JDK 11 jdk.jdeps.jmod - JDeps Tool

JDK 11 jdk.jdeps.jmod is the JMOD file for JDK 11 JDeps tool, which can be invoked by the "jdeps" command.

JDK 11 JDeps tool compiled class files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\jmods\jdk.jdeps.jmod.

JDK 11 JDeps tool compiled class files are also linked and stored in the \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\lib\modules JImage file.

JDK 11 JDeps tool source code files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\lib\src.zip\jdk.jdeps.

You can click and view the content of each source code file in the list below.

✍: FYIcenter


 * Copyright (c) 2012, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.

package com.sun.tools.jdeps;

import static com.sun.tools.jdeps.Module.trace;
import static java.util.stream.Collectors.*;

import com.sun.tools.classfile.Dependency;

import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.UncheckedIOException;
import java.lang.module.Configuration;
import java.lang.module.ModuleDescriptor;
import java.lang.module.ModuleFinder;
import java.lang.module.ModuleReader;
import java.lang.module.ModuleReference;
import java.lang.module.ResolvedModule;
import java.net.URI;
import java.nio.file.DirectoryStream;
import java.nio.file.FileSystem;
import java.nio.file.FileSystems;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import java.util.stream.Stream;

public class JdepsConfiguration implements AutoCloseable {
    // the token for "all modules on the module path"
    public static final String ALL_MODULE_PATH = "ALL-MODULE-PATH";
    public static final String ALL_DEFAULT = "ALL-DEFAULT";
    public static final String ALL_SYSTEM = "ALL-SYSTEM";

    public static final String MODULE_INFO = "module-info.class";

    private final SystemModuleFinder system;
    private final ModuleFinder finder;

    private final Map<String, Module> nameToModule = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    private final Map<String, Module> packageToModule = new HashMap<>();
    private final Map<String, List<Archive>> packageToUnnamedModule = new HashMap<>();

    private final List<Archive> classpathArchives = new ArrayList<>();
    private final List<Archive> initialArchives = new ArrayList<>();
    private final Set<Module> rootModules = new HashSet<>();
    private final Configuration configuration;
    private final Runtime.Version version;

    private JdepsConfiguration(SystemModuleFinder systemModulePath,
                               ModuleFinder finder,
                               Set<String> roots,
                               List<Path> classpaths,
                               List<Archive> initialArchives,
                               Set<String> tokens,
                               Runtime.Version version)
        throws IOException
        trace("root: %s%n", roots);

        this.system = systemModulePath;
        this.finder = finder;
        this.version = version;

        // build root set for resolution
        Set<String> mods = new HashSet<>(roots);
        if (tokens.contains(ALL_SYSTEM)) {
                .map(mref -> mref.descriptor().name())

        if (tokens.contains(ALL_DEFAULT)) {

        this.configuration = Configuration.empty()
                .resolve(finder, ModuleFinder.of(), mods);


        // packages in unnamed module
        initialArchives.forEach(archive -> {

        // classpath archives
        for (Path p : classpaths) {
            if (Files.exists(p)) {
                Archive archive = Archive.getInstance(p, version);

        // all roots specified in --add-modules or -m are included
        // as the initial set for analysis.


        trace("resolved modules: %s%n", nameToModule.keySet().stream()
                .sorted().collect(joining("\n", "\n", "")));

    private void initProfiles() {
        // other system modules are not observed and not added in nameToModule map
        Map<String, Module> systemModules =
                .collect(toMap(Function.identity(), (mn) -> {
                    Module m = nameToModule.get(mn);
                    if (m == null) {
                        ModuleReference mref = finder.find(mn).get();
                        m = toModule(mref);
                    return m;

    private void addModuleReference(ModuleReference mref) {
        Module module = toModule(mref);
        nameToModule.put(mref.descriptor().name(), module);
            .forEach(pn -> packageToModule.putIfAbsent(pn, module));

    private void addPackagesInUnnamedModule(Archive archive) {
               .filter(e -> e.endsWith(".class") && !e.equals(MODULE_INFO))
               .forEach(pn -> packageToUnnamedModule
                   .computeIfAbsent(pn, _n -> new ArrayList<>()).add(archive));

    private String toPackageName(String name) {
        int i = name.lastIndexOf('/');
        return i > 0 ? name.replace('/', '.').substring(0, i) : "";

    public Optional<Module> findModule(String name) {
        Module m = nameToModule.get(name);
        return m!= null ? Optional.of(m) : Optional.empty();


    public Optional<ModuleDescriptor> findModuleDescriptor(String name) {
        Module m = nameToModule.get(name);
        return m!= null ? Optional.of(m.descriptor()) : Optional.empty();

    public static boolean isToken(String name) {
        return ALL_MODULE_PATH.equals(name) ||
               ALL_DEFAULT.equals(name) ||

     * Returns the list of packages that split between resolved module and
     * unnamed module
    public Map<String, Set<String>> splitPackages() {
        Set<String> splitPkgs = packageToModule.keySet().stream()
        if (splitPkgs.isEmpty())
            return Collections.emptyMap();

        return splitPkgs.stream().collect(toMap(Function.identity(), (pn) -> {
            Set<String> sources = new LinkedHashSet<>();
            return sources;

     * Returns an optional archive containing the given Location
    public Optional<Archive> findClass(Dependency.Location location) {
        String name = location.getName();
        int i = name.lastIndexOf('/');
        String pn = i > 0 ? name.substring(0, i).replace('/', '.') : "";
        Archive archive = packageToModule.get(pn);
        if (archive != null) {
            return archive.contains(name + ".class")
                        ? Optional.of(archive)
                        : Optional.empty();

        if (packageToUnnamedModule.containsKey(pn)) {
            return packageToUnnamedModule.get(pn).stream()
                    .filter(a -> a.contains(name + ".class"))
        return Optional.empty();

     * Returns the list of Modules that can be found in the specified
     * module paths.
    public Map<String, Module> getModules() {
        return nameToModule;

     * Returns Configuration with the given roots
    public Configuration resolve(Set<String> roots) {
        if (roots.isEmpty())
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("empty roots");

        return Configuration.empty()
                    .resolve(finder, ModuleFinder.of(), roots);

    public List<Archive> classPathArchives() {
        return classpathArchives;

    public List<Archive> initialArchives() {
        return initialArchives;

    public Set<Module> rootModules() {
        return rootModules;

    public Module toModule(ModuleReference mref) {
        try {
            String mn = mref.descriptor().name();
            URI location = mref.location().orElseThrow(FileNotFoundException::new);
            ModuleDescriptor md = mref.descriptor();
            // is this module from the system module path?
            URI loc = system.find(mn).flatMap(ModuleReference::location).orElse(null);
            boolean isSystem = location.equals(loc);

            final ClassFileReader reader;
            if (location.getScheme().equals("jrt")) {
                reader = system.getClassReader(mn);
            } else {
                reader = ClassFileReader.newInstance(Paths.get(location), version);
            Module.Builder builder = new Module.Builder(md, isSystem);

            return builder.build();
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new UncheckedIOException(e);

    public Runtime.Version getVersion() {
        return version;

     * Close all archives e.g. JarFile
    public void close() throws IOException {
        for (Archive archive : initialArchives)
        for (Archive archive : classpathArchives)
        for (Module module : nameToModule.values())

    static class SystemModuleFinder implements ModuleFinder {
        private static final String JAVA_HOME = System.getProperty("java.home");

        private final FileSystem fileSystem;
        private final Path root;
        private final Map<String, ModuleReference> systemModules;

        SystemModuleFinder() {
            if (Files.isRegularFile(Paths.get(JAVA_HOME, "lib", "modules"))) {
                // jrt file system
                this.fileSystem = FileSystems.getFileSystem(URI.create("jrt:/"));
                this.root = fileSystem.getPath("/modules");
                this.systemModules = walk(root);
            } else {
                // exploded image
                this.fileSystem = FileSystems.getDefault();
                root = Paths.get(JAVA_HOME, "modules");
                this.systemModules = ModuleFinder.ofSystem().findAll().stream()
                    .collect(toMap(mref -> mref.descriptor().name(), Function.identity()));

        SystemModuleFinder(String javaHome) throws IOException {
            if (javaHome == null) {
                // --system none
                this.fileSystem = null;
                this.root = null;
                this.systemModules = Collections.emptyMap();
            } else {
                if (!Files.isRegularFile(Paths.get(javaHome, "lib", "modules")))
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid java.home: " + javaHome);

                // alternate java.home
                Map<String, String> env = new HashMap<>();
                env.put("java.home", javaHome);
                // a remote run-time image
                this.fileSystem = FileSystems.newFileSystem(URI.create("jrt:/"), env);
                this.root = fileSystem.getPath("/modules");
                this.systemModules = walk(root);

        private Map<String, ModuleReference> walk(Path root) {
            try (Stream<Path> stream = Files.walk(root, 1)) {
                return stream.filter(path -> !path.equals(root))
                             .collect(toMap(mref -> mref.descriptor().name(),
            } catch (IOException e) {
                throw new UncheckedIOException(e);

        private ModuleReference toModuleReference(Path path) {
            Path minfo = path.resolve(MODULE_INFO);
            try (InputStream in = Files.newInputStream(minfo);
                 BufferedInputStream bin = new BufferedInputStream(in)) {

                ModuleDescriptor descriptor = dropHashes(ModuleDescriptor.read(bin));
                String mn = descriptor.name();
                URI uri = URI.create("jrt:/" + path.getFileName().toString());
                Supplier<ModuleReader> readerSupplier = () -> new ModuleReader() {
                    public Optional<URI> find(String name) throws IOException {
                        return name.equals(mn)
                            ? Optional.of(uri) : Optional.empty();

                    public Stream<String> list() {
                        return Stream.empty();

                    public void close() {

                return new ModuleReference(descriptor, uri) {
                    public ModuleReader open() {
                        return readerSupplier.get();
            } catch (IOException e) {
                throw new UncheckedIOException(e);

        private ModuleDescriptor dropHashes(ModuleDescriptor md) {
            ModuleDescriptor.Builder builder = ModuleDescriptor.newModule(md.name());
            return builder.build();

        public Set<ModuleReference> findAll() {
            return systemModules.values().stream().collect(toSet());

        public Optional<ModuleReference> find(String mn) {
            return systemModules.containsKey(mn)
                    ? Optional.of(systemModules.get(mn)) : Optional.empty();

        public Stream<String> moduleNames() {
            return systemModules.values().stream()
                .map(mref -> mref.descriptor().name());

        public ClassFileReader getClassReader(String modulename) throws IOException {
            Path mp = root.resolve(modulename);
            if (Files.exists(mp) && Files.isDirectory(mp)) {
                return ClassFileReader.newInstance(fileSystem, mp);
            } else {
                throw new FileNotFoundException(mp.toString());

        public Set<String> defaultSystemRoots() {
            return systemModules.values().stream()
                .filter(descriptor -> descriptor.exports()
                        .filter(e -> !e.isQualified())

    public static class Builder {

        final SystemModuleFinder systemModulePath;
        final Set<String> rootModules = new HashSet<>();
        final List<Archive> initialArchives = new ArrayList<>();
        final List<Path> paths = new ArrayList<>();
        final List<Path> classPaths = new ArrayList<>();
        final Set<String> tokens = new HashSet<>();

        ModuleFinder upgradeModulePath;
        ModuleFinder appModulePath;
        Runtime.Version version;

        public Builder() {
            this.systemModulePath = new SystemModuleFinder();

        public Builder(String javaHome) throws IOException {
            this.systemModulePath = SystemModuleFinder.JAVA_HOME.equals(javaHome)
                ? new SystemModuleFinder()
                : new SystemModuleFinder(javaHome);

        public Builder upgradeModulePath(String upgradeModulePath) {
            this.upgradeModulePath = createModulePathFinder(upgradeModulePath);
            return this;

        public Builder appModulePath(String modulePath) {
            this.appModulePath = createModulePathFinder(modulePath);
            return this;

        public Builder addmods(Set<String> addmods) {
            for (String mn : addmods) {
                if (isToken(mn)) {
                } else {
            return this;

        public Builder multiRelease(Runtime.Version version) {
            this.version = version;
            return this;

        public Builder addRoot(Path path) {
            Archive archive = Archive.getInstance(path, version);
            if (archive.contains(MODULE_INFO)) {
            } else {
            return this;

        public Builder addClassPath(String classPath) {
            return this;

        public JdepsConfiguration build() throws  IOException {
            ModuleFinder finder = systemModulePath;
            if (upgradeModulePath != null) {
                finder = ModuleFinder.compose(upgradeModulePath, systemModulePath);
            if (appModulePath != null) {
                finder = ModuleFinder.compose(finder, appModulePath);
            if (!paths.isEmpty()) {
                ModuleFinder otherModulePath = ModuleFinder.of(paths.toArray(new Path[0]));

                finder = ModuleFinder.compose(finder, otherModulePath);
                // add modules specified on command-line (convenience) as root set
                        .map(mref -> mref.descriptor().name())

            // add all modules to the root set for unnamed module or set explicitly
            boolean unnamed = !initialArchives.isEmpty() || !classPaths.isEmpty();
            if ((unnamed || tokens.contains(ALL_MODULE_PATH)) && appModulePath != null) {
                    .map(mref -> mref.descriptor().name())

            // no archive is specified for analysis
            // add all system modules as root if --add-modules ALL-SYSTEM is specified
            if (tokens.contains(ALL_SYSTEM) && rootModules.isEmpty() &&
                    initialArchives.isEmpty() && classPaths.isEmpty()) {
                    .map(mref -> mref.descriptor().name())

            if (unnamed && !tokens.contains(ALL_DEFAULT)) {

            return new JdepsConfiguration(systemModulePath,

        private static ModuleFinder createModulePathFinder(String mpaths) {
            if (mpaths == null) {
                return null;
            } else {
                String[] dirs = mpaths.split(File.pathSeparator);
                Path[] paths = new Path[dirs.length];
                int i = 0;
                for (String dir : dirs) {
                    paths[i++] = Paths.get(dir);
                return ModuleFinder.of(paths);

         * Returns the list of Archive specified in cpaths and not included
         * initialArchives
        private List<Path> getClassPaths(String cpaths) {
            if (cpaths.isEmpty()) {
                return Collections.emptyList();
            List<Path> paths = new ArrayList<>();
            for (String p : cpaths.split(File.pathSeparator)) {
                if (p.length() > 0) {
                    // wildcard to parse all JAR files e.g. -classpath dir/*
                    int i = p.lastIndexOf(".*");
                    if (i > 0) {
                        Path dir = Paths.get(p.substring(0, i));
                        try (DirectoryStream<Path> stream = Files.newDirectoryStream(dir, "*.jar")) {
                            for (Path entry : stream) {
                        } catch (IOException e) {
                            throw new UncheckedIOException(e);
                    } else {
            return paths;




Or download all of them as a single archive file:

File name: jdk.jdeps-11.0.1-src.zip
File size: 244145 bytes
Release date: 2018-11-04


JDK 11 jdk.jdi.jmod - JDI Tool

JDK 11 jdk.jconsole.jmod - JConsole Tool

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