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Apache BCEL Source Code Files
Apache BCEL Source Code Files are inside the Apache BCEL source package file like Unzip the source package file and go to the "src/main" sub-directory, you will see source code files.
Here is the list of Java source code files of the Apache BCEL 6.6.1 in \Users\fyicenter\bcel-6.6.1\src:
✍: FYIcenter
⏎ org/apache/bcel/generic/
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.bcel.generic; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.bcel.classfile.AnnotationEntry; import org.apache.bcel.classfile.Attribute; import org.apache.bcel.classfile.ConstantUtf8; import org.apache.bcel.classfile.ElementValuePair; import org.apache.bcel.classfile.RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations; import org.apache.bcel.classfile.RuntimeInvisibleParameterAnnotations; import org.apache.bcel.classfile.RuntimeVisibleAnnotations; import org.apache.bcel.classfile.RuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations; /** * @since 6.0 */ public class AnnotationEntryGen { static final AnnotationEntryGen[] EMPTY_ARRAY = {}; /** * Converts a list of AnnotationGen objects into a set of attributes that can be attached to the class file. * * @param cp The constant pool gen where we can create the necessary name refs * @param annotationEntryGens An array of AnnotationGen objects */ static Attribute[] getAnnotationAttributes(final ConstantPoolGen cp, final AnnotationEntryGen[] annotationEntryGens) { if (annotationEntryGens.length == 0) { return Attribute.EMPTY_ARRAY; } try { int countVisible = 0; int countInvisible = 0; // put the annotations in the right output stream for (final AnnotationEntryGen a : annotationEntryGens) { if (a.isRuntimeVisible()) { countVisible++; } else { countInvisible++; } } final ByteArrayOutputStream rvaBytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); final ByteArrayOutputStream riaBytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try (DataOutputStream rvaDos = new DataOutputStream(rvaBytes); DataOutputStream riaDos = new DataOutputStream(riaBytes)) { rvaDos.writeShort(countVisible); riaDos.writeShort(countInvisible); // put the annotations in the right output stream for (final AnnotationEntryGen a : annotationEntryGens) { if (a.isRuntimeVisible()) { a.dump(rvaDos); } else { a.dump(riaDos); } } } final byte[] rvaData = rvaBytes.toByteArray(); final byte[] riaData = riaBytes.toByteArray(); int rvaIndex = -1; int riaIndex = -1; if (rvaData.length > 2) { rvaIndex = cp.addUtf8("RuntimeVisibleAnnotations"); } if (riaData.length > 2) { riaIndex = cp.addUtf8("RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations"); } final List<Attribute> newAttributes = new ArrayList<>(); if (rvaData.length > 2) { newAttributes .add(new RuntimeVisibleAnnotations(rvaIndex, rvaData.length, new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(rvaData)), cp.getConstantPool())); } if (riaData.length > 2) { newAttributes.add( new RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations(riaIndex, riaData.length, new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(riaData)), cp.getConstantPool())); } return newAttributes.toArray(Attribute.EMPTY_ARRAY); } catch (final IOException e) { System.err.println("IOException whilst processing annotations"); e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } /** * Annotations against a class are stored in one of four attribute kinds: - RuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations - * RuntimeInvisibleParameterAnnotations */ static Attribute[] getParameterAnnotationAttributes(final ConstantPoolGen cp, final List<AnnotationEntryGen>[] /* Array of lists, array size depends on #params */ vec) { final int[] visCount = new int[vec.length]; int totalVisCount = 0; final int[] invisCount = new int[vec.length]; int totalInvisCount = 0; try { for (int i = 0; i < vec.length; i++) { if (vec[i] != null) { for (final AnnotationEntryGen element : vec[i]) { if (element.isRuntimeVisible()) { visCount[i]++; totalVisCount++; } else { invisCount[i]++; totalInvisCount++; } } } } // Lets do the visible ones final ByteArrayOutputStream rvaBytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try (DataOutputStream rvaDos = new DataOutputStream(rvaBytes)) { rvaDos.writeByte(vec.length); // First goes number of parameters for (int i = 0; i < vec.length; i++) { rvaDos.writeShort(visCount[i]); if (visCount[i] > 0) { for (final AnnotationEntryGen element : vec[i]) { if (element.isRuntimeVisible()) { element.dump(rvaDos); } } } } } // Lets do the invisible ones final ByteArrayOutputStream riaBytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try (DataOutputStream riaDos = new DataOutputStream(riaBytes)) { riaDos.writeByte(vec.length); // First goes number of parameters for (int i = 0; i < vec.length; i++) { riaDos.writeShort(invisCount[i]); if (invisCount[i] > 0) { for (final AnnotationEntryGen element : vec[i]) { if (!element.isRuntimeVisible()) { element.dump(riaDos); } } } } } final byte[] rvaData = rvaBytes.toByteArray(); final byte[] riaData = riaBytes.toByteArray(); int rvaIndex = -1; int riaIndex = -1; if (totalVisCount > 0) { rvaIndex = cp.addUtf8("RuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations"); } if (totalInvisCount > 0) { riaIndex = cp.addUtf8("RuntimeInvisibleParameterAnnotations"); } final List<Attribute> newAttributes = new ArrayList<>(); if (totalVisCount > 0) { newAttributes.add(new RuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations(rvaIndex, rvaData.length, new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(rvaData)), cp.getConstantPool())); } if (totalInvisCount > 0) { newAttributes.add(new RuntimeInvisibleParameterAnnotations(riaIndex, riaData.length, new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(riaData)), cp.getConstantPool())); } return newAttributes.toArray(Attribute.EMPTY_ARRAY); } catch (final IOException e) { System.err.println("IOException whilst processing parameter annotations"); e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } public static AnnotationEntryGen read(final DataInput dis, final ConstantPoolGen cpool, final boolean b) throws IOException { final AnnotationEntryGen a = new AnnotationEntryGen(cpool); a.typeIndex = dis.readUnsignedShort(); final int elemValuePairCount = dis.readUnsignedShort(); for (int i = 0; i < elemValuePairCount; i++) { final int nidx = dis.readUnsignedShort(); a.addElementNameValuePair(new ElementValuePairGen(nidx, ElementValueGen.readElementValue(dis, cpool), cpool)); } a.isRuntimeVisible(b); return a; } private int typeIndex; private List<ElementValuePairGen> evs; private final ConstantPoolGen cpool; private boolean isRuntimeVisible; /** * Here we are taking a fixed annotation of type Annotation and building a modifiable AnnotationGen object. If the pool * passed in is for a different class file, then copyPoolEntries should have been passed as true as that will force us * to do a deep copy of the annotation and move the cpool entries across. We need to copy the type and the element name * value pairs and the visibility. */ public AnnotationEntryGen(final AnnotationEntry a, final ConstantPoolGen cpool, final boolean copyPoolEntries) { this.cpool = cpool; if (copyPoolEntries) { typeIndex = cpool.addUtf8(a.getAnnotationType()); } else { typeIndex = a.getAnnotationTypeIndex(); } isRuntimeVisible = a.isRuntimeVisible(); evs = copyValues(a.getElementValuePairs(), cpool, copyPoolEntries); } private AnnotationEntryGen(final ConstantPoolGen cpool) { this.cpool = cpool; } public AnnotationEntryGen(final ObjectType type, final List<ElementValuePairGen> elements, final boolean vis, final ConstantPoolGen cpool) { this.cpool = cpool; this.typeIndex = cpool.addUtf8(type.getSignature()); evs = elements; isRuntimeVisible = vis; } public void addElementNameValuePair(final ElementValuePairGen evp) { if (evs == null) { evs = new ArrayList<>(); } evs.add(evp); } private List<ElementValuePairGen> copyValues(final ElementValuePair[] in, final ConstantPoolGen cpool, final boolean copyPoolEntries) { final List<ElementValuePairGen> out = new ArrayList<>(); for (final ElementValuePair nvp : in) { out.add(new ElementValuePairGen(nvp, cpool, copyPoolEntries)); } return out; } public void dump(final DataOutputStream dos) throws IOException { dos.writeShort(typeIndex); // u2 index of type name in cpool dos.writeShort(evs.size()); // u2 element_value pair count for (final ElementValuePairGen envp : evs) { envp.dump(dos); } } /** * Retrieve an immutable version of this AnnotationGen */ public AnnotationEntry getAnnotation() { final AnnotationEntry a = new AnnotationEntry(typeIndex, cpool.getConstantPool(), isRuntimeVisible); for (final ElementValuePairGen element : evs) { a.addElementNameValuePair(element.getElementNameValuePair()); } return a; } public int getTypeIndex() { return typeIndex; } public final String getTypeName() { return getTypeSignature();// BCELBUG: Should I use this instead? // Utility.signatureToString(getTypeSignature()); } public final String getTypeSignature() { // ConstantClass c = (ConstantClass)cpool.getConstant(typeIndex); final ConstantUtf8 utf8 = (ConstantUtf8) cpool.getConstant(typeIndex/* c.getNameIndex() */); return utf8.getBytes(); } /** * Returns list of ElementNameValuePair objects */ public List<ElementValuePairGen> getValues() { return evs; } public boolean isRuntimeVisible() { return isRuntimeVisible; } private void isRuntimeVisible(final boolean b) { isRuntimeVisible = b; } public String toShortString() { final StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(); s.append("@").append(getTypeName()).append("("); for (int i = 0; i < evs.size(); i++) { s.append(evs.get(i)); if (i + 1 < evs.size()) { s.append(","); } } s.append(")"); return s.toString(); } @Override public String toString() { final StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(32); // CHECKSTYLE IGNORE MagicNumber s.append("AnnotationGen:[").append(getTypeName()).append(" #").append(evs.size()).append(" {"); for (int i = 0; i < evs.size(); i++) { s.append(evs.get(i)); if (i + 1 < evs.size()) { s.append(","); } } s.append("}]"); return s.toString(); } }
⏎ org/apache/bcel/generic/
Or download all of them as a single archive file:
File name: bcel-6.6.1-sources.jar File size: 688374 bytes Release date: 2022-09-18 Download
⇒ Install Apache BCEL 6.5.0 Binary Package
⇐ Download and Install Apache BCEL Source Package
2021-08-21, 71798👍, 0💬
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