Digital Signatures of JAR Files


What are digital signatures of JAR files? And where are they stored in the JAR file?



Digital signatures are encrypted digests of entries archieved in the JAR file. Digital signature information is stored in multiple files under the META-INF path name:

  • META-INF/MANIFEST.MF - Contains digests of JAR entries.
  • META-INF/*.SF - Signature file with digests of JAR entries. Generated by a specific signar.
  • META-INF/*.DSA - Signature file encrypted with the DSA (PKCS7 signature, DSA) algorithm. Generated by a specific signar.
  • META-INF/*.RSA - Signature file encrypted with the RSA (PKCS7 signature, SHA-256 + RSA) algorithm. Generated by a specific signar.
  • META-INF/SIG-* - Signature file encrypted with other algorithm. Generated by a specific signar.

Here is a sample of a *.SF file, SUN_MICR.SF:

Signature-Version: 1.0
SHA1-Digest-Manifest: WJfLq1ILjj2Pn43Eo0FBNVFuG9U=
Created-By: 1.3.1_04 (Sun Microsystems Inc.)

Name: javax/activation/MimeTypeParseException.class
SHA1-Digest: UAKWG9VD0+5i0GHxkNysu84wuGQ=

Name: javax/activation/CommandInfo.class
SHA1-Digest: VDih63m/ZVUpovKCWSyMwn4nGV4=


The "jarsigner" tool in the JDK can be used to sign file files.

Back to FAQ on JAR (Java ARchive) File Format.

2016-04-15, 2318🔥, 0💬