What Is examples.ntp.TimeClient.java


What is examples.ntp.TimeClient.java? Can I use to get the current time?

✍: FYIcenter.com


examples.ntp.TimeClient.java is an example program demonstrating how to use the TimeTCPClient and TimeUDPClient classes.

This program connects to the default time service port of a specified server, retrieves the time, and prints it to standard output. See RFC 868 for details. The default is to use the TCP port. Use the -udp flag to use the UDP port.

You can follow these steps to download, view and run examples.telnet.WeatherTelnet.java program.

1. Download commons-net-3.5-bin.zip file from Apache Commons Net.

2. Unzip all files from commons-net-3.5-bin.zip, and install them to C:\local. You should see C:\local\commons-net-3.5 folder with two JAR files and "examples" sub folder:

05/01/2016  11:37 PM           303,658 commons-net-3.5.jar
05/01/2016  11:37 PM            82,453 commons-net-examples-3.5.jar
05/01/2016  11:37 PM    <DIR>          examples

3. View C:\local\commons-net-3.5\examples\ntp\TimeClient.java with a text editor.

4. Run TimeClient.java in command window with both JAR files included in the classpath:

C:\fyicenter> java 
   -cp .;C:\local\commons-net-3.5\commons-net-3.5.jar

Usage: TimeClient [-udp] <hostname>

5. Get the current time from nist.gov time server:

C:\fyicenter> java 
   -cp .;C:\local\commons-net-3.5\commons-net-3.5.jar
   examples.ntp.TimeClient time.nist.gov

Usage: TimeClient [-udp] <hostname>
Sat Nov 19 15:35:42 PST 2016


What Is examples.ntp.NTPClient.java

Connect to FTP Server with TelnetClientExample.java

Using commons-net.jar in Java Programs

⇑⇑ FAQ for Apache commons-net.jar

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