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Run com.sun.javaws.Main from javaws.jar
Can I run com.sun.javaws.Main from javaws.jar directly? I don't want to use the JavaWS command.
✍: FYIcenter
Not really. You can get JavaWS started.
But you need to set a number of properties at the command line to make it work properly.
See the tutorial below:
1. First try:
>\fyicenter\jdk-1.8.0\bin\java -cp \fyicenter\jdk-1.8.0\jre\lib\javaws.jar com.sun.javaws.Main Error: A JNI error has occurred, please check your installation and try again Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sun/deploy/config/JREInfo
2. Adding deploy.jar
>\fyicenter\jdk-1.8.0\bin\java -cp \fyicenter\jdk-1.8.0\jre\lib\javaws.jar;\fyicenter\jdk-1.8.0\jre\lib\deploy.jar com.sun.javaws.Main #### Java Web Start Error: #### Invalid arguments supplied: { }
3. Adding JNLP file:
>\fyicenter\jdk-1.8.0\bin\java -cp \fyicenter\jdk-1.8.0\jre\lib\javaws.jar;\fyicenter\jdk-1.8.0\jre\lib\deploy.jar com.sun.javaws.Main dynamictree.jnlp Exception: thrown from the UncaughtExceptio nHandler in thread "Java Web Start Main Thread" Exception: thrown from the UncaughtExceptio nHandler in thread "AWT-Shutdown" Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Exception Exception occurred dispatching signal UNKNOWN to handler- the VM may need to be forcibly terminated
⇒ Using JavaWS (Java Web Start) in Web Pages
2017-12-31, 2746🔥, 0💬
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