What Is SJP Reference Implementation sjp-1_0-fr-ri.zip


What Is SJP Reference Implementation sjp-1_0-fr-ri.zip file?

✍: FYIcenter


SJP Reference Implementation sjp-1_0-fr-ri.zip file is the distribution package ZIP file for SJP (Scripting for the Java Platform) API Reference Implementation.

Download File Size and Download Location:

File name: sjp-1_0-fr-ri.zip
File size: 1,959,113 bytes
Release date: 10/16/2006
Download: JSR 223: Scripting for the Java Platform

File list of sjp-1_0-fr-ri.zip:

       12880  Java_RI_SLA&Entitlement(20061013).txt
     1245486  License_Notice_Translated.pdf
        1260  README
      701049  js.jar
       14732  script-api.jar
       34607  script-js.jar
#       Size  Files
#    2033641  7


What Is js.jar in SJP RI sjp-1_0-fr-ri.zip

Download SJP Reference Implementation sjp-1_0-fr-ri.zip

SJP (Scripting for the Java Platform) API

⇑⇑ FAQ for Rhino JavaScript Java Library

2017-07-25, 2037🔥, 0💬