FontView.exe - Preview Font Glyphs on Windows


How to preview font glyphs on Windows? I want to see how they look like, before deciding to use the font.



On Windows computers, you can run the "FontView.exe" program to preview glyphs of any font file.

For example, you can run this command to view glyphs in the Calibri Italic font:

\fyicenter>C:\windows\system32\FontView.exe C:\windows\fonts\calibrii.ttf

You see the FontView screen displaying font information and some sample glyphs in different sizes: You see all 4 fonts are working correctly now:

Font name: Calibri
Version: Version 5.74
OpenType Layout, Digital Signed, TrueType Outlines

Below is the FontView.exe screen:
FontView.exe - Preview Font Glyphs on Windows


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2018-04-12, 2410🔥, 0💬