What Is fop-0.93-bin-jdk1.4.zip


What Is fop-0.93-bin-jdk1.4.zip? I downloaded it from the Apache FOP Website.

✍: FYIcenter.com


fop-0.93-bin-jdk1.4.zip is the binary package of Apache FOP 0.93 compiled for JDK 1.4 in ZIP format. FOP (Formatting Objects Processor) is a print formatter driven by XSL formatting objects (XSL-FO). Below is the information about the fop-0.93-bin-jdk1.4.zip file:

Download File Size and Download Location:

File name: fop-0.93-bin-jdk1.4.zip
File size: 18,921,204 bytes
Release date: 03-Jan-2007
Download: Apache FOP Archive Website

File list of fop-0.93-bin-jdk1.4.zip:

     7134 KEYS
    11358 LICENSE
      351 NOTICE
     5310 README
  1989273 build\fop.jar
     5425 conf\fop.xconf
     7748 docs__answer__.20.5\index.html
     8710 docs__answer__.93\index.html
    42857 docs\changes.html
      488 examples\embedding\README
      195 examples\fo\advanced\K3.README
     7388 fop
     3894 fop.bat
      881 javadocs\index.html
    86038 lib\avalon-framework-4.2.0.jar
  2623953 lib\batik-all-1.6.jar
    61562 lib\commons-io-1.1.jar
    38015 lib\commons-logging-1.0.4.jar
   188993 lib\serializer-2.7.0.jar
  3078601 lib\xalan-2.7.0.jar
  1203860 lib\xercesImpl-2.7.1.jar
   194205 lib\xml-apis-1.3.02.jar
   301249 lib\xmlgraphics-commons-1.1.jar
# Total                   Size  Files
#                     62108394  2793


What Is fop.jar 0.93

Download and Install fop-0.93-bin-jdk1.4.zip

Download and Installing of FOP Older Versions

⇑⇑ FAQ for FOP (Formatting Object Processor)

2016-02-13, 3069🔥, 0💬