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What Is
What Is I downloaded it from the Apache FOP Website.
✍: is the binary package of Apache FOP 2.7 in ZIP format.
FOP (Formatting Objects Processor) is a print formatter driven by XSL formatting objects (XSL-FO).
Below is the information about the file:
Download File Size and Download Location:
File name: File size: 28013587 bytes Release date: 20-Jan-2022 Download: Apache FOP Website
File list of
fop-2.0\... Length Date Time Name --------- ---------- ----- ---- 18941 01-12-2022 11:55 KEYS 11358 01-12-2022 11:55 LICENSE 164 01-12-2022 11:55 NOTICE 13198 01-12-2022 11:55 README 4442817 01-12-2022 11:55 fop/build/fop.jar 27275 01-12-2022 11:55 fop/conf/fop.xconf 6907 01-12-2022 11:55 fop/examples/embedding/build.xml 8044 01-12-2022 11:55 fop/examples/fo/build.xml 3670 01-12-2022 11:55 fop/examples/hyphenation/build.xml 6217 01-12-2022 11:55 fop/examples/plan/build.xml 7679 01-12-2022 11:55 fop/fop 3222 01-12-2022 11:55 fop/fop.bat 1252 01-12-2022 11:55 fop/fop.cmd 10845 01-12-2022 11:55 fop/fop.js 6318 01-12-2022 11:55 fop/lib/README.txt 4291473 01-12-2022 11:55 fop/lib/batik-all-1.14.jar 11357 01-12-2022 11:55 fop/lib/batik.LICENSE.txt 684 01-12-2022 11:55 fop/lib/batik.NOTICE.txt 83613 01-12-2022 11:55 fop/lib/commons-io-1.3.1.jar 11359 01-12-2022 11:55 fop/lib/commons-io.LICENSE.txt 180 01-12-2022 11:55 fop/lib/commons-io.NOTICE.txt 38015 01-12-2022 11:55 fop/lib/commons-logging-1.0.4.jar 11358 01-12-2022 11:55 fop/lib/commons-logging.LICENSE.txt 102 01-12-2022 11:55 fop/lib/commons-logging.NOTICE.txt 1564111 01-12-2022 11:55 fop/lib/fontbox-2.0.24.jar 276420 01-12-2022 11:55 fop/lib/serializer-2.7.2.jar 11357 01-12-2022 11:55 fop/lib/serializer.LICENSE.txt 866 01-12-2022 11:55 fop/lib/serializer.NOTICE.txt 3154938 01-12-2022 11:55 fop/lib/xalan-2.7.2.jar 2540 01-12-2022 11:55 fop/lib/xalan.BCEL.LICENSE.txt 11358 01-12-2022 11:55 fop/lib/xalan.LICENSE.txt 2150 01-12-2022 11:55 fop/lib/xalan.NOTICE.txt 2540 01-12-2022 11:55 fop/lib/xalan.regexp.LICENSE.txt 1154 01-12-2022 11:55 fop/lib/xalan.runtime.LICENSE.txt 2693 01-12-2022 11:55 fop/lib/xerces.LICENSE.txt 1386397 01-12-2022 11:55 fop/lib/xercesImpl-2.12.0.jar 11357 01-12-2022 11:55 fop/lib/xercesImpl.LICENSE.txt 818 01-12-2022 11:55 fop/lib/xercesImpl.NOTICE.txt 220536 01-12-2022 11:55 fop/lib/xml-apis-1.4.01.jar 85686 01-12-2022 11:55 fop/lib/xml-apis-ext-1.3.04.jar 2907 01-12-2022 11:55 javadocs/index.html ... --------- ------- 97923378 4277 files
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2016-07-07, 3975🔥, 0💬
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