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ANTLR "Arithmetic" Grammar
Where to get an "Arithmetic" grammar for ANTLR?
✍: FYIcenter
You can download a copy of the "Arithmetic" grammar for ANTLR at GitHub > antlr > grammars-v4 > arithmetic".
You can follow these steps to play with arithmetic.g4.
1. View the grammar file, arithmetic.g4 (modified to reduce space):
/* BSD License Copyright (c) 2013, Tom Everett All rights reserved. */ grammar arithmetic; equation : expression relop expression ; expression : term ((PLUS | MINUS) term)* ; term : factor ((TIMES | DIV) factor)* ; factor : signedAtom (POW signedAtom)* ; signedAtom : PLUS signedAtom | MINUS signedAtom | atom ; atom : scientific | variable | LPAREN expression RPAREN ; scientific : SCIENTIFIC_NUMBER ; variable : VARIABLE ; relop : EQ | GT | LT; VARIABLE : VALID_ID_START VALID_ID_CHAR* ; fragment VALID_ID_START: ('a' .. 'z') | ('A' .. 'Z') | '_' ; fragment VALID_ID_CHAR: VALID_ID_START | ('0' .. '9') ; SCIENTIFIC_NUMBER: NUMBER (E SIGN? NUMBER)? ; //The integer part gets its potential sign from the signedAtom rule fragment NUMBER: ('0' .. '9') + ('.' ('0' .. '9') +)? ; fragment E: 'E' | 'e' ; fragment SIGN: ('+' | '-') ; LPAREN : '(' ; RPAREN : ')' ; PLUS : '+' ; MINUS : '-' ; TIMES : '*' ; DIV : '/' ; GT : '>' ; LT : '<' ; EQ : '=' ; POINT : '.' ; POW : '^' ; WS : [ \r\n\t] + -> skip ;
1. Generate the lexer and parser in Java:
\fyicenter>java -cp antlr-4.10.1-complete.jar org.antlr.v4.Tool arithmetic.g4 \fyicenter>dir 2156 arithmetic.interp 187 arithmetic.tokens 3935 3714 arithmeticLexer.interp 8364 187 arithmeticLexer.tokens 3260 21062 1223 arithmetic.g4
3. Compile the lexer, parser and supporting Java classes
\fyicenter>javac -cp .;antlr-4.10.1-complete.jar arithmetic*.java \fyicenter>dir *.class 2528 arithmeticBaseListener.class 5525 arithmeticLexer.class 1537 arithmeticListener.class 1581 arithmeticParser$AtomContext.class 1409 arithmeticParser$EquationContext.class 1670 arithmeticParser$ExpressionContext.class 1574 arithmeticParser$FactorContext.class 1037 arithmeticParser$RelopContext.class 974 arithmeticParser$ScientificContext.class 1354 arithmeticParser$SignedAtomContext.class 1651 arithmeticParser$TermContext.class 955 arithmeticParser$VariableContext.class 10733 arithmeticParser.class
4. Testing the lexer and parser with ANTLR TestRig:
\fyicenter>java -cp .;antlr-4.10.1-complete.jar \ org.antlr.v4.gui.TestRig arithmetic equation -tree x = (-b + (b^2 -4*a*c)^0.50) / 4*a*c ^Z (equation (expression (term (factor (signedAtom (atom (variable x)))))) (relop = ) (expression (term (factor (signedAtom (atom ( (expression (term (factor ( signedAtom - (signedAtom (atom (variable b)))))) + (term (factor (signedAtom (atom ( (expression (term (factor (signedAtom (atom (variable b))) ^ (signedAtom (atom ( scientific 2))))) - (term (factor (signedAtom (atom (scientific 4)))) * (factor (signedAtom (atom (variable a)))) * (factor (signedAtom (atom (variable c)))))) ))) ^ (signedAtom (atom (scientific 0.50)))))) )))) / (factor (signedAtom (atom (scientific 4)))) * (factor (signedAtom (atom (variable a)))) * (factor ( signedAtom (atom (variable c)))))))
The above output shows that the Arithmetic lexer and parser is working.
⇒ ANTLR "Arithmetic" Grammar - Graphical Output
2021-01-09, 8768🔥, 0💬
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