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Other Resources:
jaligner-1.0.jar - JAligner - Java implementation of the Smith-Waterman algorithm
JAligner is an open source Java implementation of the Smith-Waterman algorithm with Gotoh's improvement for biological local pairwise sequence alignment using the affine gap penalty model.
JAR File Size and Download Location:
File name: jaligner.jar, jaligner-1.0.jar File size: 164489 bytes Date modified: 05-May-2005 Download: JAligner - Java implementation of the Smith-Waterman algorithm
Manifest of the JAR:
Main-Class: jaligner.ui.AlignCommandLine Created-At: 200505031520
List of Classes in the JAR:
jaligner/Alignment jaligner/Cell jaligner/Directions jaligner/Markups jaligner/Sequence jaligner/SmithWatermanGotoh jaligner/example/Example jaligner/formats/CLUSTAL jaligner/formats/FASTA jaligner/formats/Format jaligner/formats/FormatFactory jaligner/formats/Pair jaligner/matrix/MatricesCompartor jaligner/matrix/Matrix jaligner/matrix/MatrixLoader jaligner/matrix/MatrixLoaderException jaligner/test/AlignmentScoreChecker jaligner/test/RandomSequenceGenerator jaligner/ui/AlignCommandLine jaligner/ui/AlignWindow jaligner/ui/clipboard/ClipboardHandler jaligner/ui/clipboard/ClipboardHandlerAWT jaligner/ui/clipboard/ClipboardHandlerFactory jaligner/ui/clipboard/ClipboardHandlerJNLP jaligner/ui/clipboard/ClipboardListener jaligner/ui/clipboard/ClipboardPoller jaligner/ui/filechooser/FileChooser jaligner/ui/filechooser/FileChooserException jaligner/ui/filechooser/FileChooserFactory jaligner/ui/filechooser/FileChooserJNLP jaligner/ui/filechooser/FileChooserTrusted jaligner/ui/filechooser/NamedInputStream jaligner/ui/images/ToolbarIcons jaligner/ui/logging/DocumentHandler jaligner/ui/logging/RecordFormatter jaligner/ui/util/PrintJobMointor jaligner/ui/util/TextComponentUtil jaligner/ui/util/TextComponentUtilException jaligner/util/Commons jaligner/util/SequenceParser jaligner/util/SequenceParserException
2016-05-10, 7492🔥, 1💬
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