ANTLR Tool Source Code

ANTLR is a powerful parser generator for multiple programming languages including Java.

ANTLR contains 2 major modules:

  • Runtime - For building and executing parsers/lexers generated in Java.
  • Tool (The Parser Generator) - For generating parsers/lexers Java class.

ANTLR Tool Source Code files are provided in the distribution packge ( You can download them at ANTLR Website.

You can also browse the source code below:

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 * Copyright (c) 2012-2017 The ANTLR Project. All rights reserved.
 * Use of this file is governed by the BSD 3-clause license that
 * can be found in the LICENSE.txt file in the project root.
package org.antlr.v4.tool;

import org.antlr.v4.Tool;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.Lexer;

 * A complex enumeration of all the error messages that the tool can issue.
 * <p>
 * When adding error messages, also add a description of the message to the
 * Wiki with a location under the Wiki page
 * <a href="">Errors Reported by the ANTLR Tool</a>.
 * @author Jim Idle &lt;;, Terence Parr
 * @since 4.0
public enum ErrorType {
	 * Tool errors

	 * Compiler Error 1.
	 * <p>cannot write file <em>filename</em>: <em>reason</em></p>
	CANNOT_WRITE_FILE(1, "cannot write file <arg>: <arg2>", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Error 2.
	 * <p>unknown command-line option <em>option</em></p>
	INVALID_CMDLINE_ARG(2, "unknown command-line option <arg>", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Error 3.
	 * <p>cannot find tokens file <em>filename</em></p>
	CANNOT_FIND_TOKENS_FILE_GIVEN_ON_CMDLINE(3, "cannot find tokens file <arg> given for <arg2>", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Error 4.
	 * <p>cannot find tokens file <em>filename</em>: <em>reason</em></p>
	ERROR_READING_TOKENS_FILE(4, "error reading tokens file <arg>: <arg2>", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Error 5.
	 * <p>directory not found: <em>directory</em></p>
	DIR_NOT_FOUND(5, "directory not found: <arg>", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Error 6.
	 * <p>output directory is a file: <em>filename</em></p>
	OUTPUT_DIR_IS_FILE(6, "output directory is a file: <arg>", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Error 7.
	 * <p>cannot find or open file: <em>filename</em></p>
	CANNOT_OPEN_FILE(7, "cannot find or open file: <arg><if(exception&&verbose)>; reason: <exception><endif>", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Error 8.
	 * <p>
	 * grammar name <em>name</em> and file name <em>filename</em> differ</p>
	FILE_AND_GRAMMAR_NAME_DIFFER(8, "grammar name <arg> and file name <arg2> differ", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Error 9.
	 * <p>invalid {@code -Dname=value} syntax: <em>syntax</em></p>
	BAD_OPTION_SET_SYNTAX(9, "invalid -Dname=value syntax: <arg>", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Error 10.
	 * <p>warning treated as error</p>
	WARNING_TREATED_AS_ERROR(10, "warning treated as error", ErrorSeverity.ERROR_ONE_OFF),
	 * Compiler Error 11.
	 * <p>cannot find tokens file <em>filename</em>: <em>reason</em></p>
	ERROR_READING_IMPORTED_GRAMMAR(11, "error reading imported grammar <arg> referenced in <arg2>", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),

	 * Compiler Error 20.
	 * <p>internal error: <em>message</em></p>
	INTERNAL_ERROR(20, "internal error: <arg> <arg2><if(exception&&verbose)>: <exception>" +
				   "<stackTrace; separator=\"\\n\"><endif>", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Error 21.
	 * <p>.tokens file syntax error <em>filename</em>: <em>message</em></p>
	TOKENS_FILE_SYNTAX_ERROR(21, ".tokens file syntax error <arg>:<arg2>", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Warning 22.
	 * <p>template error: <em>message</em></p>
	STRING_TEMPLATE_WARNING(22, "template error: <arg> <arg2><if(exception&&verbose)>: <exception>" +
				   "<stackTrace; separator=\"\\n\"><endif>", ErrorSeverity.WARNING),

	 * Code generation errors

	 * Compiler Error 30.
	 * <p>can't find code generation templates: <em>group</em></p>
	MISSING_CODE_GEN_TEMPLATES(30, "can't find code generation templates: <arg>", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Error 31.
	 * <p>
	 * ANTLR cannot generate <em>language</em> code as of version
	 * <em>version</em></p>
	CANNOT_CREATE_TARGET_GENERATOR(31, "ANTLR cannot generate <arg> code as of version "+ Tool.VERSION, ErrorSeverity.ERROR_ONE_OFF),
	 * Compiler Error 32.
	 * <p>
	 * code generation template <em>template</em> has missing, misnamed, or
	 * incomplete arg list; missing <em>field</em></p>
	CODE_TEMPLATE_ARG_ISSUE(32, "code generation template <arg> has missing, misnamed, or incomplete arg list; missing <arg2>", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Error 33.
	 * <p>missing code generation template <em>template</em></p>
	CODE_GEN_TEMPLATES_INCOMPLETE(33, "missing code generation template <arg>", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Error 34.
	 * <p>
	 * no mapping to template name for output model class <em>class</em></p>
	NO_MODEL_TO_TEMPLATE_MAPPING(34, "no mapping to template name for output model class <arg>", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
   	 * Compiler Error 35.
   	 * <p>templates/target and tool aren't compatible</p>
   	INCOMPATIBLE_TOOL_AND_TEMPLATES(35, "<arg3> code generation target requires ANTLR <arg2>; it can't be loaded by the current ANTLR <arg>", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),

	 * Grammar errors

	 * Compiler Error 50.
	 * <p>syntax error: <em>message</em></p>
	SYNTAX_ERROR(50, "syntax error: <arg>", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Error 51.
	 * <p>rule <em>rule</em> redefinition; previous at line <em>line</em></p>
	RULE_REDEFINITION(51, "rule <arg> redefinition; previous at line <arg2>", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Error 52.
	 * <p>lexer rule <em>rule</em> not allowed in parser</p>
	LEXER_RULES_NOT_ALLOWED(52, "lexer rule <arg> not allowed in parser", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Error 53.
	 * <p>parser rule <em>rule</em> not allowed in lexer</p>
	PARSER_RULES_NOT_ALLOWED(53, "parser rule <arg> not allowed in lexer", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Error 54.
	 * <p>
	 * repeated grammar prequel spec ({@code options}, {@code tokens}, or
	 * {@code import}); please merge</p>
    REPEATED_PREQUEL(54, "repeated grammar prequel spec (options, tokens, or import); please merge", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Error 56.
	 * <p>reference to undefined rule: <em>rule</em></p>
	UNDEFINED_RULE_REF(56, "reference to undefined rule: <arg>", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Error 57.
	 * <p>
	 * reference to undefined rule <em>rule</em> in non-local ref
	 * <em>reference</em></p>
	UNDEFINED_RULE_IN_NONLOCAL_REF(57, "reference to undefined rule <arg> in non-local ref <arg3>", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Error 60.
	 * <p>token names must start with an uppercase letter: <em>name</em></p>
    TOKEN_NAMES_MUST_START_UPPER(60, "token names must start with an uppercase letter: <arg>", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Error 63.
	 * <p>
	 * unknown attribute reference <em>attribute</em> in
	 * <em>expression</em></p>
	UNKNOWN_SIMPLE_ATTRIBUTE(63, "unknown attribute reference <arg> in <arg2>", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Error 64.
	 * <p>
	 * parameter <em>parameter</em> of rule <em>rule</em> is not accessible
	 * in this scope: <em>expression</em></p>
	INVALID_RULE_PARAMETER_REF(64, "parameter <arg> of rule <arg2> is not accessible in this scope: <arg3>", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Error 65.
	 * <p>
	 * unknown attribute <em>attribute</em> for rule <em>rule</em> in
	 * <em>expression</em></p>
	UNKNOWN_RULE_ATTRIBUTE(65, "unknown attribute <arg> for rule <arg2> in <arg3>", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Error 66.
	 * <p>
	 * attribute <em>attribute</em> isn't a valid property in
	 * <em>expression</em></p>
    UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTE_IN_SCOPE(66, "attribute <arg> isn't a valid property in <arg2>", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Error 67.
	 * <p>
	 * missing attribute access on rule reference <em>rule</em> in
	 * <em>expression</em></p>
	ISOLATED_RULE_REF(67, "missing attribute access on rule reference <arg> in <arg2>", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Error 69.
	 * <p>label <em>label</em> conflicts with rule with same name</p>
	LABEL_CONFLICTS_WITH_RULE(69, "label <arg> conflicts with rule with same name", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Error 70.
	 * <p>label <em>label</em> conflicts with token with same name</p>
	LABEL_CONFLICTS_WITH_TOKEN(70, "label <arg> conflicts with token with same name", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Error 72.
	 * <p>label <em>label</em> conflicts with parameter with same name</p>
	LABEL_CONFLICTS_WITH_ARG(72, "label <arg> conflicts with parameter with same name", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Error 73.
	 * <p>label <em>label</em> conflicts with return value with same name</p>
	LABEL_CONFLICTS_WITH_RETVAL(73, "label <arg> conflicts with return value with same name", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Error 74.
	 * <p>label <em>label</em> conflicts with local with same name</p>
	LABEL_CONFLICTS_WITH_LOCAL(74, "label <arg> conflicts with local with same name", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Error 75.
	 * <p>
	 * label <em>label</em> type mismatch with previous definition:
	 * <em>message</em></p>
	LABEL_TYPE_CONFLICT(75, "label <arg> type mismatch with previous definition: <arg2>", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Error 76.
	 * <p>
	 * return value <em>name</em> conflicts with parameter with same name</p>
	RETVAL_CONFLICTS_WITH_ARG(76, "return value <arg> conflicts with parameter with same name", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Error 79.
	 * <p>missing argument(s) on rule reference: <em>rule</em></p>
	MISSING_RULE_ARGS(79, "missing argument(s) on rule reference: <arg>", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Error 80.
	 * <p>rule <em>rule</em> has no defined parameters</p>
	RULE_HAS_NO_ARGS(80, "rule <arg> has no defined parameters", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Warning 83.
	 * <p>unsupported option <em>option</em></p>
	ILLEGAL_OPTION(83, "unsupported option <arg>", ErrorSeverity.WARNING),
	 * Compiler Warning 84.
	 * <p>unsupported option value <em>name</em>=<em>value</em></p>
	ILLEGAL_OPTION_VALUE(84, "unsupported option value <arg>=<arg2>", ErrorSeverity.WARNING),
	 * Compiler Error 94.
	 * <p>redefinition of <em>action</em> action</p>
    ACTION_REDEFINITION(94, "redefinition of <arg> action", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Error 99.
	 * <p>This error may take any of the following forms.</p>
	 * <ul>
	 * <li>grammar <em>grammar</em> has no rules</li>
	 * <li>implicitly generated grammar <em>grammar</em> has no rules</li>
	 * </ul>
	NO_RULES(99, "<if(arg2.implicitLexerOwner)>implicitly generated <endif>grammar <arg> has no rules", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Error 105.
	 * <p>
	 * reference to undefined grammar in rule reference:
	 * <em>grammar</em>.<em>rule</em></p>
	NO_SUCH_GRAMMAR_SCOPE(105, "reference to undefined grammar in rule reference: <arg>.<arg2>", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Error 106.
	 * <p>rule <em>rule</em> is not defined in grammar <em>grammar</em></p>
	NO_SUCH_RULE_IN_SCOPE(106, "rule <arg2> is not defined in grammar <arg>", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Warning 108.
	 * <p>token name <em>Token</em> is already defined</p>
	TOKEN_NAME_REASSIGNMENT(108, "token name <arg> is already defined", ErrorSeverity.WARNING),
	 * Compiler Warning 109.
	 * <p>options ignored in imported grammar <em>grammar</em></p>
	OPTIONS_IN_DELEGATE(109, "options ignored in imported grammar <arg>", ErrorSeverity.WARNING),
	 * Compiler Error 110.
	 * <p>
	 * can't find or load grammar <em>grammar</em> from
	 * <em>filename</em></p>
	CANNOT_FIND_IMPORTED_GRAMMAR(110, "can't find or load grammar <arg>", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Error 111.
	 * <p>
	 * <em>grammartype</em> grammar <em>grammar1</em> cannot import
	 * <em>grammartype</em> grammar <em>grammar2</em></p>
	INVALID_IMPORT(111, "<arg.typeString> grammar <> cannot import <arg2.typeString> grammar <>", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Error 113.
	 * <p>
	 * <em>grammartype</em> grammar <em>grammar1</em> and imported
	 * <em>grammartype</em> grammar <em>grammar2</em> both generate
	 * <em>recognizer</em></p>
	IMPORT_NAME_CLASH(113, "<arg.typeString> grammar <> and imported <arg2.typeString> grammar <> both generate <arg2.recognizerName>", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Error 114.
	 * <p>cannot find tokens file <em>filename</em></p>
	CANNOT_FIND_TOKENS_FILE_REFD_IN_GRAMMAR(114, "cannot find tokens file <arg>", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Warning 118.
	 * <p>
	 * all operators of alt <em>alt</em> of left-recursive rule must have same
	 * associativity</p>
	 * @deprecated This warning is no longer applicable with the current syntax for specifying associativity.
	ALL_OPS_NEED_SAME_ASSOC(118, "all operators of alt <arg> of left-recursive rule must have same associativity", ErrorSeverity.WARNING),
	 * Compiler Error 119.
	 * <p>
	 * The following sets of rules are mutually left-recursive
	 * <em>[rules]</em></p>
	LEFT_RECURSION_CYCLES(119, "The following sets of rules are mutually left-recursive <arg:{c| [<c:{r|<>}; separator=\", \">]}; separator=\" and \">", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Error 120.
	 * <p>lexical modes are only allowed in lexer grammars</p>
	MODE_NOT_IN_LEXER(120, "lexical modes are only allowed in lexer grammars", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Error 121.
	 * <p>cannot find an attribute name in attribute declaration</p>
	CANNOT_FIND_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_IN_DECL(121, "cannot find an attribute name in attribute declaration", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Error 122.
	 * <p>rule <em>rule</em>: must label all alternatives or none</p>
	RULE_WITH_TOO_FEW_ALT_LABELS(122, "rule <arg>: must label all alternatives or none", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Error 123.
	 * <p>
	 * rule alt label <em>label</em> redefined in rule <em>rule1</em>,
	 * originally in rule <em>rule2</em></p>
	ALT_LABEL_REDEF(123, "rule alt label <arg> redefined in rule <arg2>, originally in rule <arg3>", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Error 124.
	 * <p>
	 * rule alt label <em>label</em> conflicts with rule <em>rule</em></p>
	ALT_LABEL_CONFLICTS_WITH_RULE(124, "rule alt label <arg> conflicts with rule <arg2>", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Warning 125.
	 * <p>implicit definition of token <em>Token</em> in parser</p>
	IMPLICIT_TOKEN_DEFINITION(125, "implicit definition of token <arg> in parser", ErrorSeverity.WARNING),
	 * Compiler Error 126.
	 * <p>
	 * cannot create implicit token for string literal in non-combined grammar:
	 * <em>literal</em></p>
	IMPLICIT_STRING_DEFINITION(126, "cannot create implicit token for string literal in non-combined grammar: <arg>", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Error 128.
	 * <p>
	 * attribute references not allowed in lexer actions:
	 * <em>expression</em></p>
	ATTRIBUTE_IN_LEXER_ACTION(128, "attribute references not allowed in lexer actions: $<arg>", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Error 130.
	 * <p>label <em>label</em> assigned to a block which is not a set</p>
	LABEL_BLOCK_NOT_A_SET(130, "label <arg> assigned to a block which is not a set", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Warning 131.
	 * <p>This warning may take any of the following forms.</p>
	 * <ul>
	 * <li>greedy block {@code ()*} contains wildcard; the non-greedy syntax {@code ()*?} may be preferred</li>
	 * <li>greedy block {@code ()+} contains wildcard; the non-greedy syntax {@code ()+?} may be preferred</li>
	 * </ul>
	EXPECTED_NON_GREEDY_WILDCARD_BLOCK(131, "greedy block ()<arg> contains wildcard; the non-greedy syntax ()<arg>? may be preferred", ErrorSeverity.WARNING),
	 * Compiler Error 132.
	 * <p>
	 * action in lexer rule <em>rule</em> must be last element of single
	 * outermost alt</p>
	 * @deprecated This error is no longer issued by ANTLR 4.2.
	LEXER_ACTION_PLACEMENT_ISSUE(132, "action in lexer rule <arg> must be last element of single outermost alt", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Error 133.
	 * <p>
	 * {@code ->command} in lexer rule <em>rule</em> must be last element of
	 * single outermost alt</p>
	LEXER_COMMAND_PLACEMENT_ISSUE(133, "->command in lexer rule <arg> must be last element of single outermost alt", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Error 134.
	 * <p>
	 * symbol <em>symbol</em> conflicts with generated code in target language
	 * or runtime</p>
	USE_OF_BAD_WORD(134, "symbol <arg> conflicts with generated code in target language or runtime", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Error 183.
	 * <p>rule reference <em>rule</em> is not currently supported in a set</p>
	UNSUPPORTED_REFERENCE_IN_LEXER_SET(183, "rule reference <arg> is not currently supported in a set", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Error 135.
	 * <p>cannot assign a value to list label <em>label</em></p>
	ASSIGNMENT_TO_LIST_LABEL(135, "cannot assign a value to list label <arg>", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Error 136.
	 * <p>return value <em>name</em> conflicts with rule with same name</p>
	RETVAL_CONFLICTS_WITH_RULE(136, "return value <arg> conflicts with rule with same name", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Error 137.
	 * <p>return value <em>name</em> conflicts with token with same name</p>
	RETVAL_CONFLICTS_WITH_TOKEN(137, "return value <arg> conflicts with token with same name", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Error 138.
	 * <p>parameter <em>parameter</em> conflicts with rule with same name</p>
	ARG_CONFLICTS_WITH_RULE(138, "parameter <arg> conflicts with rule with same name", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Error 139.
	 * <p>parameter <em>parameter</em> conflicts with token with same name</p>
	ARG_CONFLICTS_WITH_TOKEN(139, "parameter <arg> conflicts with token with same name", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Error 140.
	 * <p>local <em>local</em> conflicts with rule with same name</p>
	LOCAL_CONFLICTS_WITH_RULE(140, "local <arg> conflicts with rule with same name", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Error 141.
	 * <p>local <em>local</em> conflicts with rule token same name</p>
	LOCAL_CONFLICTS_WITH_TOKEN(141, "local <arg> conflicts with rule token same name", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Error 142.
	 * <p>local <em>local</em> conflicts with parameter with same name</p>
	LOCAL_CONFLICTS_WITH_ARG(142, "local <arg> conflicts with parameter with same name", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Error 143.
	 * <p>local <em>local</em> conflicts with return value with same name</p>
	LOCAL_CONFLICTS_WITH_RETVAL(143, "local <arg> conflicts with return value with same name", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Error 144.
	 * <p>
	 * multi-character literals are not allowed in lexer sets:
	 * <em>literal</em></p>
	INVALID_LITERAL_IN_LEXER_SET(144, "multi-character literals are not allowed in lexer sets: <arg>", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Error 145.
	 * <p>
	 * lexer mode <em>mode</em> must contain at least one non-fragment
	 * rule</p>
	 * <p>
	 * Every lexer mode must contain at least one rule which is not declared
	 * with the {@code fragment} modifier.</p>
	MODE_WITHOUT_RULES(145, "lexer mode <arg> must contain at least one non-fragment rule", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Warning 146.
	 * <p>non-fragment lexer rule <em>rule</em> can match the empty string</p>
	 * <p>All non-fragment lexer rules must match at least one character.</p>
	 * <p>The following example shows this error.</p>
	 * <pre>
	 * Whitespace : [ \t]+;  // ok
	 * Whitespace : [ \t];   // ok
	 * fragment WS : [ \t]*; // ok
	 * Whitespace : [ \t]*;  // error 146
	 * </pre>
	EPSILON_TOKEN(146, "non-fragment lexer rule <arg> can match the empty string", ErrorSeverity.WARNING),
	 * Compiler Error 147.
	 * <p>
	 * left recursive rule <em>rule</em> must contain an alternative which is
	 * not left recursive</p>
	 * <p>Left-recursive rules must contain at least one alternative which is not
	 * left recursive.</p>
	 * <p>The following rule produces this error.</p>
	 * <pre>
	 * // error 147:
	 * a : a ID
	 *   | a INT
	 *   ;
	 * </pre>
	NO_NON_LR_ALTS(147, "left recursive rule <arg> must contain an alternative which is not left recursive", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Error 148.
	 * <p>
	 * left recursive rule <em>rule</em> contains a left recursive alternative
	 * which can be followed by the empty string</p>
	 * <p>In left-recursive rules, all left-recursive alternatives must match at
	 * least one symbol following the recursive rule invocation.</p>
	 * <p>The following rule produces this error.</p>
	 * <pre>
	 * a : ID    // ok        (alternative is not left recursive)
	 *   | a INT // ok        (a must be follow by INT)
	 *   | a ID? // error 148 (the ID following a is optional)
	 *   ;
	 * </pre>
	EPSILON_LR_FOLLOW(148, "left recursive rule <arg> contains a left recursive alternative which can be followed by the empty string", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Error 149.
	 * <p>
	 * lexer command <em>command</em> does not exist or is not supported by
	 * the current target</p>
	 * <p>Each lexer command requires an explicit implementation in the target
	 * templates. This error indicates that the command was incorrectly written
	 * or is not supported by the current target.</p>
	 * <p>The following rule produces this error.</p>
	 * <pre>
	 * X : 'foo' -&gt; type(Foo);  // ok
	 * Y : 'foo' -&gt; token(Foo); // error 149 (token is not a supported lexer command)
	 * </pre>
	 * @since 4.1
	INVALID_LEXER_COMMAND(149, "lexer command <arg> does not exist or is not supported by the current target", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Error 150.
	 * <p>missing argument for lexer command <em>command</em></p>
	 * <p>Some lexer commands require an argument.</p>
	 * <p>The following rule produces this error.</p>
	 * <pre>
	 * X : 'foo' -&gt; type(Foo); // ok
	 * Y : 'foo' -&gt; type;      // error 150 (the type command requires an argument)
	 * </pre>
	 * @since 4.1
	MISSING_LEXER_COMMAND_ARGUMENT(150, "missing argument for lexer command <arg>", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Error 151.
	 * <p>lexer command <em>command</em> does not take any arguments</p>
	 * <p>A lexer command which does not take parameters was invoked with an
	 * argument.</p>
	 * <p>The following rule produces this error.</p>
	 * <pre>
	 * X : 'foo' -&gt; popMode;    // ok
	 * Y : 'foo' -&gt; popMode(A); // error 151 (the popMode command does not take an argument)
	 * </pre>
	 * @since 4.1
	UNWANTED_LEXER_COMMAND_ARGUMENT(151, "lexer command <arg> does not take any arguments", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Error 152.
	 * <p>unterminated string literal</p>
	 * <p>The grammar contains an unterminated string literal.</p>
	 * <p>The following rule produces this error.</p>
	 * <pre>
	 * x : 'x'; // ok
	 * y : 'y';  // error 152
	 * </pre>
	 * @since 4.1
	UNTERMINATED_STRING_LITERAL(152, "unterminated string literal", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Error 153.
	 * <p>
	 * rule <em>rule</em> contains a closure with at least one alternative
	 * that can match an empty string</p>
	 * <p>A rule contains a closure ({@code (...)*}) or positive closure
	 * ({@code (...)+}) around an empty alternative.</p>
	 * <p>The following rule produces this error.</p>
	 * <pre>
	 * x  : ;
	 * y  : x+;                                // error 153
	 * z1 : ('foo' | 'bar'? 'bar2'?)*;         // error 153
	 * z2 : ('foo' | 'bar' 'bar2'? | 'bar2')*; // ok
	 * </pre>
	 * @since 4.1
	EPSILON_CLOSURE(153, "rule <arg> contains a closure with at least one alternative that can match an empty string", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Warning 154.
	 * <p>
	 * rule <em>rule</em> contains an optional block with at least one
	 * alternative that can match an empty string</p>
	 * <p>A rule contains an optional block ({@code (...)?}) around an empty
	 * alternative.</p>
	 * <p>The following rule produces this warning.</p>
	 * <pre>
	 * x  : ;
	 * y  : x?;                                // warning 154
	 * z1 : ('foo' | 'bar'? 'bar2'?)?;         // warning 154
	 * z2 : ('foo' | 'bar' 'bar2'? | 'bar2')?; // ok
	 * </pre>
	 * @since 4.1
	EPSILON_OPTIONAL(154, "rule <arg> contains an optional block with at least one alternative that can match an empty string", ErrorSeverity.WARNING),
	 * Compiler Warning 155.
	 * <p>
	 * rule <em>rule</em> contains a lexer command with an unrecognized
	 * constant value; lexer interpreters may produce incorrect output</p>
	 * <p>A lexer rule contains a standard lexer command, but the constant value
	 * argument for the command is an unrecognized string. As a result, the
	 * lexer command will be translated as a custom lexer action, preventing the
	 * command from executing in some interpreted modes. The output of the lexer
	 * interpreter may not match the output of the generated lexer.</p>
	 * <p>The following rule produces this warning.</p>
	 * <pre>
	 * &#064;members {
	 * public static final int CUSTOM = HIDDEN + 1;
	 * }
	 * X : 'foo' -&gt; channel(HIDDEN);           // ok
	 * Y : 'bar' -&gt; channel(CUSTOM);           // warning 155
	 * </pre>
	 * @since 4.2
	UNKNOWN_LEXER_CONSTANT(155, "rule <arg> contains a lexer command with an unrecognized constant value; lexer interpreters may produce incorrect output", ErrorSeverity.WARNING),
	 * Compiler Error 156.
	 * <p>invalid escape sequence</p>
	 * <p>The grammar contains a string literal with an invalid escape sequence.</p>
	 * <p>The following rule produces this error.</p>
	 * <pre>
	 * x : 'x';  // ok
	 * y : '\u005Cu'; // error 156
	 * </pre>
	 * @since 4.2.1
	INVALID_ESCAPE_SEQUENCE(156, "invalid escape sequence <arg>", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Warning 157.
	 * <p>rule <em>rule</em> contains an assoc element option in an
	 * unrecognized location</p>
	 * <p>
	 * In ANTLR 4.2, the position of the {@code assoc} element option was moved
	 * from the operator terminal(s) to the alternative itself. This warning is
	 * reported when an {@code assoc} element option is specified on a grammar
	 * element that is not recognized by the current version of ANTLR, and as a
	 * result will simply be ignored.
	 * </p>
	 * <p>The following rule produces this warning.</p>
	 * <pre>
	 * x : 'x'
	 *   | x '+'&lt;assoc=right&gt; x   // warning 157
	 *   |&lt;assoc=right&gt; x * x   // ok
	 *   ;
	 * </pre>
	 * @since 4.2.1
	UNRECOGNIZED_ASSOC_OPTION(157, "rule <arg> contains an assoc terminal option in an unrecognized location", ErrorSeverity.WARNING),
	 * Compiler Warning 158.
	 * <p>fragment rule <em>rule</em> contains an action or command which can
	 * never be executed</p>
	 * <p>A lexer rule which is marked with the {@code fragment} modifier
	 * contains an embedded action or lexer command. ANTLR lexers only execute
	 * commands and embedded actions located in the top-level matched rule.
	 * Since fragment rules can never be the top-level rule matched by a lexer,
	 * actions or commands placed in these rules can never be executed during
	 * the lexing process.</p>
	 * <p>The following rule produces this warning.</p>
	 * <pre>
	 * X1 : 'x' -&gt; more    // ok
	 *    ;
	 * Y1 : 'x' {more();}  // ok
	 *    ;
	 * fragment
	 * X2 : 'x' -&gt; more    // warning 158
	 *    ;
	 * fragment
	 * Y2 : 'x' {more();}  // warning 158
	 *    ;
	 * </pre>
	 * @since 4.2.1
	FRAGMENT_ACTION_IGNORED(158, "fragment rule <arg> contains an action or command which can never be executed", ErrorSeverity.WARNING),
	 * Compiler Error 159.
	 * <p>cannot declare a rule with reserved name <em>rule</em></p>
	 * <p>A rule was declared with a reserved name.</p>
	 * <p>The following rule produces this error.</p>
	 * <pre>
	 * EOF :  ' '   // error 159 (EOF is a reserved name)
	 *     ;
	 * </pre>
	 * @since 4.2.1
	RESERVED_RULE_NAME(159, "cannot declare a rule with reserved name <arg>", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Error 160.
	 * <p>reference to parser rule <em>rule</em> in lexer rule <em>name</em></p>
	PARSER_RULE_REF_IN_LEXER_RULE(160, "reference to parser rule <arg> in lexer rule <arg2>", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Error 161.
	 * <p>channel <em>name</em> conflicts with token with same name</p>
	CHANNEL_CONFLICTS_WITH_TOKEN(161, "channel <arg> conflicts with token with same name", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Error 162.
	 * <p>channel <em>name</em> conflicts with mode with same name</p>
	CHANNEL_CONFLICTS_WITH_MODE(162, "channel <arg> conflicts with mode with same name", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Error 163.
	 * <p>custom channels are not supported in parser grammars</p>
	CHANNELS_BLOCK_IN_PARSER_GRAMMAR(163, "custom channels are not supported in parser grammars", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Error 164.
	 * <p>custom channels are not supported in combined grammars</p>
	CHANNELS_BLOCK_IN_COMBINED_GRAMMAR(164, "custom channels are not supported in combined grammars", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),

	NONCONFORMING_LR_RULE(169, "rule <arg> is left recursive but doesn't conform to a pattern ANTLR can handle", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Error 170.
	 * <pre>
	 * mode M1;
	 * A1: 'a'; // ok
	 * mode M2;
	 * A2: 'a'; // ok
	 * M1: 'b'; // error 170
	 * </pre>
	 * <p>mode <em>name</em> conflicts with token with same name</p>
	MODE_CONFLICTS_WITH_TOKEN(170, "mode <arg> conflicts with token with same name", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Error 171.
	 * <p>can not use or declare token with reserved name</p>
	 * <p>Can be used but cannot be declared: EOF</p>
	TOKEN_CONFLICTS_WITH_COMMON_CONSTANTS(171, "cannot use or declare token with reserved name <arg>", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Error 172.
	 * <p>can not use or declare channel with reserved name</p>
	 * <p>Can be used but cannot be declared: HIDDEN, DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL</p>
	CHANNEL_CONFLICTS_WITH_COMMON_CONSTANTS(172, "cannot use or declare channel with reserved name <arg>", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Error 173.
	 * <p>can not use or declare mode with reserved name</p>
	 * <p>Can be used and cannot declared: DEFAULT_MODE</p>
	MODE_CONFLICTS_WITH_COMMON_CONSTANTS(173, "cannot use or declare mode with reserved name <arg>", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Error 174.
	 * <p>empty strings and sets not allowed</p>
	 * <pre>
	 * A: '''test''';
	 * B: '';
	 * C: 'test' '';
	 * D: [];
	 * E: [f-a];
	 * </pre>
	EMPTY_STRINGS_AND_SETS_NOT_ALLOWED(174, "string literals and sets cannot be empty: <arg>", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Error 175.
	 * <p><em>name</em> is not a recognized token name</p>
	 * <pre>TOKEN: 'a' -> type(CHANNEL1); // error 175</pre>
	CONSTANT_VALUE_IS_NOT_A_RECOGNIZED_TOKEN_NAME(175, "<arg> is not a recognized token name", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Error 176.
	 * <p><em>name</em>is not a recognized mode name</p>
	 * <pre>TOKEN: 'a' -> mode(MODE1); // error 176</pre>
	CONSTANT_VALUE_IS_NOT_A_RECOGNIZED_MODE_NAME(176, "<arg> is not a recognized mode name", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Error 177.
	 * <p><em>name</em> is not a recognized channel name</p>
	 * <pre>TOKEN: 'a' -> channel(TOKEN1); // error 177</pre>
	CONSTANT_VALUE_IS_NOT_A_RECOGNIZED_CHANNEL_NAME(177, "<arg> is not a recognized channel name", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	* Compiler Warning 178.
	* <p>lexer rule has a duplicated commands</p>
	* <p>TOKEN: 'asdf' -> mode(MODE1), mode(MODE2);</p>
	* */
	DUPLICATED_COMMAND(178, "duplicated command <arg>", ErrorSeverity.WARNING),
	* Compiler Waring 179.
	* <p>incompatible commands <em>command1</em> and <em>command2</em></p>
	* <p>T00: 'a00' -> skip, more;</p>
	INCOMPATIBLE_COMMANDS(179, "incompatible commands <arg> and <arg2>", ErrorSeverity.WARNING),
	 * Compiler Warning 180.
	 * <p>chars "a-f" used multiple times in set [a-fc-m]</p>
	 * <pre>
	 * A:    [aa-z];   // warning
	 * B:    [a-fc-m]; // warning
	 * </pre>
	 * TODO: Does not work with fragment rules.
	CHARACTERS_COLLISION_IN_SET(180, "chars <arg> used multiple times in set <arg2>", ErrorSeverity.WARNING),

	 * Compiler Warning 181
	 * <p>The token range operator makes no sense in the parser as token types
	 * are not ordered (except in implementation).
	 * </p>
	 * <pre>
	 * grammar T;
	 * a : 'A'..'Z' ;
	 * </pre>
	TOKEN_RANGE_IN_PARSER(181, "token ranges not allowed in parser: <arg>..<arg2>", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),

	 * Compiler Error 182.
	 * <p>Unicode properties cannot be part of a lexer charset range</p>
	 * <pre>
	 * A: [\\p{Letter}-\\p{Number}];
	 * </pre>
			"unicode property escapes not allowed in lexer charset range: <arg>",

	 * Compiler Warning 184.
	 * <p>The token value overlapped by another token or self</p>
	 * <pre>
	 * TOKEN1: 'value';
	 * TOKEN2: 'value'; // warning
	 * </pre>
			"One of the token <arg> values unreachable. <arg2> is always overlapped by token <arg3>",

	 * <p>Range probably contains not implied characters. Both bounds should be defined in lower or UPPER case
	 * For instance, the range [A-z] (ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy)
	 * probably contains not implied characters: [\]^_`
	 * Use the following definition: [A-Za-z]
	 * If the characters are implied, include them explicitly: [A-Za-z[\\\]^_`]
	 * </p>
	 * <pre>
	 * TOKEN: [A-z]; // warning
	 * </pre>
			"Range <arg>..<arg2> probably contains not implied characters <arg3>. Both bounds should be defined in lower or UPPER case",

	 * <p>
	 * rule <em>rule</em> contains a closure with at least one alternative
	 * that can match EOF</p>
	 * <p>A rule contains a closure ({@code (...)*}) or positive closure
	 * ({@code (...)+}) around EOF.</p>
	 * <p>The following rule produces this error.</p>
	 * <pre>
	 * x : EOF*;         // error
	 * y : EOF+;         // error
	 * z : EOF;         // ok
	 * </pre>
			"rule <arg> contains a closure with at least one alternative that can match EOF",

	 * <p>Redundant caseInsensitive lexer rule option</p>
	 * <pre>
	 * options { caseInsensitive=true; }
	 * TOKEN options { caseInsensitive=true; } : [a-z]+ -> caseInsensitive(true); // warning
	 * </pre>
			"caseInsensitive lexer rule option is redundant because its value equals to global value (<arg>)",

	 * Backward incompatibility errors

	 * Compiler Error 200.
	 * <p>tree grammars are not supported in ANTLR 4</p>
	 * <p>
	 * This error message is provided as a compatibility notice for users
	 * migrating from ANTLR 3. ANTLR 4 does not support tree grammars, but
	 * instead offers automatically generated parse tree listeners and visitors
	 * as a more maintainable alternative.</p>
	V3_TREE_GRAMMAR(200, "tree grammars are not supported in ANTLR 4", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Warning 201.
	 * <p>
	 * labels in lexer rules are not supported in ANTLR 4; actions cannot
	 * reference elements of lexical rules but you can use
	 * {@link Lexer#getText()} to get the entire text matched for the rule</p>
	 * <p>
	 * ANTLR 4 uses a DFA for recognition of entire tokens, resulting in faster
	 * and smaller lexers than ANTLR 3 produced. As a result, sub-rules
	 * referenced within lexer rules are not tracked independently, and cannot
	 * be assigned to labels.</p>
	V3_LEXER_LABEL(201, "labels in lexer rules are not supported in ANTLR 4; " +
		"actions cannot reference elements of lexical rules but you can use " +
		"getText() to get the entire text matched for the rule", ErrorSeverity.WARNING),
	 * Compiler Warning 202.
	 * <p>
	 * {@code tokens {A; B;}} syntax is now {@code tokens {A, B}} in ANTLR
	 * 4</p>
	 * <p>
	 * ANTLR 4 uses comma-separated token declarations in the {@code tokens{}}
	 * block. This warning appears when the tokens block is written using the
	 * ANTLR 3 syntax of semicolon-terminated token declarations.</p>
	 * <p>
	 * <strong>NOTE:</strong> ANTLR 4 does not allow a trailing comma to appear following the
	 * last token declared in the {@code tokens{}} block.</p>
	V3_TOKENS_SYNTAX(202, "tokens {A; B;} syntax is now tokens {A, B} in ANTLR 4", ErrorSeverity.WARNING),
	 * Compiler Error 203.
	 * <p>
	 * assignments in {@code tokens{}} are not supported in ANTLR 4; use lexical
	 * rule <em>TokenName</em> : <em>LiteralValue</em>; instead</p>
	 * <p>
	 * ANTLR 3 allowed literal tokens to be declared and assigned a value within
	 * the {@code tokens{}} block. ANTLR 4 no longer offers this syntax. When
	 * migrating a grammar from ANTLR 3 to ANTLR 4, any tokens with a literal
	 * value declared in the {@code tokens{}} block should be converted to
	 * standard lexer rules.</p>
	V3_ASSIGN_IN_TOKENS(203, "assignments in tokens{} are not supported in ANTLR 4; use lexical rule <arg> : <arg2>; instead", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),
	 * Compiler Warning 204.
	 * <p>
	 * {@code {...}?=>} explicitly gated semantic predicates are deprecated in
	 * ANTLR 4; use {@code {...}?} instead</p>
	 * <p>
	 * ANTLR 4 treats semantic predicates consistently in a manner similar to
	 * gated semantic predicates in ANTLR 3. When migrating a grammar from ANTLR
	 * 3 to ANTLR 4, all uses of the gated semantic predicate syntax can be
	 * safely converted to the standard semantic predicated syntax, which is the
	 * only form used by ANTLR 4.</p>
	V3_GATED_SEMPRED(204, "{...}?=> explicitly gated semantic predicates are deprecated in ANTLR 4; use {...}? instead", ErrorSeverity.WARNING),
	 * Compiler Error 205.
	 * <p>{@code (...)=>} syntactic predicates are not supported in ANTLR 4</p>
	 * <p>
	 * ANTLR 4's improved lookahead algorithms do not require the use of
	 * syntactic predicates to disambiguate long lookahead sequences. The
	 * syntactic predicates should be removed when migrating a grammar from
	 * ANTLR 3 to ANTLR 4.</p>
	V3_SYNPRED(205, "(...)=> syntactic predicates are not supported in ANTLR 4", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),

    // Dependency sorting errors

    /* t1.g4 -> t2.g4 -> t3.g4 ->t1.g4 */
    //CIRCULAR_DEPENDENCY(200, "your grammars contain a circular dependency and cannot be sorted into a valid build order", ErrorSeverity.ERROR),

	 * The error or warning message, in StringTemplate 4 format using {@code <}
	 * and {@code >} as the delimiters. Arguments for the message may be
	 * referenced using the following names:
	 * <ul>
	 * <li>{@code arg}: The first template argument</li>
	 * <li>{@code arg2}: The second template argument</li>
	 * <li>{@code arg3}: The third template argument</li>
	 * <li>{@code verbose}: {@code true} if verbose messages were requested; otherwise, {@code false}</li>
	 * <li>{@code exception}: The exception which resulted in the error, if any.</li>
	 * <li>{@code stackTrace}: The stack trace for the exception, when available.</li>
	 * </ul>
	public final String msg;
	 * The error or warning number.
	 * <p>The code should be unique, and following its
	 * use in a release should not be altered or reassigned.</p>
    public final int code;
	 * The error severity.
    public final ErrorSeverity severity;

	 * Constructs a new {@link ErrorType} with the specified code, message, and
	 * severity.
	 * @param code The unique error number.
	 * @param msg The error message template.
	 * @param severity The error severity.
	ErrorType(int code, String msg, ErrorSeverity severity) {
        this.code = code;
		this.msg = msg;
        this.severity = severity;



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