iText 5 itextpdf.jar Source Code

itextpdf.jar is a component in iText 5 Java library to provide core functionalities. iText Java library allows you to generate and manage PDF documents.

The Source Code files are provided at iText GitHub site.

You can compile it to generate your JAR file, using pom.xml as the build configuration file.

The source code of itextpdf-5.5.14.jar is provided below:



 * This file is part of the iText (R) project.
    Copyright (c) 1998-2020 iText Group NV
 * Authors: Bruno Lowagie, Paulo Soares, et al.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation with the addition of the
 * following permission added to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a):
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
 * See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, see or write to
 * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
 * Boston, MA, 02110-1301 USA, or download the license from the following URL:
 * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
 * of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
 * Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License.
 * In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License,
 * a covered work must retain the producer line in every PDF that is created
 * or manipulated using iText.
 * You can be released from the requirements of the license by purchasing
 * a commercial license. Buying such a license is mandatory as soon as you
 * develop commercial activities involving the iText software without
 * disclosing the source code of your own applications.
 * These activities include: offering paid services to customers as an ASP,
 * serving PDFs on the fly in a web application, shipping iText with a closed
 * source product.
 * For more information, please contact iText Software Corp. at this
 * address:
package com.itextpdf.text.pdf;

import com.itextpdf.text.DocumentException;
import com.itextpdf.text.ExceptionConverter;
import com.itextpdf.text.Utilities;
import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.fonts.cmaps.CMapParserEx;
import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.fonts.cmaps.CMapToUnicode;
import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.fonts.cmaps.CidLocationFromByte;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

 * @author  psoares
public class DocumentFont extends BaseFont {
    // code, [glyph, width]
    private HashMap<Integer, int[]> metrics = new HashMap<Integer, int[]>();
    private String fontName;
    private PRIndirectReference refFont;
    private PdfDictionary font;
    private IntHashtable uni2byte = new IntHashtable();
    private IntHashtable byte2uni = new IntHashtable();
    private IntHashtable diffmap;
    private float ascender = 800;
    private float capHeight = 700;
    private float descender = -200;
    private float italicAngle = 0;
    private float fontWeight = 0;
    private float llx = -50;
    private float lly = -200;
    private float urx = 100;
    private float ury = 900;
    protected boolean isType0 = false;
    protected int defaultWidth = 1000;
    private IntHashtable hMetrics;
    protected String cjkEncoding;
    protected String uniMap;

    private BaseFont cjkMirror;

    private static final int stdEnc[] = {

    /** Creates a new instance of DocumentFont */
    DocumentFont(PdfDictionary font) {
        this.refFont = null;
        this.font = font;
    /** Creates a new instance of DocumentFont */
    DocumentFont(PRIndirectReference refFont) {
        this.refFont = refFont;
        font = (PdfDictionary)PdfReader.getPdfObject(refFont);
    /** Creates a new instance of DocumentFont */
    DocumentFont(PRIndirectReference refFont, PdfDictionary drEncoding) {
        this.refFont = refFont;
        font = (PdfDictionary)PdfReader.getPdfObject(refFont);
        if (font.get(PdfName.ENCODING) == null
                && drEncoding != null) {
            for (PdfName key : drEncoding.getKeys()) {
                font.put(PdfName.ENCODING, drEncoding.get(key));

    public PdfDictionary getFontDictionary() {
        return font;
    private void init() {
        encoding = "";
        fontSpecific = false;
        fontType = FONT_TYPE_DOCUMENT;
        PdfName baseFont = font.getAsName(PdfName.BASEFONT);
        fontName = baseFont != null ? PdfName.decodeName(baseFont.toString()) : "Unspecified Font Name";
        PdfName subType = font.getAsName(PdfName.SUBTYPE);
        if (PdfName.TYPE1.equals(subType) || PdfName.TRUETYPE.equals(subType))
        else if (PdfName.TYPE3.equals(subType)) {
            // In case of a Type3 font, we just show the characters as is.
            // Note that this doesn't always make sense:
            // Type 3 fonts are user defined fonts where arbitrary characters are mapped to custom glyphs
            // For instance: the character a could be mapped to an image of a dog, the character b to an image of a cat
            // When parsing a document that shows a cat and a dog, you shouldn't expect seeing a cat and a dog. Instead you'll get b and a.
            fillDiffMap(font.getAsDict(PdfName.ENCODING), null);
        else {
            PdfName encodingName = font.getAsName(PdfName.ENCODING);
            if (encodingName != null){
                String enc = PdfName.decodeName(encodingName.toString());
                String ffontname = CJKFont.GetCompatibleFont(enc);
                if (ffontname != null) {
                    try {
                        cjkMirror = BaseFont.createFont(ffontname, enc, false);
                    catch (Exception e) {
                        throw new ExceptionConverter(e);
                    cjkEncoding = enc;
                    uniMap = ((CJKFont)cjkMirror).getUniMap();
                if (PdfName.TYPE0.equals(subType)) {
                    isType0 = true;
                    if (!enc.equals("Identity-H") && cjkMirror != null) {
                        PdfArray df = (PdfArray) PdfReader.getPdfObjectRelease(font.get(PdfName.DESCENDANTFONTS));
                        PdfDictionary cidft = (PdfDictionary) PdfReader.getPdfObjectRelease(df.getPdfObject(0));
                        PdfNumber dwo = (PdfNumber) PdfReader.getPdfObjectRelease(cidft.get(PdfName.DW));
                        if (dwo != null)
                            defaultWidth = dwo.intValue();
                        hMetrics = readWidths((PdfArray) PdfReader.getPdfObjectRelease(cidft.get(PdfName.W)));

                        PdfDictionary fontDesc = (PdfDictionary) PdfReader.getPdfObjectRelease(cidft.get(PdfName.FONTDESCRIPTOR));
                    } else {
    private void processType0(PdfDictionary font) {
        try {
            PdfObject toUniObject = PdfReader.getPdfObjectRelease(font.get(PdfName.TOUNICODE));
            PdfArray df = (PdfArray)PdfReader.getPdfObjectRelease(font.get(PdfName.DESCENDANTFONTS));
            PdfDictionary cidft = (PdfDictionary)PdfReader.getPdfObjectRelease(df.getPdfObject(0));
            PdfNumber dwo = (PdfNumber)PdfReader.getPdfObjectRelease(cidft.get(PdfName.DW));
            int dw = 1000;
            if (dwo != null)
                dw = dwo.intValue();
            IntHashtable widths = readWidths((PdfArray)PdfReader.getPdfObjectRelease(cidft.get(PdfName.W)));
            PdfDictionary fontDesc = (PdfDictionary)PdfReader.getPdfObjectRelease(cidft.get(PdfName.FONTDESCRIPTOR));
            if (toUniObject instanceof PRStream){
                fillMetrics(PdfReader.getStreamBytes((PRStream)toUniObject), widths, dw);
            } else if (new PdfName("Identity-H").equals(toUniObject)) {
                fillMetricsIdentity(widths, dw);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new ExceptionConverter(e);

    private IntHashtable readWidths(PdfArray ws) {
        IntHashtable hh = new IntHashtable();
        if (ws == null)
            return hh;
        for (int k = 0; k < ws.size(); ++k) {
            int c1 = ((PdfNumber)PdfReader.getPdfObjectRelease(ws.getPdfObject(k))).intValue();
            PdfObject obj = PdfReader.getPdfObjectRelease(ws.getPdfObject(++k));
            if (obj.isArray()) {
                PdfArray a2 = (PdfArray)obj;
                for (int j = 0; j < a2.size(); ++j) {
                    int c2 = ((PdfNumber)PdfReader.getPdfObjectRelease(a2.getPdfObject(j))).intValue();
                    hh.put(c1++, c2);
            else {
                int c2 = ((PdfNumber)obj).intValue();
                int w = ((PdfNumber)PdfReader.getPdfObjectRelease(ws.getPdfObject(++k))).intValue();
                for (; c1 <= c2; ++c1)
                    hh.put(c1, w);
        return hh;

    private String decodeString(PdfString ps) {
        if (ps.isHexWriting())
            return PdfEncodings.convertToString(ps.getBytes(), "UnicodeBigUnmarked");
            return ps.toUnicodeString();

    private void fillMetricsIdentity(IntHashtable widths, int dw) {
        for (int i = 0; i < 65536; i++) {
            int w = dw;
            if (widths.containsKey(i))
                w = widths.get(i);
            metrics.put(i, new int[] {i, w});

    private void fillMetrics(byte[] touni, IntHashtable widths, int dw) {
        try {
            PdfContentParser ps = new PdfContentParser(new PRTokeniser(new RandomAccessFileOrArray(new RandomAccessSourceFactory().createSource(touni))));
            PdfObject ob = null;
            boolean notFound = true;
            int nestLevel = 0;
            int maxExc = 50;
            while ((notFound || nestLevel > 0)) {
                try {
                    ob = ps.readPRObject();
                catch (Exception ex) {
                    if (--maxExc < 0)
                if (ob == null)
                if (ob.type() == PdfContentParser.COMMAND_TYPE) {
                	if (ob.toString().equals("begin")) {
                		notFound = false;
                	else if (ob.toString().equals("end")) {
                	else if (ob.toString().equals("beginbfchar")) {
                        while (true) {
                            PdfObject nx = ps.readPRObject();
                            if (nx.toString().equals("endbfchar"))
                            String cid = decodeString((PdfString)nx);
                            String uni = decodeString((PdfString)ps.readPRObject());
                            if (uni.length() == 1) {
                                int cidc = cid.charAt(0);
                                int unic = uni.charAt(uni.length() - 1);
                                int w = dw;
                                if (widths.containsKey(cidc))
                                    w = widths.get(cidc);
                                metrics.put(Integer.valueOf(unic), new int[]{cidc, w});
                    else if (ob.toString().equals("beginbfrange")) {
                        while (true) {
                            PdfObject nx = ps.readPRObject();
                            if (nx.toString().equals("endbfrange"))
                            String cid1 = decodeString((PdfString)nx);
                            String cid2 = decodeString((PdfString)ps.readPRObject());
                            int cid1c = cid1.charAt(0);
                            int cid2c = cid2.charAt(0);
                            PdfObject ob2 = ps.readPRObject();
                            if (ob2.isString()) {
                                String uni = decodeString((PdfString)ob2);
                                if (uni.length() == 1) {
                                    int unic = uni.charAt(uni.length() - 1);
                                    for (; cid1c <= cid2c; cid1c++, unic++) {
                                        int w = dw;
                                        if (widths.containsKey(cid1c))
                                            w = widths.get(cid1c);
                                        metrics.put(Integer.valueOf(unic), new int[]{cid1c, w});
                            else {
                                PdfArray a = (PdfArray)ob2;
                                for (int j = 0; j < a.size(); ++j, ++cid1c) {
                                    String uni = decodeString(a.getAsString(j));
                                    if (uni.length() == 1) {
                                        int unic = uni.charAt(uni.length() - 1);
                                        int w = dw;
                                        if (widths.containsKey(cid1c))
                                            w = widths.get(cid1c);
                                        metrics.put(Integer.valueOf(unic), new int[]{cid1c, w});
        catch (Exception e) {
            throw new ExceptionConverter(e);

    private void doType1TT() {
        CMapToUnicode toUnicode = null;
        PdfObject enc = PdfReader.getPdfObject(font.get(PdfName.ENCODING));
        if (enc == null) {
            PdfName baseFont = font.getAsName(PdfName.BASEFONT);
            if (BuiltinFonts14.containsKey(fontName)
                    && (PdfName.SYMBOL.equals(baseFont) || PdfName.ZAPFDINGBATS.equals(baseFont))) {
            } else
            try {
                toUnicode = processToUnicode();
                if (toUnicode != null) {
                    Map<Integer, Integer> rm = toUnicode.createReverseMapping();
                    for (Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> kv : rm.entrySet()) {
                        uni2byte.put(kv.getKey().intValue(), kv.getValue().intValue());
                        byte2uni.put(kv.getValue().intValue(), kv.getKey().intValue());
            catch (Exception ex) {
                throw new ExceptionConverter(ex);
        else {
            if (enc.isName())
            else if (enc.isDictionary()) {
                PdfDictionary encDic = (PdfDictionary)enc;
                enc = PdfReader.getPdfObject(encDic.get(PdfName.BASEENCODING));
                if (enc == null)
                fillDiffMap(encDic, toUnicode);

        if (BuiltinFonts14.containsKey(fontName)) {
            BaseFont bf;
            try {
                bf = BaseFont.createFont(fontName, WINANSI, false);
            catch (Exception e) {
                throw new ExceptionConverter(e);
            int e[] = uni2byte.toOrderedKeys();
            for (int k = 0; k < e.length; ++k) {
                int n = uni2byte.get(e[k]);
                widths[n] = bf.getRawWidth(n, GlyphList.unicodeToName(e[k]));
            if (diffmap != null) { //widths for diffmap must override existing ones
                e = diffmap.toOrderedKeys();
                for (int k = 0; k < e.length; ++k) {
                    int n = diffmap.get(e[k]);
                    widths[n] = bf.getRawWidth(n, GlyphList.unicodeToName(e[k]));
                diffmap = null;
            ascender = bf.getFontDescriptor(ASCENT, 1000);
            capHeight = bf.getFontDescriptor(CAPHEIGHT, 1000);
            descender = bf.getFontDescriptor(DESCENT, 1000);
            italicAngle = bf.getFontDescriptor(ITALICANGLE, 1000);
            fontWeight = bf.getFontDescriptor(FONT_WEIGHT, 1000);
            llx = bf.getFontDescriptor(BBOXLLX, 1000);
            lly = bf.getFontDescriptor(BBOXLLY, 1000);
            urx = bf.getFontDescriptor(BBOXURX, 1000);
            ury = bf.getFontDescriptor(BBOXURY, 1000);

    private void fillWidths() {
        PdfArray newWidths = font.getAsArray(PdfName.WIDTHS);
        PdfNumber first = font.getAsNumber(PdfName.FIRSTCHAR);
        PdfNumber last = font.getAsNumber(PdfName.LASTCHAR);
        if (first != null && last != null && newWidths != null) {
            int f = first.intValue();
            int nSize = f + newWidths.size();
            if (widths.length < nSize) {
                int[] tmp = new int[nSize];
                System.arraycopy(widths, 0, tmp, 0, f);
                widths = tmp;
            for (int k = 0; k < newWidths.size(); ++k) {
                widths[f + k] = newWidths.getAsNumber(k).intValue();

    private void fillDiffMap(PdfDictionary encDic, CMapToUnicode toUnicode) {
        PdfArray diffs = encDic.getAsArray(PdfName.DIFFERENCES);
        if (diffs != null) {
            diffmap = new IntHashtable();
            int currentNumber = 0;
            for (int k = 0; k < diffs.size(); ++k) {
                PdfObject obj = diffs.getPdfObject(k);
                if (obj.isNumber())
                    currentNumber = ((PdfNumber)obj).intValue();
                else {
                    int c[] = GlyphList.nameToUnicode(PdfName.decodeName(((PdfName)obj).toString()));
                    if (c != null && c.length > 0) {
                        uni2byte.put(c[0], currentNumber);
                        byte2uni.put(currentNumber, c[0]);
                        diffmap.put(c[0], currentNumber);
                    else {
                        if (toUnicode == null) {
                            toUnicode = processToUnicode();
                            if (toUnicode == null) {
                                toUnicode = new CMapToUnicode();
                        final String unicode = toUnicode.lookup(new byte[]{(byte) currentNumber}, 0, 1);
                        if ((unicode != null) && (unicode.length() == 1)) {
                            this.uni2byte.put(unicode.charAt(0), currentNumber);
                            this.byte2uni.put(currentNumber, unicode.charAt(0));
                            this.diffmap.put(unicode.charAt(0), currentNumber);
    private CMapToUnicode processToUnicode() {
        CMapToUnicode cmapRet = null;
        PdfObject toUni = PdfReader.getPdfObjectRelease(this.font.get(PdfName.TOUNICODE));
        if (toUni instanceof PRStream) {
            try {
                byte[] touni = PdfReader.getStreamBytes((PRStream)toUni);
                CidLocationFromByte lb = new CidLocationFromByte(touni);
                cmapRet = new CMapToUnicode();
                CMapParserEx.parseCid("", cmapRet, lb);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                cmapRet = null;
        return cmapRet;

    private void fillFontDesc(PdfDictionary fontDesc) {
        if (fontDesc == null)
        PdfNumber v = fontDesc.getAsNumber(PdfName.ASCENT);
        if (v != null)
            ascender = v.floatValue();
        v = fontDesc.getAsNumber(PdfName.CAPHEIGHT);
        if (v != null)
            capHeight = v.floatValue();
        v = fontDesc.getAsNumber(PdfName.DESCENT);
        if (v != null)
            descender = v.floatValue();
        v = fontDesc.getAsNumber(PdfName.ITALICANGLE);
        if (v != null)
            italicAngle = v.floatValue();
        v = fontDesc.getAsNumber(PdfName.FONTWEIGHT);
        if (v != null) {
            fontWeight = v.floatValue();
        PdfArray bbox = fontDesc.getAsArray(PdfName.FONTBBOX);
        if (bbox != null) {
            llx = bbox.getAsNumber(0).floatValue();
            lly = bbox.getAsNumber(1).floatValue();
            urx = bbox.getAsNumber(2).floatValue();
            ury = bbox.getAsNumber(3).floatValue();
            if (llx > urx) {
                float t = llx;
                llx = urx;
                urx = t;
            if (lly > ury) {
                float t = lly;
                lly = ury;
                ury = t;
        float maxAscent = Math.max(ury, ascender);
        float minDescent = Math.min(lly, descender);
        ascender = maxAscent * 1000 / (maxAscent - minDescent);
        descender = minDescent * 1000 / (maxAscent - minDescent);

    private void fillEncoding(PdfName encoding) {
        if (encoding == null && isSymbolic()) {
            for (int k = 0; k < 256; ++k) {
                uni2byte.put(k, k);
                byte2uni.put(k, k);
        } else if (PdfName.MAC_ROMAN_ENCODING.equals(encoding) || PdfName.WIN_ANSI_ENCODING.equals(encoding)
                    || PdfName.SYMBOL.equals(encoding) || PdfName.ZAPFDINGBATS.equals(encoding)) {
            byte b[] = new byte[256];
            for (int k = 0; k < 256; ++k)
                b[k] = (byte)k;
            String enc = WINANSI;
            if (PdfName.MAC_ROMAN_ENCODING.equals(encoding))
                enc = MACROMAN;
            else if (PdfName.SYMBOL.equals(encoding))
                enc = SYMBOL;
            else if (PdfName.ZAPFDINGBATS.equals(encoding))
                enc = ZAPFDINGBATS;
            String cv = PdfEncodings.convertToString(b, enc);
            char arr[] = cv.toCharArray();
            for (int k = 0; k < 256; ++k) {
                uni2byte.put(arr[k], k);
                byte2uni.put(k, arr[k]);
            this.encoding = enc;
        else {
            for (int k = 0; k < 256; ++k) {
                uni2byte.put(stdEnc[k], k);
                byte2uni.put(k, stdEnc[k]);

    /** Gets the family name of the font. If it is a True Type font
     * each array element will have {Platform ID, Platform Encoding ID,
     * Language ID, font name}. The interpretation of this values can be
     * found in the Open Type specification, chapter 2, in the 'name' table.<br>
     * For the other fonts the array has a single element with {"", "", "",
     * font name}.
     * @return the family name of the font
    public String[][] getFamilyFontName() {
        return getFullFontName();

    /** Gets the font parameter identified by <CODE>key</CODE>. Valid values
     * and <CODE>BBOXURY</CODE>.
     * @param key the parameter to be extracted
     * @param fontSize the font size in points
     * @return the parameter in points
    public float getFontDescriptor(int key, float fontSize) {
        if (cjkMirror != null)
            return cjkMirror.getFontDescriptor(key, fontSize);
        switch (key) {
            case AWT_ASCENT:
            case ASCENT:
                return ascender * fontSize / 1000;
            case CAPHEIGHT:
                return capHeight * fontSize / 1000;
            case AWT_DESCENT:
            case DESCENT:
                return descender * fontSize / 1000;
            case ITALICANGLE:
                return italicAngle;
            case BBOXLLX:
                return llx * fontSize / 1000;
            case BBOXLLY:
                return lly * fontSize / 1000;
            case BBOXURX:
                return urx * fontSize / 1000;
            case BBOXURY:
                return ury * fontSize / 1000;
            case AWT_LEADING:
                return 0;
            case AWT_MAXADVANCE:
                return (urx - llx) * fontSize / 1000;
            case FONT_WEIGHT:
                return fontWeight * fontSize / 1000;
        return 0;

    /** Gets the full name of the font. If it is a True Type font
     * each array element will have {Platform ID, Platform Encoding ID,
     * Language ID, font name}. The interpretation of this values can be
     * found in the Open Type specification, chapter 2, in the 'name' table.<br>
     * For the other fonts the array has a single element with {"", "", "",
     * font name}.
     * @return the full name of the font
    public String[][] getFullFontName() {
        return new String[][]{{"", "", "", fontName}};

    /** Gets all the entries of the names-table. If it is a True Type font
     * each array element will have {Name ID, Platform ID, Platform Encoding ID,
     * Language ID, font name}. The interpretation of this values can be
     * found in the Open Type specification, chapter 2, in the 'name' table.<br>
     * For the other fonts the array has a single element with {"4", "", "", "",
     * font name}.
     * @return the full name of the font
     * @since 2.0.8
    public String[][] getAllNameEntries() {
        return new String[][]{{"4", "", "", "", fontName}};

    /** Gets the kerning between two Unicode chars.
     * @param char1 the first char
     * @param char2 the second char
     * @return the kerning to be applied
    public int getKerning(int char1, int char2) {
        return 0;

    /** Gets the postscript font name.
     * @return the postscript font name
    public String getPostscriptFontName() {
        return fontName;

    /** Gets the width from the font according to the Unicode char <CODE>c</CODE>
     * or the <CODE>name</CODE>. If the <CODE>name</CODE> is null it's a symbolic font.
     * @param c the unicode char
     * @param name the glyph name
     * @return the width of the char
    int getRawWidth(int c, String name) {
        return 0;

    /** Checks if the font has any kerning pairs.
     * @return <CODE>true</CODE> if the font has any kerning pairs
    public boolean hasKernPairs() {
        return false;

    /** Outputs to the writer the font dictionaries and streams.
     * @param writer the writer for this document
     * @param ref the font indirect reference
     * @param params several parameters that depend on the font type
     * @throws IOException on error
     * @throws DocumentException error in generating the object
    void writeFont(PdfWriter writer, PdfIndirectReference ref, Object[] params) throws DocumentException, IOException {

     * Always returns null.
     * @return	null
     * @since	2.1.3
    public PdfStream getFullFontStream() {
    	return null;

     * Gets the width of a <CODE>char</CODE> in normalized 1000 units.
     * @param char1 the unicode <CODE>char</CODE> to get the width of
     * @return the width in normalized 1000 units
    public int getWidth(int char1) {
        if (isType0) {
            if(hMetrics != null && cjkMirror != null && !cjkMirror.isVertical()) {
                int c = cjkMirror.getCidCode(char1);
                int v = hMetrics.get(c);
                if (v > 0)
                    return v;
                    return defaultWidth;
            } else {
                int[] ws = metrics.get(Integer.valueOf(char1));
                if (ws != null)
                    return ws[1];
                    return 0;
        if (cjkMirror != null)
            return cjkMirror.getWidth(char1);
        return super.getWidth(char1);

    public int getWidth(String text) {
        if (isType0) {
            int total = 0;
            if(hMetrics != null && cjkMirror != null && !cjkMirror.isVertical()) {
                if (((CJKFont)cjkMirror).isIdentity()) {
                    for (int k = 0; k < text.length(); ++k) {
                        total += getWidth(text.charAt(k));
                else {
                    for (int k = 0; k < text.length(); ++k) {
                        int val;
                        if (Utilities.isSurrogatePair(text, k)) {
                            val = Utilities.convertToUtf32(text, k);
                        else {
                            val = text.charAt(k);
                        total += getWidth(val);
            } else {
                char[] chars = text.toCharArray();
                int len = chars.length;
                for (int k = 0; k < len; ++k) {
                    int[] ws = metrics.get(Integer.valueOf(chars[k]));
                    if (ws != null)
                        total += ws[1];
            return total;
        if (cjkMirror != null)
            return cjkMirror.getWidth(text);
        return super.getWidth(text);

    public byte[] convertToBytes(String text) {
        if (cjkMirror != null)
            return cjkMirror.convertToBytes(text);
        else if (isType0) {
            char[] chars = text.toCharArray();
            int len = chars.length;
            byte[] b = new byte[len * 2];
            int bptr = 0;
            for (int k = 0; k < len; ++k) {
                int[] ws = metrics.get(Integer.valueOf(chars[k]));
                if (ws != null) {
                    int g = ws[0];
                    b[bptr++] = (byte)(g / 256);
                    b[bptr++] = (byte)g;
            if (bptr == b.length)
                return b;
            else {
                byte[] nb = new byte[bptr];
                System.arraycopy(b, 0, nb, 0, bptr);
                return nb;
        else {
            char cc[] = text.toCharArray();
            byte b[] = new byte[cc.length];
            int ptr = 0;
            for (int k = 0; k < cc.length; ++k) {
                if (uni2byte.containsKey(cc[k]))
                    b[ptr++] = (byte)uni2byte.get(cc[k]);
            if (ptr == b.length)
                return b;
            else {
                byte[] b2 = new byte[ptr];
                System.arraycopy(b, 0, b2, 0, ptr);
                return b2;

    byte[] convertToBytes(int char1) {
        if (cjkMirror != null)
            return cjkMirror.convertToBytes(char1);
        else if (isType0) {
            int[] ws = metrics.get(Integer.valueOf(char1));
            if (ws != null) {
                int g = ws[0];
                return new byte[]{(byte)(g / 256), (byte)g};
                return new byte[0];
        else {
            if (uni2byte.containsKey(char1))
                return new byte[]{(byte)uni2byte.get(char1)};
                return new byte[0];

    PdfIndirectReference getIndirectReference() {
        if (refFont == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Font reuse not allowed with direct font objects.");
        return refFont;

    public boolean charExists(int c) {
        if (cjkMirror != null)
            return cjkMirror.charExists(c);
        else if (isType0) {
            return metrics.containsKey(Integer.valueOf(c));
            return super.charExists(c);

    public double[] getFontMatrix() {
        if (font.getAsArray(PdfName.FONTMATRIX) != null)
            return font.getAsArray(PdfName.FONTMATRIX).asDoubleArray();
            return DEFAULT_FONT_MATRIX;


     * Sets the font name that will appear in the pdf font dictionary.
     * It does nothing in this case as the font is already in the document.
     * @param name the new font name
    public void setPostscriptFontName(String name) {

    public boolean setKerning(int char1, int char2, int kern) {
        return false;

    public int[] getCharBBox(int c) {
        return null;

    protected int[] getRawCharBBox(int c, String name) {
        return null;

    public boolean isVertical() {
        if (cjkMirror != null)
            return cjkMirror.isVertical();
            return super.isVertical();

     * Exposes the unicode - > CID map that is constructed from the font's encoding
     * @return the unicode to CID map
     * @since 2.1.7
    IntHashtable getUni2Byte(){
        return uni2byte;

     * Exposes the CID - > unicode map that is constructed from the font's encoding
     * @return the CID to unicode map
     * @since 5.4.0
    IntHashtable getByte2Uni(){
        return byte2uni;

     * Gets the difference map
     * @return the difference map
     * @since 5.0.5
    IntHashtable getDiffmap() {
        return diffmap;

    boolean isSymbolic() {
        PdfDictionary fontDescriptor = font.getAsDict(PdfName.FONTDESCRIPTOR);
        if (fontDescriptor == null)
            return false;
        PdfNumber flags = fontDescriptor.getAsNumber(PdfName.FLAGS);
        if (flags == null)
            return false;
        return (flags.intValue() & 0x04) != 0;



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