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iText 5 itextpdf.jar Source Code
itextpdf.jar is a component in iText 5 Java library to provide core functionalities.
iText Java library allows you to generate and manage PDF documents.
The Source Code files are provided at iText GitHub site.
You can compile it to generate your JAR file, using pom.xml as the build configuration file.
The source code of itextpdf-5.5.14.jar is provided below:
⏎ com/itextpdf/text/
/* * * This file is part of the iText (R) project. Copyright (c) 1998-2020 iText Group NV * Authors: Bruno Lowagie, Paulo Soares, et al. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * as published by the Free Software Foundation with the addition of the * following permission added to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): * FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK IN WHICH THE COPYRIGHT IS OWNED BY * ITEXT GROUP. ITEXT GROUP DISCLAIMS THE WARRANTY OF NON INFRINGEMENT * OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program; if not, see or write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA, 02110-1301 USA, or download the license from the following URL: * * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License. * * In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License, * a covered work must retain the producer line in every PDF that is created * or manipulated using iText. * * You can be released from the requirements of the license by purchasing * a commercial license. Buying such a license is mandatory as soon as you * develop commercial activities involving the iText software without * disclosing the source code of your own applications. * These activities include: offering paid services to customers as an ASP, * serving PDFs on the fly in a web application, shipping iText with a closed * source product. * * For more information, please contact iText Software Corp. at this * address: */ package com.itextpdf.text; import com.itextpdf.text.error_messages.MessageLocalization; import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.*; import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.draw.DrawInterface; import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.interfaces.IAccessibleElement; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; /** * This is the smallest significant part of text that can be added to a * document. * <P> * Most elements can be divided in one or more <CODE>Chunk</CODE>s. A chunk * is a <CODE>String</CODE> with a certain <CODE>Font</CODE>. All other * layout parameters should be defined in the object to which this chunk of text * is added. * <P> * Example: <BLOCKQUOTE> * * <PRE> * * <STRONG>Chunk chunk = new Chunk("Hello world", * FontFactory.getFont(FontFactory.COURIER, 20, Font.ITALIC, new BaseColor(255, 0, * 0))); </STRONG> document.add(chunk); * * </PRE> * * </BLOCKQUOTE> */ public class Chunk implements Element, IAccessibleElement { // public static membervariables /** The character stand in for an image or a separator. */ public static final String OBJECT_REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER = "\ufffc"; /** This is a Chunk containing a newline. */ public static final Chunk NEWLINE = new Chunk("\n"); static { NEWLINE.setRole(PdfName.P); } /** This is a Chunk containing a newpage. */ public static final Chunk NEXTPAGE = new Chunk(""); static { NEXTPAGE.setNewPage(); } public static final Chunk TABBING = new Chunk(Float.NaN, false); public static final Chunk SPACETABBING = new Chunk(Float.NaN, true); // member variables /** This is the content of this chunk of text. */ protected StringBuffer content = null; /** This is the <CODE>Font</CODE> of this chunk of text. */ protected Font font = null; /** Contains some of the attributes for this Chunk. */ protected HashMap<String, Object> attributes = null; protected PdfName role = null; protected HashMap<PdfName, PdfObject> accessibleAttributes = null; private AccessibleElementId id = null; // constructors /** * Empty constructor. */ public Chunk() { this.content = new StringBuffer(); this.font = new Font(); this.role = PdfName.SPAN; } /** * A <CODE>Chunk</CODE> copy constructor. * @param ck the <CODE>Chunk</CODE> to be copied */ public Chunk(final Chunk ck) { if (ck.content != null) { content = new StringBuffer(ck.content.toString()); } if (ck.font != null) { font = new Font(ck.font); } if (ck.attributes != null) { attributes = new HashMap<String, Object>(ck.attributes); } role = ck.role; if (ck.accessibleAttributes != null) { accessibleAttributes = new HashMap<PdfName, PdfObject>(ck.accessibleAttributes); } id = ck.getId(); } /** * Constructs a chunk of text with a certain content and a certain <CODE> * Font</CODE>. * * @param content * the content * @param font * the font */ public Chunk(final String content, final Font font) { this.content = new StringBuffer(content); this.font = font; this.role = PdfName.SPAN; } /** * Constructs a chunk of text with a certain content, without specifying a * <CODE>Font</CODE>. * * @param content * the content */ public Chunk(final String content) { this(content, new Font()); } /** * Constructs a chunk of text with a char and a certain <CODE>Font</CODE>. * * @param c * the content * @param font * the font */ public Chunk(final char c, final Font font) { this.content = new StringBuffer(); this.content.append(c); this.font = font; this.role = PdfName.SPAN; } /** * Constructs a chunk of text with a char, without specifying a <CODE>Font * </CODE>. * * @param c * the content */ public Chunk(final char c) { this(c, new Font()); } /** * Constructs a chunk containing an <CODE>Image</CODE>. * * @param image * the image * @param offsetX * the image offset in the x direction * @param offsetY * the image offset in the y direction */ public Chunk(final Image image, final float offsetX, final float offsetY) { this(OBJECT_REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER, new Font()); Image copyImage = Image.getInstance(image); copyImage.setAbsolutePosition(Float.NaN, Float.NaN); setAttribute(IMAGE, new Object[] { copyImage, new Float(offsetX), new Float(offsetY), Boolean.FALSE }); this.role = null; } /** * Key for drawInterface of the Separator. * @since 2.1.2 */ public static final String SEPARATOR = "SEPARATOR"; /** * Creates a separator Chunk. * Note that separator chunks can't be used in combination with tab chunks! * @param separator the drawInterface to use to draw the separator. * @since 2.1.2 */ public Chunk(final DrawInterface separator) { this(separator, false); } /** * Creates a separator Chunk. * Note that separator chunks can't be used in combination with tab chunks! * @param separator the drawInterface to use to draw the separator. * @param vertical true if this is a vertical separator * @since 2.1.2 */ public Chunk(final DrawInterface separator, final boolean vertical) { this(OBJECT_REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER, new Font()); setAttribute(SEPARATOR, new Object[] {separator, Boolean.valueOf(vertical)}); this.role = null; } /** * Key for drawInterface of the tab. * @since 2.1.2 */ public static final String TAB = "TAB"; /** * Key for tab stops of the tab. * @since 5.4.1 */ public static final String TABSETTINGS = "TABSETTINGS"; private String contentWithNoTabs = null; /** * Creates a tab Chunk. * Note that separator chunks can't be used in combination with tab chunks! * @param separator the drawInterface to use to draw the tab. * @param tabPosition an X coordinate that will be used as start position for the next Chunk. * @since 2.1.2 */ @Deprecated public Chunk(final DrawInterface separator, final float tabPosition) { this(separator, tabPosition, false); } /** * Creates a tab Chunk. * Note that separator chunks can't be used in combination with tab chunks! * @param separator the drawInterface to use to draw the tab. * @param tabPosition an X coordinate that will be used as start position for the next Chunk. * @param newline if true, a newline will be added if the tabPosition has already been reached. * @since 2.1.2 */ @Deprecated public Chunk(final DrawInterface separator, final float tabPosition, final boolean newline) { this(OBJECT_REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER, new Font()); if (tabPosition < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("", String.valueOf(tabPosition))); } setAttribute(TAB, new Object[] {separator, new Float(tabPosition), Boolean.valueOf(newline), new Float(0)}); this.role = PdfName.ARTIFACT; } /** * Creates a tab Chunk. * * @param tabInterval an interval that will be used if tab stops are omitted. * @param isWhitespace if true, the current tab is treated as white space. * @since 5.4.1 */ private Chunk(final Float tabInterval, final boolean isWhitespace) { this(OBJECT_REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER, new Font()); if (tabInterval < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("", String.valueOf(tabInterval))); } setAttribute(TAB, new Object[]{tabInterval, Boolean.valueOf(isWhitespace)}); setAttribute(SPLITCHARACTER, TabSplitCharacter.TAB); setAttribute(TABSETTINGS, null); this.role = PdfName.ARTIFACT; } /** * Constructs a chunk containing an <CODE>Image</CODE>. * * @param image * the image * @param offsetX * the image offset in the x direction * @param offsetY * the image offset in the y direction * @param changeLeading * true if the leading has to be adapted to the image */ public Chunk(final Image image, final float offsetX, final float offsetY, final boolean changeLeading) { this(OBJECT_REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER, new Font()); setAttribute(IMAGE, new Object[] { image, new Float(offsetX), new Float(offsetY), Boolean.valueOf(changeLeading) }); this.role = PdfName.ARTIFACT; } // implementation of the Element-methods /** * Processes the element by adding it (or the different parts) to an <CODE> * ElementListener</CODE>. * * @param listener * an <CODE>ElementListener</CODE> * @return <CODE>true</CODE> if the element was processed successfully */ public boolean process(final ElementListener listener) { try { return listener.add(this); } catch (DocumentException de) { return false; } } /** * Gets the type of the text element. * * @return a type */ public int type() { return Element.CHUNK; } /** * Gets all the chunks in this element. * * @return an <CODE>ArrayList</CODE> */ public List<Chunk> getChunks() { List<Chunk> tmp = new ArrayList<Chunk>(); tmp.add(this); return tmp; } // methods that change the member variables /** * appends some text to this <CODE>Chunk</CODE>. * * @param string * <CODE>String</CODE> * @return a <CODE>StringBuffer</CODE> */ public StringBuffer append(final String string) { contentWithNoTabs = null; return content.append(string); } /** * Sets the font of this <CODE>Chunk</CODE>. * * @param font * a <CODE>Font</CODE> */ public void setFont(final Font font) { this.font = font; } // methods to retrieve information /** * Gets the font of this <CODE>Chunk</CODE>. * * @return a <CODE>Font</CODE> */ public Font getFont() { return font; } /** * Returns the content of this <CODE>Chunk</CODE>. * * @return a <CODE>String</CODE> */ public String getContent() { if (contentWithNoTabs == null) contentWithNoTabs = content.toString().replaceAll("\t", ""); return contentWithNoTabs; } /** * Returns the content of this <CODE>Chunk</CODE>. * * @return a <CODE>String</CODE> */ @Override public String toString() { return getContent(); } /** * Checks is this <CODE>Chunk</CODE> is empty. * * @return <CODE>false</CODE> if the Chunk contains other characters than * space. */ public boolean isEmpty() { return content.toString().trim().length() == 0 && content.toString().indexOf("\n") == -1 && attributes == null; } /** * Gets the width of the Chunk in points. * * @return a width in points */ public float getWidthPoint() { if (getImage() != null) { return getImage().getScaledWidth(); } return font.getCalculatedBaseFont(true).getWidthPoint(getContent(), font.getCalculatedSize()) * getHorizontalScaling(); } // attributes /** * Checks the attributes of this <CODE>Chunk</CODE>. * * @return false if there aren't any. */ public boolean hasAttributes() { return attributes != null && !attributes.isEmpty(); } /** * Checks the accessible attributes of this <CODE>Chunk</CODE>. * * @return false if there aren't any. */ public boolean hasAccessibleAttributes() { return accessibleAttributes != null && !accessibleAttributes.isEmpty(); } /** * Gets the attributes for this <CODE>Chunk</CODE>. * <P> * It may be null. * * @return the attributes for this <CODE>Chunk</CODE> */ public HashMap<String, Object> getAttributes() { return attributes; } /** * Sets the attributes all at once. * @param attributes the attributes of a Chunk */ public void setAttributes(final HashMap<String, Object> attributes) { this.attributes = attributes; } /** * Sets an arbitrary attribute. * * @param name * the key for the attribute * @param obj * the value of the attribute * @return this <CODE>Chunk</CODE> */ private Chunk setAttribute(final String name, final Object obj) { if (attributes == null) attributes = new HashMap<String, Object>(); attributes.put(name, obj); return this; } // the attributes are ordered as they appear in the book 'iText in Action' /** Key for text horizontal scaling. */ public static final String HSCALE = "HSCALE"; /** * Sets the text horizontal scaling. A value of 1 is normal and a value of * 0.5f shrinks the text to half it's width. * * @param scale * the horizontal scaling factor * @return this <CODE>Chunk</CODE> */ public Chunk setHorizontalScaling(final float scale) { return setAttribute(HSCALE, new Float(scale)); } /** * Gets the horizontal scaling. * * @return a percentage in float */ public float getHorizontalScaling() { if (attributes == null) return 1f; Float f = (Float) attributes.get(HSCALE); if (f == null) return 1f; return f.floatValue(); } /** Key for underline. */ public static final String UNDERLINE = "UNDERLINE"; /** * Sets an horizontal line that can be an underline or a strikethrough. * Actually, the line can be anywhere vertically and has always the <CODE> * Chunk</CODE> width. Multiple call to this method will produce multiple * lines. * * @param thickness * the absolute thickness of the line * @param yPosition * the absolute y position relative to the baseline * @return this <CODE>Chunk</CODE> */ public Chunk setUnderline(final float thickness, final float yPosition) { return setUnderline(null, thickness, 0f, yPosition, 0f, PdfContentByte.LINE_CAP_BUTT); } /** * Sets an horizontal line that can be an underline or a strikethrough. * Actually, the line can be anywhere vertically and has always the <CODE> * Chunk</CODE> width. Multiple call to this method will produce multiple * lines. * * @param color * the color of the line or <CODE>null</CODE> to follow the * text color * @param thickness * the absolute thickness of the line * @param thicknessMul * the thickness multiplication factor with the font size * @param yPosition * the absolute y position relative to the baseline * @param yPositionMul * the position multiplication factor with the font size * @param cap * the end line cap. Allowed values are * PdfContentByte.LINE_CAP_BUTT, PdfContentByte.LINE_CAP_ROUND * and PdfContentByte.LINE_CAP_PROJECTING_SQUARE * @return this <CODE>Chunk</CODE> */ public Chunk setUnderline(final BaseColor color, final float thickness, final float thicknessMul, final float yPosition, final float yPositionMul, final int cap) { if (attributes == null) attributes = new HashMap<String, Object>(); Object obj[] = { color, new float[] { thickness, thicknessMul, yPosition, yPositionMul, cap } }; Object unders[][] = Utilities.addToArray((Object[][]) attributes.get(UNDERLINE), obj); return setAttribute(UNDERLINE, unders); } /** Key for sub/superscript. */ public static final String SUBSUPSCRIPT = "SUBSUPSCRIPT"; /** * Sets the text displacement relative to the baseline. Positive values rise * the text, negative values lower the text. * <P> * It can be used to implement sub/superscript. * * @param rise * the displacement in points * @return this <CODE>Chunk</CODE> */ public Chunk setTextRise(final float rise) { return setAttribute(SUBSUPSCRIPT, new Float(rise)); } /** * Gets the text displacement relative to the baseline. * * @return a displacement in points */ public float getTextRise() { if (attributes != null && attributes.containsKey(SUBSUPSCRIPT)) { Float f = (Float) attributes.get(SUBSUPSCRIPT); return f.floatValue(); } return 0.0f; } /** Key for text skewing. */ public static final String SKEW = "SKEW"; /** * Skews the text to simulate italic and other effects. Try <CODE>alpha=0 * </CODE> and <CODE>beta=12</CODE>. * * @param alpha * the first angle in degrees * @param beta * the second angle in degrees * @return this <CODE>Chunk</CODE> */ public Chunk setSkew(float alpha, float beta) { alpha = (float) Math.tan(alpha * Math.PI / 180); beta = (float) Math.tan(beta * Math.PI / 180); return setAttribute(SKEW, new float[] { alpha, beta }); } /** Key for background. */ public static final String BACKGROUND = "BACKGROUND"; /** * Sets the color of the background <CODE>Chunk</CODE>. * * @param color * the color of the background * @return this <CODE>Chunk</CODE> */ public Chunk setBackground(final BaseColor color) { return setBackground(color, 0, 0, 0, 0); } /** * Sets the color and the size of the background <CODE>Chunk</CODE>. * * @param color * the color of the background * @param extraLeft * increase the size of the rectangle in the left * @param extraBottom * increase the size of the rectangle in the bottom * @param extraRight * increase the size of the rectangle in the right * @param extraTop * increase the size of the rectangle in the top * @return this <CODE>Chunk</CODE> */ public Chunk setBackground(final BaseColor color, final float extraLeft, final float extraBottom, final float extraRight, final float extraTop) { return setAttribute(BACKGROUND, new Object[] { color, new float[] { extraLeft, extraBottom, extraRight, extraTop } }); } /** Key for text rendering mode. */ public static final String TEXTRENDERMODE = "TEXTRENDERMODE"; /** * Sets the text rendering mode. It can outline text, simulate bold and make * text invisible. * * @param mode * the text rendering mode. It can be <CODE> * PdfContentByte.TEXT_RENDER_MODE_FILL</CODE>,<CODE> * PdfContentByte.TEXT_RENDER_MODE_STROKE</CODE>,<CODE> * PdfContentByte.TEXT_RENDER_MODE_FILL_STROKE</CODE> and <CODE> * PdfContentByte.TEXT_RENDER_MODE_INVISIBLE</CODE>. * @param strokeWidth * the stroke line width for the modes <CODE> * PdfContentByte.TEXT_RENDER_MODE_STROKE</CODE> and <CODE> * PdfContentByte.TEXT_RENDER_MODE_FILL_STROKE</CODE>. * @param strokeColor * the stroke color or <CODE>null</CODE> to follow the text * color * @return this <CODE>Chunk</CODE> */ public Chunk setTextRenderMode(final int mode, final float strokeWidth, final BaseColor strokeColor) { return setAttribute(TEXTRENDERMODE, new Object[] { Integer.valueOf(mode), new Float(strokeWidth), strokeColor }); } /** Key for split character. */ public static final String SPLITCHARACTER = "SPLITCHARACTER"; /** * Sets the split characters. * * @param splitCharacter * the <CODE>SplitCharacter</CODE> interface * @return this <CODE>Chunk</CODE> */ public Chunk setSplitCharacter(final SplitCharacter splitCharacter) { return setAttribute(SPLITCHARACTER, splitCharacter); } /** Key for hyphenation. */ public static final String HYPHENATION = "HYPHENATION"; /** * sets the hyphenation engine to this <CODE>Chunk</CODE>. * * @param hyphenation * the hyphenation engine * @return this <CODE>Chunk</CODE> */ public Chunk setHyphenation(final HyphenationEvent hyphenation) { return setAttribute(HYPHENATION, hyphenation); } /** Key for remote goto. */ public static final String REMOTEGOTO = "REMOTEGOTO"; /** * Sets a goto for a remote destination for this <CODE>Chunk</CODE>. * * @param filename * the file name of the destination document * @param name * the name of the destination to go to * @return this <CODE>Chunk</CODE> */ public Chunk setRemoteGoto(final String filename, final String name) { return setAttribute(REMOTEGOTO, new Object[] { filename, name }); } /** * Sets a goto for a remote destination for this <CODE>Chunk</CODE>. * * @param filename * the file name of the destination document * @param page * the page of the destination to go to. First page is 1 * @return this <CODE>Chunk</CODE> */ public Chunk setRemoteGoto(final String filename, final int page) { return setAttribute(REMOTEGOTO, new Object[] { filename, Integer.valueOf(page) }); } /** Key for local goto. */ public static final String LOCALGOTO = "LOCALGOTO"; /** * Sets a local goto for this <CODE>Chunk</CODE>. * <P> * There must be a local destination matching the name. * * @param name * the name of the destination to go to * @return this <CODE>Chunk</CODE> */ public Chunk setLocalGoto(final String name) { return setAttribute(LOCALGOTO, name); } /** Key for local destination. */ public static final String LOCALDESTINATION = "LOCALDESTINATION"; /** * Sets a local destination for this <CODE>Chunk</CODE>. * * @param name * the name for this destination * @return this <CODE>Chunk</CODE> */ public Chunk setLocalDestination(final String name) { return setAttribute(LOCALDESTINATION, name); } /** Key for generic tag. */ public static final String GENERICTAG = "GENERICTAG"; /** * Sets the generic tag <CODE>Chunk</CODE>. * <P> * The text for this tag can be retrieved with <CODE>PdfPageEvent</CODE>. * * @param text * the text for the tag * @return this <CODE>Chunk</CODE> */ public Chunk setGenericTag(final String text) { return setAttribute(GENERICTAG, text); } /** Key for line-height (alternative for leading in Phrase). */ public static final String LINEHEIGHT = "LINEHEIGHT"; /** * Sets a line height tag. * * @return this <CODE>Chunk</CODE> */ public Chunk setLineHeight(float lineheight) { return setAttribute(LINEHEIGHT, lineheight); } /** Key for image. */ public static final String IMAGE = "IMAGE"; /** * Returns the image. * * @return the image */ public Image getImage() { if (attributes == null) return null; Object obj[] = (Object[]) attributes.get(Chunk.IMAGE); if (obj == null) return null; else { return (Image) obj[0]; } } /** Key for Action. */ public static final String ACTION = "ACTION"; /** * Sets an action for this <CODE>Chunk</CODE>. * * @param action * the action * @return this <CODE>Chunk</CODE> */ public Chunk setAction(final PdfAction action) { setRole(PdfName.LINK); return setAttribute(ACTION, action); } /** * Sets an anchor for this <CODE>Chunk</CODE>. * * @param url * the <CODE>URL</CODE> to link to * @return this <CODE>Chunk</CODE> */ public Chunk setAnchor(final URL url) { setRole(PdfName.LINK); String urlStr = url.toExternalForm(); setAccessibleAttribute(PdfName.ALT, new PdfString(urlStr)); return setAttribute(ACTION, new PdfAction(urlStr)); } /** * Sets an anchor for this <CODE>Chunk</CODE>. * * @param url * the url to link to * @return this <CODE>Chunk</CODE> */ public Chunk setAnchor(final String url) { setRole(PdfName.LINK); setAccessibleAttribute(PdfName.ALT, new PdfString(url)); return setAttribute(ACTION, new PdfAction(url)); } /** Key for newpage. */ public static final String NEWPAGE = "NEWPAGE"; /** * Sets a new page tag.. * * @return this <CODE>Chunk</CODE> */ public Chunk setNewPage() { return setAttribute(NEWPAGE, null); } /** Key for annotation. */ public static final String PDFANNOTATION = "PDFANNOTATION"; /** * Sets a generic annotation to this <CODE>Chunk</CODE>. * * @param annotation * the annotation * @return this <CODE>Chunk</CODE> */ public Chunk setAnnotation(final PdfAnnotation annotation) { return setAttribute(PDFANNOTATION, annotation); } /** * @see com.itextpdf.text.Element#isContent() * @since iText 2.0.8 */ public boolean isContent() { return true; } /** * @see com.itextpdf.text.Element#isNestable() * @since iText 2.0.8 */ public boolean isNestable() { return true; } /** * Returns the hyphenation (if present). * @return the HypenationEvent of this Chunk * @since 2.1.2 */ public HyphenationEvent getHyphenation() { if (attributes == null) return null; return (HyphenationEvent) attributes.get(Chunk.HYPHENATION); } // keys used in PdfChunk /** Key for color. */ public static final String COLOR = "COLOR"; /** Key for encoding. */ public static final String ENCODING = "ENCODING"; /** * Key for character spacing. */ public static final String CHAR_SPACING = "CHAR_SPACING"; /** * Sets the character spacing. * * @param charSpace the character spacing value * @return this <CODE>Chunk</CODE> */ public Chunk setCharacterSpacing(final float charSpace) { return setAttribute(CHAR_SPACING, new Float(charSpace)); } /** * Gets the character spacing. * * @return a value in float */ public float getCharacterSpacing() { if (attributes != null && attributes.containsKey(CHAR_SPACING)) { Float f = (Float) attributes.get(CHAR_SPACING); return f.floatValue(); } return 0.0f; } /** * Key for word spacing. */ public static final String WORD_SPACING = "WORD_SPACING"; /** * Sets the word spacing. * * @param wordSpace the word spacing value * @return this <CODE>Chunk</CODE> */ public Chunk setWordSpacing(final float wordSpace) { return setAttribute(WORD_SPACING, new Float(wordSpace)); } /** * Gets the word spacing. * * @return a value in float */ public float getWordSpacing() { if (attributes != null && attributes.containsKey(WORD_SPACING)) { Float f = (Float) attributes.get(WORD_SPACING); return f.floatValue(); } return 0.0f; } public static final String WHITESPACE = "WHITESPACE"; public static Chunk createWhitespace(final String content) { return createWhitespace(content, false); } public static Chunk createWhitespace(final String content, final boolean preserve) { Chunk whitespace = null; if (!preserve) { whitespace = new Chunk(' '); whitespace.setAttribute(WHITESPACE, content); } else { whitespace = new Chunk(content); } return whitespace; } public boolean isWhitespace() { return attributes != null && attributes.containsKey(WHITESPACE); } @Deprecated public static Chunk createTabspace() { return createTabspace(60); } @Deprecated public static Chunk createTabspace(float spacing) { Chunk tabspace = new Chunk(spacing, true); return tabspace; } @Deprecated public boolean isTabspace() { return attributes != null && attributes.containsKey(TAB); } public PdfObject getAccessibleAttribute(final PdfName key) { if (getImage() != null) { return getImage().getAccessibleAttribute(key); } else if (accessibleAttributes != null) return accessibleAttributes.get(key); else return null; } public void setAccessibleAttribute(final PdfName key, final PdfObject value) { if (getImage() != null) { getImage().setAccessibleAttribute(key, value); } else { if (accessibleAttributes == null) accessibleAttributes = new HashMap<PdfName, PdfObject>(); accessibleAttributes.put(key, value); } } public HashMap<PdfName, PdfObject> getAccessibleAttributes() { if (getImage() != null) return getImage().getAccessibleAttributes(); else return accessibleAttributes; } public PdfName getRole() { if (getImage() != null) return getImage().getRole(); else return role; } public void setRole(final PdfName role) { if (getImage() != null) getImage().setRole(role); else this.role = role; } public AccessibleElementId getId() { if (id == null) id = new AccessibleElementId(); return id; } public void setId(final AccessibleElementId id) { = id; } public boolean isInline() { return true; } public String getTextExpansion() { PdfObject o = getAccessibleAttribute(PdfName.E); if (o instanceof PdfString) return ((PdfString)o).toUnicodeString(); return null; } /** * Sets the textual expansion of the abbreviation or acronym. * It is highly recommend to set textuual expansion when generating PDF/UA documents. * @param value */ public void setTextExpansion(String value) { setAccessibleAttribute(PdfName.E, new PdfString(value)); } }
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