Download Rhino to SJP Wrapper rhino-js-engine-


How to download and install the Rhino to SJP Wrapper library rhino-js-engine-

✍: FYIcenter


If you want to use the Rhino !.7R5 Java library with the SJP API, you need to download and install the Rhino to SJP Wrapper library, rhino-js-engine-

1. Go to Rhino Js Engine archive Website.

2. Click the "" link in the " Central 1 (Mar, 2016)" line.

3. Click the "Download" line in the "Files Download (JAR) (37 KB)" line.

4. Save the downloaded file to \fyicenter\rhino-js-engine-

5. Verify the JAR file:

>dir \fyicenter\

40,771 rhino-js-engine-

Download and installation is done.


What Is rhino-js-engine- - Select SJP RI Engine: Rhino

SJP (Scripting for the Java Platform) API

⇑⇑ FAQ for Rhino JavaScript Java Library

2017-07-21, 1878🔥, 0💬