Run JavaWS with JNLP File from the Server


How to run JavaWS command to read a JNLP file from the server?

✍: FYIcenter


If you know the URL of a JNLP file from the server, you can run JavaWS command to read a JNLP file remotely as shown below:

1. Check the following URL of a JNLP file with a browser:

2. Run JavaWS command with this URL:

fyicenter> javaws

JavaWS will download the dynamictree_webstart.jnlp file first, then download the DynamicTreeDemo.jar file given in the JNLP file and launch it.


Understanding and Using javaws.jar

JavaWS Warning to Verify Publisher Certificate

Introduction of JavaWS and JNLP

⇑⇑ FAQ for JavaWS (Java Web Start)

2018-01-06, 1294🔥, 0💬