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maven-model-builder-3.5.4.jar - Model Builder Module
maven-model-builder-3.5.4.jar is the JAR file for Apache Maven 3.5.4 Model Builder module.
Apache Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool.
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File: 2018-06-17 19:31 177426 lib\maven-model-builder-3.5.4.jar Download: Apache Maven Website
⏎ org/apache/maven/model/validation/
package org.apache.maven.model.validation; /* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.maven.model.Activation; import org.apache.maven.model.ActivationFile; import org.apache.maven.model.Build; import org.apache.maven.model.BuildBase; import org.apache.maven.model.Dependency; import org.apache.maven.model.DependencyManagement; import org.apache.maven.model.DistributionManagement; import org.apache.maven.model.Exclusion; import org.apache.maven.model.InputLocation; import org.apache.maven.model.InputLocationTracker; import org.apache.maven.model.Model; import org.apache.maven.model.Parent; import org.apache.maven.model.Plugin; import org.apache.maven.model.PluginExecution; import org.apache.maven.model.PluginManagement; import org.apache.maven.model.Profile; import org.apache.maven.model.ReportPlugin; import org.apache.maven.model.Reporting; import org.apache.maven.model.Repository; import org.apache.maven.model.Resource; import org.apache.maven.model.building.ModelBuildingRequest; import org.apache.maven.model.building.ModelProblem.Severity; import org.apache.maven.model.building.ModelProblem.Version; import org.apache.maven.model.building.ModelProblemCollector; import org.apache.maven.model.building.ModelProblemCollectorRequest; import org.apache.maven.model.interpolation.AbstractStringBasedModelInterpolator; import org.codehaus.plexus.component.annotations.Component; import org.codehaus.plexus.util.StringUtils; /** * @author <a href="">Trygve Laugstøl</a> */ @Component( role = ModelValidator.class ) public class DefaultModelValidator implements ModelValidator { private static final Pattern CI_FRIENDLY_EXPRESSION = Pattern.compile( "\\$\\{(.+?)\\}" ); private static final List<String> CI_FRIENDLY_POSSIBLE_PROPERTY_NAMES = Arrays.asList( AbstractStringBasedModelInterpolator.REVISION_PROPERTY, AbstractStringBasedModelInterpolator.CHANGELIST_PROPERTY, AbstractStringBasedModelInterpolator.SHA1_PROPERTY ); private static final Pattern ID_REGEX = Pattern.compile( "[A-Za-z0-9_\\-.]+" ); private static final Pattern ID_WITH_WILDCARDS_REGEX = Pattern.compile( "[A-Za-z0-9_\\-.?*]+" ); private static final String ILLEGAL_FS_CHARS = "\\/:\"<>|?*"; private static final String ILLEGAL_VERSION_CHARS = ILLEGAL_FS_CHARS; private static final String ILLEGAL_REPO_ID_CHARS = ILLEGAL_FS_CHARS; @Override public void validateRawModel( Model m, ModelBuildingRequest request, ModelProblemCollector problems ) { Parent parent = m.getParent(); if ( parent != null ) { validateStringNotEmpty( "parent.groupId", problems, Severity.FATAL, Version.BASE, parent.getGroupId(), parent ); validateStringNotEmpty( "parent.artifactId", problems, Severity.FATAL, Version.BASE, parent.getArtifactId(), parent ); validateStringNotEmpty( "parent.version", problems, Severity.FATAL, Version.BASE, parent.getVersion(), parent ); if ( equals( parent.getGroupId(), m.getGroupId() ) && equals( parent.getArtifactId(), m.getArtifactId() ) ) { addViolation( problems, Severity.FATAL, Version.BASE, "parent.artifactId", null, "must be changed" + ", the parent element cannot have the same groupId:artifactId as the project.", parent ); } if ( equals( "LATEST", parent.getVersion() ) || equals( "RELEASE", parent.getVersion() ) ) { addViolation( problems, Severity.WARNING, Version.BASE, "parent.version", null, "is either LATEST or RELEASE (both of them are being deprecated)", parent ); } } if ( request.getValidationLevel() >= ModelBuildingRequest.VALIDATION_LEVEL_MAVEN_2_0 ) { Severity errOn30 = getSeverity( request, ModelBuildingRequest.VALIDATION_LEVEL_MAVEN_3_0 ); // [MNG-6074] Maven should produce an error if no model version has been set in a POM file used to build an // effective model. // // As of 3.4, the model version is mandatory even in raw models. The XML element still is optional in the // XML schema and this will not change anytime soon. We do not want to build effective models based on // models without a version starting with 3.4. validateStringNotEmpty( "modelVersion", problems, Severity.ERROR, Version.V20, m.getModelVersion(), m ); validateEnum( "modelVersion", problems, Severity.ERROR, Version.V20, m.getModelVersion(), null, m, "4.0.0" ); validateStringNoExpression( "groupId", problems, Severity.WARNING, Version.V20, m.getGroupId(), m ); if ( parent == null ) { validateStringNotEmpty( "groupId", problems, Severity.FATAL, Version.V20, m.getGroupId(), m ); } validateStringNoExpression( "artifactId", problems, Severity.WARNING, Version.V20, m.getArtifactId(), m ); validateStringNotEmpty( "artifactId", problems, Severity.FATAL, Version.V20, m.getArtifactId(), m ); validateVersionNoExpression( "version", problems, Severity.WARNING, Version.V20, m.getVersion(), m ); if ( parent == null ) { validateStringNotEmpty( "version", problems, Severity.FATAL, Version.V20, m.getVersion(), m ); } validate20RawDependencies( problems, m.getDependencies(), "dependencies.dependency", request ); validate20RawDependenciesSelfReferencing( problems, m, m.getDependencies(), "dependencies.dependency", request ); if ( m.getDependencyManagement() != null ) { validate20RawDependencies( problems, m.getDependencyManagement().getDependencies(), "dependencyManagement.dependencies.dependency", request ); } validateRawRepositories( problems, m.getRepositories(), "repositories.repository", request ); validateRawRepositories( problems, m.getPluginRepositories(), "pluginRepositories.pluginRepository", request ); Build build = m.getBuild(); if ( build != null ) { validate20RawPlugins( problems, build.getPlugins(), "build.plugins.plugin", request ); PluginManagement mgmt = build.getPluginManagement(); if ( mgmt != null ) { validate20RawPlugins( problems, mgmt.getPlugins(), "build.pluginManagement.plugins.plugin", request ); } } Set<String> profileIds = new HashSet<>(); for ( Profile profile : m.getProfiles() ) { String prefix = "profiles.profile[" + profile.getId() + "]"; if ( !profileIds.add( profile.getId() ) ) { addViolation( problems, errOn30, Version.V20, "", null, "must be unique but found duplicate profile with id " + profile.getId(), profile ); } validate30RawProfileActivation( problems, profile.getActivation(), profile.getId(), prefix + ".activation", request ); validate20RawDependencies( problems, profile.getDependencies(), prefix + ".dependencies.dependency", request ); if ( profile.getDependencyManagement() != null ) { validate20RawDependencies( problems, profile.getDependencyManagement().getDependencies(), prefix + ".dependencyManagement.dependencies.dependency", request ); } validateRawRepositories( problems, profile.getRepositories(), prefix + ".repositories.repository", request ); validateRawRepositories( problems, profile.getPluginRepositories(), prefix + ".pluginRepositories.pluginRepository", request ); BuildBase buildBase = profile.getBuild(); if ( buildBase != null ) { validate20RawPlugins( problems, buildBase.getPlugins(), prefix + ".plugins.plugin", request ); PluginManagement mgmt = buildBase.getPluginManagement(); if ( mgmt != null ) { validate20RawPlugins( problems, mgmt.getPlugins(), prefix + ".pluginManagement.plugins.plugin", request ); } } } } } private void validate30RawProfileActivation( ModelProblemCollector problems, Activation activation, String sourceHint, String prefix, ModelBuildingRequest request ) { if ( activation == null ) { return; } ActivationFile file = activation.getFile(); if ( file != null ) { String path; boolean missing; if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( file.getExists() ) ) { path = file.getExists(); missing = false; } else if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( file.getMissing() ) ) { path = file.getMissing(); missing = true; } else { return; } if ( path.contains( "${project.basedir}" ) ) { addViolation( problems, Severity.WARNING, Version.V30, prefix + ( missing ? ".file.missing" : ".file.exists" ), null, "Failed to interpolate file location " + path + " for profile " + sourceHint + ": ${project.basedir} expression not supported during profile activation, " + "use ${basedir} instead", file.getLocation( missing ? "missing" : "exists" ) ); } else if ( hasProjectExpression( path ) ) { addViolation( problems, Severity.WARNING, Version.V30, prefix + ( missing ? ".file.missing" : ".file.exists" ), null, "Failed to interpolate file location " + path + " for profile " + sourceHint + ": ${project.*} expressions are not supported during profile activation", file.getLocation( missing ? "missing" : "exists" ) ); } } } private void validate20RawPlugins( ModelProblemCollector problems, List<Plugin> plugins, String prefix, ModelBuildingRequest request ) { Severity errOn31 = getSeverity( request, ModelBuildingRequest.VALIDATION_LEVEL_MAVEN_3_1 ); Map<String, Plugin> index = new HashMap<>(); for ( Plugin plugin : plugins ) { if ( plugin.getGroupId() == null || ( plugin.getGroupId() != null && plugin.getGroupId().trim().isEmpty() ) ) { addViolation( problems, Severity.FATAL, Version.V20, prefix + ".(groupId:artifactId)", null, "groupId of a plugin must be defined. ", plugin ); } if ( plugin.getArtifactId() == null || ( plugin.getArtifactId() != null && plugin.getArtifactId().trim().isEmpty() ) ) { addViolation( problems, Severity.FATAL, Version.V20, prefix + ".(groupId:artifactId)", null, "artifactId of a plugin must be defined. ", plugin ); } // This will catch cases like <version></version> or <version/> if ( plugin.getVersion() != null && plugin.getVersion().trim().isEmpty() ) { addViolation( problems, Severity.FATAL, Version.V20, prefix + ".(groupId:artifactId)", null, "version of a plugin must be defined. ", plugin ); } String key = plugin.getKey(); Plugin existing = index.get( key ); if ( existing != null ) { addViolation( problems, errOn31, Version.V20, prefix + ".(groupId:artifactId)", null, "must be unique but found duplicate declaration of plugin " + key, plugin ); } else { index.put( key, plugin ); } Set<String> executionIds = new HashSet<>(); for ( PluginExecution exec : plugin.getExecutions() ) { if ( !executionIds.add( exec.getId() ) ) { addViolation( problems, Severity.ERROR, Version.V20, prefix + "[" + plugin.getKey() + "]", null, "must be unique but found duplicate execution with id " + exec.getId(), exec ); } } } } @Override public void validateEffectiveModel( Model m, ModelBuildingRequest request, ModelProblemCollector problems ) { validateStringNotEmpty( "modelVersion", problems, Severity.ERROR, Version.BASE, m.getModelVersion(), m ); validateId( "groupId", problems, m.getGroupId(), m ); validateId( "artifactId", problems, m.getArtifactId(), m ); validateStringNotEmpty( "packaging", problems, Severity.ERROR, Version.BASE, m.getPackaging(), m ); if ( !m.getModules().isEmpty() ) { if ( !"pom".equals( m.getPackaging() ) ) { addViolation( problems, Severity.ERROR, Version.BASE, "packaging", null, "with value '" + m.getPackaging() + "' is invalid. Aggregator projects " + "require 'pom' as packaging.", m ); } for ( int i = 0, n = m.getModules().size(); i < n; i++ ) { String module = m.getModules().get( i ); if ( StringUtils.isBlank( module ) ) { addViolation( problems, Severity.ERROR, Version.BASE, "modules.module[" + i + "]", null, "has been specified without a path to the project directory.", m.getLocation( "modules" ) ); } } } validateStringNotEmpty( "version", problems, Severity.ERROR, Version.BASE, m.getVersion(), m ); Severity errOn30 = getSeverity( request, ModelBuildingRequest.VALIDATION_LEVEL_MAVEN_3_0 ); validateEffectiveDependencies( problems, m, m.getDependencies(), false, request ); DependencyManagement mgmt = m.getDependencyManagement(); if ( mgmt != null ) { validateEffectiveDependencies( problems, m, mgmt.getDependencies(), true, request ); } if ( request.getValidationLevel() >= ModelBuildingRequest.VALIDATION_LEVEL_MAVEN_2_0 ) { Set<String> modules = new HashSet<>(); for ( int i = 0, n = m.getModules().size(); i < n; i++ ) { String module = m.getModules().get( i ); if ( !modules.add( module ) ) { addViolation( problems, Severity.ERROR, Version.V20, "modules.module[" + i + "]", null, "specifies duplicate child module " + module, m.getLocation( "modules" ) ); } } Severity errOn31 = getSeverity( request, ModelBuildingRequest.VALIDATION_LEVEL_MAVEN_3_1 ); validateBannedCharacters( "version", problems, errOn31, Version.V20, m.getVersion(), null, m, ILLEGAL_VERSION_CHARS ); validate20ProperSnapshotVersion( "version", problems, errOn31, Version.V20, m.getVersion(), null, m ); Build build = m.getBuild(); if ( build != null ) { for ( Plugin p : build.getPlugins() ) { validateStringNotEmpty( "build.plugins.plugin.artifactId", problems, Severity.ERROR, Version.V20, p.getArtifactId(), p ); validateStringNotEmpty( "build.plugins.plugin.groupId", problems, Severity.ERROR, Version.V20, p.getGroupId(), p ); validate20PluginVersion( "build.plugins.plugin.version", problems, p.getVersion(), p.getKey(), p, request ); validateBoolean( "build.plugins.plugin.inherited", problems, errOn30, Version.V20, p.getInherited(), p.getKey(), p ); validateBoolean( "build.plugins.plugin.extensions", problems, errOn30, Version.V20, p.getExtensions(), p.getKey(), p ); validate20EffectivePluginDependencies( problems, p, request ); } validate20RawResources( problems, build.getResources(), "build.resources.resource", request ); validate20RawResources( problems, build.getTestResources(), "build.testResources.testResource", request ); } Reporting reporting = m.getReporting(); if ( reporting != null ) { for ( ReportPlugin p : reporting.getPlugins() ) { validateStringNotEmpty( "reporting.plugins.plugin.artifactId", problems, Severity.ERROR, Version.V20, p.getArtifactId(), p ); validateStringNotEmpty( "reporting.plugins.plugin.groupId", problems, Severity.ERROR, Version.V20, p.getGroupId(), p ); } } for ( Repository repository : m.getRepositories() ) { validate20EffectiveRepository( problems, repository, "repositories.repository", request ); } for ( Repository repository : m.getPluginRepositories() ) { validate20EffectiveRepository( problems, repository, "pluginRepositories.pluginRepository", request ); } DistributionManagement distMgmt = m.getDistributionManagement(); if ( distMgmt != null ) { if ( distMgmt.getStatus() != null ) { addViolation( problems, Severity.ERROR, Version.V20, "distributionManagement.status", null, "must not be specified.", distMgmt ); } validate20EffectiveRepository( problems, distMgmt.getRepository(), "distributionManagement.repository", request ); validate20EffectiveRepository( problems, distMgmt.getSnapshotRepository(), "distributionManagement.snapshotRepository", request ); } } } private void validate20RawDependencies( ModelProblemCollector problems, List<Dependency> dependencies, String prefix, ModelBuildingRequest request ) { Severity errOn30 = getSeverity( request, ModelBuildingRequest.VALIDATION_LEVEL_MAVEN_3_0 ); Severity errOn31 = getSeverity( request, ModelBuildingRequest.VALIDATION_LEVEL_MAVEN_3_1 ); Map<String, Dependency> index = new HashMap<>(); for ( Dependency dependency : dependencies ) { String key = dependency.getManagementKey(); if ( "import".equals( dependency.getScope() ) ) { if ( !"pom".equals( dependency.getType() ) ) { addViolation( problems, Severity.WARNING, Version.V20, prefix + ".type", key, "must be 'pom' to import the managed dependencies.", dependency ); } else if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( dependency.getClassifier() ) ) { addViolation( problems, errOn30, Version.V20, prefix + ".classifier", key, "must be empty, imported POM cannot have a classifier.", dependency ); } } else if ( "system".equals( dependency.getScope() ) ) { if ( request.getValidationLevel() >= ModelBuildingRequest.VALIDATION_LEVEL_MAVEN_3_1 ) { addViolation( problems, Severity.WARNING, Version.V31, prefix + ".scope", key, "declares usage of deprecated 'system' scope ", dependency ); } String sysPath = dependency.getSystemPath(); if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( sysPath ) ) { if ( !hasExpression( sysPath ) ) { addViolation( problems, Severity.WARNING, Version.V20, prefix + ".systemPath", key, "should use a variable instead of a hard-coded path " + sysPath, dependency ); } else if ( sysPath.contains( "${basedir}" ) || sysPath.contains( "${project.basedir}" ) ) { addViolation( problems, Severity.WARNING, Version.V20, prefix + ".systemPath", key, "should not point at files within the project directory, " + sysPath + " will be unresolvable by dependent projects", dependency ); } } } if ( equals( "LATEST", dependency.getVersion() ) || equals( "RELEASE", dependency.getVersion() ) ) { addViolation( problems, Severity.WARNING, Version.BASE, prefix + ".version", key, "is either LATEST or RELEASE (both of them are being deprecated)", dependency ); } Dependency existing = index.get( key ); if ( existing != null ) { String msg; if ( equals( existing.getVersion(), dependency.getVersion() ) ) { msg = "duplicate declaration of version " + StringUtils.defaultString( dependency.getVersion(), "(?)" ); } else { msg = "version " + StringUtils.defaultString( existing.getVersion(), "(?)" ) + " vs " + StringUtils.defaultString( dependency.getVersion(), "(?)" ); } addViolation( problems, errOn31, Version.V20, prefix + ".(groupId:artifactId:type:classifier)", null, "must be unique: " + key + " -> " + msg, dependency ); } else { index.put( key, dependency ); } } } private void validate20RawDependenciesSelfReferencing( ModelProblemCollector problems, Model m, List<Dependency> dependencies, String prefix, ModelBuildingRequest request ) { // We only check for groupId/artifactId cause if there is another // module with the same groupId/artifactId this will fail the build // earlier like "Project '...' is duplicated in the reactor. // So it is sufficient to check only groupId/artifactId and not the // packaging type. for ( Dependency dependency : dependencies ) { String key = dependency.getGroupId() + ":" + dependency.getArtifactId() + ":" + dependency.getVersion(); String mKey = m.getGroupId() + ":" + m.getArtifactId() + ":" + m.getVersion(); if ( key.equals( mKey ) ) { // This means a module which is build has a dependency which has the same // groupId, artifactId and version coordinates. This is in consequence // a self reference or in other words a circular reference which can not // being resolved. addViolation( problems, Severity.FATAL, Version.V31, prefix + " " + key, key, "is referencing itself.", dependency ); } } } private void validateEffectiveDependencies( ModelProblemCollector problems, Model m, List<Dependency> dependencies, boolean management, ModelBuildingRequest request ) { Severity errOn30 = getSeverity( request, ModelBuildingRequest.VALIDATION_LEVEL_MAVEN_3_0 ); String prefix = management ? "dependencyManagement.dependencies.dependency." : "dependencies.dependency."; for ( Dependency d : dependencies ) { validateEffectiveDependency( problems, d, management, prefix, request ); if ( request.getValidationLevel() >= ModelBuildingRequest.VALIDATION_LEVEL_MAVEN_2_0 ) { validateBoolean( prefix + "optional", problems, errOn30, Version.V20, d.getOptional(), d.getManagementKey(), d ); if ( !management ) { validateVersion( prefix + "version", problems, errOn30, Version.V20, d.getVersion(), d.getManagementKey(), d ); /* * TODO Extensions like Flex Mojos use custom scopes like "merged", "internal", "external", etc. In * order to don't break backward-compat with those, only warn but don't error out. */ validateEnum( prefix + "scope", problems, Severity.WARNING, Version.V20, d.getScope(), d.getManagementKey(), d, "provided", "compile", "runtime", "test", "system" ); validateEffectiveModelAgainstDependency( prefix, problems, m, d, request ); } } } } private void validateEffectiveModelAgainstDependency( String prefix, ModelProblemCollector problems, Model m, Dependency d, ModelBuildingRequest request ) { String key = d.getGroupId() + ":" + d.getArtifactId() + ":" + d.getVersion(); String mKey = m.getGroupId() + ":" + m.getArtifactId() + ":" + m.getVersion(); if ( key.equals( mKey ) ) { // This means a module which is build has a dependency which has the same // groupId, artifactId and version coordinates. This is in consequence // a self reference or in other words a circular reference which can not // being resolved. addViolation( problems, Severity.FATAL, Version.V31, prefix + " " + key, key, "is referencing itself.", d ); } } private void validate20EffectivePluginDependencies( ModelProblemCollector problems, Plugin plugin, ModelBuildingRequest request ) { List<Dependency> dependencies = plugin.getDependencies(); if ( !dependencies.isEmpty() ) { String prefix = "build.plugins.plugin[" + plugin.getKey() + "].dependencies.dependency."; Severity errOn30 = getSeverity( request, ModelBuildingRequest.VALIDATION_LEVEL_MAVEN_3_0 ); for ( Dependency d : dependencies ) { validateEffectiveDependency( problems, d, false, prefix, request ); validateVersion( prefix + "version", problems, errOn30, Version.BASE, d.getVersion(), d.getManagementKey(), d ); validateEnum( prefix + "scope", problems, errOn30, Version.BASE, d.getScope(), d.getManagementKey(), d, "compile", "runtime", "system" ); } } } private void validateEffectiveDependency( ModelProblemCollector problems, Dependency d, boolean management, String prefix, ModelBuildingRequest request ) { validateId( prefix + "artifactId", problems, Severity.ERROR, Version.BASE, d.getArtifactId(), d.getManagementKey(), d ); validateId( prefix + "groupId", problems, Severity.ERROR, Version.BASE, d.getGroupId(), d.getManagementKey(), d ); if ( !management ) { validateStringNotEmpty( prefix + "type", problems, Severity.ERROR, Version.BASE, d.getType(), d.getManagementKey(), d ); validateDependencyVersion( problems, d, prefix ); } if ( "system".equals( d.getScope() ) ) { String systemPath = d.getSystemPath(); if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( systemPath ) ) { addViolation( problems, Severity.ERROR, Version.BASE, prefix + "systemPath", d.getManagementKey(), "is missing.", d ); } else { File sysFile = new File( systemPath ); if ( !sysFile.isAbsolute() ) { addViolation( problems, Severity.ERROR, Version.BASE, prefix + "systemPath", d.getManagementKey(), "must specify an absolute path but is " + systemPath, d ); } else if ( !sysFile.isFile() ) { String msg = "refers to a non-existing file " + sysFile.getAbsolutePath(); systemPath = systemPath.replace( '/', File.separatorChar ).replace( '\\', File.separatorChar ); String jdkHome = request.getSystemProperties().getProperty( "java.home", "" ) + File.separator + ".."; if ( systemPath.startsWith( jdkHome ) ) { msg += ". Please verify that you run Maven using a JDK and not just a JRE."; } addViolation( problems, Severity.WARNING, Version.BASE, prefix + "systemPath", d.getManagementKey(), msg, d ); } } } else if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( d.getSystemPath() ) ) { addViolation( problems, Severity.ERROR, Version.BASE, prefix + "systemPath", d.getManagementKey(), "must be omitted." + " This field may only be specified for a dependency with system scope.", d ); } if ( request.getValidationLevel() >= ModelBuildingRequest.VALIDATION_LEVEL_MAVEN_2_0 ) { for ( Exclusion exclusion : d.getExclusions() ) { if ( request.getValidationLevel() < ModelBuildingRequest.VALIDATION_LEVEL_MAVEN_3_0 ) { validateId( prefix + "exclusions.exclusion.groupId", problems, Severity.WARNING, Version.V20, exclusion.getGroupId(), d.getManagementKey(), exclusion ); validateId( prefix + "exclusions.exclusion.artifactId", problems, Severity.WARNING, Version.V20, exclusion.getArtifactId(), d.getManagementKey(), exclusion ); } else { validateIdWithWildcards( prefix + "exclusions.exclusion.groupId", problems, Severity.WARNING, Version.V30, exclusion.getGroupId(), d.getManagementKey(), exclusion ); validateIdWithWildcards( prefix + "exclusions.exclusion.artifactId", problems, Severity.WARNING, Version.V30, exclusion.getArtifactId(), d.getManagementKey(), exclusion ); } } } } /** * @since 3.2.4 */ protected void validateDependencyVersion( ModelProblemCollector problems, Dependency d, String prefix ) { validateStringNotEmpty( prefix + "version", problems, Severity.ERROR, Version.BASE, d.getVersion(), d.getManagementKey(), d ); } private void validateRawRepositories( ModelProblemCollector problems, List<Repository> repositories, String prefix, ModelBuildingRequest request ) { Map<String, Repository> index = new HashMap<>(); for ( Repository repository : repositories ) { validateStringNotEmpty( prefix + ".id", problems, Severity.ERROR, Version.V20, repository.getId(), repository ); validateStringNotEmpty( prefix + "[" + repository.getId() + "].url", problems, Severity.ERROR, Version.V20, repository.getUrl(), repository ); String key = repository.getId(); Repository existing = index.get( key ); if ( existing != null ) { Severity errOn30 = getSeverity( request, ModelBuildingRequest.VALIDATION_LEVEL_MAVEN_3_0 ); addViolation( problems, errOn30, Version.V20, prefix + ".id", null, "must be unique: " + repository.getId() + " -> " + existing.getUrl() + " vs " + repository.getUrl(), repository ); } else { index.put( key, repository ); } } } private void validate20EffectiveRepository( ModelProblemCollector problems, Repository repository, String prefix, ModelBuildingRequest request ) { if ( repository != null ) { Severity errOn31 = getSeverity( request, ModelBuildingRequest.VALIDATION_LEVEL_MAVEN_3_1 ); validateBannedCharacters( prefix + ".id", problems, errOn31, Version.V20, repository.getId(), null, repository, ILLEGAL_REPO_ID_CHARS ); if ( "local".equals( repository.getId() ) ) { addViolation( problems, errOn31, Version.V20, prefix + ".id", null, "must not be 'local'" + ", this identifier is reserved for the local repository" + ", using it for other repositories will corrupt your repository metadata.", repository ); } if ( "legacy".equals( repository.getLayout() ) ) { addViolation( problems, Severity.WARNING, Version.V20, prefix + ".layout", repository.getId(), "uses the unsupported value 'legacy', artifact resolution might fail.", repository ); } } } private void validate20RawResources( ModelProblemCollector problems, List<Resource> resources, String prefix, ModelBuildingRequest request ) { Severity errOn30 = getSeverity( request, ModelBuildingRequest.VALIDATION_LEVEL_MAVEN_3_0 ); for ( Resource resource : resources ) { validateStringNotEmpty( prefix + ".directory", problems, Severity.ERROR, Version.V20, resource.getDirectory(), resource ); validateBoolean( prefix + ".filtering", problems, errOn30, Version.V20, resource.getFiltering(), resource.getDirectory(), resource ); } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Field validation // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- private boolean validateId( String fieldName, ModelProblemCollector problems, String id, InputLocationTracker tracker ) { return validateId( fieldName, problems, Severity.ERROR, Version.BASE, id, null, tracker ); } private boolean validateId( String fieldName, ModelProblemCollector problems, Severity severity, Version version, String id, String sourceHint, InputLocationTracker tracker ) { if ( !validateStringNotEmpty( fieldName, problems, severity, version, id, sourceHint, tracker ) ) { return false; } else { boolean match = ID_REGEX.matcher( id ).matches(); if ( !match ) { addViolation( problems, severity, version, fieldName, sourceHint, "with value '" + id + "' does not match a valid id pattern.", tracker ); } return match; } } private boolean validateIdWithWildcards( String fieldName, ModelProblemCollector problems, Severity severity, Version version, String id, String sourceHint, InputLocationTracker tracker ) { if ( !validateStringNotEmpty( fieldName, problems, severity, version, id, sourceHint, tracker ) ) { return false; } else { boolean match = ID_WITH_WILDCARDS_REGEX.matcher( id ).matches(); if ( !match ) { addViolation( problems, severity, version, fieldName, sourceHint, "with value '" + id + "' does not match a valid id pattern.", tracker ); } return match; } } private boolean validateStringNoExpression( String fieldName, ModelProblemCollector problems, Severity severity, Version version, String string, InputLocationTracker tracker ) { if ( !hasExpression( string ) ) { return true; } addViolation( problems, severity, version, fieldName, null, "contains an expression but should be a constant.", tracker ); return false; } private boolean validateVersionNoExpression( String fieldName, ModelProblemCollector problems, Severity severity, Version version, String string, InputLocationTracker tracker ) { if ( !hasExpression( string ) ) { return true; } // // Acceptable versions for continuous delivery // // changelist // revision // sha1 // Matcher m = CI_FRIENDLY_EXPRESSION.matcher( string.trim() ); while ( m.find() ) { if ( !CI_FRIENDLY_POSSIBLE_PROPERTY_NAMES.contains( 1 ) ) ) { addViolation( problems, severity, version, fieldName, null, "contains an expression but should be a constant.", tracker ); return false; } } return true; } private boolean hasExpression( String value ) { return value != null && value.contains( "${" ); } private boolean hasProjectExpression( String value ) { return value != null && value.contains( "${project." ); } private boolean validateStringNotEmpty( String fieldName, ModelProblemCollector problems, Severity severity, Version version, String string, InputLocationTracker tracker ) { return validateStringNotEmpty( fieldName, problems, severity, version, string, null, tracker ); } /** * Asserts: * <p/> * <ul> * <li><code>string != null</code> * <li><code>string.length > 0</code> * </ul> */ private boolean validateStringNotEmpty( String fieldName, ModelProblemCollector problems, Severity severity, Version version, String string, String sourceHint, InputLocationTracker tracker ) { if ( !validateNotNull( fieldName, problems, severity, version, string, sourceHint, tracker ) ) { return false; } if ( string.length() > 0 ) { return true; } addViolation( problems, severity, version, fieldName, sourceHint, "is missing.", tracker ); return false; } /** * Asserts: * <p/> * <ul> * <li><code>string != null</code> * </ul> */ private boolean validateNotNull( String fieldName, ModelProblemCollector problems, Severity severity, Version version, Object object, String sourceHint, InputLocationTracker tracker ) { if ( object != null ) { return true; } addViolation( problems, severity, version, fieldName, sourceHint, "is missing.", tracker ); return false; } private boolean validateBoolean( String fieldName, ModelProblemCollector problems, Severity severity, Version version, String string, String sourceHint, InputLocationTracker tracker ) { if ( string == null || string.length() <= 0 ) { return true; } if ( "true".equalsIgnoreCase( string ) || "false".equalsIgnoreCase( string ) ) { return true; } addViolation( problems, severity, version, fieldName, sourceHint, "must be 'true' or 'false' but is '" + string + "'.", tracker ); return false; } @SuppressWarnings( "checkstyle:parameternumber" ) private boolean validateEnum( String fieldName, ModelProblemCollector problems, Severity severity, Version version, String string, String sourceHint, InputLocationTracker tracker, String... validValues ) { if ( string == null || string.length() <= 0 ) { return true; } List<String> values = Arrays.asList( validValues ); if ( values.contains( string ) ) { return true; } addViolation( problems, severity, version, fieldName, sourceHint, "must be one of " + values + " but is '" + string + "'.", tracker ); return false; } @SuppressWarnings( "checkstyle:parameternumber" ) private boolean validateBannedCharacters( String fieldName, ModelProblemCollector problems, Severity severity, Version version, String string, String sourceHint, InputLocationTracker tracker, String banned ) { if ( string != null ) { for ( int i = string.length() - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { if ( banned.indexOf( string.charAt( i ) ) >= 0 ) { addViolation( problems, severity, version, fieldName, sourceHint, "must not contain any of these characters " + banned + " but found " + string.charAt( i ), tracker ); return false; } } } return true; } private boolean validateVersion( String fieldName, ModelProblemCollector problems, Severity severity, Version version, String string, String sourceHint, InputLocationTracker tracker ) { if ( string == null || string.length() <= 0 ) { return true; } if ( hasExpression( string ) ) { addViolation( problems, severity, version, fieldName, sourceHint, "must be a valid version but is '" + string + "'.", tracker ); return false; } return validateBannedCharacters( fieldName, problems, severity, version, string, sourceHint, tracker, ILLEGAL_VERSION_CHARS ); } private boolean validate20ProperSnapshotVersion( String fieldName, ModelProblemCollector problems, Severity severity, Version version, String string, String sourceHint, InputLocationTracker tracker ) { if ( string == null || string.length() <= 0 ) { return true; } if ( string.endsWith( "SNAPSHOT" ) && !string.endsWith( "-SNAPSHOT" ) ) { addViolation( problems, severity, version, fieldName, sourceHint, "uses an unsupported snapshot version format, should be '*-SNAPSHOT' instead.", tracker ); return false; } return true; } private boolean validate20PluginVersion( String fieldName, ModelProblemCollector problems, String string, String sourceHint, InputLocationTracker tracker, ModelBuildingRequest request ) { if ( string == null ) { // NOTE: The check for missing plugin versions is handled directly by the model builder return true; } Severity errOn30 = getSeverity( request, ModelBuildingRequest.VALIDATION_LEVEL_MAVEN_3_0 ); if ( !validateVersion( fieldName, problems, errOn30, Version.V20, string, sourceHint, tracker ) ) { return false; } if ( string.length() <= 0 || "RELEASE".equals( string ) || "LATEST".equals( string ) ) { addViolation( problems, errOn30, Version.V20, fieldName, sourceHint, "must be a valid version but is '" + string + "'.", tracker ); return false; } return true; } private static void addViolation( ModelProblemCollector problems, Severity severity, Version version, String fieldName, String sourceHint, String message, InputLocationTracker tracker ) { StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder( 256 ); buffer.append( '\'' ).append( fieldName ).append( '\'' ); if ( sourceHint != null ) { buffer.append( " for " ).append( sourceHint ); } buffer.append( ' ' ).append( message ); // CHECKSTYLE_OFF: LineLength problems.add( new ModelProblemCollectorRequest( severity, version ).setMessage( buffer.toString() ).setLocation( getLocation( fieldName, tracker ) ) ); // CHECKSTYLE_ON: LineLength } private static InputLocation getLocation( String fieldName, InputLocationTracker tracker ) { InputLocation location = null; if ( tracker != null ) { if ( fieldName != null ) { Object key = fieldName; int idx = fieldName.lastIndexOf( '.' ); if ( idx >= 0 ) { fieldName = fieldName.substring( idx + 1 ); key = fieldName; } if ( fieldName.endsWith( "]" ) ) { key = fieldName.substring( fieldName.lastIndexOf( '[' ) + 1, fieldName.length() - 1 ); try { key = Integer.valueOf( key.toString() ); } catch ( NumberFormatException e ) { // use key as is } } location = tracker.getLocation( key ); } if ( location == null ) { location = tracker.getLocation( "" ); } } return location; } private static boolean equals( String s1, String s2 ) { return StringUtils.clean( s1 ).equals( StringUtils.clean( s2 ) ); } private static Severity getSeverity( ModelBuildingRequest request, int errorThreshold ) { return getSeverity( request.getValidationLevel(), errorThreshold ); } private static Severity getSeverity( int validationLevel, int errorThreshold ) { if ( validationLevel < errorThreshold ) { return Severity.WARNING; } else { return Severity.ERROR; } } }
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