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folderlist Demo Program in JavaMail 1.4.7
What is the in
✍: in is a demo program that lists information about the folders in an email account on a mail server. is located at \local\javamail-1.4.7\demo\ Below is the usage description of
Description: This program lists information about the folders in a Store. Usage: java folderlist -L <url> -T <protocol> -H <host> -U <user> -P <passwd> [-R <root>] [-r] [-v] [-D] <pattern> Options: -L <url> : URL of the Store. The URL should include the password as well (if needed). Example: "imap://" -T <protocol> : store protocol (Ex: "imap") -H <host> : hostname of store. -U <user> : username (if needed) -P <passwd> : password (if needed) -R <root> : root of the folder hierarchy. This is optional. If not present, listing starts from the default folder. -r : list recursively - folder and all subfolders. -v : verbose - show more info about each folder. -D : Turn on session debugging <pattern> : folders that match this pattern are listed. Use "*" as wildcard to match everything.
Here is an execution session of
fyicenter>cd \local\javamail-1.4.7\demo local\javamail-1.4.7\demo>java -version java version "1.8.0_45" local\javamail-1.4.7\demo>javac -cp ..\mail.jar local\javamail-1.4.7\demo>java -cp .;..\mail.jar folderlist -D -L imap:// DEBUG: setDebug: JavaMail version 1.4.7 DEBUG: getProvider() returning javax.mail.Provider[STORE,imap,com.sun.mail.imap. IMAPStore,Oracle] DEBUG IMAP: mail.imap.fetchsize: 16384 DEBUG IMAP: mail.imap.ignorebodystructuresize: false DEBUG IMAP: mail.imap.statuscachetimeout: 1000 DEBUG IMAP: mail.imap.appendbuffersize: -1 DEBUG IMAP: mail.imap.minidletime: 10 DEBUG IMAP: trying to connect to host "", port 143, isSSL false Exception in thread "main" javax.mail.MessagingException: Connection timed out: connect; nested exception is: Connection timed out: connect at com.sun.mail.imap.IMAPStore.protocolConnect( at javax.mail.Service.connect( ...
The output shows that:
⇒ Run with Gmail SSL IMAP
⇐ What Is mail.jar of JavaMail 1.4.7
2016-01-22, 2773🔥, 0💬
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