What Is in xml-commons-resolver-1.2.zip


What Is in xml-commons-resolver-1.2.zip?

✍: FYIcenter


xml-commons-resolver-1.2.zip file is the distribution package ZIP file for Apache xml-commons Resolver Code Package 1.2.

Apache xml-commons Resolver Code Package contains the Resolver code from Norm Walsh.

Download File Size and Download Location:

File name: xml-commons-resolver-1.2.zip
File size: 426,635 bytes
Release date: 11/20/2006 
Download: xml-commons Website

File list of xml-commons-resolver-1.2.zip:

       20001  KEYS
       11558  LICENSE.resolver.txt
         388  NOTICE-resolver.txt
         914  apidocs\resolver\index.html
       44326  docs\resolver.html
        4053  etc\catalog.dtd
        5697  etc\catalog.rng
        7713  etc\catalog.xsd
         580  etc\xcatalog.dtd
       84091  resolver.jar
       12043  resolver.xml
         343  src\manifest.resolver
       22606  src\org\apache\xml\resolver\Resolver.java
#       Size  Files
#    1677731  175


xml-commons Resolver Source Code Files

Donwload xml-commons-resolver-1.2.zip

Downloading Apache xml-commons

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2017-08-25, 2060🔥, 0💬