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JRE 5 sunjce_provider.jar - Sun JCE Provider
JRE 5 sunjce_provider.jar is the JAR file for JRE 5 Sun JCE Provider, which provides implementations of JCE (Java Cryptography Extension) APIs. JAR File Information: Directory of C:\fyicenter\jdk-1.5.0_22\jre\ lib\ext158,419 sunjce_provider.jar   ⇒ JRE 5 sunpkcs11.jar - Sun PKCS11 Implementation ⇐ ...
2024-06-13, 20592🔥, 16💬

JRE 8 jfxswt.jar - JavaFX with SWT
JRE 8 jfxswt.jar is the JAR file for JRE 8 JavaFX Interoperability with SWT (Standard Widget Toolkit ). JAR File Information: Directory of C:\fyicenter\jdk-1.8.0_191\jre \lib33,932 jfxswt.jar   ⇒ JRE 8 jsse.jar - JSSE (Java Secure Socket Extension) ⇐ JRE 8 jfr.jar - JFR (Java Flight Recorder) ⇑ Dow...
2024-05-28, 10849🔥, 8💬

jinput-2.0.5.jar - Java Game Controller API
Jinput is a subproject of Games-core project at java.net. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: jinput-2.0.5.jar, jinput.jar File size: 208338 bytes Date modified: 23-Mar-2011 Download: Java Game Controller API List of Classes in the JAR: net/java/games/input/AWTEnviro nmentPluginnet/java/...
2024-05-24, 6014🔥, 1💬

Download and Install iText Java Library
Where to find answers to frequently asked questions on Downloading and Installing iText Java Library? Here is a list of frequently asked questions and their answers compiled by FYIcenter.com team on Downloading and Installing iText Java Library: What Is iText Java Library Download and Install iText7...
2024-05-07, 11423🔥, 1💬

lz4-1.2.0.jar - LZ4 Compression
LZ4 compression for Java, based on Yann Collet's work available at http://code.google.com/p/lz4/. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: lz4.jar, lz4-1.2.0.jar File size: 165505 bytes Date modified: 08-Aug-2013 Download: List of Classes in the JAR: net/jpountz/lz4/LZ4BlockInputS treamnet/jp...
2024-05-05, 7652🔥, 4💬

jl1.0.1.jar - JLayer - MP3 Library
JLayer is a library that decodes/plays/converts MPEG 1/2/2.5 Layer 1/2/3 (i.e. MP3) in real time for the JAVA(tm) platform. This is a non-commercial project and anyone can add his contribution. JLayer is licensed under LGPL. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: jl.jar, jl1.0.1.jar File si...
2024-04-23, 29907🔥, 48💬

Download and Install JDK 7
How to download and install JDK (Java Development Kit) 7? If you want to write Java applications, you can download and install JDK (Java Development Kit) 7 as described below: 1. Go to Oracle Java Archive Website. 2. Click "Java SE 7" linke. You see the "Java SE 7 Archive Downloads" page. 3. Accept ...
2024-04-14, 21830🔥, 5💬

JRE 8 jce.jar - JCE (Java Cryptography Extension)
JRE 8 jce.jar is the JAR file for JRE 8 JCE (Java Cryptography Extension), which provides a framework and implementation for encryption, key generation and key agreement, and Message Authentication Code (MAC) algorithms. JAR File Information: Directory of C:\fyicenter\jdk-1.8.0_191\jre \lib115,646 j...
2024-04-08, 6073🔥, 2💬

Downloading ojdbc8.jar for Oracle 12c R2
How to download and install ojdbc8.jar for Oracle 12c R2? ojdbc8.jar for Oracle 12c R2 is a Java 8 JDBC Driver for Oracle Database server provided by Oracle. You can follow these steps to download and install ojdbc8.jar for Oracle 12c R2: 1. Go to Oracle JDBC Driver Website. 2. Click the "Oracle Dat...
2024-03-26, 13563🔥, 3💬

JRE 8 rt.jar - javax.* Package Source Code
JRE 8 rt.jar is the JAR file for JRE 8 RT (Runtime) libraries. JRE (Java Runtime) 8 is the runtime environment included in JDK 8. JRE 8 rt.jar libraries are divided into 6 packages: com.* - Internal Oracle and Sun Microsystems libraries java.* - Standard Java API libraries. javax.* - Extended Java A...
2024-03-15, 227505🔥, 6💬

oromatcher.jar - Jakarta ORO
The Jakarta-ORO Java classes are a set of text-processing Java classes that provide Perl5 compatible regular expressions, AWK-like regular expressions, glob expressions, and utility classes for performing substitutions, splits, filtering filenames, etc. This library is the successor to the OROMatche...
2024-03-14, 4768🔥, 1💬

Download and Install javamail-1_2.zip
How to download and install javamail-1_2.zip? The JavaMail API is a set of abstract APIs that model a mail system. You can follow these steps to download and install javamail-1_2.zip to use JavaMail API: 1. Go to the Java EE Platform Downloads . 2. Go to the "JavaMail API 1.2" section and click to "...
2024-02-25, 24584🔥, 2💬

JAR (Java ARchive) File Information Center
If you are a Java developer, it is very often that you need to use some 3rd party libraries to perform some common or specific tasks in your application. Those 3rd party libraries are always delivered in JAR (Java ARchive) files. jar.fyicenter.com provides you a catalog of JAR files to help you to i...
2024-02-23, 25602🔥, 1💬

JRE 1.4 sunjce_provider.jar - Sun JCE Provider
JRE 1.4 sunjce_provider.jar is the JAR file for JRE 1.4 Sun JCE Provider, which provides implementations of JCE (Java Cryptography Extension) APIs. JAR File Information: Directory of C:\fyicenter\jdk-1.4.2_19\jre\ lib\ext111,651 sunjce_provider.jar   ⇒ Backup JDK 1.4 Installation Directory ⇐ JRE 1....
2024-02-19, 1646🔥, 1💬

JDK 6 Installed Directories and Files
What are JDK 6 installed directories and files? All JDK 6 installed directories and files are located at the "Installed to" directory. For example: C:\fyicenter\jdk-1.6.0_45: C:\fyicenter\jdk-1.6.0_45\... 40336 bin\appletviewer.exe 40848 bin\apt.exe 40336 bin\extcheck.exe 62864 bin\HtmlConverter.exe...
2024-02-01, 5543🔥, 4💬

swingx-all-1.6.4.jar - SwingX
Swingx is the SwingLabs Swing Component Extensions. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: swingx-all.jar, swingx-all-1.6.4.jar File size: 1487304 bytes Date modified: 01-Jul-2012 Download: SwingX Manifest of the JAR: Archiver-Version: Plexus Archiver Built-By: kschaefer Build-Jdk: 1.6.0_32...
2024-01-20, 17903🔥, 8💬

jl1.0.jar - JLayer - MP3 Library
JLayer is a library that decodes/plays/converts MPEG 1/2/2.5 Layer 1/2/3 (i.e. MP3) in real time for the JAVA platform. This is a non-commercial project and anyone can add his contribution. JLayer is licensed under LGPL. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: jl.jar, jl1.0.jar File size: 10...
2024-01-18, 30452🔥, 6💬

JRE 5 sunpkcs11.jar - Sun PKCS11 Implementation
JRE 5 sunpkcs11.jar is the JAR file for JRE 5 Sun PKCS11 Implementation. JAR File Information: Directory of C:\fyicenter\jdk-1.5.0_22\jre\ lib\ext175,949 sunpkcs11.jar   ⇒ Backup JDK 5 Installation Directory ⇐ JRE 5 sunjce_provider.jar - Sun JCE Provider ⇑ Download and Review JDK 5 ⇑⇑ FAQ for JDK ...
2023-12-16, 6272🔥, 3💬

Downloading ojdbc6.jar for Oracle 11g R2
How to download and install ojdbc6.jar for Oracle 11g R2? ojdbc6.jar for Oracle 11g R2 is a Java 6, 7 and 8 JDBC Driver for Oracle Database server provided by Oracle. You can follow these steps to download and install ojdbc6.jar for Oracle 11g R2: 1. Go to Oracle JDBC Driver Website. 2. Click the "O...
2023-12-14, 98482🔥, 58💬

Download and Install JDK 1.2
How to download and install JDK (Java Development Kit) 1.2? If you want to write Java applications, you can download and install JDK (Java Development Kit) 1.2 as described below: 1. Go to Oracle Java Archive Website. 2. Click "Java SE 1.2" link. You see the "Java SE 1.2 Archive Downloads" page. 3. ...
2023-12-11, 7879🔥, 1💬

Downloading ojdbc5.jar for Oracle 11g R1
How to download and install ojdbc5.jar for Oracle 11g R1? ojdbc5.jar for Oracle 11g R1 is a Java 5 JDBC Driver for Oracle Database server provided by Oracle. You can follow these steps to download and install ojdbc5.jar for Oracle 11g R1: 1. Go to Oracle JDBC Driver Website. 2. Click the "Oracle Dat...
2023-12-01, 36324🔥, 8💬

jai_codec-1.1.3.jar - Java Advanced Imaging (JAI)
Java Advanced Imaging (JAI) is a Java platform extension API that provides a set of object-oriented interfaces that support a simple, high-level programming model which allows developers to create their own image manipulation routines without the additional cost or licensing restrictions, associated...
2023-11-07, 17948🔥, 6💬

JDK 17 java.rmi.jmod - RMI Module
JDK 17 java.rmi.jmod is the JMOD file for JDK 17 RMI (Remote Method Invocation) module. JDK 17 RMI module compiled class files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-17.0.5\jmods\ja va.rmi.jmod.JDK 17 RMI module compiled class files are also linked and stored in the \fyicenter\jdk-17.0.5\lib\modu lesJImage fi...
2023-11-06, 6510🔥, 0💬

JDK 17 java.prefs.jmod - Prefs Module
JDK 17 java.prefs.jmod is the JMOD file for JDK 17 Prefs module. JDK 17 Prefs module compiled class files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-17.0.5\jmods\ja va.prefs.jmod.JDK 17 Prefs module compiled class files are also linked and stored in the \fyicenter\jdk-17.0.5\lib\modu lesJImage file. JDK 17 Prefs ...
2023-11-06, 1652🔥, 0💬

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