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PurchaseOrder.xsd - XML Schema Example for JAXB
How to get an XML Schema Example for JAXB testing? Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB) is a Java API that allows Java developers to map Java classes to XML representations. Here is good example of XML schema file, PurchaseOrder.xsd, that you can use to play with JAXB API: &lt;xsd:schema xml...
2018-05-19, 1482🔥, 0💬

PurchaseOrder.java - JAXB Java Example Class
What would the Java class look like, if I want to map the PurchaseOrder.xsd XML schema to Java data objects based on JAXB API? If you apply the mapping rules given in the JAXB API specification on the PurchaseOrder.xsd XML schema given in the previous tutorial, you will get a Java class similar to t...
2018-05-19, 1332🔥, 0💬

What Is Reference Implementation of JAXB
What is Reference Implementation of JAXB (Java Architecture for XML Binding)? Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB) is a Java API that allows Java developers to map Java classes to XML representations. The Reference Implementation of JAXB API is the implementation developed by Oracle Corporation ...
2018-05-19, 1264🔥, 0💬

Default Data Type Mapping of XML Schema and Java
What is the Default Data Type Mapping of XML Schema and Java defined in JAXB API? Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB) is a Java API that allows Java developers to map Java classes to XML representations. The JAXB 2.2 release defines the following default mapping between XML Schema data types an...
2018-05-19, 1037🔥, 0💬

avalon-framework-4.2.0.jar - Apache Avalon 4.2.0
Apache Avalon began in 1999 as the Java Apache Server Framework and in late 2002 separated from the Apache Jakarta Project to become its own ASF top level project. By 2004 Avalon is closed and replaced several sub projects. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: avalon-framework.jar, avalon...
2018-05-17, 26684🔥, 2💬

XJC -p Option for Class Package Name
How to specify the package name for the generated Java classes with XJC (XML to Java Compiler)? I don't like the default package name "generated". I don't like the default package name "generated" of the output Java classes given by XJC (XML to Java Compiler), you can change it by using the "xjc -p"...
2018-05-08, 2919🔥, 0💬

MyUserObject.java - Create Object from Data Type Class
How to create data objects from data type classes generated from the JAXB XJC tool? I have the User.java generated from User.xsd. If you have the User.java class generated as in the previous tutorial, you can follow this tutorial to create User data objects in your XML application. 1. Enter the foll...
2018-05-08, 1677🔥, 0💬

User.java - Java Data Type Class Generated by XJC
How to read the Java code generated from XML Schema with XJC (XML to Java Compiler)? To read the Java code generated from XML Schema with XJC (XML to Java Compiler), you can simply open it in any Java code development tool, or just a text edit. For example, if you open the Java code, generated/User....
2018-05-08, 1417🔥, 0💬

Generate Java Code from XML Schema with XJC
How to generate Java code from XML Schema with XJC (XML to Java Compiler)? If you have an XML Schema, you can create Java code to represent complex XML elements as Java classes manually according to mapping rules given in the JAXB API specification. But you can also using the XJC (XML to Java Compil...
2018-05-08, 1184🔥, 0💬

Identify JAXB Implementation Classes
How to Identify JAXB Implementation Classes? You can use the following simple Java program, JaxbClassInfo.java, to Identify JAXB Implementation Classes: // Copyright (c) FYIcenter.com import javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext; import javax.xml.bind.Marshaller; public class JaxbClassInfo { public static void...
2018-05-08, 1042🔥, 0💬

Call FOP with Debug Logging
How to turn on debug logging when running the FOP command? I want to get more information to troubleshoot a problem with my FO file. If want to turn on debug logging when running the FOP command to help troubleshooting FO file issues, you can follow this tutorial. 1. Modify the fop.bat file to turn ...
2018-04-28, 3338🔥, 0💬

XSLT Process in fop-2.7-bin.zip
How to run the XSLT process in fop-2.7-bin.zip transform XML files using XSLT templates? which can be used to perform an XSLT process to transform an XML file using XSLT template. The XSLT process reads an XML file and an XSLT file. The output is what ever the XSLT file wants to generate. See the se...
2018-04-28, 1706🔥, 0💬

Managing Fonts in FOP PDF Output
Where to find answers to frequently asked questions on Managing Fonts in FOP PDF Output? Here is a list of frequently asked questions and their answers compiled by FYIcenter.com team on Managing Fonts in FOP PDF Output: The Default Font used by FOP What Are FOP Generic Font Families FOP Base-14 Font...
2018-04-28, 1524🔥, 0💬

"FOP -awt" - Generate Output on Screen
How to use "FOP -awt" option to generate output on the screen? If you want to display output on the screen instead of PDF files, you can use the "FOP -awt" command option. Here is how to do this: fyicenter&gt; cd \local\fop-2.x\fop fyicenter&gt; fop -awt examples\fo\basic\fonts.fo org.apache...
2018-04-28, 1297🔥, 0💬

Transform XML to FO and Generate PDF with FOP
How to transform XML to FO and generate PDF with FOP? FOP allows you to transform XML to FO and generate PDF output with a single command. Here is how to do this: fyicenter&gt; cd \local\fop-2.x\fop fyicenter&gt; fop -xml examples\embedding\xml\xml\pro jectteam.xml-xsl examples\embedding\xml...
2018-04-28, 1280🔥, 0💬

FOP Missing Font Error for PDF
Why I am getting the "Font Calibri,normal,400 not found. Substituting with any,normal,400" error with FOP? FOP has built-in definitions only for generic fonts: serif, sans-serif, monospace, and Base-14 fonts: Helvetica, Times, Courier, Symbol, ZapfDingbats. If you are using a font that has not built...
2018-04-21, 3125🔥, 0💬

FOP Font Missing Glyph Error for PDF
Why I am getting the "Glyph A not available in font Symbol" error with FOP? You will get the "Glyph A not available in font X" error, if character "A" is not supported in font "X". For example, font "Symbol" only support symbolic characters. It does not support alphabetic characters. So if you apply...
2018-04-21, 2548🔥, 0💬

FOP Base-14 Fonts for PDF
What are Base-14 fonts supported in FOP for PDF? FOP supports Base-14 fonts (required by all PDF viewers) for PDF output: 4 fonts for Helvetica family: normal, bold, italic, bold italic. 4 fonts for Times family: normal, bold, italic, bold italic. 4 fonts for Courier family: normal, bold, italic, bo...
2018-04-21, 2021🔥, 0💬

The Default Font used by FOP
What is the default font used by FOP to generate PDF output? The default font used by FOP to generate PDF output is the Helvetica font. Here is how you can verify this: 1. Create a FO file, fyicenter.fo, without specify any font: &lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?&gt; &lt;!-- fyice...
2018-04-21, 1895🔥, 0💬

What Are FOP Generic Font Families
What are generic font families used in FOP? FOP supports 3 generic font families: "serif" - Generic font family for Times, Times Roman, and similar fonts. "sans-serif" - Generic font family for Helvetica, Arial, and similar fonts. "monospace" - Generic font family for Courier, New Courier, and simil...
2018-04-21, 1729🔥, 0💬

Define Your Own Font in FOP cfg.xml
How to provide my own font definitions for FOP to generate PDF files? I have my font definition created in an XML file. If you have your font definition files generated as shown in the previous tutorial, you can provide them to FOP command through a configuration XML file. First, build the configura...
2018-04-12, 2380🔥, 0💬

FontView.exe - Preview Font Glyphs on Windows
How to preview font glyphs on Windows? I want to see how they look like, before deciding to use the font. On Windows computers, you can run the "FontView.exe" program to preview glyphs of any font file. For example, you can run this command to view glyphs in the Calibri Italic font: \fyicenter&g...
2018-04-12, 2366🔥, 0💬

FOP Missing Italic and Bold Fonts for PDF
Why I am getting the 'Font "Calibri,normal,700" not found. Substituting with "Calibri,normal,400"' error with FOP? You are getting the "Font X,normal,700 not found. Substituting with X,normal,400" error, if FOP can not find the "Bold" font definition for the font X. Computer fonts are usually define...
2018-04-12, 2163🔥, 0💬

FOP TTFReader - Build Font Definitions
How to build font definition file with FOP? I have the font file for my favorite font in TTF format. If you the font file in TTF format, you can build the font definition file with the FOP TTFReader program. For example, you see "Calibri" and "Gothic" font files located in \windows\fonts folder: 813...
2018-04-12, 1787🔥, 0💬

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