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What Is
What Is I downloaded it from the Apache FOP Website.
✍: is the binary package of Apache FOP 2.2 in ZIP format.
FOP (Formatting Objects Processor) is a print formatter driven by XSL formatting objects (XSL-FO).
Below is the information about the file:
Download File Size and Download Location:
File name: File size: 27,067,621 bytes) Release date: 04/03/2017 Download: Apache FOP Website
File list of
fop-2.0\... 18941 KEYS 11358 LICENSE 164 NOTICE 12342 README 4292943 fop\build\fop.jar 27275 fop\conf\fop.xconf 488 fop\examples\embedding\README 6953 fop\examples\embedding\build.xml 3750 fop\examples\embedding\java\embedding\ 1344 fop\examples\embedding\xml\fo\ 1626 fop\examples\fo\advanced\K3.xml 2949 fop\examples\fo\advanced\bar.conf.xml 3177 fop\examples\fo\advanced\ 9854 fop\examples\fo\basic\ 5418 fop\examples\fo\basic\ 66641 fop\examples\fo\basic\ 4154 fop\examples\fo\basic\ 22088 fop\examples\fo\basic\ 8044 fop\examples\fo\build.xml 6618 fop\examples\fo\fo-reference\xml2pdf.xsl 76478 fop\examples\fo\fo-reference\xslfoRef.xml 8125 fop\examples\fo\footnotes\ 4251 fop\examples\fo\footnotes\ 1220 fop\examples\fo\graphics\fop.jpg 13198 fop\examples\fo\graphics\linux.bmp 13424 fop\examples\fo\keeps_and_breaks\ 6292 fop\examples\fo\keeps_and_breaks\ 4681 fop\examples\fo\markers\ 5633 fop\examples\fo\pagination\ 6583 fop\examples\fo\region_body\ 357 fop\examples\fo\svg\boxes.svg 377 fop\examples\fo\svg\view.svg 44738 fop\examples\fo\tables\ 7451 fop\examples\hyphenation\analyse 223 fop\examples\mathml\README 167 fop\examples\plan\README ... 7679 fop\fop 3222 fop\fop.bat 1252 fop\fop.cmd 10845 fop\fop.js 6512 fop\lib\README.txt 33218 fop\lib\avalon-framework-api-4.3.1.jar 61021 fop\lib\avalon-framework-impl-4.3.1.jar 4253697 fop\lib\batik-all-1.9.jar 83613 fop\lib\commons-io-1.3.1.jar 38015 fop\lib\commons-logging-1.0.4.jar 1477887 fop\lib\fontbox-2.0.4.jar 276420 fop\lib\serializer-2.7.2.jar 3154938 fop\lib\xalan-2.7.2.jar 1224722 fop\lib\xercesImpl-2.9.1.jar 194354 fop\lib\xml-apis-1.3.04.jar 85686 fop\lib\xml-apis-ext-1.3.04.jar 646509 fop\lib\xmlgraphics-commons-2.2.jar 2612 javadocs\index.html # Total Size Files # 98978850 4226
⇒ What Is fop.jar in
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2023-06-11, 677🔥, 0💬
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