DynamicTreeDemo.html - JavaWS Demo Web Page


How to create a Web page to launch Java application with JavaWS? I have the application JNLP file ready on the server machine.

✍: FYIcenter


If you have the application JNLP file ready on the server machine, you can follow this tutorial to create a Web page to launch the application with JavaWS.

1. Create a Web page HTML file, DynamicTreeDemo.html:

<h3>Dynamic Tree Demo Launching Page</h3>
<a href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorialJWS/samples/deployment/dynamictree_webstartJWSProject/dynamictree_webstart.jnlp">
JavaWS Launch</a>

2. Publish the above page to your Website.

3. Make sure that the JNLP file, dynamictree_webstart.jnlp, is accessible at the URL given in the Web page.

Your end user now can open DynamicTreeDemo.html in a browser and click the "Launch" button to run the Java application demo.


Internet Explorer Setting to Run JNLP File

Requirements to Use JavaWS in Web Pages

Using JavaWS (Java Web Start) in Web Pages

⇑⇑ FAQ for JavaWS (Java Web Start)

2017-12-31, 3307🔥, 0💬