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Convert XML to FO with FOP
How to convert my data in XML to XSL-FO format with FOP? I have the XSLT file to define my data should be formatted. If your data stored in XML format and you have an XSLT file that defines how data should be formatted, you can use the XSLT process provided in FOP to convert the XML file to an XSL-F...
2016-07-05, 2294🔥, 0💬

Run barcode.fo Example in FOP
How to run the "barcode.fo" example in FOP to generated a PDF file? FOP comes with an example XSL-FO file, barcode.fo, which shows how to generate barcode images in PDF. You can use the "fop" command to convert it into a PDF file: fyicenter&gt; cd \local\fop-2.x\fop fyicenter&gt; fop -c exam...
2016-07-03, 4819🔥, 0💬

Generate K3.xml Metrics File in FOP
How to generate K3.xml Metrics File in FOP? The k3.xml provided in FOP is outdated. K3.xml is the font metrics file for displaying barcode images. The K3.xml provided in FOP is outdated. But we can regenerate it using the fop.jar: fyicenter&gt; cd \local\fop-2.x\fop fyicenter&gt; copy exampl...
2016-07-03, 3722🔥, 0💬

Run SVG embedding.fo Example in FOP
How to run the SVG "embedding.fo" example in FOP to generated a PDF file? FOP comes with an example XSL-FO file, embedding.fo, which shows how to embed SVG images into PDF files. You can use the "fop" command to convert it into a PDF file: fyicenter&gt; cd \local\fop-2.x\fop fyicenter&gt; fo...
2016-07-03, 3650🔥, 0💬

Convert Image to PDF with FOP
How to convert an image file into a PDF file with FOP? FOP allows you to convert a single image file into a PDF file without any XSL-FO format file. Here is how to do this: fyicenter&gt; cd \local\fop-2.x\fop fyicenter&gt; fop -imagein examples\fo\graphics\page.gif \temp\page.pdf ... org.apa...
2016-07-03, 3560🔥, 0💬

Run simplecol.fo Example in FOP
How to run the "simplecol.fo" example in FOP to generated a PDF file? FOP comes with an example XSL-FO file, simplecol.fo, which shows how to generate multiple columns in PDF. You can use the "fop" command to convert it into a PDF file: fyicenter&gt; cd \local\fop-2.x\fop fyicenter&gt; fop e...
2016-07-03, 3063🔥, 0💬

barcode.fo Example Errors in FOP
What are those errors when using "barcode.fo" example in FOP to generated a PDF file? FOP comes with an example XSL-FO file, barcode.fo, which shows how to generate barcodes in PDF. But it has a number errors, if you use the "fop" command to convert it into a PDF file: fyicenter&gt; cd \local\fo...
2016-07-02, 3950🔥, 0💬

Run blockcontainer.fo Example in FOP
How to run the "blockcontainer.fo" example in FOP to generated a PDF file? FOP comes with an example XSL-FO file, blockcontainer.fo, which shows how to the fo:block-container object to create an area with a different writing mode or a different reference orientation. You can use the "fop" command to...
2016-07-02, 3853🔥, 0💬

Run table.fo Example in FOP
How to run the "table.fo" example in FOP to generated a PDF file? FOP comes with an example XSL-FO file, table.fo, which shows how to generate tables in PDF. You can use the "fop" command to convert it into a PDF file: fyicenter&gt; cd \local\fop-2.x\fop fyicenter&gt; fop examples\fo\basic\t...
2016-07-02, 3336🔥, 0💬

Run pdfoutline.fo Example in FOP
How to run the "pdfoutline.fo" example in FOP to generated a PDF file? FOP comes with an example XSL-FO file, pdfoutline.fo, which shows how to generate the outline of PDF contents. You can use the "fop" command to convert it into a PDF file: fyicenter&gt; cd \local\fop-2.x\fop fyicenter&gt;...
2016-07-02, 3143🔥, 0💬

What Is fop.jar 2.0 - Part 2
What Is fop.jar 2.0? I got it from the fop-2.0-bin.zip. fop.jar (2.0) is the JAR file for FOP 2.0, which is a print formatter driven by XSL formatting objects (XSL-FO). You can obtain fop.jar from the build folder of the fop-2.0-bin.zip file. Below is the information about the fop.jar (2.0) file: Li...
2016-07-02, 2547🔥, 0💬

What Is fop.jar 2.0
What Is fop.jar 2.0? I got it from the fop-2.0-bin.zip. fop.jar (2.0) is the JAR file for FOP 2.0, which is a print formatter driven by XSL formatting objects (XSL-FO). You can obtain fop.jar from the build folder of the fop-2.0-bin.zip file. Below is the information about the fop.jar (2.0) file: JA...
2016-06-30, 3212🔥, 0💬

Run images.fo Example in FOP
How to run the "images.fo" example in FOP to generated a PDF file? FOP comes with an example XSL-FO file, images.fo, which shows how to embed GIF and JPEG images into the XSL-FO file using external-graphic. You can use the "fop" command to convert it into a PDF file: fyicenter&gt; cd \local\fop-...
2016-06-30, 3104🔥, 0💬

"fop" Command in fop-2.0-bin.zip
What Is the "fop" command in fop-2.0-bin.zip? Can I use it to generate PDF files? "fop" command is the command line tool that allows you to run FOP 2.0 as a standalone application. It reads a XSL-FO file and generates a PDF file by default. "fop" command requires that the environment variable JAVA_H...
2016-06-30, 3028🔥, 0💬

Run simple.fo Example in FOP
How to run the "simple.fo" example in FOP to generated a PDF file? FOP comes with an example XSL-FO file, simple.fo, which gives use a first impression of the structure of an XSL-FO file. You can use the "fop" command to convert it into a PDF file: fyicenter&gt; cd \local\fop-2.x\fop fyicenter&a...
2016-06-30, 2687🔥, 0💬

List of XSL-FO Examples in FOP
What are XSL-FO example files provided in FOP? I want to learn how to write XSL-FO files. FOP is binary distribution package of Apache FOP 2.7. It contains the following XSL-FO example files: simple.fo - a very simple file which gives use a first impression of the structure of an XSL-FO file normal....
2016-06-30, 2406🔥, 0💬

Download and Install fop-2.0-bin.zip
How to download and install fop-2.0-bin.zip? I want to try FOP (Formatting Objects Processor) 2.0. FOP (Formatting Objects Processor) is a print formatter driven by XSL formatting objects (XSL-FO). You can follow these steps to download and install FOP 2.0 with the binary package, fop-2.0-bin.zip: 1...
2016-06-29, 3747🔥, 0💬

What Is fop-2.0-bin.zip
What Is fop-2.0-bin.zip? I downloaded it from the Apache FOP Website. fop-2.0-bin.zip is the binary package of Apache FOP 2.0 in ZIP format. FOP (Formatting Objects Processor) is a print formatter driven by XSL formatting objects (XSL-FO). Below is the information about the fop-2.0-bin.zip file: Dow...
2016-06-29, 3249🔥, 0💬

What Is fop.jar 2.0 - Part 3
What Is fop.jar 2.0? I got it from the fop-2.0-bin.zip. fop.jar (2.0) is the JAR file for FOP 2.0, which is a print formatter driven by XSL formatting objects (XSL-FO). You can obtain fop.jar from the build folder of the fop-2.0-bin.zip file. Below is the information about the fop.jar (2.0) file: Li...
2016-06-29, 2859🔥, 0💬

javaGeom-0.11.1.jar - javaGeom
A java library for geometry applications. Provides a general framework for manipulating and creating geometric primitives, computing intersection points between shapes, composing them to create new shapes, and performing some measurements. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: javaGeom.jar...
2016-06-28, 5985🔥, 1💬

💬 2016-06-28 juwa: very powerful library

Download and Install log4j-1.2.17.zip
How to download and install log4j-1.2.17.zip? Log4j is a logging library for Java applications developed by Apache Software Foundation. You can follow these steps to download and install log4j-1.2.17.zip to use Log4j: 1. Go to the Log4j Archive Website . 2. Click to open the "1.2.17/" folder. 3. Cli...
2016-06-28, 7744🔥, 0💬

Configuration Properties File for Apache Log4j 1.x
How to write a configuration properties file for Log4j 1.x? I just want to use the basic functionalities to specify the log file name and the log level. Below is a simple configuration file, log4j.properties, that support the Log4j API: # Copyright (c) FYIcenter.com log4j.rootLogger=DEBUG, MyConsole...
2016-06-28, 3865🔥, 0💬

What Is FOP (Formatting Objects Processor)
What is FOP (Formatting Object Processor)? FOP (Formatting Objects Processor) is a print formatter driven by XSL formatting objects (XSL-FO) and an output independent formatter. It is a Java application that reads a formatting object (FO) tree and renders the resulting pages to a specified output. O...
2016-06-28, 3552🔥, 0💬

Run Sort.java Example in log4j-1.2.17.zip
How to run the Sort.java example program in log4j-1.2.17.zip? I have log4j-1.2.17.zip installed at \fyicenter\apache-log4j-1.2.17 folder. Sort.java is an example program provided in the log4j-1.2.17.zip. It is used to show you how to use Log4j with the properties file configuration. Here are files a...
2016-06-27, 2600🔥, 0💬

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