(Locator loc, String nsURI, String localName) throws ValidationException { if (FO_URI.equals(nsURI)) { if ("marker".equals(localName)) { if (blockOrInlineItemFound || initialPropertySetFound) { nodesOutOfOrderError(loc, "fo:marker", "initial-property-set? (#PCDATA|%inline;|%block;)"); } } else if ("initial-property-set".equals(localName)) { if (initialPropertySetFound) { tooManyNodesError(loc, "fo:initial-property-set"); } else if (blockOrInlineItemFound) { nodesOutOfOrderError(loc, "fo:initial-property-set", "(#PCDATA|%inline;|%block;)"); } else { initialPropertySetFound = true; } } else if (isBlockOrInlineItem(nsURI, localName)) { blockOrInlineItemFound = true; } else { invalidChildError(loc, nsURI, localName); } } } /** @return the "linefeed-treatment" trait */ public int getLinefeedTreatment() { return linefeedTreatment; } /** @return the "white-space-treatment" trait */ public int getWhitespaceTreatment() { return whiteSpaceTreatment; } /** @return the "white-space-collapse" trait */ public int getWhitespaceCollapse() { return whiteSpaceCollapse; } /** @return the {@link CommonRelativePosition} */ public CommonRelativePosition getCommonRelativePosition() { return this.commonRelativePosition; } /** @return the "hyphenation-keep" trait */ public int getHyphenationKeep() { return this.hyphenationKeep; } /** @return the "intrusion-displace" trait */ public int getIntrusionDisplace() { return this.intrusionDisplace; } /** @return the "line-height-shift-adjustment" trait */ public int getLineHeightShiftAdjustment() { return this.lineHeightShiftAdjustment; } /** * @return the "fox:disable-column-balancing" property, one of * {@link}, * {@link} */ public int getDisableColumnBalancing() { return disableColumnBalancing; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ public CharIterator charIterator() { return NullCharIterator.getInstance(); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ public String getLocalName() { return "block"; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @return {@link} */ public int getNameId() { return FO_BLOCK; } public int getVisibility() { return visibility; } }
⏎ org/apache/fop/fo/flow/
Or download all of them as a single archive file:
File name: File size: 3401312 bytes Release date: 2022-01-20 Download
⇒ "fop" Command in
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