JDK 17 jdk.javadoc.jmod - Java Document Tool

JDK 17 jdk.javadoc.jmod is the JMOD file for JDK 17 Java Document tool, which can be invoked by the "javadoc" command.

JDK 17 Java Document tool compiled class files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-17.0.5\jmods\jdk.javadoc.jmod.

JDK 17 Java Document tool compiled class files are also linked and stored in the \fyicenter\jdk-17.0.5\lib\modules JImage file.

JDK 17 Java Document tool source code files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-17.0.5\lib\src.zip\jdk.javadoc.

You can click and view the content of each source code file in the list below.

✍: FYIcenter


 * Copyright (c) 2003, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.

package jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.util.links;

import javax.lang.model.element.ExecutableElement;
import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement;
import javax.lang.model.type.DeclaredType;
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeMirror;

import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.BaseConfiguration;
import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.Content;
import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.util.Utils;

 *  Encapsulates information about a link.
 *  <p><b>This is NOT part of any supported API.
 *  If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own risk.
 *  This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or
 *  deletion without notice.</b>
public abstract class LinkInfo {

     * The class we want to link to.  Null if we are not linking
     * to a class.
    public TypeElement typeElement;

     * The executable element we want to link to.  Null if we are not linking
     * to an executable element.
    public ExecutableElement executableElement;

     * The Type we want to link to.  Null if we are not linking to a type.
    public TypeMirror type;

     * True if this is a link to a VarArg.
    public boolean isVarArg = false;

     * The label for the link.
    public Content label;

     * True if we should exclude the type bounds for the type parameter.
    public boolean excludeTypeBounds = false;

     * True if we should print the type parameters, but not link them.
    public boolean excludeTypeParameterLinks = false;

     * By default, the link can be to the page it's already on.  However,
     * there are cases where we don't want this (e.g. heading of class page).
    public boolean linkToSelf = true;

     * True iff the preview flags should be skipped for this link.
    public boolean skipPreview;

     * Returns an empty instance of a content object.
     * @return an empty instance of a content object.
    protected abstract Content newContent();

     * Returns true if this link is linkable and false if we can't link to the
     * desired place.
     * @return true if this link is linkable and false if we can't link to the
     * desired place.
    public abstract boolean isLinkable();

     * Returns true if links to declared types should include links to the
     * type parameters.
     * @return true if type parameter links should be included
    public abstract boolean includeTypeParameterLinks();

     * Return the label for this class link.
     * @param configuration the current configuration of the doclet.
     * @return the label for this class link.
    public Content getClassLinkLabel(BaseConfiguration configuration) {
        if (label != null && !label.isEmpty()) {
            return label;
        } else if (isLinkable()) {
            Content tlabel = newContent();
            Utils utils = configuration.utils;
            tlabel.add(type instanceof DeclaredType dt && utils.isGenericType(dt.getEnclosingType())
                    // If enclosing type is rendered as separate links only use own class name
                    ? typeElement.getSimpleName().toString()
                    : configuration.utils.getSimpleName(typeElement));
            return tlabel;
        } else {
            Content tlabel = newContent();
            return tlabel;

    public String toString() {
        return "LinkInfo{" + "typeElement=" + typeElement +
                ", executableElement=" + executableElement +
                ", type=" + type +
                ", isVarArg=" + isVarArg +
                ", label=" + label +
                ", excludeTypeBounds=" + excludeTypeBounds +
                ", excludeTypeParameterLinks=" + excludeTypeParameterLinks +
                ", linkToSelf=" + linkToSelf + '}';



Or download all of them as a single archive file:

File name: jdk.javadoc-17.0.5-src.zip
File size: 587730 bytes
Release date: 2022-09-13


JDK 17 jdk.jcmd.jmod - JCmd Tool

JDK 17 jdk.jartool.jmod - JAR Tool

JDK 17 JMod/Module Files

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