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maven-compat-3.8.6.jar - Maven Compact Module
maven-compat-3.8.6.jar is the JAR file for Apache Maven 3.8.6 Compact module.
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Apache Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool.
JAR File Size and Download Location:
File: 288125 06-06-2022 16:16 lib/maven-compat-3.8.6.jar Download: Apache Maven Website
⏎ org/apache/maven/repository/metadata/
package org.apache.maven.repository.metadata; /* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeSet; import org.apache.maven.artifact.ArtifactScopeEnum; /** * maven dependency metadata graph * * @author <a href="">Oleg Gusakov</a> * */ public class MetadataGraph { public static final int DEFAULT_VERTICES = 32; public static final int DEFAULT_EDGES = 64; // flags to indicate the granularity of vertices private boolean versionedVertices = false; private boolean scopedVertices = false; /** * the entry point we started building the graph from */ MetadataGraphVertex entry; // graph vertices TreeSet<MetadataGraphVertex> vertices; /** * incident and excident edges per node */ Map<MetadataGraphVertex, List<MetadataGraphEdge>> incidentEdges; Map<MetadataGraphVertex, List<MetadataGraphEdge>> excidentEdges; /** * null in dirty graph, actual * scope for conflict-resolved graph */ ArtifactScopeEnum scope; //------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * init graph */ public MetadataGraph( int nVertices ) { init( nVertices, 2 * nVertices ); } public MetadataGraph( int nVertices, int nEdges ) { init( nVertices, nEdges ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * construct a single vertex */ public MetadataGraph( MetadataGraphVertex entry ) throws MetadataResolutionException { checkVertex( entry ); checkVertices( 1 ); entry.setCompareVersion( versionedVertices ); entry.setCompareScope( scopedVertices ); vertices.add( entry ); this.entry = entry; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * construct graph from a "dirty" tree */ public MetadataGraph( MetadataTreeNode tree ) throws MetadataResolutionException { this( tree, false, false ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * construct graph from a "dirty" tree * * @param tree "dirty" tree root * @param versionedVertices true if graph nodes should be versioned (different versions -> different nodes) * @param scopedVertices true if graph nodes should be versioned and scoped * (different versions and/or scopes -> different nodes) * */ public MetadataGraph( MetadataTreeNode tree, boolean versionedVertices, boolean scopedVertices ) throws MetadataResolutionException { if ( tree == null ) { throw new MetadataResolutionException( "tree is null" ); } setVersionedVertices( versionedVertices ); setScopedVertices( scopedVertices ); this.versionedVertices = scopedVertices || versionedVertices; this.scopedVertices = scopedVertices; int count = countNodes( tree ); init( count, count + ( count / 2 ) ); processTreeNodes( null, tree, 0, 0 ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ private void processTreeNodes( MetadataGraphVertex parentVertex, MetadataTreeNode node, int depth, int pomOrder ) throws MetadataResolutionException { if ( node == null ) { return; } MetadataGraphVertex vertex = new MetadataGraphVertex(, versionedVertices, scopedVertices ); if ( !vertices.contains( vertex ) ) { vertices.add( vertex ); } if ( parentVertex != null ) // then create the edge { ArtifactMetadata md = node.getMd(); MetadataGraphEdge e = new MetadataGraphEdge( md.version, md.resolved, md.artifactScope, md.artifactUri, depth, pomOrder ); addEdge( parentVertex, vertex, e ); } else { entry = vertex; } MetadataTreeNode[] kids = node.getChildren(); if ( kids == null || kids.length < 1 ) { return; } for ( int i = 0; i < kids.length; i++ ) { MetadataTreeNode n = kids[i]; processTreeNodes( vertex, n, depth + 1, i ); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ public MetadataGraphVertex findVertex( ArtifactMetadata md ) { if ( md == null || vertices == null || vertices.size() < 1 ) { return null; } MetadataGraphVertex v = new MetadataGraphVertex( md ); v.setCompareVersion( versionedVertices ); v.setCompareScope( scopedVertices ); for ( MetadataGraphVertex gv : vertices ) { if ( gv.equals( v ) ) { return gv; } } return null; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ public MetadataGraphVertex addVertex( ArtifactMetadata md ) { if ( md == null ) { return null; } checkVertices(); MetadataGraphVertex v = findVertex( md ); if ( v != null ) { return v; } v = new MetadataGraphVertex( md ); v.setCompareVersion( versionedVertices ); v.setCompareScope( scopedVertices ); vertices.add( v ); return v; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * init graph */ private void init( int nVertices, int nEdges ) { int nV = nVertices; if ( nVertices < 1 ) { nV = 1; } checkVertices( nV ); int nE = nVertices; if ( nEdges <= nV ) { nE = 2 * nE; } checkEdges( nE ); } private void checkVertices() { checkVertices( DEFAULT_VERTICES ); } private void checkVertices( int nVertices ) { if ( vertices == null ) { vertices = new TreeSet<>(); } } private void checkEdges() { int count = DEFAULT_EDGES; if ( vertices != null ) { count = vertices.size() + vertices.size() / 2; } checkEdges( count ); } private void checkEdges( int nEdges ) { if ( incidentEdges == null ) { incidentEdges = new HashMap<>( nEdges ); } if ( excidentEdges == null ) { excidentEdges = new HashMap<>( nEdges ); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ private static void checkVertex( MetadataGraphVertex v ) throws MetadataResolutionException { if ( v == null ) { throw new MetadataResolutionException( "null vertex" ); } if ( v.getMd() == null ) { throw new MetadataResolutionException( "vertex without metadata" ); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ private static void checkEdge( MetadataGraphEdge e ) throws MetadataResolutionException { if ( e == null ) { throw new MetadataResolutionException( "badly formed edge" ); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ public List<MetadataGraphEdge> getEdgesBetween( MetadataGraphVertex vFrom, MetadataGraphVertex vTo ) { List<MetadataGraphEdge> edges = getIncidentEdges( vTo ); if ( edges == null || edges.isEmpty() ) { return null; } List<MetadataGraphEdge> res = new ArrayList<>( edges.size() ); for ( MetadataGraphEdge e : edges ) { if ( e.getSource().equals( vFrom ) ) { res.add( e ); } } return res; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ public MetadataGraph addEdge( MetadataGraphVertex vFrom, MetadataGraphVertex vTo, MetadataGraphEdge e ) throws MetadataResolutionException { checkVertex( vFrom ); checkVertex( vTo ); checkVertices(); checkEdge( e ); checkEdges(); e.setSource( vFrom ); e.setTarget( vTo ); vFrom.setCompareVersion( versionedVertices ); vFrom.setCompareScope( scopedVertices ); List<MetadataGraphEdge> exList = excidentEdges.get( vFrom ); if ( exList == null ) { exList = new ArrayList<>(); excidentEdges.put( vFrom, exList ); } if ( !exList.contains( e ) ) { exList.add( e ); } List<MetadataGraphEdge> inList = incidentEdges.get( vTo ); if ( inList == null ) { inList = new ArrayList<>(); incidentEdges.put( vTo, inList ); } if ( !inList.contains( e ) ) { inList.add( e ); } return this; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ public MetadataGraph removeVertex( MetadataGraphVertex v ) { if ( vertices != null && v != null ) { vertices.remove( v ); } if ( incidentEdges != null ) { incidentEdges.remove( v ); } if ( excidentEdges != null ) { excidentEdges.remove( v ); } return this; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ private static int countNodes( MetadataTreeNode tree ) { if ( tree == null ) { return 0; } int count = 1; MetadataTreeNode[] kids = tree.getChildren(); if ( kids == null || kids.length < 1 ) { return count; } for ( MetadataTreeNode n : kids ) { count += countNodes( n ); } return count; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ public MetadataGraphVertex getEntry() { return entry; } public void setEntry( MetadataGraphVertex entry ) { this.entry = entry; } public TreeSet<MetadataGraphVertex> getVertices() { return vertices; } public List<MetadataGraphEdge> getIncidentEdges( MetadataGraphVertex vertex ) { checkEdges(); return incidentEdges.get( vertex ); } public List<MetadataGraphEdge> getExcidentEdges( MetadataGraphVertex vertex ) { checkEdges(); return excidentEdges.get( vertex ); } public boolean isVersionedVertices() { return versionedVertices; } public void setVersionedVertices( boolean versionedVertices ) { this.versionedVertices = versionedVertices; } public boolean isScopedVertices() { return scopedVertices; } public void setScopedVertices( boolean scopedVertices ) { this.scopedVertices = scopedVertices; // scoped graph is versioned by definition if ( scopedVertices ) { versionedVertices = true; } } public ArtifactScopeEnum getScope() { return scope; } public void setScope( ArtifactScopeEnum scope ) { this.scope = scope; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ public boolean isEmpty() { return entry == null || vertices == null || vertices.isEmpty(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ public boolean isEmptyEdges() { return isEmpty() || incidentEdges == null || incidentEdges.isEmpty(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder( 512 ); if ( isEmpty() ) { return "empty"; } for ( MetadataGraphVertex v : vertices ) { sb.append( "Vertex: " ).append( v.getMd().toString() ).append( '\n' ); List<MetadataGraphEdge> ins = getIncidentEdges( v ); if ( ins != null ) { for ( MetadataGraphEdge e : ins ) { sb.append( " from : " ).append( e.toString() ).append( '\n' ); } } else { sb.append( " no entries\n" ); } List<MetadataGraphEdge> outs = getExcidentEdges( v ); if ( outs != null ) { for ( MetadataGraphEdge e : outs ) { sb.append( " to : " ).append( e.toString() ).append( '\n' ); } } else { sb.append( " no exit\n" ); } sb.append( "-------------------------------------------------\n" ); } sb.append( "=============================================================\n" ); return sb.toString(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------ }
⏎ org/apache/maven/repository/metadata/
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⇒ maven-embedder-3.8.6.jar - Maven Embedder Module
⇐ maven-builder-support-3.8.6.jar - Builder Support Module
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