What Is commons-collections4-4.4-bin.zip


What Is commons-collections4-4.4-bin.zip?

✍: FYIcenter.com


commons-collections4-4.4-bin.zip is the binary package of Apache Commons Collections 4.1 in ZIP format. Apache Commons Collections provides additional collection handling functionalities on top of JDK library.

Download File Size and Download Location:

File name: commons-collections4-4.4-bin.zip
File size: 9,764,940 bytes
Release date: 2019-07-09
Download: Apache Commons Collections Website

File list of commons-collections4-4.4-bin.zip:

  Length      Date    Time    Name
---------  ---------- -----   ----
    11560  12-31-2018 10:36   LICENSE.txt
    66771  07-05-2019 14:09   apidocs/allclasses-frame.html
      180  07-05-2019 13:45   NOTICE.txt
    59671  07-05-2019 14:09   apidocs/allclasses-noframe.html
    22455  07-05-2019 13:44   RELEASE-NOTES.txt
      775  07-05-2019 14:09   apidocs/package-list
    13416  07-05-2019 14:06   apidocs/stylesheet.css
  2722025  07-05-2019 14:09   commons-collections4-4.4-javadoc.jar
   715541  07-05-2019 14:09   commons-collections4-4.4-sources.jar
     3471  07-05-2019 14:09   apidocs/overview-frame.html
     3023  07-05-2019 14:09   apidocs/index.html
    13871  07-05-2019 14:09   apidocs/overview-summary.html
   751914  07-05-2019 14:09   commons-collections4-4.4.jar
  1787736  07-05-2019 14:09   apidocs/index-all.html
      857  07-05-2019 14:09   apidocs/script.js
---------                     -------
 36841441                     1235 files


What Is commons-collections4-4.4.jar

Download and Install commons-collections4-4.4-bin.zip

Downloading and Reviewing commons-collections4.jar

⇑⇑ FAQ for Apache commons-collections.jar

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