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JDK 11 jdk.javadoc.jmod - Java Document Tool
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⏎ jdk/javadoc/internal/doclets/formats/html/
/* * Copyright (c) 1997, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ package jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.formats.html; import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.formats.html.markup.Table; import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.formats.html.markup.TableHeader; import java.util.*; import; import javax.lang.model.element.Element; import javax.lang.model.element.ExecutableElement; import javax.lang.model.element.Modifier; import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement; import javax.lang.model.element.TypeParameterElement; import javax.lang.model.type.TypeMirror; import com.sun.source.doctree.DocTree; import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.formats.html.markup.ContentBuilder; import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.formats.html.markup.HtmlConstants; import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.formats.html.markup.HtmlStyle; import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.formats.html.markup.HtmlTag; import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.formats.html.markup.HtmlTree; import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.formats.html.markup.Links; import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.formats.html.markup.StringContent; import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.Content; import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.MemberSummaryWriter; import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.Resources; import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.taglets.DeprecatedTaglet; import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.util.Utils; import static javax.lang.model.element.Modifier.*; /** * The base class for member writers. * * <p><b>This is NOT part of any supported API. * If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own risk. * This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or * deletion without notice.</b> * * @author Robert Field * @author Atul M Dambalkar * @author Jamie Ho (Re-write) * @author Bhavesh Patel (Modified) */ public abstract class AbstractMemberWriter implements MemberSummaryWriter { protected final HtmlConfiguration configuration; protected final Utils utils; protected final SubWriterHolderWriter writer; protected final Contents contents; protected final Resources resources; protected final Links links; protected final TypeElement typeElement; public final boolean nodepr; protected boolean printedSummaryHeader = false; public AbstractMemberWriter(SubWriterHolderWriter writer, TypeElement typeElement) { this.configuration = writer.configuration; this.writer = writer; this.nodepr = configuration.nodeprecated; this.typeElement = typeElement; this.utils = configuration.utils; this.contents = configuration.contents; this.resources = configuration.resources; this.links = writer.links; } public AbstractMemberWriter(SubWriterHolderWriter writer) { this(writer, null); } /*** abstracts ***/ /** * Add the summary label for the member. * * @param memberTree the content tree to which the label will be added */ public abstract void addSummaryLabel(Content memberTree); /** * Get the summary for the member summary table. * * @return a string for the table summary */ private String getTableSummaryX() { return null; } /** * Get the summary table header for the member. * * @param member the member to be documented * @return the summary table header */ public abstract TableHeader getSummaryTableHeader(Element member); private Table summaryTable; private Table getSummaryTable() { if (summaryTable == null) { summaryTable = createSummaryTable(); } return summaryTable; } /** * Create the summary table for this element. * The table should be created and initialized if needed, and configured * so that it is ready to add content with {@link Table#addRow(Content[])} * and similar methods. * * @return the summary table */ protected abstract Table createSummaryTable(); /** * Add inherited summary label for the member. * * @param typeElement the TypeElement to which to link to * @param inheritedTree the content tree to which the inherited summary label will be added */ public abstract void addInheritedSummaryLabel(TypeElement typeElement, Content inheritedTree); /** * Add the anchor for the summary section of the member. * * @param typeElement the TypeElement to be documented * @param memberTree the content tree to which the summary anchor will be added */ public abstract void addSummaryAnchor(TypeElement typeElement, Content memberTree); /** * Add the anchor for the inherited summary section of the member. * * @param typeElement the TypeElement to be documented * @param inheritedTree the content tree to which the inherited summary anchor will be added */ public abstract void addInheritedSummaryAnchor(TypeElement typeElement, Content inheritedTree); /** * Add the summary type for the member. * * @param member the member to be documented * @param tdSummaryType the content tree to which the type will be added */ protected abstract void addSummaryType(Element member, Content tdSummaryType); /** * Add the summary link for the member. * * @param typeElement the TypeElement to be documented * @param member the member to be documented * @param tdSummary the content tree to which the link will be added */ protected void addSummaryLink(TypeElement typeElement, Element member, Content tdSummary) { addSummaryLink(LinkInfoImpl.Kind.MEMBER, typeElement, member, tdSummary); } /** * Add the summary link for the member. * * @param context the id of the context where the link will be printed * @param typeElement the TypeElement to be documented * @param member the member to be documented * @param tdSummary the content tree to which the summary link will be added */ protected abstract void addSummaryLink(LinkInfoImpl.Kind context, TypeElement typeElement, Element member, Content tdSummary); /** * Add the inherited summary link for the member. * * @param typeElement the TypeElement to be documented * @param member the member to be documented * @param linksTree the content tree to which the inherited summary link will be added */ protected abstract void addInheritedSummaryLink(TypeElement typeElement, Element member, Content linksTree); /** * Get the deprecated link. * * @param member the member being linked to * @return a content tree representing the link */ protected abstract Content getDeprecatedLink(Element member); /** * Add the member name to the content tree. * * @param name the member name to be added to the content tree. * @param htmltree the content tree to which the name will be added. */ protected void addName(String name, Content htmltree) { htmltree.addContent(name); } /** * Add the modifier for the member. The modifiers are ordered as specified * by <em>The Java Language Specification</em>. * * @param member the member for which the modifier will be added. * @param htmltree the content tree to which the modifier information will be added. */ protected void addModifiers(Element member, Content htmltree) { Set<Modifier> set = new TreeSet<>(member.getModifiers()); // remove the ones we really don't need set.remove(NATIVE); set.remove(SYNCHRONIZED); set.remove(STRICTFP); // According to JLS, we should not be showing public modifier for // interface methods. if ((utils.isField(member) || utils.isMethod(member)) && ((writer instanceof ClassWriterImpl && utils.isInterface(((ClassWriterImpl) writer).getTypeElement()) || writer instanceof AnnotationTypeWriterImpl) )) { // Remove the implicit abstract and public modifiers if (utils.isMethod(member) && (utils.isInterface(member.getEnclosingElement()) || utils.isAnnotationType(member.getEnclosingElement()))) { set.remove(ABSTRACT); set.remove(PUBLIC); } if (!utils.isMethod(member)) { set.remove(PUBLIC); } } if (!set.isEmpty()) { String mods =" ")); htmltree.addContent(mods); htmltree.addContent(Contents.SPACE); } } protected CharSequence makeSpace(int len) { if (len <= 0) { return ""; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(len); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { sb.append(' '); } return sb; } /** * Add the modifier and type for the member in the member summary. * * @param member the member to add the type for * @param type the type to add * @param tdSummaryType the content tree to which the modified and type will be added */ protected void addModifierAndType(Element member, TypeMirror type, Content tdSummaryType) { HtmlTree code = new HtmlTree(HtmlTag.CODE); addModifier(member, code); if (type == null) { code.addContent(utils.isClass(member) ? "class" : "interface"); code.addContent(Contents.SPACE); } else { List<? extends TypeParameterElement> list = utils.isExecutableElement(member) ? ((ExecutableElement)member).getTypeParameters() : null; if (list != null && !list.isEmpty()) { Content typeParameters = ((AbstractExecutableMemberWriter) this) .getTypeParameters((ExecutableElement)member); code.addContent(typeParameters); //Code to avoid ugly wrapping in member summary table. if (typeParameters.charCount() > 10) { code.addContent(new HtmlTree(HtmlTag.BR)); } else { code.addContent(Contents.SPACE); } code.addContent( writer.getLink(new LinkInfoImpl(configuration, LinkInfoImpl.Kind.SUMMARY_RETURN_TYPE, type))); } else { code.addContent( writer.getLink(new LinkInfoImpl(configuration, LinkInfoImpl.Kind.SUMMARY_RETURN_TYPE, type))); } } tdSummaryType.addContent(code); } /** * Add the modifier for the member. * * @param member the member to add the type for * @param code the content tree to which the modified will be added */ private void addModifier(Element member, Content code) { if (utils.isProtected(member)) { code.addContent("protected "); } else if (utils.isPrivate(member)) { code.addContent("private "); } else if (!utils.isPublic(member)) { // Package private code.addContent(configuration.getText("doclet.Package_private")); code.addContent(" "); } boolean isAnnotatedTypeElement = utils.isAnnotationType(member.getEnclosingElement()); if (!isAnnotatedTypeElement && utils.isMethod(member)) { if (!utils.isInterface(member.getEnclosingElement()) && utils.isAbstract(member)) { code.addContent("abstract "); } if (utils.isDefault(member)) { code.addContent("default "); } } if (utils.isStatic(member)) { code.addContent("static "); } } /** * Add the deprecated information for the given member. * * @param member the member being documented. * @param contentTree the content tree to which the deprecated information will be added. */ protected void addDeprecatedInfo(Element member, Content contentTree) { Content output = (new DeprecatedTaglet()).getTagletOutput(member, writer.getTagletWriterInstance(false)); if (!output.isEmpty()) { Content deprecatedContent = output; Content div = HtmlTree.DIV(HtmlStyle.deprecationBlock, deprecatedContent); contentTree.addContent(div); } } /** * Add the comment for the given member. * * @param member the member being documented. * @param htmltree the content tree to which the comment will be added. */ protected void addComment(Element member, Content htmltree) { if (!utils.getFullBody(member).isEmpty()) { writer.addInlineComment(member, htmltree); } } protected String name(Element member) { return utils.getSimpleName(member); } /** * Get the header for the section. * * @param member the member being documented. * @return a header content for the section. */ protected Content getHead(Element member) { Content memberContent = new StringContent(name(member)); Content heading = HtmlTree.HEADING(HtmlConstants.MEMBER_HEADING, memberContent); return heading; } /** * Return true if the given <code>ProgramElement</code> is inherited * by the class that is being documented. * * @param ped The <code>ProgramElement</code> being checked. * return true if the <code>ProgramElement</code> is being inherited and * false otherwise. *@return true if inherited */ protected boolean isInherited(Element ped){ return (!utils.isPrivate(ped) && (!utils.isPackagePrivate(ped) || ped.getEnclosingElement().equals(ped.getEnclosingElement()))); } /** * Add use information to the documentation tree. * * @param mems list of program elements for which the use information will be added * @param heading the section heading * @param tableSummary the summary for the use table * @param contentTree the content tree to which the use information will be added */ protected void addUseInfo(List<? extends Element> mems, Content heading, String tableSummary, Content contentTree) { if (mems == null || mems.isEmpty()) { return; } List<? extends Element> members = mems; boolean printedUseTableHeader = false; if (members.size() > 0) { Table useTable = new Table(configuration.htmlVersion, HtmlStyle.useSummary) .setSummary(tableSummary) .setCaption(heading) .setRowScopeColumn(1) .setColumnStyles(HtmlStyle.colFirst, HtmlStyle.colSecond, HtmlStyle.colLast); for (Element element : members) { TypeElement te = (typeElement == null) ? utils.getEnclosingTypeElement(element) : typeElement; if (!printedUseTableHeader) { useTable.setHeader(getSummaryTableHeader(element)); printedUseTableHeader = true; } Content summaryType = new ContentBuilder(); addSummaryType(element, summaryType); Content typeContent = new ContentBuilder(); if (te != null && !utils.isConstructor(element) && !utils.isClass(element) && !utils.isInterface(element) && !utils.isAnnotationType(element)) { HtmlTree name = new HtmlTree(HtmlTag.SPAN); name.setStyle(HtmlStyle.typeNameLabel); name.addContent(name(te) + "."); typeContent.addContent(name); } addSummaryLink(utils.isClass(element) || utils.isInterface(element) ? LinkInfoImpl.Kind.CLASS_USE : LinkInfoImpl.Kind.MEMBER, te, element, typeContent); Content desc = new ContentBuilder(); writer.addSummaryLinkComment(this, element, desc); useTable.addRow(summaryType, typeContent, desc); } contentTree.addContent(useTable.toContent()); } } protected void serialWarning(Element e, String key, String a1, String a2) { if (configuration.serialwarn) { configuration.messages.warning(e, key, a1, a2); } } /** * Add the member summary for the given class. * * @param tElement the class that is being documented * @param member the member being documented * @param firstSentenceTags the first sentence tags to be added to the summary */ @Override public void addMemberSummary(TypeElement tElement, Element member, List<? extends DocTree> firstSentenceTags) { if (tElement != typeElement) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } Table table = getSummaryTable(); List<Content> rowContents = new ArrayList<>(); Content summaryType = new ContentBuilder(); addSummaryType(member, summaryType); if (!summaryType.isEmpty()) rowContents.add(summaryType); Content summaryLink = new ContentBuilder(); addSummaryLink(tElement, member, summaryLink); rowContents.add(summaryLink); Content desc = new ContentBuilder(); writer.addSummaryLinkComment(this, member, firstSentenceTags, desc); rowContents.add(desc); table.addRow(member, rowContents); } /** * Add inherited member summary for the given class and member. * * @param tElement the class the inherited member belongs to * @param nestedClass the inherited member that is summarized * @param isFirst true if this is the first member in the list * @param isLast true if this is the last member in the list * @param linksTree the content tree to which the summary will be added */ @Override public void addInheritedMemberSummary(TypeElement tElement, Element nestedClass, boolean isFirst, boolean isLast, Content linksTree) { writer.addInheritedMemberSummary(this, tElement, nestedClass, isFirst, linksTree); } /** * Get the inherited summary header for the given class. * * @param tElement the class the inherited member belongs to * @return a content tree for the inherited summary header */ @Override public Content getInheritedSummaryHeader(TypeElement tElement) { Content inheritedTree = writer.getMemberTreeHeader(); writer.addInheritedSummaryHeader(this, tElement, inheritedTree); return inheritedTree; } /** * Get the inherited summary links tree. * * @return a content tree for the inherited summary links */ @Override public Content getInheritedSummaryLinksTree() { return new HtmlTree(HtmlTag.CODE); } /** * Get the summary table tree for the given class. * * @param tElement the class for which the summary table is generated * @return a content tree for the summary table */ @Override public Content getSummaryTableTree(TypeElement tElement) { if (tElement != typeElement) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } Table table = getSummaryTable(); if (table.needsScript()) { writer.getMainBodyScript().append(table.getScript()); } return table.toContent(); } /** * Get the member tree to be documented. * * @param memberTree the content tree of member to be documented * @return a content tree that will be added to the class documentation */ @Override public Content getMemberTree(Content memberTree) { return writer.getMemberTree(memberTree); } /** * Get the member tree to be documented. * * @param memberTree the content tree of member to be documented * @param isLastContent true if the content to be added is the last content * @return a content tree that will be added to the class documentation */ public Content getMemberTree(Content memberTree, boolean isLastContent) { if (isLastContent) return HtmlTree.UL(HtmlStyle.blockListLast, memberTree); else return HtmlTree.UL(HtmlStyle.blockList, memberTree); } }
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