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ANTLR Tool Source Code
ANTLR is a powerful parser generator for multiple programming languages including Java.
ANTLR contains 2 major modules:
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⏎ org/antlr/v4/analysis/
/* * Copyright (c) 2012-2017 The ANTLR Project. All rights reserved. * Use of this file is governed by the BSD 3-clause license that * can be found in the LICENSE.txt file in the project root. */ package org.antlr.v4.analysis; import org.antlr.runtime.ANTLRStringStream; import org.antlr.runtime.CommonTokenStream; import org.antlr.runtime.ParserRuleReturnScope; import org.antlr.runtime.RecognitionException; import org.antlr.runtime.Token; import org.antlr.v4.Tool; import org.antlr.v4.misc.OrderedHashMap; import org.antlr.v4.parse.ANTLRLexer; import org.antlr.v4.parse.ANTLRParser; import org.antlr.v4.parse.GrammarASTAdaptor; import org.antlr.v4.parse.ScopeParser; import org.antlr.v4.parse.ToolANTLRParser; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.misc.Pair; import org.antlr.v4.semantics.BasicSemanticChecks; import org.antlr.v4.semantics.RuleCollector; import org.antlr.v4.tool.AttributeDict; import org.antlr.v4.tool.ErrorType; import org.antlr.v4.tool.Grammar; import org.antlr.v4.tool.GrammarTransformPipeline; import org.antlr.v4.tool.LabelElementPair; import org.antlr.v4.tool.LeftRecursiveRule; import org.antlr.v4.tool.Rule; import org.antlr.v4.tool.ast.ActionAST; import org.antlr.v4.tool.ast.AltAST; import org.antlr.v4.tool.ast.BlockAST; import org.antlr.v4.tool.ast.GrammarAST; import org.antlr.v4.tool.ast.GrammarASTWithOptions; import org.antlr.v4.tool.ast.GrammarRootAST; import org.antlr.v4.tool.ast.RuleAST; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; /** Remove left-recursive rule refs, add precedence args to recursive rule refs. * Rewrite rule so we can create ATN. * * MODIFIES grammar AST in place. */ public class LeftRecursiveRuleTransformer { public static final String PRECEDENCE_OPTION_NAME = "p"; public static final String TOKENINDEX_OPTION_NAME = "tokenIndex"; public GrammarRootAST ast; public Collection<Rule> rules; public Grammar g; public Tool tool; public LeftRecursiveRuleTransformer(GrammarRootAST ast, Collection<Rule> rules, Grammar g) { this.ast = ast; this.rules = rules; this.g = g; this.tool = g.tool; } public void translateLeftRecursiveRules() { String language = g.getLanguage(); // translate all recursive rules List<String> leftRecursiveRuleNames = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Rule r : rules) { if ( !Grammar.isTokenName( ) { if ( LeftRecursiveRuleAnalyzer.hasImmediateRecursiveRuleRefs(r.ast, ) { boolean fitsPattern = translateLeftRecursiveRule(ast, (LeftRecursiveRule)r, language); if ( fitsPattern ) { leftRecursiveRuleNames.add(; } else { // better given an error that non-conforming left-recursion exists tool.errMgr.grammarError(ErrorType.NONCONFORMING_LR_RULE, g.fileName, ((GrammarAST)r.ast.getChild(0)).token,; } } } } // update all refs to recursive rules to have [0] argument for (GrammarAST r : ast.getNodesWithType(ANTLRParser.RULE_REF)) { if ( r.getParent().getType()==ANTLRParser.RULE ) continue; // must be rule def if ( ((GrammarASTWithOptions)r).getOptionString(PRECEDENCE_OPTION_NAME) != null ) continue; // already has arg; must be in rewritten rule if ( leftRecursiveRuleNames.contains(r.getText()) ) { // found ref to recursive rule not already rewritten with arg ((GrammarASTWithOptions)r).setOption(PRECEDENCE_OPTION_NAME, (GrammarAST)new GrammarASTAdaptor().create(ANTLRParser.INT, "0")); } } } /** Return true if successful */ public boolean translateLeftRecursiveRule(GrammarRootAST ast, LeftRecursiveRule r, String language) { //tool.log("grammar", ruleAST.toStringTree()); GrammarAST prevRuleAST = r.ast; String ruleName = prevRuleAST.getChild(0).getText(); LeftRecursiveRuleAnalyzer leftRecursiveRuleWalker = new LeftRecursiveRuleAnalyzer(prevRuleAST, tool, ruleName, language); boolean isLeftRec; try { // System.out.println("TESTING ---------------\n"+ // leftRecursiveRuleWalker.text(ruleAST)); isLeftRec = leftRecursiveRuleWalker.rec_rule(); } catch (RecognitionException re) { isLeftRec = false; // didn't match; oh well } if ( !isLeftRec ) return false; // replace old rule's AST; first create text of altered rule GrammarAST RULES = (GrammarAST)ast.getFirstChildWithType(ANTLRParser.RULES); String newRuleText = leftRecursiveRuleWalker.getArtificialOpPrecRule(); // System.out.println("created: "+newRuleText); // now parse within the context of the grammar that originally created // the AST we are transforming. This could be an imported grammar so // we cannot just reference this.g because the role might come from // the imported grammar and not the root grammar (this.g) RuleAST t = parseArtificialRule(prevRuleAST.g, newRuleText); // reuse the name token from the original AST since it refers to the proper source location in the original grammar ((GrammarAST)t.getChild(0)).token = ((GrammarAST)prevRuleAST.getChild(0)).getToken(); // update grammar AST and set rule's AST. RULES.setChild(prevRuleAST.getChildIndex(), t); r.ast = t; // Reduce sets in newly created rule tree GrammarTransformPipeline transform = new GrammarTransformPipeline(g, g.tool); transform.reduceBlocksToSets(r.ast); transform.expandParameterizedLoops(r.ast); // Rerun semantic checks on the new rule RuleCollector ruleCollector = new RuleCollector(g); ruleCollector.visit(t, "rule"); BasicSemanticChecks basics = new BasicSemanticChecks(g, ruleCollector); // disable the assoc element option checks because they are already // handled for the pre-transformed rule. basics.checkAssocElementOption = false; basics.visit(t, "rule"); // track recursive alt info for codegen r.recPrimaryAlts = new ArrayList<LeftRecursiveRuleAltInfo>(); r.recPrimaryAlts.addAll(leftRecursiveRuleWalker.prefixAndOtherAlts); if (r.recPrimaryAlts.isEmpty()) { tool.errMgr.grammarError(ErrorType.NO_NON_LR_ALTS, g.fileName, ((GrammarAST)r.ast.getChild(0)).getToken(),; } r.recOpAlts = new OrderedHashMap<Integer, LeftRecursiveRuleAltInfo>(); r.recOpAlts.putAll(leftRecursiveRuleWalker.binaryAlts); r.recOpAlts.putAll(leftRecursiveRuleWalker.ternaryAlts); r.recOpAlts.putAll(leftRecursiveRuleWalker.suffixAlts); // walk alt info records and set their altAST to point to appropriate ALT subtree // from freshly created AST setAltASTPointers(r, t); // update Rule to just one alt and add prec alt ActionAST arg = (ActionAST)r.ast.getFirstChildWithType(ANTLRParser.ARG_ACTION); if ( arg!=null ) { r.args = ScopeParser.parseTypedArgList(arg, arg.getText(), g); r.args.type = AttributeDict.DictType.ARG; r.args.ast = arg; arg.resolver = r.alt[1]; // todo: isn't this Rule or something? } // define labels on recursive rule refs we delete; they don't point to nodes of course // these are so $label in action translation works for (Pair<GrammarAST,String> pair : leftRecursiveRuleWalker.leftRecursiveRuleRefLabels) { GrammarAST labelNode = pair.a; GrammarAST labelOpNode = (GrammarAST)labelNode.getParent(); GrammarAST elementNode = (GrammarAST)labelOpNode.getChild(1); LabelElementPair lp = new LabelElementPair(g, labelNode, elementNode, labelOpNode.getType()); r.alt[1], lp); } // copy to rule from walker r.leftRecursiveRuleRefLabels = leftRecursiveRuleWalker.leftRecursiveRuleRefLabels; tool.log("grammar", "added: "+t.toStringTree()); return true; } public RuleAST parseArtificialRule(final Grammar g, String ruleText) { ANTLRLexer lexer = new ANTLRLexer(new ANTLRStringStream(ruleText)); GrammarASTAdaptor adaptor = new GrammarASTAdaptor(lexer.getCharStream()); CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer); lexer.tokens = tokens; ToolANTLRParser p = new ToolANTLRParser(tokens, tool); p.setTreeAdaptor(adaptor); Token ruleStart = null; try { ParserRuleReturnScope r = p.rule(); RuleAST tree = (RuleAST)r.getTree(); ruleStart = (Token)r.getStart(); GrammarTransformPipeline.setGrammarPtr(g, tree); GrammarTransformPipeline.augmentTokensWithOriginalPosition(g, tree); return tree; } catch (Exception e) { tool.errMgr.toolError(ErrorType.INTERNAL_ERROR, e, ruleStart, "error parsing rule created during left-recursion detection: "+ruleText); } return null; } /** * <pre> * (RULE e int _p (returns int v) * (BLOCK * (ALT * (BLOCK * (ALT INT {$v = $;}) * (ALT '(' (= x e) ')' {$v = $x.v;}) * (ALT ID)) * (* (BLOCK * (OPTIONS ...) * (ALT {7 >= $_p}? '*' (= b e) {$v = $a.v * $b.v;}) * (ALT {6 >= $_p}? '+' (= b e) {$v = $a.v + $b.v;}) * (ALT {3 >= $_p}? '++') (ALT {2 >= $_p}? '--')))))) * </pre> */ public void setAltASTPointers(LeftRecursiveRule r, RuleAST t) { // System.out.println("RULE: "+t.toStringTree()); BlockAST ruleBlk = (BlockAST)t.getFirstChildWithType(ANTLRParser.BLOCK); AltAST mainAlt = (AltAST)ruleBlk.getChild(0); BlockAST primaryBlk = (BlockAST)mainAlt.getChild(0); BlockAST opsBlk = (BlockAST)mainAlt.getChild(1).getChild(0); // (* BLOCK ...) for (int i = 0; i < r.recPrimaryAlts.size(); i++) { LeftRecursiveRuleAltInfo altInfo = r.recPrimaryAlts.get(i); altInfo.altAST = (AltAST)primaryBlk.getChild(i); altInfo.altAST.leftRecursiveAltInfo = altInfo; altInfo.originalAltAST.leftRecursiveAltInfo = altInfo; // altInfo.originalAltAST.parent = altInfo.altAST.parent; // System.out.println(altInfo.altAST.toStringTree()); } for (int i = 0; i < r.recOpAlts.size(); i++) { LeftRecursiveRuleAltInfo altInfo = r.recOpAlts.getElement(i); altInfo.altAST = (AltAST)opsBlk.getChild(i); altInfo.altAST.leftRecursiveAltInfo = altInfo; altInfo.originalAltAST.leftRecursiveAltInfo = altInfo; // altInfo.originalAltAST.parent = altInfo.altAST.parent; // System.out.println(altInfo.altAST.toStringTree()); } } }
⏎ org/antlr/v4/analysis/
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File name: antlr-tool-4.10.1-sources.jar File size: 347718 bytes Release date: 2022-04-15 Download
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