iText 5 itextpdf.jar Source Code

itextpdf.jar is a component in iText 5 Java library to provide core functionalities. iText Java library allows you to generate and manage PDF documents.

The Source Code files are provided at iText GitHub site.

You can compile it to generate your JAR file, using pom.xml as the build configuration file.

The source code of itextpdf-5.5.14.jar is provided below:



 * This file is part of the iText (R) project.
    Copyright (c) 1998-2020 iText Group NV
 * Authors: Bruno Lowagie, Paulo Soares, et al.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation with the addition of the
 * following permission added to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a):
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
 * See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, see or write to
 * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
 * Boston, MA, 02110-1301 USA, or download the license from the following URL:
 * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
 * of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
 * Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License.
 * In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License,
 * a covered work must retain the producer line in every PDF that is created
 * or manipulated using iText.
 * You can be released from the requirements of the license by purchasing
 * a commercial license. Buying such a license is mandatory as soon as you
 * develop commercial activities involving the iText software without
 * disclosing the source code of your own applications.
 * These activities include: offering paid services to customers as an ASP,
 * serving PDFs on the fly in a web application, shipping iText with a closed
 * source product.
 * For more information, please contact iText Software Corp. at this
 * address:
package com.itextpdf.text.pdf;

import com.itextpdf.text.Document;
import com.itextpdf.text.DocumentException;
import com.itextpdf.text.error_messages.MessageLocalization;
import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.fonts.FontsResourceAnchor;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;

/** Reads a Type1 font
 * @author Paulo Soares
class Type1Font extends BaseFont
    private static FontsResourceAnchor resourceAnchor;

    /** The PFB file if the input was made with a <CODE>byte</CODE> array.
    protected byte pfb[];
/** The Postscript font name.
    private String FontName;
/** The full name of the font.
    private String FullName;
/** The family name of the font.
    private String FamilyName;
/** The weight of the font: normal, bold, etc.
    private String Weight = "";
/** The italic angle of the font, usually 0.0 or negative.
    private float ItalicAngle = 0.0f;
/** <CODE>true</CODE> if all the characters have the same
 *  width.
    private boolean IsFixedPitch = false;
/** The character set of the font.
    private String CharacterSet;
/** The llx of the FontBox.
    private int llx = -50;
/** The lly of the FontBox.
    private int lly = -200;
/** The lurx of the FontBox.
    private int urx = 1000;
/** The ury of the FontBox.
    private int ury = 900;
/** The underline position.
    private int UnderlinePosition = -100;
/** The underline thickness.
    private int UnderlineThickness = 50;
/** The font's encoding name. This encoding is 'StandardEncoding' or
 *  'AdobeStandardEncoding' for a font that can be totally encoded
 *  according to the characters names. For all other names the
 *  font is treated as symbolic.
    private String EncodingScheme = "FontSpecific";
/** A variable.
    private int CapHeight = 700;
/** A variable.
    private int XHeight = 480;
/** A variable.
    private int Ascender = 800;
/** A variable.
    private int Descender = -200;
/** A variable.
    private int StdHW;
/** A variable.
    private int StdVW = 80;

/** Represents the section CharMetrics in the AFM file. Each
 *  value of this array contains a <CODE>Object[4]</CODE> with an
 *  Integer, Integer, String and int[]. This is the code, width, name and char bbox.
 *  The key is the name of the char and also an Integer with the char number.
    private HashMap<Object, Object[]> CharMetrics = new HashMap<Object, Object[]>();
/** Represents the section KernPairs in the AFM file. The key is
 *  the name of the first character and the value is a <CODE>Object[]</CODE>
 *  with 2 elements for each kern pair. Position 0 is the name of
 *  the second character and position 1 is the kerning distance. This is
 *  repeated for all the pairs.
    private HashMap<String, Object[]> KernPairs = new HashMap<String, Object[]>();
/** The file in use.
    private String fileName;
/** <CODE>true</CODE> if this font is one of the 14 built in fonts.
    private boolean builtinFont = false;
/** Types of records in a PFB file. ASCII is 1 and BINARY is 2.
 *  They have to appear in the PFB file in this sequence.
    private static final int PFB_TYPES[] = {1, 2, 1};

    /** Creates a new Type1 font.
     * @param ttfAfm the AFM file if the input is made with a <CODE>byte</CODE> array
     * @param pfb the PFB file if the input is made with a <CODE>byte</CODE> array
     * @param afmFile the name of one of the 14 built-in fonts or the location of an AFM file. The file must end in '.afm'
     * @param enc the encoding to be applied to this font
     * @param emb true if the font is to be embedded in the PDF
     * @throws DocumentException the AFM file is invalid
     * @throws IOException the AFM file could not be read
     * @since	2.1.5
    Type1Font(String afmFile, String enc, boolean emb, byte ttfAfm[], byte pfb[], boolean forceRead)
    	throws DocumentException, IOException {
        if (emb && ttfAfm != null && pfb == null)
            throw new DocumentException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage(""));
        if (emb && ttfAfm != null)
            this.pfb = pfb;
        encoding = enc;
        embedded = emb;
        fileName = afmFile;
        fontType = FONT_TYPE_T1;
        RandomAccessFileOrArray rf = null;
        InputStream is = null;
        if (BuiltinFonts14.containsKey(afmFile)) {
            embedded = false;
            builtinFont = true;
            byte buf[] = new byte[1024];
            try {
                if (resourceAnchor == null)
                    resourceAnchor = new FontsResourceAnchor();
                is = StreamUtil.getResourceStream(RESOURCE_PATH + afmFile + ".afm", resourceAnchor.getClass().getClassLoader());
                if (is == null) {
                    String msg = MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("", afmFile);
                    throw new DocumentException(msg);
                ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                while (true) {
                    int size =;
                    if (size < 0)
                    out.write(buf, 0, size);
                buf = out.toByteArray();
            finally {
                if (is != null) {
                    try {
                    catch (Exception e) {
                        // empty on purpose
            try {
                rf = new RandomAccessFileOrArray(buf);
            finally {
                if (rf != null) {
                    try {
                    catch (Exception e) {
                        // empty on purpose
        else if (afmFile.toLowerCase().endsWith(".afm")) {
            try {
                if (ttfAfm == null)
                    rf = new RandomAccessFileOrArray(afmFile, forceRead, Document.plainRandomAccess);
                    rf = new RandomAccessFileOrArray(ttfAfm);
            finally {
                if (rf != null) {
                    try {
                    catch (Exception e) {
                        // empty on purpose
        else if (afmFile.toLowerCase().endsWith(".pfm")) {
            try {
                ByteArrayOutputStream ba = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                if (ttfAfm == null)
                    rf = new RandomAccessFileOrArray(afmFile, forceRead, Document.plainRandomAccess);
                    rf = new RandomAccessFileOrArray(ttfAfm);
                Pfm2afm.convert(rf, ba);
                rf = new RandomAccessFileOrArray(ba.toByteArray());
            finally {
                if (rf != null) {
                    try {
                    catch (Exception e) {
                        // empty on purpose
            throw new DocumentException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("", afmFile));

        EncodingScheme = EncodingScheme.trim();
        if (EncodingScheme.equals("AdobeStandardEncoding") || EncodingScheme.equals("StandardEncoding")) {
            fontSpecific = false;
        if (!encoding.startsWith("#"))
            PdfEncodings.convertToBytes(" ", enc); // check if the encoding exists

/** Gets the width from the font according to the <CODE>name</CODE> or,
 * if the <CODE>name</CODE> is null, meaning it is a symbolic font,
 * the char <CODE>c</CODE>.
 * @param c the char if the font is symbolic
 * @param name the glyph name
 * @return the width of the char
    int getRawWidth(int c, String name) {
        Object metrics[];
        if (name == null) { // font specific
            metrics = CharMetrics.get(Integer.valueOf(c));
        else {
            if (name.equals(".notdef"))
                return 0;
            metrics = CharMetrics.get(name);
        if (metrics != null)
            return ((Integer)metrics[1]).intValue();
        return 0;

/** Gets the kerning between two Unicode characters. The characters
 * are converted to names and this names are used to find the kerning
 * pairs in the <CODE>HashMap</CODE> <CODE>KernPairs</CODE>.
 * @param char1 the first char
 * @param char2 the second char
 * @return the kerning to be applied
    public int getKerning(int char1, int char2)
        String first = GlyphList.unicodeToName(char1);
        if (first == null)
            return 0;
        String second = GlyphList.unicodeToName(char2);
        if (second == null)
            return 0;
        Object obj[] = KernPairs.get(first);
        if (obj == null)
            return 0;
        for (int k = 0; k < obj.length; k += 2) {
            if (second.equals(obj[k]))
                return ((Integer)obj[k + 1]).intValue();
        return 0;

    /** Reads the font metrics
     * @param rf the AFM file
     * @throws DocumentException the AFM file is invalid
     * @throws IOException the AFM file could not be read
    public void process(RandomAccessFileOrArray rf) throws DocumentException, IOException
        String line;
        boolean isMetrics = false;
        while ((line = rf.readLine()) != null)
            StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(line, " ,\n\r\t\f");
            if (!tok.hasMoreTokens())
            String ident = tok.nextToken();
            if (ident.equals("FontName"))
                FontName = tok.nextToken("\u00ff").substring(1);
            else if (ident.equals("FullName"))
                FullName = tok.nextToken("\u00ff").substring(1);
            else if (ident.equals("FamilyName"))
                FamilyName = tok.nextToken("\u00ff").substring(1);
            else if (ident.equals("Weight"))
                Weight = tok.nextToken("\u00ff").substring(1);
            else if (ident.equals("ItalicAngle"))
                ItalicAngle = Float.parseFloat(tok.nextToken());
            else if (ident.equals("IsFixedPitch"))
                IsFixedPitch = tok.nextToken().equals("true");
            else if (ident.equals("CharacterSet"))
                CharacterSet = tok.nextToken("\u00ff").substring(1);
            else if (ident.equals("FontBBox"))
                llx = (int)Float.parseFloat(tok.nextToken());
                lly = (int)Float.parseFloat(tok.nextToken());
                urx = (int)Float.parseFloat(tok.nextToken());
                ury = (int)Float.parseFloat(tok.nextToken());
            else if (ident.equals("UnderlinePosition"))
                UnderlinePosition = (int)Float.parseFloat(tok.nextToken());
            else if (ident.equals("UnderlineThickness"))
                UnderlineThickness = (int)Float.parseFloat(tok.nextToken());
            else if (ident.equals("EncodingScheme"))
                EncodingScheme = tok.nextToken("\u00ff").substring(1);
            else if (ident.equals("CapHeight"))
                CapHeight = (int)Float.parseFloat(tok.nextToken());
            else if (ident.equals("XHeight"))
                XHeight = (int)Float.parseFloat(tok.nextToken());
            else if (ident.equals("Ascender"))
                Ascender = (int)Float.parseFloat(tok.nextToken());
            else if (ident.equals("Descender"))
                Descender = (int)Float.parseFloat(tok.nextToken());
            else if (ident.equals("StdHW"))
                StdHW = (int)Float.parseFloat(tok.nextToken());
            else if (ident.equals("StdVW"))
                StdVW = (int)Float.parseFloat(tok.nextToken());
            else if (ident.equals("StartCharMetrics"))
                isMetrics = true;
        if (!isMetrics)
            throw new DocumentException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("", fileName));
        while ((line = rf.readLine()) != null)
            StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(line);
            if (!tok.hasMoreTokens())
            String ident = tok.nextToken();
            if (ident.equals("EndCharMetrics"))
                isMetrics = false;
            Integer C = Integer.valueOf(-1);
            Integer WX = Integer.valueOf(250);
            String N = "";
            int B[] = null;

            tok = new StringTokenizer(line, ";");
            while (tok.hasMoreTokens())
                StringTokenizer tokc = new StringTokenizer(tok.nextToken());
                if (!tokc.hasMoreTokens())
                ident = tokc.nextToken();
                if (ident.equals("C"))
                    C = Integer.valueOf(tokc.nextToken());
                else if (ident.equals("WX"))
                    WX = Integer.valueOf((int)Float.parseFloat(tokc.nextToken()));
                else if (ident.equals("N"))
                    N = tokc.nextToken();
                else if (ident.equals("B")) {
                    B = new int[]{Integer.parseInt(tokc.nextToken()),
            Object metrics[] = new Object[]{C, WX, N, B};
            if (C.intValue() >= 0)
                CharMetrics.put(C, metrics);
            CharMetrics.put(N, metrics);
        if (isMetrics)
            throw new DocumentException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("", fileName));
        if (!CharMetrics.containsKey("nonbreakingspace")) {
            Object[] space = CharMetrics.get("space");
            if (space != null)
                CharMetrics.put("nonbreakingspace", space);
        while ((line = rf.readLine()) != null)
            StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(line);
            if (!tok.hasMoreTokens())
            String ident = tok.nextToken();
            if (ident.equals("EndFontMetrics"))
            if (ident.equals("StartKernPairs"))
                isMetrics = true;
        if (!isMetrics)
            throw new DocumentException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("", fileName));
        while ((line = rf.readLine()) != null)
            StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(line);
            if (!tok.hasMoreTokens())
            String ident = tok.nextToken();
            if (ident.equals("KPX"))
                String first = tok.nextToken();
                String second = tok.nextToken();
                Integer width = Integer.valueOf((int)Float.parseFloat(tok.nextToken()));
                Object relates[] = KernPairs.get(first);
                if (relates == null)
                    KernPairs.put(first, new Object[]{second, width});
                    int n = relates.length;
                    Object relates2[] = new Object[n + 2];
                    System.arraycopy(relates, 0, relates2, 0, n);
                    relates2[n] = second;
                    relates2[n + 1] = width;
                    KernPairs.put(first, relates2);
            else if (ident.equals("EndKernPairs"))
                isMetrics = false;
        if (isMetrics)
            throw new DocumentException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("", fileName));

/** If the embedded flag is <CODE>false</CODE> or if the font is
 *  one of the 14 built in types, it returns <CODE>null</CODE>,
 * otherwise the font is read and output in a PdfStream object.
 * @return the PdfStream containing the font or <CODE>null</CODE>
 * @throws DocumentException if there is an error reading the font
 * @since 2.1.3
    public PdfStream getFullFontStream() throws DocumentException
        if (builtinFont || !embedded)
            return null;
        RandomAccessFileOrArray rf = null;
        try {
            String filePfb = fileName.substring(0, fileName.length() - 3) + "pfb";
            if (pfb == null)
                rf = new RandomAccessFileOrArray(filePfb, true, Document.plainRandomAccess);
                rf = new RandomAccessFileOrArray(pfb);
            int fileLength = (int)rf.length();
            byte st[] = new byte[fileLength - 18];
            int lengths[] = new int[3];
            int bytePtr = 0;
            for (int k = 0; k < 3; ++k) {
                if ( != 0x80)
                    throw new DocumentException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("", filePfb));
                if ( != PFB_TYPES[k])
                    throw new DocumentException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("", filePfb));
                int size =;
                size += << 8;
                size += << 16;
                size += << 24;
                lengths[k] = size;
                while (size != 0) {
                    int got =, bytePtr, size);
                    if (got < 0)
                        throw new DocumentException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("", filePfb));
                    bytePtr += got;
                    size -= got;
            return new StreamFont(st, lengths, compressionLevel);
        catch (Exception e) {
            throw new DocumentException(e);
        finally {
            if (rf != null) {
                try {
                catch (Exception e) {
                    // empty on purpose

/** Generates the font descriptor for this font or <CODE>null</CODE> if it is
 * one of the 14 built in fonts.
 * @param fontStream the indirect reference to a PdfStream containing the font or <CODE>null</CODE>
 * @return the PdfDictionary containing the font descriptor or <CODE>null</CODE>
    private PdfDictionary getFontDescriptor(PdfIndirectReference fontStream)
        if (builtinFont)
            return null;
        PdfDictionary dic = new PdfDictionary(PdfName.FONTDESCRIPTOR);
        dic.put(PdfName.ASCENT, new PdfNumber(Ascender));
        dic.put(PdfName.CAPHEIGHT, new PdfNumber(CapHeight));
        dic.put(PdfName.DESCENT, new PdfNumber(Descender));
        dic.put(PdfName.FONTBBOX, new PdfRectangle(llx, lly, urx, ury));
        dic.put(PdfName.FONTNAME, new PdfName(FontName));
        dic.put(PdfName.ITALICANGLE, new PdfNumber(ItalicAngle));
        dic.put(PdfName.STEMV, new PdfNumber(StdVW));
        if (fontStream != null)
            dic.put(PdfName.FONTFILE, fontStream);
        int flags = 0;
        if (IsFixedPitch)
            flags |= 1;
        flags |= fontSpecific ? 4 : 32;
        if (ItalicAngle < 0)
            flags |= 64;
        if (FontName.indexOf("Caps") >= 0 || FontName.endsWith("SC"))
            flags |= 131072;
        if (Weight.equals("Bold"))
            flags |= 262144;
        dic.put(PdfName.FLAGS, new PdfNumber(flags));

        return dic;

    /** Generates the font dictionary for this font.
     * @return the PdfDictionary containing the font dictionary
     * @param firstChar the first valid character
     * @param lastChar the last valid character
     * @param shortTag a 256 bytes long <CODE>byte</CODE> array where each unused byte is represented by 0
     * @param fontDescriptor the indirect reference to a PdfDictionary containing the font descriptor or <CODE>null</CODE>
    private PdfDictionary getFontBaseType(PdfIndirectReference fontDescriptor, int firstChar, int lastChar, byte shortTag[])
        PdfDictionary dic = new PdfDictionary(PdfName.FONT);
        dic.put(PdfName.SUBTYPE, PdfName.TYPE1);
        dic.put(PdfName.BASEFONT, new PdfName(FontName));
        boolean stdEncoding = encoding.equals("Cp1252") || encoding.equals("MacRoman");
        if (!fontSpecific || specialMap != null) {
            for (int k = firstChar; k <= lastChar; ++k) {
                if (!differences[k].equals(notdef)) {
                    firstChar = k;
            if (stdEncoding)
                dic.put(PdfName.ENCODING, encoding.equals("Cp1252") ? PdfName.WIN_ANSI_ENCODING : PdfName.MAC_ROMAN_ENCODING);
            else {
                PdfDictionary enc = new PdfDictionary(PdfName.ENCODING);
                PdfArray dif = new PdfArray();
                boolean gap = true;
                for (int k = firstChar; k <= lastChar; ++k) {
                    if (shortTag[k] != 0) {
                        if (gap) {
                            dif.add(new PdfNumber(k));
                            gap = false;
                        dif.add(new PdfName(differences[k]));
                        gap = true;
                enc.put(PdfName.DIFFERENCES, dif);
                dic.put(PdfName.ENCODING, enc);
        if (specialMap != null || forceWidthsOutput || !(builtinFont && (fontSpecific || stdEncoding))) {
            dic.put(PdfName.FIRSTCHAR, new PdfNumber(firstChar));
            dic.put(PdfName.LASTCHAR, new PdfNumber(lastChar));
            PdfArray wd = new PdfArray();
            for (int k = firstChar; k <= lastChar; ++k) {
                if (shortTag[k] == 0)
                    wd.add(new PdfNumber(0));
                    wd.add(new PdfNumber(widths[k]));
            dic.put(PdfName.WIDTHS, wd);
        if (!builtinFont && fontDescriptor != null)
            dic.put(PdfName.FONTDESCRIPTOR, fontDescriptor);
        return dic;

    /** Outputs to the writer the font dictionaries and streams.
     * @param writer the writer for this document
     * @param ref the font indirect reference
     * @param params several parameters that depend on the font type
     * @throws IOException on error
     * @throws DocumentException error in generating the object
    void writeFont(PdfWriter writer, PdfIndirectReference ref, Object params[]) throws DocumentException, IOException {
        int firstChar = ((Integer)params[0]).intValue();
        int lastChar = ((Integer)params[1]).intValue();
        byte shortTag[] = (byte[])params[2];
        boolean subsetp = ((Boolean)params[3]).booleanValue() && subset;
        if (!(subsetp && embedded)) {
            firstChar = 0;
            lastChar = shortTag.length - 1;
            for (int k = 0; k < shortTag.length; ++k)
                shortTag[k] = 1;
        PdfIndirectReference ind_font = null;
        PdfObject pobj = null;
        PdfIndirectObject obj = null;
        pobj = getFullFontStream();
        if (pobj != null){
            obj = writer.addToBody(pobj);
            ind_font = obj.getIndirectReference();
        pobj = getFontDescriptor(ind_font);
        if (pobj != null){
            obj = writer.addToBody(pobj);
            ind_font = obj.getIndirectReference();
        pobj = getFontBaseType(ind_font, firstChar, lastChar, shortTag);
        writer.addToBody(pobj, ref);

    /** Gets the font parameter identified by <CODE>key</CODE>. Valid values
     * and <CODE>BBOXURY</CODE>.
     * @param key the parameter to be extracted
     * @param fontSize the font size in points
     * @return the parameter in points
    public float getFontDescriptor(int key, float fontSize) {
        switch (key) {
            case AWT_ASCENT:
            case ASCENT:
                return Ascender * fontSize / 1000;
            case CAPHEIGHT:
                return CapHeight * fontSize / 1000;
            case AWT_DESCENT:
            case DESCENT:
                return Descender * fontSize / 1000;
            case ITALICANGLE:
                return ItalicAngle;
            case BBOXLLX:
                return llx * fontSize / 1000;
            case BBOXLLY:
                return lly * fontSize / 1000;
            case BBOXURX:
                return urx * fontSize / 1000;
            case BBOXURY:
                return ury * fontSize / 1000;
            case AWT_LEADING:
                return 0;
            case AWT_MAXADVANCE:
                return (urx - llx) * fontSize / 1000;
            case UNDERLINE_POSITION:
                return UnderlinePosition * fontSize / 1000;
            case UNDERLINE_THICKNESS:
                return UnderlineThickness * fontSize / 1000;
        return 0;

    /** Sets the font parameter identified by <CODE>key</CODE>. Valid values
     * and <CODE>BBOXURY</CODE>.
     * @param key the parameter to be updated
     * @param value the parameter value
    public void setFontDescriptor(int key, float value) {
        switch (key) {
            case AWT_ASCENT:
            case ASCENT:
                Ascender = (int)value;
            case AWT_DESCENT:
            case DESCENT:
                Descender = (int)value;

    /** Gets the postscript font name.
     * @return the postscript font name
    public String getPostscriptFontName() {
        return FontName;

    /** Gets the full name of the font. If it is a True Type font
     * each array element will have {Platform ID, Platform Encoding ID,
     * Language ID, font name}. The interpretation of this values can be
     * found in the Open Type specification, chapter 2, in the 'name' table.<br>
     * For the other fonts the array has a single element with {"", "", "",
     * font name}.
     * @return the full name of the font
    public String[][] getFullFontName() {
        return new String[][]{{"", "", "", FullName}};

    /** Gets all the entries of the names-table. If it is a True Type font
     * each array element will have {Name ID, Platform ID, Platform Encoding ID,
     * Language ID, font name}. The interpretation of this values can be
     * found in the Open Type specification, chapter 2, in the 'name' table.<br>
     * For the other fonts the array has a single element with {"4", "", "", "",
     * font name}.
     * @return the full name of the font
    public String[][] getAllNameEntries() {
        return new String[][]{{"4", "", "", "", FullName}};

    /** Gets the family name of the font. If it is a True Type font
     * each array element will have {Platform ID, Platform Encoding ID,
     * Language ID, font name}. The interpretation of this values can be
     * found in the Open Type specification, chapter 2, in the 'name' table.<br>
     * For the other fonts the array has a single element with {"", "", "",
     * font name}.
     * @return the family name of the font
    public String[][] getFamilyFontName() {
        return new String[][]{{"", "", "", FamilyName}};

    /** Checks if the font has any kerning pairs.
     * @return <CODE>true</CODE> if the font has any kerning pairs
    public boolean hasKernPairs() {
        return !KernPairs.isEmpty();

     * Sets the font name that will appear in the pdf font dictionary.
     * Use with care as it can easily make a font unreadable if not embedded.
     * @param name the new font name
    public void setPostscriptFontName(String name) {
        FontName = name;

     * Sets the kerning between two Unicode chars.
     * @param char1 the first char
     * @param char2 the second char
     * @param kern the kerning to apply in normalized 1000 units
     * @return <code>true</code> if the kerning was applied, <code>false</code> otherwise
    public boolean setKerning(int char1, int char2, int kern) {
        String first = GlyphList.unicodeToName(char1);
        if (first == null)
            return false;
        String second = GlyphList.unicodeToName(char2);
        if (second == null)
            return false;
        Object obj[] = KernPairs.get(first);
        if (obj == null) {
            obj = new Object[]{second, Integer.valueOf(kern)};
            KernPairs.put(first, obj);
            return true;
        for (int k = 0; k < obj.length; k += 2) {
            if (second.equals(obj[k])) {
                obj[k + 1] = Integer.valueOf(kern);
                return true;
        int size = obj.length;
        Object obj2[] = new Object[size + 2];
        System.arraycopy(obj, 0, obj2, 0, size);
        obj2[size] = second;
        obj2[size + 1] = Integer.valueOf(kern);
        KernPairs.put(first, obj2);
        return true;

    protected int[] getRawCharBBox(int c, String name) {
        Object metrics[];
        if (name == null) { // font specific
            metrics = CharMetrics.get(Integer.valueOf(c));
        else {
            if (name.equals(".notdef"))
                return null;
            metrics = CharMetrics.get(name);
        if (metrics != null)
            return (int[])metrics[3];
        return null;




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